Any World of Warcraft players? - Forums

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1018th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Any World of Warcraft players?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 01:44post reply

I'm thinking about getting this game and have a few question. How does the game play, how are the character classes, and how are the visuals?

Fuu is a cutie!!


332th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Any World of Warcraft players?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 03:24post reply

I'm thinking about getting this game and have a few question. How does the game play, how are the character classes, and how are the visuals?

Visuals are top notch. Definately Blizzard quality. Beautful scenery, etc.

Character classes, it seems that Paladin, Rogue are the l33t at the moment. (there was a vid showing an unarmed paladin owning a warrior). But this is mainly PVP stuff. All classes are pretty much ok when handling against mobs.

Game play is quite simple. You start off with a quest, and it basically branches off to more and more quests. Quests are important, as it gives you bunches of exp and in later stages some nice items. Its still possible to grind though, just gotta find the right mobs and location.

1019th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Any World of Warcraft players?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 03:46post reply

How's the exp/lvl rate? I heard you can get to higher levels quicker than say Everquest/FFXI, is that true? Because leveling up in FFXI takes forever since you can only level with a party.

Fuu is a cutie!!

165th Post

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"Re(3):Any World of Warcraft players?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 05:09post reply

How's the exp/lvl rate? I heard you can get to higher levels quicker than say Everquest/FFXI, is that true? Because leveling up in FFXI takes forever since you can only level with a party.

It's a lot faster but you WILL need to party at around level 15 and up, or certain quests are impossible and you will be grinding on low level monsters. about those...things....

190th Post

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"Re(4):Any World of Warcraft players?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 05:26post reply


It's a lot faster but you WILL need to party at around level 15 and up, or certain quests are impossible and you will be grinding on low level monsters.

Also, you'll miss out on the instances, which are more or less the highlight of the game.

Couter point: very possible to solo (and encouraged on some of those annoying gather X rare item quests) through entire game unless you're a priest

What servers are all you playing on? My guild on Eonar is recruiting able bodied men who are middle aged and not yet married

4121th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Any World of Warcraft players?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 06:03:post reply

All the of the above is right, you can easily solo 80% of the game. Instances (aka stages with boss fights and elite minions) are usually pretty fun and you might get nice items out of them.

Joining a guild is a good idea. You are dealing with Blizzard community types. KEKE.

If you do end up playing the game I recommend you start early with cooking and fishing. Cooking gives you nice spirit and stamina bonuses and fishing is used by a lot of crafting classes.

I play in Sargeras, which is a PVP server. Doing quests while watching my back for filthy alliance players is fun. It is also fun going to opposing faction newbie towns and having a crowd of midgets going after you.


Paladins are filthy. Booty Bay is hell.

Edit: Abuse /chicken and /train as much as you can.

Bonus: ???


[this message was edited by Juan on Thu 16 Dec 06:26]

1011th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Any World of Warcraft players?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 19:06post reply

So far, I'm on my third character. I've had a level 17 Undead Warlock (open beta), a level 23 Tauren Shaman, and now I've moved to a new server with a level 22 Troll Hunter to join my guild.

As others have said, you can solo 80% of the game, pretty much regardless of class or location. You only need a party to do Elite quests, which involve bad-ass monsters that have tons of HP, and instances, which are closed-off areas that only your group can fight in, and which usually involve ultra-tough monsters and such. And while the Elite quests can't really be skipped (they're an integral part of levelling), they can be done with a small party of two or three. The instances, however, are definitely skippable, and I've skipped a major level 20 instance twice now simply because I think its quests are boring.

I highly recommend it. It's been a huge addiction for me and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I had fun soloing as the Warlock, I had fun grouping a little more with my Shaman, and joining a guild with my Hunter has been excellent. You can pretty much play it however you want.

I'd recommend the Undead to start with though, if you're even slightly inclined to use that race. Regardless of race and class, you can go to any starting area for your side (Horde or Alliance), but the Undead start out with a really nice area for levels 1-25 or so. The quests for that side have definitely been more inspired than the ones for Tauren or Trolls.

Satoshi Miwa
2754th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Any World of Warcraft players?" , posted Fri 17 Dec 11:05post reply

I play a mage, which can be quite fun to solo sometimes in both damage and dealing with the fact all mage's have chewy centers...

And spell costs are high as heck. But definitly the most fun I've had in a MMORPG...and haven't run into any truly rude people yet...

