Too many games? - Forums

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Joe Randel
329th Post

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"Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 02:41post reply

I seem to be seeing a "trend" amongst my friends and co-workers as of late. They all say they have too many games to play, the result is they ether play them very quickly or don't finish them. Is anyone else seeing this?

I have other obligations and responsibilities so I can't be getting every new game that comes out. I think the games I've bought this year are, Metroid 2, Mario Golf GBA and MGS:TT. I've played them all and beat them (except M2, dang that's a long game). I can't even imagine what it's like to have too many games to play. I just can't see the fun in ripping though MGS3 in 3 hours (or whatever). Where's the enjoyment? I much rather play, take my time and enjoy the craft that went in to making the game.

Anyway, off my soap box, but does anyone else feel they have too many games and so they feel they aren't really enjoying their purchases?

"I can't take any more illicit drugs... I can't afford any artificial joy" - Pursuit of Happiness


233th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 03:04post reply

I seem to be seeing a "trend" amongst my friends and co-workers as of late. They all say they have too many games to play, the result is they ether play them very quickly or don't finish them. Is anyone else seeing this?

I have other obligations and responsibilities so I can't be getting every new game that comes out. I think the games I've bought this year are, Metroid 2, Mario Golf GBA and MGS:TT. I've played them all and beat them (except M2, dang that's a long game). I can't even imagine what it's like to have too many games to play. I just can't see the fun in ripping though MGS3 in 3 hours (or whatever). Where's the enjoyment? I much rather play, take my time and enjoy the craft that went in to making the game.

Anyway, off my soap box, but does anyone else feel they have too many games and so they feel they aren't really enjoying their purchases?

Oh, I am guilty of this too. Let's see, I still have not finished:

-Metriod Prime(the FIRST one...)
-Tales of Symphonia
-Paper Mario

And those are just my Gamecube games...then I went ahead and got an Xbox, so now I've gotta finish Crimson Skies and start buying the few games I really want for that system, but (ha) who knows when I'll play them

And I'm finally getting a PS2 on Friday, and there are way too many games I need to get as well...

Oh, and my GBA hasn't been getting played too much lately also =(

Should I really complain though? No way! I'm happy to always have something to play, and it gives me many options to play whatever title I want.

1243th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 03:10post reply

I actually just today went through my games and I'm not as bad as I thought. About a dozen unfinished games, but half of those are 90% there with extras and such to clean up on. There's a number of games I'd like to buy though, especially cheap.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

3973th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 03:12post reply

I have been with this issue for a long time. The main culprit is me never owning a PS1, so when I got the PS2 I got myself into a huge mess with several games...
In most cases I sleep something like 5 or less hours... But that's not helping, mainly because I also have better hobbies other than playing videogames ;P

I still want to unlock things in disgaea >_<

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1021th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 03:58post reply

I'm very beind I must admit, I have about 7 rpgs to finish or play, got MGS3, Rumble Roses and a few others I can't remember that need finished.

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109th Post

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"Re(2):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 05:32:post reply

I have so many games I think I'll never play some of them. I'm unemployed at the moment, but even now have I obligations, and my free time is not enough to play all of them, specially all those PSOne RPGs...

[this message was edited by HAYATO on Thu 16 Dec 05:34]

209th Post

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"Re(3):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 06:10post reply

When I arrive at home after work, and after I'm finished surfing the net, I don't have many time left for playing. So I usually end playing some beatmania. I have tons of games waiting to be played...

Variable Savior
238th Post

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"Re(4):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 06:50:post reply

I find I have too many obligations these days to pay adequate attention to all the games I have. Making matters worse is that I'm a RPG fan who tends to take his sweet time with each title - as such I am habitually behind in my games.

Right now I'm crawling through SMT and honestly feel little incentive to play anything else during the few hours I have available for gaming. Right now I have unopened copies of Metroid Prime (the original), Zelda: Four Swords, Silent Hill 2, and Pikmin to consider. I also have never finished JSRF, Beyond Good and Evil, or Mario Sunshine. And there's still stuff left for me to locate in Katamari and always things to work on in SF3:TS.

