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Juke Joint Jezebel 3231th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Question for the toy collectors" , posted Thu 16 Dec 16:31:
quote: I open my ...
what the hell do you think you're trying to pull with that avatar!
anyways i don't open a huge majority of my toys, mainly because i'm anal and i'm lazy. open toys get dusty easily, open toys get their accessories lost easily. i like hanging toys up, by that hook thing, on the wall, or placing the box on top of a shelf. everything stays lined up and organized. it's easier to take down and dust a package than to remove and dust each individual toy. also, when a toy has to be transported for some reason, everything stays intact with its original package. it takes all the hassle out of gathering everything up and packing them into a bag, or some other container, individually
i buy toys like anyone would buy a piece of art -- to look at and admire. i can admire a toy from all the angles i need from inside its package. and as anal as i am about my toys, i would never think of reselling them for money. i buy what i like and they stay with me for life
however, i do open my toys on a couple of various occasions - when the package the toy came in is completely out of shape - when you can't see the toy inside the package it came in - when the toy comes in a box that i can easily place the toy back in (without harming the box) - and when i don't care about the toy or when i'm using it as a prop for a scene. i had about a dozen jawa guys scattered throughout my room at one point ... i should take them out again. they were awesome
[this message was edited by Juke Joint Jezebel on Thu 16 Dec 19:40] |
Dr Baghead 3297th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Question for the toy collectors" , posted Fri 17 Dec 02:18
quote: Are you a MoCer or an opener? Post your reasons.
WOW, I think this is the first time in a long time I've gotten a poll to show results for me.
The toys I don't open are: -ones I don't have room for yet (my DKR and First Appearence Batman are examples of such) -ones I didn't want (it's cheaper to order a full set of DC Direct figures on-line then it is to exclude one, so I'm stuck with Hush [who I wanted until I got the much nicer Jason Todd] and Superman [if I wanted a Superhero minion for Ivy, I'd buy an ML8 Man-Thing, thank you], I also have a 'the Batman' Bruce Wayne who came on sale when I bought the Batman Joker) -ones I lost interest in (When my Kia Asamiya figures arrive the Yamato Joker and Batman are getting shoved in a box, and my DC Direct Bizarro has taken over Hush Nightwing's box since I'm tired of trying to make him stand, my ML figures are stuffed in a cardboard box in my closet because I got so fustrated looking for Juggernaut I gave up on the line... and when SI finally ships my SF figures, psycho Bison is going back in a box) -ones I purposely bought to display on the card (I have doubles of all of the Mattel Comic Batman figures because I like the sculpts so much, I have an extra Polno Diamond, and the first wave of new TMNT figures... I'm looking for a cheap Hush Harley Quinn to keep on the card too, she's so nice looking)
Everything else I open (which right now seems to just be Clerks inaction figures, DC Direct Modern Batman figures, and whatever random junk I buy)
 yeah it's not funny
ONSLAUGHT 3146th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):ML9: The Galactus Series" , posted Sat 18 Dec 15:28:
quote: Damn, Galactus looks really badass.
Yes, he does!
quote: It's just a different facial expression on Bullseye. I really don't like how Toy biz can charge for a whole figure for just a different head
I was wondering about this as well, and it is stranger, since they included an extra head for Deadpool and Weapon X Wolvie.
quote: If they did something like this for Onslaught I would definitely buy the whole line to put him together even if it a buch of figures with the articulation of movie Daredevil.
Same here, I just got the old Onslaught figure recently, but for what I've seen, it's not in scale with the rest of the 6" figures, I'm really hoping for a new Onsy in scale.
Maybe we'll get one someday, but for now, besides Galactus, ML 10 will be called The Sentinel Series, and as you can guess from the name, each piece will include a Sentinel piece, so you can build your very own mutant hunting robot.
