Sega PWNED by EA - Forums

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Burning Ranger
987th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Tue 14 Dec 22:44post reply

Caught this article today:

A lot of us probably don't play sports games on consoles, but I find it shocking that EA now has all NFL rights now-- which means all we'll be seeing is Madden Madden Madden (I preferred NCAA Football myself). Still, I'm pissed EA put down the competition, even putting down Sega.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."


266th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Tue 14 Dec 22:51post reply

Caught this article today:

A lot of us probably don't play sports games on consoles, but I find it shocking that EA now has all NFL rights now-- which means all we'll be seeing is Madden Madden Madden (I preferred NCAA Football myself). Still, I'm pissed EA put down the competition, even putting down Sega.

I'm pretty much sure the NBA, NHL, and MLB liscenses are next.

1440th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Wed 15 Dec 00:48post reply

Caught this article today:

A lot of us probably don't play sports games on consoles, but I find it shocking that EA now has all NFL rights now-- which means all we'll be seeing is Madden Madden Madden (I preferred NCAA Football myself). Still, I'm pissed EA put down the competition, even putting down Sega.

That's fucking dirty pool right there.

/ / /

63th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Wed 15 Dec 00:55post reply

So EA not only treats their employees like shit, they're also monopolistic.

That's one evil corporation.

99th Post

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Occasional Customer

"..." , posted Wed 15 Dec 01:43post reply

I'm not buying another EA game ever. I bought Burnout 3 cause its a very fun game. But I may just sell it. And I was thinking about NFS2, but forget it now.

Whats next, McDonalds gets exclusive rights to the hamburger?

Joe Randel
314th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):..." , posted Wed 15 Dec 01:53post reply

I'm not buying another EA game ever. I bought Burnout 3 cause its a very fun game. But I may just sell it. And I was thinking about NFS2, but forget it now.

Whats next, McDonalds gets exclusive rights to the hamburger?

I don't care for EA games in general, but now I have a very good reason to not buy their stuff.

EA boo!

"I can't take any more illicit drugs... I can't afford any artificial joy" - Pursuit of Happiness

11th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):..." , posted Wed 15 Dec 02:04post reply


I don't care for EA games in general, but now I have a very good reason to not buy their stuff.

EA boo!

Exactly. Same here I firmily believe.. If I wanted to go play a sports game why do I need to play it on a video game system when I can go outside and experience real fun and getting hurt. I personally think sports games are just plain out boring then again I would be contradicting myself playing all those tony hawk games and snow boarding games.

I suppose it is just generalizing the term sports as common sports like basketball, soccer, hockey and etc.

51th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):..." , posted Wed 15 Dec 03:14post reply

EA boo!


244th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Wed 15 Dec 11:32post reply

Caught this article today:

A lot of us probably don't play sports games on consoles, but I find it shocking that EA now has all NFL rights now-- which means all we'll be seeing is Madden Madden Madden (I preferred NCAA Football myself). Still, I'm pissed EA put down the competition, even putting down Sega.

Sickening to say the least sine i switched over Visual Concepts 2k series in 2001 since their game was more true to the game of football and less dumbed down to almost arcade like gameplay. Not to mention the ESPN games looked 10x better this year with the ultra realistic textures compare to the cartoonish, blurred texture look of the player models in the EA games. I guess if you cant beat them, buy out the rights so they cant kick your ass again next season. God forbid we'd have to step up our game or someting because 1 feature a year is all the consumer needs to keep coming back.

5187th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Wed 15 Dec 19:27post reply

Who is EA ?

Variable Savior
238th Post

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"Re(3):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Thu 16 Dec 07:04post reply

I'm pretty much sure the NBA, NHL, and MLB liscenses are next.

I'm sure they'll get their money with that NHL license. I, for one, insist on controlling actual hockey players when I'm enjoying a simulation of them sitting on their rich arses and getting fat.

Blood marks heaven's path

Burning Kyo
2212th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Thu 16 Dec 07:08post reply

Who is EA ?

Electronic Arts

[Live fast // Die young]

112th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Thu 16 Dec 08:39post reply

Who is EA ?

Electronic Arts

For me, EA died whith Mega Drive. I think the last EA game I played was James Pond 2...
And how could they do this to SEGA? I just hope they fall in bankrupcy to never return, those FIFAckers...

1009th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Thu 16 Dec 18:49post reply

NFL Executive #1: "Huh, that's interesting. EA's NFL games are declining in popularity."

NFL Executive #2: "So... I guess that means the fans like the OTHER NFL games more, then?"

NFL Executive #1: "Yeah. They're liking the OTHER games more, and EA's games less."

NFL Executive #2: "Bob, I think I just found a way to take our fans' way of enjoying the off season, and shove it up their ass sideways."

NFL Executive #1: "Fantastic!"

EA Executive #1: "$_$"

1001th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Thu 16 Dec 22:24post reply

You have it backwards. Sega PWNED EA. EA wouldn't have done this if they didn't see Sega as a viable threat. Obviously they did and here we are.

