PSTwo review anyone? - Forums

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"PSTwo review anyone?" , posted Wed 15 Dec 07:02post reply

my friend says he read somewhere that 5 outta 10 of those sexy PSTwos blow up internally due to overheat or some kinda whatever.

i kno this is way late news, but only recently i'm thinking about gettin' one, has anyone got one? whether u got one or not, what do u think about it??

You've been very bad~ Now off to the gas chamber!


99th Post

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"Re(1):PSTwo review anyone?" , posted Wed 15 Dec 07:57post reply

my friend says he read somewhere that 5 outta 10 of those sexy PSTwos blow up internally due to overheat or some kinda whatever.

i kno this is way late news, but only recently i'm thinking about gettin' one, has anyone got one? whether u got one or not, what do u think about it??

I will wait till they refine the model and solve those design failures, if I ever get one...