Have you played Blood Will Tell? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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1444th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Have you played Blood Will Tell?" , posted Wed 15 Dec 07:10post reply

Well, have you? (played Blood Will Tell)

I talked this game up a lot on this board, perhaps to the point of annoying people, so I wonder if anyone actually checked it out.

I had the feeling this game would slip completely under the radar...

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95th Post

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"Re(1):Have you played Blood Will Tell?" , posted Wed 15 Dec 07:23post reply


I talked this game up a lot on this board, perhaps to the point of annoying people, so I wonder if anyone actually checked it out.

I had the feeling this game would slip completely under the radar...

What platform is that game for? And its genre? I never heard about it....

1446th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Have you played Blood Will Tell?" , posted Wed 15 Dec 07:59:post reply


What platform is that game for? And its genre? I never heard about it....

PS2 / Action -- AKA Osamu Tezuka's 'Dororo'

It centers around a man in old Japan who had 48 of his body parts stolen from him by demons when he was an infant. He has to kill each of these demons in intense boss battles (which have a very cool, very functional boss-camera) in order to reclaim his body. The title character is your sidekick of sorts, and amazingly helps you out without ever getting in the way.

You want to off these demons because as you get your body parts back you get new abilities. Real legs give you a super-fast dash, your inner ear lets you recover in midair from knockdown blows, and you gradually build health and strength. You really feel yourself becoming stronger.

In the meantime, you have prosthetic parts with weapons built into them-- blades attached to his forearms (you normally use a katana when your false-arms are attached), a machine gun, and a mortar concealed inside his hollow knee.

The game isn't very flashy and certain platform-focused sections are a bit weak, but it does have solid character design, decent voice work, and an exceptional manga-style story. Plus, it's got a whole lot of heart. A few of the 48 fiends are partial 'clones', but the majority of them are original and freaking loaded with personality. Blood Will Tell has the more boss-fight bang for your buck than any other game I know.

This is the last I will speak of the game on this forum. By all means though, if you dig action games check it out. It will grow on you if you give it the chance.

EDIT: One of those 'yes' votes is me... and one more thing about the game. One system may seem like a gimmick at first (charge a strong attack, then follow a sequence of rapid button presses to do huge combos) but it can actually be as important or unimportant as you make it.

Oh yeah, and it has a hell of a final-boss that you'll be proud to have killed. I must sound like I'm shilling this thing, but goddamn, I really love this game.

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[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Wed 15 Dec 08:03]

640th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Have you played Blood Will Tell?" , posted Wed 15 Dec 08:29post reply

I played the Japanese one, but not all the way through. As a fan of Tezuka and things that aren't lame, I was very turned off by the machinegun arm and rocket leg.

However, the plot is well represented, the boss fights are really enjoyable and the environments are big, realistic and fun to explore. The game has a great flow to it as well. I don't know how else to describe it, just that you feel like you're playing through a story, rather than just moving from one level to the next.

I'm not a huge fan of 3D action games as a whole, however, and I feel like this one fails to distinguish itself in many respects. I'm not particularly fond of the tap buttons "stylish" kills on the enemies, either. My opinion is hardly law, but I can only recommend the game to people who like 3D action games a lot or who look at it and think "this looks cool." Erm...so what I mean is, if you think it looks cool, you'll probably think it's still cool when you play it.
Oh yeah,and the Japanese cover, unlike the American one, is awesome.

Hmmm...oddly enough, I dunno if I can recommend it to Tezuka fans or not, though I can say that it pissed me off a LOT less than the new BlackJack TV series is pissing me off now.

1240th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Have you played Blood Will Tell?" , posted Wed 15 Dec 12:39post reply

I keep getting review copies for games so I haven't bought one in a while, but your constant shilling of the game has convinced me to buy it once I've finished my current mountain. :)

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

102th Post

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"Re(3):Have you played Blood Will Tell?" , posted Wed 15 Dec 18:57post reply

Oh!! I remeber now !! I saw some vids some months ago, and it reminded me of Berserk (and not only by the gadget knee detail... ).
I found the game really interesting but I will have to wait, as I don't have a PS2 yet (if I ever have one...).
It also looked a bit like this Wu Xia game whose main character has been modeled having this J-Pop singer, Gakt as a base (too bad I don't remember the name of the game).

212th Post

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"Re(4):Have you played Blood Will Tell?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 07:09post reply

I'm really interested in Blood will tell. I wonder if it's being released in Europe...

Hayato, the name is Gackt, and the title of the game is Bujingai.

Brandon, if you are reading this, yes! I bought the american version of the game, and it seems that it doesn't have a japanese dub option! You cheated on me! or maybe not, this is what a friend told me. When I get a new memory card (the CFJ one) I'll get to play it and see if you were right.

Dammit, if you really are reading this, post more often!