Bored? "160"

751th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Burning Ranger PWNED by Luisinan" , posted Sat 18 Dec 02:56post reply

You have it backwards. Sega PWNED EA. EA wouldn't have done this if they didn't see Sega as a viable threat. Obviously they did and here we are.

the title says it all

7th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):Burning Ranger PWNED by Luisinan" , posted Sun 19 Dec 13:26post reply

You have it backwards. Sega PWNED EA. EA wouldn't have done this if they didn't see Sega as a viable threat. Obviously they did and here we are.

the title says it all


where did you find your signature pic??? - it is great! :-)

>throw baby

753th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Burning Ranger PWNED by Luisinan" , posted Sun 19 Dec 21:36post reply

You have it backwards. Sega PWNED EA. EA wouldn't have done this if they didn't see Sega as a viable threat. Obviously they did and here we are.

the title says it all


where did you find your signature pic??? - it is great! :-)

its from

and please dont call me oroch

my name is FAT JUAN

Burning Ranger
989th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Burning Ranger PWNED by Luisinan" , posted Mon 20 Dec 02:57post reply

You have it backwards. Sega PWNED EA. EA wouldn't have done this if they didn't see Sega as a viable threat. Obviously they did and here we are.

the title says it all

I will concede this fact. Consider myself "PWNED."

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."

1746th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Tue 21 Dec 11:38post reply

How is this any different than Visa being the official credit card of the NFL -whatever the hell that means- or Budweiser's long history of associating their beer with major league football? So now EA is the official game company of the NFL; that's too bad for the other game companies but if EA had the money to get the exclusive contract it's a perfectly legit business deal. If Segammy had the same financial clout don't you think they would have tried the same thing?

1015th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Tue 21 Dec 22:08post reply

How is this any different than Visa being the official credit card of the NFL -whatever the hell that means- or Budweiser's long history of associating their beer with major league football? So now EA is the official game company of the NFL; that's too bad for the other game companies but if EA had the money to get the exclusive contract it's a perfectly legit business deal. If Segammy had the same financial clout don't you think they would have tried the same thing?

The NFL's endorsement of Visa and Budweiser doesn't actually remove competition from the market, though. Visa may be the official card of the NFL, but there are still other cards and all of them work pretty much the same way as Visa. This is less like "Visa: The Official Card of the NFL" and more like "Visa: The Only Card You Can Buy NFL Seats With". The reality of the matter is that there used to be multiple NFL games competing with each other for the title of "highest quality NFL game" and now there are not.

It's no different than if all of Gran Turismo's car licensing deals were made exclusive, and Gran Turismo became the ONLY racing game available where you could actually drive real cars with the real names and designs. Yes, there would be other racing games, just as there are other football games, but none of them would have the benefit of actually emulating the reality of the sport and all of the uniqueness inherent to it. And if Gran Turismo were the only "real" racing game, would they be overhauling the physics engine, adding online capability, pushing the car manufacturers to add visual car damage, and adding several new modes to an already incredibly expansive game? Of course not. "Fuck it, we're going to be #1 for the next straight decade anyway."

No one is ever going to beat "the real NFL game" in sales. Not with higher quality, not with a lower pricepoint, not with brilliant innovations or taking slick advantage of the capabilities of new systems. EA could stop innovating right now and they would still win hands down, so that's likely what they're going to do. And without any hope of winning, no one else has a reason to innovate, either.

445th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Tue 21 Dec 22:26:post reply

I'm wondering if there will be any backlash from the gaming community because of this...

SEGA could get really smart though... what they could do is this... make a football game with all fictional teams... then have a really detailed editor... have a 'fan' make all the teams on the editor, and distribute it online, and there you have real teams! They do this with soccer games a lot ...

The problem is, the announcers and stuff can't actually say the player's names... uh... this is really shitty for SEGA. Honestly, if this is what it's coming to in the game industry, then I really hope that there's a massive backlash from the community.

The problem is, average joe schmoe frat boy gamer won't know, or care... and still pick up Madden... die hard madden players will pick it up as well. I'm just curious what the effect will be.

I wouldn't say that the next Madden will be really shitty though... I'm thinking that EA will try to completely blow SEGA's effort out with a good, polished game... don't get me wrong, this isn't their track record... but now that they have the lisence, it's all about the one two punch to knock out the competitor. It's still going to be Madden when it comes out, and I'll be EXTREMELY surprised if it's a new engine... but at the same time, they'll probably make it LOOK really good...

We just have to wait and see... I guess...

EDIT: EA buys 19.9% stake in Ubisoft

From Gamespy

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[this message was edited by KTallguy on Tue 21 Dec 22:39]

1749th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Wed 22 Dec 06:17post reply


The NFL's endorsement of Visa and Budweiser doesn't actually remove competition from the market, though. Visa may be the official card of the NFL, but there are still other cards and all of them work pretty much the same way as Visa. This is less like "Visa: The Official Card of the NFL" and more like "Visa: The Only Card You Can Buy NFL Seats With". The reality of the matter is that there used to be multiple NFL games competing with each other for the title of "highest quality NFL game" and now there are not.