It's ironic - now that I finally have the money to buy whatever games I want I don't have the time to play them...

Blood marks heaven's path

[this message was edited by Variable Savior on Thu 16 Dec 07:01]

1446th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 07:11post reply

I seem to be seeing a "trend" amongst my friends and co-workers as of late. They all say they have too many games to play, the result is they ether play them very quickly or don't finish them. Is anyone else seeing this?

That's been happening to me for a while. I've pretty much given up on GTA: San Andreas, which is a damn shame. I recently picked up Breakdown for XBox, and cheap, but have no time to play the damn thing. Same with Panzer Dragoon Orta.

But since I do write about games, I do end up playing a lot of titles over the year even if some of them are preview builds and I don't necessarily finish them all. : /

I made damn sure I beat Growlanser II and III, though. I was lucky to be in on a review for that one, I doubt I'd have been able to justify taking time to beat both games otherwise! Who knows when I'll ever finish another mega-chunk 40hr+ game again...

I will deifnitely make time for FFXII, regardless of how long it ends up being.

/ / /

64th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 07:18post reply

I don't know if it's that there's too many games, or games are just too long. For example, I've logged 24+ hours into Disgaea, and I've just now reached beat the Earth's Defender chapter. And I'm not even the kind of obsessive gamer that must complete everything. But then again, I'm really slow when it comes to games, so that may play a part in it.


Right now I'm crawling through SMT and honestly feel little incentive to play anything else during the few hours I have available for gaming. Right now I have unopened copies of Metroid Prime (the original), Zelda: Four Swords, Silent Hill 2, and Pikmin to consider. I also have never finished JSRF, Beyond Good and Evil, or Mario Sunshine. And there's still stuff left for me to locate in Katamari and always things to work on in SF3:TS.

I haven't finished BG&E either, because I kept dying when they reverse the goddamn control. Frustration also plays into why I'm not finishing Viewtiful Joe and not continuing Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter.

I highly recommend playing Silent Hill 2. It will blow your mind. But that's little ol' biased me.

644th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 08:01post reply

I try to play just about every decent-looking Japanese RPG that comes out, so don't talk to ME about having too many games to play. I'm in pain right now.

I've been working really long hours lately, so I haven't had time to finish Stella Deus (which I LOVE) or get anywhere in DQ8. I still have MGS3 to play and didn't Tales of Rebirth just come out? There's NO WAY I'll be able to finish all those before Avatar Tuner 2 comes out.

The upside to having too many games is that I don't waste much time on mediocre ones like Star Ocean 3, though.

651th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 08:57:post reply

Holy crap. I still need to finish SH2,3,4,KH,SO2,FFX,Disgaea,TOS,SOA,SMT,GTA1,2,3,MGS3...hmmmm maybe wait until retirement.

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Thu 16 Dec 09:00]

13th Post

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"Re(7):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 11:40post reply

The upside to having too many games is that I don't waste much time on mediocre ones like Star Ocean 3, though.

I guess that I'm one of the only people that actually liked SO3...

649th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 12:50post reply


I guess that I'm one of the only people that actually liked SO3...

No, SO3 was wildly popular. I think people who don't like it are the minority. It's just that the majority don't come here.

Red Falcon
5276th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 13:05:post reply

I guess that I'm one of the only people that actually liked SO3...

I have always suffered from "Too Many Games" syndrome. I have bizarre obscure RPGs sitting around that I have yet to finish, some dating back to the mid 90's.

Off T: Korigama, when do you usually get on AIM?

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Thu 16 Dec 14:18]

297th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 13:37post reply

I get way too many games. I'd probably have more, but I don't own an xbox

Games I think I've bought this year:
Advance Wars 2
Metroid Zero Mission
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection
Phantom Brave
MegaMan Anniversary Collection
P.N. 03
R-Type Final
MegaMan X8
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
Diablo 2 and expansion
Warcraft 3 and expansion
Legend of Zelda, The Adventures of Link

I've beaten precisely two games on that list. A big part of my problem was I didn't have much time to play games the past year, but I'll still probably be getting games faster than I can buy them.