[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Sat 18 Dec 15:29] |
Juke Joint Jezebel 3235th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):McFarlane goes kaput!" , posted Sun 19 Dec 18:58:
fight Baghdad
quote: K-Mart went Bankrupt, and they just bought out Sears.
maybe so, but a lot of K-Marts are gone. i know all the K-Marts around the Houston area have crumbled and died
quote: Donald Trump has been backrupted several times and is STILL an insanely pompous asshole.
he's got a lot of shit to fall back on. i think Trump's latest bankruptcy was his casino. but even with that gone, he's profiting off of so many other things. can you say the same for McFarlane? no, really, i'm asking. because i don't know and i love McFarlane
quote: maybe some of his yes men will grow a spin and say "Twisted Fairly Tales is a fucking stupid idea, Todd"
that idea rocks, you jackass. i can't wait to see a blood-soaked Hansel trying to escape from a cake mixture, or Gretel putting it out like the slut she is. of course, we all know Red Riding Hood's gonna have an awesome cleavage and/or tight leather everything, and Humpty Dumpty's gonna be the spitting image of a cacodemon. he's just doing what he's always been doing -- taking an existing idea and fucking it up. i don't see how that's a stupid idea, SIR!
[this message was edited by Juke Joint Jezebel on Sun 19 Dec 19:09] |
ONSLAUGHT 3149th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "No Sir, you're wrong." , posted Sun 19 Dec 19:30
quote: If Mc Farlane quits the toy business, It would be the end of quality superhero figures.I don't know how he does them, but his figures are the best modeled and detailed I've ever seen. His quitting would be a great loss...
WHAT??? I won't deny McFarlane has great eye for detail, but in no way, this would be the end of quality superhero figures, no sir, it won't. I don't know in which era are you trapped in, but McFarlane hasn't produced a single superhero toy in a long time (I'm not counting his Spawn statues). He produces good movie figures, but Mezco, SOTA, Art Asylum, NECA, Toy Biz, Plan B Toys and several others produce toys on par (or even better than) with McToys.
I enjoy some of the McFarlane Toys figures, but I'll stick to the aforementioned figures when it comes to quality and price.
HAYATO 128th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(1):No Sir, you're wrong." , posted Sun 19 Dec 21:46
quote: If Mc Farlane quits the toy business, It would be the end of quality superhero figures.I don't know how he does them, but his figures are the best modeled and detailed I've ever seen. His quitting would be a great loss...
WHAT??? I won't deny McFarlane has great eye for detail, but in no way, this would be the end of quality superhero figures, no sir, it won't. I don't know in which era are you trapped in, but McFarlane hasn't produced a single superhero toy in a long time (I'm not counting his Spawn statues). He produces good movie figures, but Mezco, SOTA, Art Asylum, NECA, Toy Biz, Plan B Toys and several others produce toys on par (or even better than) with McToys.
I enjoy some of the McFarlane Toys figures, but I'll stick to the aforementioned figures when it comes to quality and price.
Well, I don't know a lot about figures but, the best I've seen so far are th McFarlane ones. I'd have said "quality figures" instead of "quality superhero figures", because the only superhero lines I know McFarlane launched were Spawn, Kiss and Witchblade (I think those were his, weren't they?). The McFarlane stuff I really like are those movie character figures, but I don't know about what products all those companies you have mentioned offer and its respective quality... could you post a link to any on-line shop/catalogue ?
HAYATO 132th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(1):yes" , posted Mon 20 Dec 03:02
quote: could you post a link to any on-line shop/catalogue ?
http://www.mezcotoyz.com/ http://www.necaonline.com/ http://www.palisadestoys.com/ http://www.planbtoys.com/ http://www.playmatestoys.com/ http://www.sotatoys.com/ http://www.marvel.com/toybiz/
Meca's HellRaiser figures look great, but I don't appreciate any improvement over McFarlane figures like, for instance, Ahhgnuld's Terminator 3 , the only one I own (the one with the coffin). Palisades G.I. Joe figures look great too.
Sotatoys' Street Fighter series are hideous. You know , if you love playing with them as I used to do with my Masters of the Universe toys when I was 6, I guess they are fine, but not to show them on a shelter at home. Same for most of Biz Toys as well.
I'm more on the figures/statues stuff, that's why PlanBToys don't attract me either, they have too much joints and articulations, but they are far better than all this Action Man crap.
I haven't seen all the sites thoroughly, but thanks Onsy for posting them anyways, you have showed me there's life after McFarlane...
