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Digitalboy 54th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Highlights & Disappointments of 2004" , posted Wed 15 Dec 21:27
The point of this thread (other than the orders of Professor to make more threads) is to share your hit or miss of the multi-media (from video games on console & PC to movies, comics, et cetera) that was released in 2004. Since it is the 15th it isn't too early, no? And I want some mayhem in this post if anyone is willing to supply.
Here are my highlights of 2004:
Microsoft & Xbox: Ninja Gaiden Metal Slug 3 Sega ESPN NFL 2k5 (FUCK EA!) Team Ninja's announcement to release the Hurricane Pack to non Xbox Live subscriber's
Nintendo & Gamecube: Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Tales of Symphonia Nintendo's announcement on another Zelda.
Sony & Playstation 2: Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (about time!) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater KOF: Maximum Impact - Decent graphics, decent roster, okay controls and gameplay. Good attempt on their first try on the SNKP's part.
Comics: Udon Studio: Street Fighter (handled well, great story, and excellent introductions of characters from the series), Darkstalkers (still premature but it's okay since it's in better hands than Dreamwave Studio), and Rival Schools (it's not out yet but I read the prelude in the Summer Special that Udon released so far so good).
Metal Gear Solid: Ashley Woods art added the reason for me to pick up this title.
Conan the Barbarian: Cary Nord's great art added to this legendary sword welding fornicating barbarian.
Other: The Mad Man Cafe getting a new server! Sota Toys Street Fighter Line. Tekken 5
Disappointments of 2004:
Marvel Comics continuity. DC's decision to bring back Hal Jordan. Spider-Man's organic webbing (in the comics). Wizard Magazine is not good as it use to be. IGN. Devil May Cry comics. SNK Playmore's delay on the double pack of King of Fighter's 2002 & 2003. Electronic Art's buying all the license for the NFL. SNK Playmore should have waited a little longer for KOF:MI to be released, it needed more work to be compared to other fighters. No King of the Fighter's 2004.
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Sano 1340th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(1):Highlights & Disappointments of 2004" , posted Fri 17 Dec 06:38:
- Street Fighter Anniversary Edition on PS2 - Capcom Fighting Jam - Yeah, yeah, I'm the only one here who likes the game... - Astroboy Omega Factor on the GBA - King of Fighters EX2 Howling blood - Guilty Gear Isuka - Guilty Gear XX # Reload - SVC Chaos on X-Box - I like this game also, I'm sure I'll be alone with this decision too... - KOF 2000/2001 - Halo 2 - Megaman Anniversary Collection - Under the Skin - Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories - Zelda II the Adventure of Link on the GBA - Udon's SF and DS Comics - Avengers/JLA - Spider-Man 2 Movie - I've seen it 4 times in the Theater, twice in Imax! I love this Movie... - Avengers Dissasembled and New Avengers - Wolverine and Spider-Man join Avengers! 4 out of 7 of the new Avengers were in MVC2! Hooray! - Rurouni Kenshin goes monthly! - Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex - Ghost in the Shell 2 - Ninja Scroll Anime - Director's cut of Rurouni Kenshin Reflection with Saito, coming the 28th! - Teen Titans Cartoon - still a fave! - The New Batman Cartoon - Not great, but enjoyable. - Street Fighter Toys - Hi! Hi! Puffy Ami Yumi Show! - X-Play on G4 Tech TV - I don't agree with all of the reviews but Adam Sessler and Morgan Web are hilarious! - Play Magazine - Pulse - My favorite News show, but see below...
I think that's it.
- Crimson Tears - Castlevania: Lament of Innocence - was this 2004 or 3? Oh well, still sucked. - Justice League Unlimited - Bring back my one hour episodes with just seven JLAers! - Colossus coming back to life - Yo Marvel, KEEP DEAD CHARACTERS DEAD!!! - Superman's Jim Lee Comic - Yo to the writer, can you make the story any more boring? - Pulse and Unscrewed getting cancelled on G4 Tech TV.
I think that's it on the Cons. I'll be back later if I think of anything else.
[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 17 Dec 06:55] |
Grahf 309th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(1):Highlights & Disappointments of 2004" , posted Fri 17 Dec 09:41
PROS - Great summer movies this year: Dawn of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead, Harold & Kumar go to Whitecastle, Anchorman, Dodgeball, and it feels like I'm forgetting something... I've gotten six games since this summer, and I enjoyed all of them: Tales of Symphonia, Gradius V, Katamari Damacy, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Capcom Fighting Evolution, and Taiko Drum Master.