166th Post

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"Re(2):Any World of Warcraft players?" , posted Fri 17 Dec 12:22post reply

I play a mage, which can be quite fun to solo sometimes in both damage and dealing with the fact all mage's have chewy centers...

And spell costs are high as heck. But definitly the most fun I've had in a MMORPG...and haven't run into any truly rude people yet...

Juan whats your name on Sargeras, I have a level 14 Human Priest there :) about those...things....

1398th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"General MMOG babble" , posted Fri 17 Dec 12:33post reply

If it's any sign -- many of the leaders of iRO's most active fansite, normally diehard players, have switched over to WoW and are even raving about how much better WoW is. [It's understandable, though. For as strategic as RO can actually get -- there'a only so long that you can find ways of entertaining yourself off of the level grind, off of fetch-me/visit-him quests, and off of exploration where the reward of exploration for its own sake dies out after a while. I myself wasn't playing much anymore either -- and after the new Nifflheim update failed to deliver any real thrills or excitement -- I decided the disk space used by RO might be better used for other things.]

From the reviews I've read, it seems WoW is definitely the MMORPG of choice, featuring a bunch of quests and encouraging breaks by having exp bonuses. I haven't played it myself -- but it seems like it might actually be fun right off the bat, instead of being fun after a certain amount of level grinding or after a certain update (after the initial wow factor wears off).

I'm probably not going to delve into any more MMORPGs in the near future though -- I can have fun with them, but I really prefer more action-oriented games or games where a large time investment isn't required to access the higher spots. I'll probably fiddle around with the free Planeshift in the near future -- but that's about it.


13th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):General MMOG babble" , posted Fri 17 Dec 12:49post reply

Just wondering... what kinds of quests does this game have? Besides the probable fetch quests and "kill monster x" or "kill x monsters" quests?

"Tsuki yo ni agake."

656th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):General MMOG babble" , posted Fri 17 Dec 12:59:post reply

I heard that the quests involved a lot more story elements and depth. I'm pretty sure that there are some fetching and monster killing involved but it's more fleshed out and just awesome. My current PC, unfortunately, sucks donkey balls so I can't play but all my friends agree on this point.

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Fri 17 Dec 13:00]

334th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):General MMOG babble" , posted Fri 17 Dec 13:19:post reply

There's fetching certain items, killing certain mobs, looting a certain amount of specific items from mobs, delivery quests (timed), escorting quests (and dont get target x get killed etc).

Even if you fail, you can always try again. No penalty. You can have a maximum of 20 quests, and there will be a time when you have so many you can just abandon unnecessary ones. Some quests will lead to good items though.

I would love to continue playing, but I stopped since I'm going to skiing in Whistler..want to stay in shape ;) Amazing to see a lot of lvl60s already though.

[this message was edited by emeraldazn on Fri 17 Dec 13:22]

Satoshi Miwa
2755th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):General MMOG babble" , posted Fri 17 Dec 15:56post reply


I would love to continue playing, but I stopped since I'm going to skiing in Whistler..want to stay in shape ;) Amazing to see a lot of lvl60s already though.

Never underestimate the power of those without a life, especially since the EQ power guilds have migrated over to WoW...

So...shall we form a MMC guild on some server? (It can be Madman or Misato Mutsumi...pick one)

1012th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):General MMOG babble" , posted Fri 17 Dec 18:15post reply

Just wondering... what kinds of quests does this game have? Besides the probable fetch quests and "kill monster x" or "kill x monsters" quests?

The oddest thing about World of Warcraft is that it actually makes "Kill Monster X" surprisingly fun, even over and over again. Even though it's the same sort of quest, it always ends up varying in some fundamental way, and becomes "Sneak behind the houses in the evil town, slaughter an inn full of bad guys, and then kill Monster X", or "Somehow get through the swarm of thirty low-level monsters and kill Monster X in the middle of an open field", or "Track Monster X through an enormous zone full of monsters, get him alone for a minute, and kill him without getting caught". There's a surprising amount of variety to it.

There are also quests that you don't even know that you're doing, such as when you find a unique monster amongst a bunch of regular common ones, like a blue Thunder Lizard in a herd of the same pink Thunder Lizards you've seen a thousand times over. When you kill it, you get an item that can be redeemed to complete a quest, and you get massive XP just for seeing an interesting monster and deciding to kill it. The game tries to reward normal behavior like that as often as possible, which makes levelling a Hell of a lot better than, say, Ragnarok Online.