Dr Baghead 3300th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):McFarlane goes kaput!" , posted Mon 20 Dec 06:56
fight Juke Joint Jezebel
quote: maybe so, but a lot of K-Marts are gone. i know all the K-Marts around the Houston area have crumbled and died
Maybe so, but most of the K-Marts around the San Fransico Bay Area have survived the bankruptcy, they even opened a few of those huge ass "Big K" stores around here.
I guess Kay-Bee toys went through the same kind of bankruptcy where all the stores in one area close but it remains unchanged in some areas.
my point remained valid though, they went bankrupt and they still exist, it is not the end of the world for either store, nor will a bankruptcy kill McFarlane's empirer.
quote: he's got a lot of shit to fall back on. i think Trump's latest bankruptcy was his casino. but even with that gone, he's profiting off of so many other things. can you say the same for McFarlane? no, really, i'm asking. because i don't know and i love McFarlane
McFarlane will be will fine, just like the Donald, it's just his comic side that's filling for bankruptcy, his toy side should be fine, and worse comes to worse he could sell his balls and recoop I'm sure... I only wish loosing money acted as a humbling experience to both of them.
If Todd just said "we make dynamic statues toys" instead of pretending they're making "high detail action figures" that are all stuck in basically one pose, all my problems with McFarlane Toys would go away. But instead they make claims about how their action figures fall into the 'demilitarized zone' between statues and high articulation because of a few cut joints, because when only 5% of your figures have a true elbow joint or any articulation below the legs it's just a statement of pure hubris that you're making non-statue toys.
quote: that idea rocks, you jackass. i can't wait to see a blood-soaked Hansel trying to escape from a cake mixture, or Gretel putting it out like the slut she is. of course, we all know Red Riding Hood's gonna have an awesome cleavage and/or tight leather everything, and Humpty Dumpty's gonna be the spitting image of a cacodemon. he's just doing what he's always been doing -- taking an existing idea and fucking it up. i don't see how that's a stupid idea, SIR!
I am mistaken, my bad! After all, I guess McFarlane saw how well those "Scary Tale" figures sold and decided to cash in on the mad "2 for $5" bargin bin action.
note to Hayato:
quote: because the only superhero lines I know McFarlane launched were Spawn, Kiss and Witchblade (I think those were his, weren't they?)
Witchblade was made by MAC (Moore Action Collectibles, the same line that originated the Buffy toy line)
 yeah it's not funny
Dr Baghead 3301th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):McFarlane goes kaput!" , posted Mon 20 Dec 15:05
quote: actually, i didn't know McFarlane released a set of Scary Tale figures before this one. i'm missing out on the $5 action
it's that wacky corporate thinking, i guess! the same way Capcom saw Viewtiful Joe on the $5 Circuit City sale list and said "why not, we'll release part two in the states anyways. it's not like we have anything to lose." i wasn't there, but i bet that's what happened!
The first Scary Tales weren't McFarlane (does some looking up to see if I can find who made them) ah, they where by Mezco, I'm not sure but I believe it was on of their earlier lines, since they've had success with the Living Dead Dolls and Mez-It's with Horror themes, I'd assume Mezco's attempted to entire the business as a 'goth toy' company before seeing they could make money in licensed products and then moved on to make Hellboy (which is still slightly gothy I guess) and Family Guy (which um.. isn't very gothy)
But I digress, their "Scary Tales" consisted of "Alice" and "Red Ridding Hood" as sexy ladies (with variants being them repainted in different ethnicities for some odd reason) and "the White Rabbit" "the Big Bad Wolf" and "the Mad Hatter" as 'monsters'
pictures can be seen here: http://www.action-figure.com/Reviews+S.html
They were not very good, the monsters were lacking anything special and the chicks were almost in a different sculpting style making combining them on a shelf very akward, plus the toys were really small (like 4in. scale) meaning they'd look odd mixed among other Goth Toys (Scale is one thing Mezco refuses to get right, with it's 8in. Hellboy line that towers over MacFarlane/SOTA/NECA's movie lines and 6in. Family Guy which are larger then the Simpsons, King of the Hill, and Futurama lines so you can't have a nice in scale display of "what if FOX pulled an NBC and had their Sunday night line up cross-over!!!")