It's no different than if all of Gran Turismo's car licensing deals were made exclusive, and Gran Turismo became the ONLY racing game available where you could actually drive real cars with the real names and designs. Yes, there would be other racing games, just as there are other football games, but none of them would have the benefit of actually emulating the reality of the sport and all of the uniqueness inherent to it. And if Gran Turismo were the only "real" racing game, would they be overhauling the physics engine, adding online capability, pushing the car manufacturers to add visual car damage, and adding several new modes to an already incredibly expansive game? Of course not. "Fuck it, we're going to be #1 for the next straight decade anyway."

No one is ever going to beat "the real NFL game" in sales. Not with higher quality, not with a lower pricepoint, not with brilliant innovations or taking slick advantage of the capabilities of new systems. EA could stop innovating right now and they would still win hands down, so that's likely what they're going to do. And without any hope of winning, no one else has a reason to innovate, either.

I agree that the lack of competition may hurt the quality of EA's future offerings, or would the desire to keep the contract be enough of an incentive to keep the games fresh? In a couple of years other game companies are going to start wanting to steal that deal for themselves and the NFL is going to be checking to see if it makes more money from an exclusive contract or from the split license they had before. EA may have won out this round but this contract isn't going to hold them forever.

But what I don't understand is why there are people out there who are acting like EA brokered some sort of Faustian deal here. NFL stamped shirts, caps and other paraphernalia can be licensed out to a single manufacturer, why should games be any different? To use a creaky analogy, it's like how when a book is made into a movie there's only one movie made of it at a time. The only thing about this exclusive agreement that I'm surprised about is that it took someone this long to try a stunt like this.

I'm wondering if there will be any backlash from the gaming community because of this...

Little to none from game players is my guess. A majority of game players don't follow the business side of games. Other game companies are probably wondering how they can get the same sort of contracts.

18th Post

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New Customer

"Re(4):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Wed 22 Dec 09:43post reply

I'm wondering if there will be any backlash from the gaming community because of this...

The average gamer probably won't even notice the deal. If they do, they probably won't care because all they know is Madden anyway.

This was the year that Sega was making a play for mainstream popularity with both the ESPN name and the big price drop to entice people to give them a real shot, rather than just dismiss them.

If Sega had had another year of releases, more of the general audience might have noticed and cared. But now it won't matter, because EA just killed everything Sega was doing.

Though one report said it was the NFL itself that wanted to sign an exclusive deal, and not EA making the offer to the NFL. Considering the NFL's years of issues with Midway and the Sega/ESPN price drop, they might have figured they were better off with a single company contract. Was Sega even given a chance to make an offer?

1016th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Wed 22 Dec 16:55post reply


I agree that the lack of competition may hurt the quality of EA's future offerings, or would the desire to keep the contract be enough of an incentive to keep the games fresh?

EA and the NFL created this deal at a time when another football game was finally starting to rival Madden, which meant that the fans were starting to like a non-EA NFL game as much, if not more so, than EA's NFL game. This means that the NFL specifically decided to make this deal at a time when the fans would be least receptive to it. Given that, I doubt that EA will be in any danger of losing the license unless they suddenly decide to file for Chapter 11 tomorrow.

But what I don't understand is why there are people out there who are acting like EA brokered some sort of Faustian deal here. NFL stamped shirts, caps and other paraphernalia can be licensed out to a single manufacturer, why should games be any different? To use a creaky analogy, it's like how when a book is made into a movie there's only one movie made of it at a time. The only thing about this exclusive agreement that I'm surprised about is that it took someone this long to try a stunt like this.

As a recent Video Fenky post mentioned, one of the interesting issues here is that the NFL is technically licensing facts, not copyrighted materials, to EA. Harry Potter fighting Lord Voldemort is a copyrighted idea that came out of someone's head and is their property. A quarterback's throwing record and various other statistics are things that actually exist in the real world, not something that someone made up, and are therefore facts. So it's less like licensing the Harry Potter books and a bit more like licensing, say, World War 2. They're licensing actual, quantifiable facts; events that have actually occurred in the real world. For some reason, and maybe a silly one, that bothers people a lot more than licensing a novel or a movie. I think it's because the point of a novel or movie becomes diluted as it's over-licensed, whereas there's no way to actually dilute fact. You can't screw up the idea behind it because there's no idea behind it to begin with.

1753th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Sega PWNED by EA" , posted Thu 23 Dec 10:22post reply

As a recent Video Fenky post mentioned, one of the interesting issues here is that the NFL is technically licensing facts, not copyrighted materials, to EA.

That's an interesting distinction. Going with the example given at Video Fenky I do wonder how that argument would hold up in a US court since I thought one of the functions of the NFL was to safeguard and decide how information about the games is distributed. Of course I'm basing most of my conjecture on the that old blurb at the end of every game stating that portions of the game can not be rebroadcast or retransmitted without the express written consent of the NFL so what actual power the NFL has may be different. Oh well, thousands of lawyers waiting to dig into issues like this one, I'll let them figure it out.