1447th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"off topic... Reiko Kodama interview" , posted Thu 16 Dec 07:19post reply

I keep getting review copies for games so I haven't bought one in a while, but your constant shilling of the game has convinced me to buy it once I've finished my current mountain. :)

First I felt I should say congrats on your success. Keep on keepin' on. Secondly, even though you don't seem to have had any part in it, that's an awesome Reiko Kodama interview on the site. I'd recommend people check that thing out.

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1244th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):off topic... Reiko Kodama interview" , posted Thu 16 Dec 12:32post reply

Secondly, even though you don't seem to have had any part in it, that's an awesome Reiko Kodama interview on the site. I'd recommend people check that thing out.

Nope, had nothing to do with it, but it is a great interview. I was just as surprised and delighted to read it as anyone else. :)

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

1245th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"I bought it. Are you happy now?" , posted Fri 17 Dec 02:25post reply

I was out xmas shopping and despite my glut of games, I did a little game browsing, and while there were plenty of cheap used games I could have bought, Blood Will Tell somehow adhered to my hand and wouldn't let go. Rather than be labeled a shoplifter, I had no choice but to buy it. By the time I get around to playing it, it'll probably be marked down to half price.

I also got Skygunner for $10 so I guess it's not all bad.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

1454th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):I bought it. Are you happy now?" , posted Fri 17 Dec 03:48:post reply

I was out xmas shopping and despite my glut of games, I did a little game browsing, and while there were plenty of cheap used games I could have bought, Blood Will Tell somehow adhered to my hand and wouldn't let go. Rather than be labeled a shoplifter, I had no choice but to buy it. By the time I get around to playing it, it'll probably be marked down to half price.

I also got Skygunner for $10 so I guess it's not all bad.

Hah! You see, when I realized my impact on GameRankings.com's overall average couldn't get the game to 70% (some reviewers just don't have souls), I knew I could not yet rest. Yes, now that I know that I am directly responsible for the sale of at least one copy of Blood Will Tell I can finally rest... in... peace....

Thank you... Ammadeau....

And hey! Skygunner for ten bucks. Not bad at all.

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[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Fri 17 Dec 03:49]

213th Post

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"Re(2):I bought it. Are you happy now?" , posted Fri 17 Dec 04:35post reply

The game is comming to Europe next month! I'll think about it...

1246th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):I bought it. Are you happy now?" , posted Fri 17 Dec 23:58post reply

After defeating my third boss in the game, I'm wondering why you love it so. I'll still play it and probably finish it, but it's pretty much mediocre in every respect. Cool story , but it's told poorly, especially with no Japanese language option. The camera is terrible, the graphics are on par with PS2 budget titles, the enemies just stand there and let you kill them, and the combo button strike thing is just boring (I especially dislike the long pose after it). The rest of the gameplay doesn't do anything interesting when it really should considering the premise. It feels like Onishima without the tank controls.

I'd give it a 7/10 at this point. I honestly had more fun with the Onichanbara. The enemies were still stupid, but at least there were hordes of them. The original Otogi does more or less everything its trying to do, but better in every way.

While it's not a terrible game, I can't help feel disappointed when I think of what it could have been.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

1457th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"about that," , posted Sat 18 Dec 01:18:post reply

After defeating my third boss in the game, I'm wondering why you love it so. I'll still play it and probably finish it, but it's pretty much mediocre in every respect. Cool story , but it's told poorly, especially with no Japanese language option. The camera is terrible, the graphics are on par with PS2 budget titles, the enemies just stand there and let you kill them, and the combo button strike thing is just boring (I especially dislike the long pose after it).

Keep going with the story... I still believe it's one of the game's strongest points. And oh, one bit of good news, you can skip the pose by hitting triangle again.


I'd give it a 7/10 at this point. I honestly had more fun with the Onichanbara. The enemies were still stupid, but at least there were hordes of them. The original Otogi does more or less everything its trying to do, but better in every way.

While it's not a terrible game, I can't help feel disappointed when I think of what it could have been.

The first chapter is mostly a cakewalk, aside from the second fight with the tentacle boss (come on, that thing looks better than budget, right?). It's also the slowest and most limiting part of the game because you start out sans 48 body parts and have a sapling for a combo tree. The stupid/sparse enemy problem will definitely improve a bit...

Technically, the game falls well short of great. To me, I really felt I could feel the energy the developers put into it and some of the harder to define qualities really shone through. But it -may-grow on you a little more after a few more chapters. I'd recommend at least sticking it out at least to Chapter 4 to see how things change as you regain body parts and check out some of the more interesting boss fights.

I can't guarantee that you'll love it, but do lemme know. I'm happy to have someone to discuss the game with.

BTW, unless there are other people reading this I'm just going to shoot you an email.

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[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Sat 18 Dec 01:27]

1247th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):about that," , posted Sat 18 Dec 01:36post reply

I'm sticking with it. I like the story, even though the excution of it could have been better. And the gameplay isn't bad so far, it's just unremarkable. But annoying how the enemies just stand there.. and after a few seconds might decided to attack. Oddly, I'm liking the Dororo parts that most reviewers seem to hate. Don't know why.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for