McFarlane's attempt will be better I hope... the "Peter Pumpkin Eater" one sounds interesting, and maybe their Red Ridding Hood could be customized into a sexy "Morigan cosplaying as Bulleta" or something once SOTA's DS line comes out
 yeah it's not funny
Juke Joint Jezebel 3239th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):McFarlane goes kaput!" , posted Tue 21 Dec 12:46:
quote: The first Scary Tales weren't McFarlane
oh! i remember seeing those before. a few were in EB, selling for a couple of bucks. but even at that price, they weren't special enough for me to bust out the wallet. also, the boxes were in pretty shitty condition
the Alice one looks ok. the figure's nice, although there's something off about her face i can't put my finger on. it's probably that stupid expression as she's about to step into the gates of hell. speaking of which, that backdrop is kinda ugly, and not in a cool monster way
Red Riding Hood looks the best out of all of them. great face, cool hair style, everything else looks good, and a girdle's always an awesome touch. the backdrop is bugging me again though. it looks like it was just slapped together in the last minute, and generally not really working together harmoniously
speaking of not working together harmoniously, that wolf backdrop is so god damn ugly. and i don't get it. why would grandma have weapons on her wall or a bed headboard/footboard made of bones? this set is ok if this is one of their first lines, but i seriously doubt that McFarlane will put out work as subpar as this
off topic, these look gorgeous http://www.action-figure.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=13048
[this message was edited by Juke Joint Jezebel on Tue 21 Dec 13:01] |
Dr Baghead 3318th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):AF board down?" , posted Fri 31 Dec 15:30
quote: Hey Adon, Baghead where do you guys live? It seems ridiculous that you had to wait all this time for them. I just went into a Gamestop a week and a half before the figures were released, put down $25 and got them when they came out.
I had a preorder at GameStop but when Southern Island started taking pre-orders I canceled mine so I could get them cheaper ($45 shipped from SI Vs $55 at GS sounded logical to me)
That was before SI had their unfortunate shortage (caused, like Adon said, by some of the initial supply being destroyed in shipping)... Series 1 was plagued with misfortune, from several factory delays to the crushing of stock, so I don't hold it againist SI.
However, I'm still a bit miffed about the way SI handles customer service (not responding to e-mails or sending out tracking numbers isn't cool) so if Series 2 doesn't ship in a timely and effective manor I'll just spend the extra $10 and go to Gamestop for my Wave 3 figures.
quote: Sota has the Psycho Bison E. Ryu set for sale at their site.
I was thinking of getting it, but I will probably just save for a Juggernaut on ebay since sadly I will never find one in the stores.
If you just want Evil Ryu and don't care about Electric-hands or Psycho Bison, go with the exclusive found at Southern Island.com
He's cheaper then the two-pack obviously and I think has the better head sculpts. (I know he's called "Evil Ryu" but he's not some monster demonic evil Ryu who would have FANGS I honestly couldn't stand to look at his face once I realized they gave him fangs)... I'm hoping SOTA messes up and sends me a replacement Evil Ryu with a stoic head so I have give him the electrohands and have an Evil Ryu I'm happy with (otherwise I might just break down and buy the exclusive version just for the head)
Pyscho Bison is only good as "accessory pack" for regular Bison (glowing fist AND a cool flame base!) unless you're into clear figures he's kind worthless.
 yeah it's not funny
Dr Baghead 3321th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Speaking of Street Fighter figures" , posted Wed 5 Jan 07:11
Remember a while back, before SOTA got the SF/DS Palisades briefly held the the SF licenses?
Their plan was to do the figures in a 4in scale (why I'm not sure, maybe so the SF GI Joes could mix in? or because if you can't match Resaurus' giant scale, make 'em super tiny so people can't even fake compatablity?) but some kind of issue with Capcom prevented them from actually producing the line (character selection I'd bet, since SOTA said they were REQUIRED to put Ken in wave 2 and Palisades didn't have his picture in either wave) so the licensese were bought by SOTA who produced a line in the standard 6in. scale.