So there are three big reasons why I haven't beaten the vast majority of the games I bought this year: time, replaying old games, buying new games and wanting to try them out.

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342th Post

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"Re(8):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 14:24post reply

I've got quite a few games I have yet to finish or in some cases even play, and most of them are (S)RPG's too... As such, I've been rushing through most everything in hopes of catching up, but so far it's been like bailing water on sinking ship.


I guess that I'm one of the only people that actually liked SO3...

I liked SO3 a lot as well. It has its fair share of problems (including an unnecessarily long mid-game), but I still enjoyed the 90-some hours I put into it.

652th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 16:44post reply

"but so far it's been like bailing water on sinking ship."

Couldn't have said it better myself. Well said Saotome well said! I've trying to decide whether to try SO3 or not so thx 4 the input.

139th Post

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"Re(10):Too many games?" , posted Thu 16 Dec 18:25post reply

I arise from my grave and ...know the feeling. I have been out of the country for a bit, but soon coming back. Under strict orders, I have had friends secure the games for me through various debt money that they now do not owe me. However, I will be really busy when I get back. Metroid Prime 2, World of Warcraft, Phantom Brave, Half-Life 2, Evil Genius, Pikmin 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, new Paper Mario, Grand Theft Auto 3: San Andreas, plus among others. Also, since I don't have an Xbox, I need to play some Halo 2 at friends' places. Oh yeah, and I still gotta finish Metroid Prime 1 before I start playin 2, hehe. I got pretty far, just got frustrated in this one place.

The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.

14th Post

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"Re(9):Too many games?" , posted Fri 17 Dec 06:24post reply


Off T: Korigama, when do you usually get on AIM?

Usually over the weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

1738th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Too many games?" , posted Fri 17 Dec 06:27post reply

Reading through this thread reminds me of why I'm happy I don't play a lot of RPG's. I'm not knocking the genre or anything but, man, those things can eat time. Instead of warnings about sex, violence and other questionable content RPG's should come with some sort of listing describing how much time it's going to take you to finish the fool thing.

310th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Too many games?" , posted Fri 17 Dec 10:08post reply

I have definitely noticed this recent trend of too many good games coming out too fast, especially over the last couple of months. The funny thing is that ten years ago this would have been a dream come true.

The only way I can think of to handle it (besides spending ALL my money and time on games) is to be more picky about what games I buy and play through. Usually this means waiting a few weeks after a game comes out to listen to reviews and maybe play it or see it in action. I also try to pick games based on what I want to play at the time (i.e. not playing 2 long RPGs in a row).

But no matter how you look at it, it's a strange feeling for there to be too many games out there. Oh well, I guess it's a sign of the times, and at least things are moving in the right direction. Hopefully the next stage will include the gaming companies becoming more picky about what games they produce (not gonna happen). Actually, scratch that last sentence. That would probably mean no more 2D fighters, or any 2D games for that matter. Long live variety!

The same thing is starting to happen with anime and manga in America, too, only a lot faster. It seems like only in the last year the stores have become absolutely FLOODED with newly translated DVDs and graphic novels. I guess it's nice the market is finally appealing to our interests, but it feels strange and still too expensive, for the most part.

1397th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Too many games?" , posted Fri 17 Dec 11:46post reply

There are still a bunch of games on the Dreamcast that I haven't gotten around to playing, much less completing. I guess that's a bit of a side effect of waiting until the games are at their cheapest -- and it didn't help that my Dreamcast's GD-ROM Drive failed.

I'm probably also gonna wait until the PS2, GC, and XBox hit $50 -- and all the games are $5 to $20 each. (That is, unless the games are expected to increase in value.) That means I'm gonna have one hell of a backlog. Not that I even intend on buying and playing through all of 'em though -- I mean, games are a big interest, but I do have more interests than just games. I'll probably just do the MUST-PLAY ones, like Katamari Damacy (which, well, I've already bought for when I do get a PS2 -- and I've also already played a bit).