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Time Mage 2008th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "The best test possible: Multilingual thread!!" , posted Wed 15 Dec 00:11:
OK, so we need to test this, right? We need many threads, ands we need I suppose a thread with lots and lots of posts. Let it be this thread!
Also, to make it more fun (or confuse), and to induce senseless spam, post in any language you want! 1337 and crazy AA includedand welcome, of course!
Así que, sin más dilación, he de decir que el Tales of Symphonia es cojonudo, y ya que me han retrasado el examen de Física Estadística hasta después de Reyes, pues me lo voy a pasar por segunda vez. Viva yo!
[this message was edited by Time Mage on Wed 15 Dec 00:13] | | Replies: |