CONS- I got Devil May Cry 2 for $10. It wasn't worth it. Reality TV is still around. Shinkon Gattai Godannar got licensed before I could see the last two episodes. R.O.D. TV was good, but disappointing compared to the original OVA. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow could have been a lot better.
That's all I can think of right now.
Sano 1344th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(3):Highlights & Disappointments of 2004" , posted Fri 17 Dec 23:44:
quote: PROS:
- Capcom Fighting Jam - Yeah, yeah, I'm the only one here who likes the game...
- SVC Chaos on X-Box - I like this game also, I'm sure I'll be alone with this decision too...
For what it's worth, I'm with you on both games. They're both horribly flawed in their own way, but if you have friends to play with, they're lots of fun. Not every fighter can be a masterpiece and both of these are at least good enough to not get too many complaints from me.
Yeah, that's how I feel.
More Pros -
- Seven Samurai 20XX - Not a great game, but the Hip Hop Brothers made me die laughing! - Guilty Gear NY and LA Vocal Edition Soundtracks - SF Tribute Album and SF vs. SF Musicians Soundtrack - DC's Identity Crisis - Someone is killing JLA Family members and all the clues are pointing to you won't believe who! Not revealing anything, but Deathstrike and Green Arrow have been really bad Ass in this story!
[this message was edited by Sano on Sat 18 Dec 07:27] |
OYashiroForever 799th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):Highlights & Disappointments of 2004" , posted Sat 18 Dec 03:34
- Supisupe (if only for Mizuki + bukkake fatality) - Katamari Damacy - Burnout 3 (yeah, it's EA... it's also about as much fun as I'll ever have with a racing game) - MGS3 (Verbose and pretentious as always, but nowhere near as goofy as 2) - Lots of good shooters (Gradius V, Shiki no Shiro 2, Psyvariar Final, ESPgaluda, etc.) - Announcement of Phantom Kingdom - Scrubs Season 4 (Best comedy on television continues to get better) - Mythbusters Season 2 (Adam vs. Jamie is way too cool) - Drawn Together (South Park finally has competition for the single most offensive show on American television) - Death of Reality TV (well, I'm hoping at least... the ratings are definitely dropping) - Ong Bak (The next level of chop socky movies)
- CFJ (Couldn't even meet my already low expectations) - The death of Square (loss of major figures, bad/mediocre/rehashed releases, future FF7 whoring) - KoF: MI and Neowave (both good first efforts, but neither was good enough to warrant replacing a new KoF) - Van Helsing (should replace Waterworld as the biggest waste of money in cinema history) - Anime (could just be me, but it seems like barring a couple of notable exceptions, the creative quality of anime is just circling the drain... blame the Japanese economy or Western influence or the proliferation of computer cel coloring, but everything is looking the same and the new shows are creatively bankrupt)
"Only two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former."
"Your denial is beneath you and thanks to the use of hallucinogenic drugs I see through you."
Pollyanna 660th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(7):Highlights & Disappointments of 2004" , posted Sun 19 Dec 18:54
quote: noooo that sucks so much. i was looking forward to suikoden 4 - although i sorta gave up at suikoden 3, never finished that one...
well thanks for the tip. that'll be one game less on my wishlist.
Oh, now you've got me started.
There are some good things about Suikoden 4. Like the animation (which is all motion captured), the narcissists and one particular "series" joke that I'd LOVE to spoil....but that's IT. What makes it hurt the most is that if you take away the time spent on the ocean, the time fighting enemies where you shouldn't have to (like on the ocean or in towns...yes...towns are full of enemies for no apparant reason) and the time spent recruiting characters that you never have a chance to use, it's one of the most empty, pointless, short RPGs ever. The bulk of the game is not only filler, it's painful filler. The actual substance is a few hours at best.
This would be fine if the game had an interesting or progressive battle system or mazes to fight the enemies in...or maybe even a variety of enemies. But...it has none of the above. It's hours of pressing the "confirm" button over and over on the empty overhead map fighting the same damned enemies for the entire duration of your quest.
The thing is, even though Suikoden 3 looked horrible, sounded horrible and had an awful system for almost everything (including no bosses or mazes and repeating the same maps over and over) it had direction and purpose. I liked the characters and I was interested in the plot...and even though I had to wade through a bad game to get to them, it was worth it. The only thing that got me through Suikoden 4 was my love for the series, and that's not enough to blind me of its' inexcusable shortcomings.