Anyhooo, history leason over, Palisades has just released a 4in scale toy line, "Army of Darkness" based of course on the Bruce Campbelle movie.
pictures here: http://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW_010505a.htm
So if anyone was curious as to what might have been, looking at these should give you a good idea on what kind of articulation and look their SF figures would have had (heck, SOTA even helped sculpt the AoD figures, so you could probably even assume the SF and DS figures would have simialr sculpts)
 yeah it's not funny
Dr Baghead 3338th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "I'm like Udon and ToyFare combined!" , posted Fri 14 Jan 06:22
I'm sooooo bored...
Who likes shitty hard to read comics involving toys and parodies of movie parodies?!
I hope you said "MEEE!!!!" because I'm posting one reguardless
Page 1 Page 2
the text so hard to read and Photobucket won't me upload a larger version, I'll have to force my friend to host the readable version later... if you've seen Space Balls and remember the scene the with Dark Helmet and the toys, it's virtuallythe exact same thing so just pretend M.Bison is Rick Moranis and there you go.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I'll put the unreadable text here incase anyone really cares about any changes I made to the wording: -page 1, pannel 1: Ryu, "I will defeat you Bison, for Good is Awesome and Evil is DUMB!!" -pannel 2: Bison, "No Ryu, I shall defeat you for I have master the..." -pannel 4: Ryu, "Uhhh... I'm dead... Tell Ken I love him, and I mean LOVE him, not that 'like a brother' BS" -pannel 5: Chun-Li, "OH! M.Bison you're so manly to have defeated Ryu, MAKE LOVE TO ME!!!" -pannel 6: MMMMMMMMmmMMMMmmmMMMmm -page 2, pannel 2: Sagat, "Sorry sir... the door was unlocked I just assumed... uh, the psycho drive is read for more testing when you're ready, Sir" -pannel 3: Bison, "Thank you, Sagat... you, uh, didn't see anything right?" Sagat, "No sir, I didn't see you playing with your Dolls"
End of Spoiler
 yeah it's not funny
Hungrywolf 2982th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Marvel Legends 8" , posted Mon 17 Jan 07:42
quote: I went to Kay Bee's earlier today and found they had gotten in ML8. I didn't see any of the rarer figures this time only several Cap America's, a Manthing a couple of Icemans and a couple of Ironmans. I picked up Iceman and Iron man, I would have gotten Cap if I didn't already have the ML1 version. I only opened Iceman and I am saving Ironman as a present for my younger bro. Hopefully I find Storm and a Doc Ock would be nice too.
Iceman is a so-so figure. There isn't much you could do with him, but his paint job is pretty cool. It has this frosted over look. But like most ML figures this thing cannot stand on it's on two feet. Maybe I am too used to being able to pose my Street Fighter figs in whatever pose they can, but damn a ML fig cannot stand up without its base to support it. They need to make the feet a bit bigger.
I need to get the Iceman. I wish I could find the Phoenix (I don't need Dark Phoenix) because I believe MLX is supposed to have Cyclops and Angel! Then I'll just need Beast for the original X-men! And Beast is everywhere still. Are there pics of MLX up anywhere yet? I know that MLIX (Galactus Series, which I might get all of just so I can have Galactus) isn't out yet, but I'm more excited about series X (Sentinel Series). I want to know if maybe the Cyclops will have his current costume. I'd love that. The only Marvel Legends I have bought are the first Captain America, the first Iron Man, and Thor. I gave them all to my dad (a fan of the Avengers) and he has them in his office at church. Sadly, I never found that Giant Man, or any of the other Avengers (I want the Vision!). I'll probably pick up the new Iron Man for myself. I did get some new figures recently. I bought the Robin and Blackfire figures from the DC Direct Teen Titans line. Blackfire is worse than the Hush Poison Ivy about staying up on her stand (I finally got Ivy standing permanently! Without her having the ivy under her free foot!) I don't even have Blackfire standing. Now I need the Deathstroke and Wondergirl because the second wave of Teen Titans comes out soon, and I really want that Superboy. I also heard there is a Superman/Batman DC direct line starting soon, and I'm really looking forward to that, just so Michael Turner's Supergirl can finally get a figure! I hope anyway...

Hungry Like the Wolf