EXPECTATIONS AND PREDICTIONS FOR 2005 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"EXPECTATIONS AND PREDICTIONS FOR 2005" , posted Fri 17 Dec 21:38post reply

Just like my other thread except this is for expectations and predictions on any media and anything else that you would like to include.


the NEW Zelda game for Gamecube
Hurricane Pack for Ninja Gaiden
KOF 2k2 and 2k3 double pack on PS2 and Xbox
KOF 2k4
Super Monkey Ball Collection for Xbox
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children((?) that CGI movie)
Rival Schools comics


In the Street Fighter comic, the Street Fighter Tournament will not start until the 25th issue.

I am hoping that we get two (2) KOF's next year. I am hoping for a late first quarter or a late 2nd quarter for 2k4 and get a 2k5 around this time next year. It's a pipe dream but a guy can dream can't he?

Someone in the Marvel Universe will come back from the dead.


54th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):EXPECTATIONS AND PREDICTIONS FOR 2005" , posted Fri 17 Dec 23:59post reply


- Nejibako, certainly
- the next KoF
- FFVII Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus
- A new Rockman Zero game
- A new KoF/SNK-esque game from some softhouse


- The next KoF will suck
- The new KoF/SNK-esque game from some softhouse will suck
- There will be some other "All Stars" game made. Something like "Mortal Kombat Vs Agressors of Dark Combat" or "Namco Super Arena Battle" kind of stuff. Which will suck.
- Sprite rehashes will keep haunting us
- Wario will rule the world
- Hideo Kojima will announce another Metal Gear game
- Capcom will release another lame Resident Evil game

That's pretty much about it


12th Post

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"Re(2):EXPECTATIONS AND PREDICTIONS FOR 2005" , posted Sat 18 Dec 02:51:post reply


> NeoGeo Battle Coliseum
> The next KOF starring Ash Crimson
> FFXII, FFVII Advent Children, FFVII Dirge of Cerberus, FFVII Crisis Core
> Halo 2 Downloadable Contents, such as new maps and weapons
> KOF non related to the main storyline, such as Neowave 2 and/or Maximum Impact 2
> Next Guilty Gear game (I hope Guilty Gear 3)
> Tekken 5 Home Console
> Ragnarok Online II (Full 3D)
> The next expansion of Final Fantasy XI
> English version of StellaDeus

> Another SNK's fighting for Atomiswave (Mark of the Wolves 2?)
> Ninja Gaiden 2 and Dead or Alive 4
> FFXIII and another FFVII Compilation
> Next Metal Gear and Resident Evil
> Xbox2 and Halo 3
> PlayStation3 and the successor of GameCube (Project Revolution)
> The next Virtua Fighter
> Shadow Hearts III (mann, I love this series)
> New Panzer Dragoon game
> GameCube version of Jump! Superstar
> Another Grand Theft Auto game
> Another Dragon Ball Budokai


> NeoGeo Battle Coliseum would be great (and featuring Mars People)
> The next KOF also would be great, cause I love KOF2003
> Tekken 5 would be a hot game! A really lot of console exclusive things.
> FFXII will be very different, yet very good and enjoyable
> FFXI will have a new jobs in the latest expansion
> Ragnarok Online/ROII will feature a new kingdom and at least 4 more jobs
> Bungie will bring back Hang 'Em High for Halo 2
> Kurando and Anastasia will be the main hero/heroine in Shadow Hearts III
> Gran Turismo 4 is delayed again!
> A lot of connectivity between PSP and PS2, including FFXII!
> Working Design brings Generation of Chaos Collection to US!
> Square is finally support Xbox or maybe Xbox2
> Batman rulez in 2005, because the movie is soooo good (just like Spidey this year).

That's all for now...

[this message was edited by GrandC on Sat 18 Dec 03:01]

1341th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):EXPECTATIONS AND PREDICTIONS FOR 2005" , posted Sat 18 Dec 03:30post reply


- Sammy's Kenju will be Amazing.
- KOF 94 Rebout will be great.
- The New Darkstalkers Arcade Game will be an upgraded port of the PSP version but will also include some new characters from the "create a Darkstalkers contest" held a while back. And Udon Endings. Is this an expectation or a prediction? I guess it's kinda both.


- CFE2
- Sammy vs. Capcom
- Neo Geo Battle Coliseum vs. Capcom Fighting Jam will be announced and we'll get that instead of SVC Chaos 2.
- Thor will replace Sentry in Avengers, Spider-Woman will be replaced with Scarlet Witch when she gets, "better."
- To counter DC continuing Avengers/JLA without Marvel, Marvel will continue the series without DC. It's like Capcom using CVS2 Shin Gouki in CFE all over again...
- If the new Evil Dead Movie doesn't have Bruce Campbell it will suck.
- The rumored SFZ 2 Anime is scrapped for a SF3 OVA series based on Ryu Final. Okay this is wishful thinking...
- Udon starts making KOF Comics and within 2 years we have our CVS Comic!
- Quesada leaves Marvel thus ending the DC/Marvel rivalry and the new editor at Marvel FINALLY greenlights an X-Men vs. SF Comic. More wishful thinking? Ah well. I hate a love/hate thing with Quesada...

427th Post

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"Re(3):EXPECTATIONS AND PREDICTIONS FOR 2005" , posted Sat 18 Dec 04:02post reply


Neo Geo Battle Colliseum.
Rockman EXE 5 (Even saw an auction for some merchandise for it already.).
Rocman Zero 4.
Tekken 5.
Vampire Chronicle: Chaos Tower (PS2)
Another KOF game.
Another Samurai Spirits game.
More Teen Titans Episodes.
More Yugioh Episodes
More Venture Brothers Episodes.
More Birdman Episodes.
Star Wars: Episode III.


Another Transformers cartoon that'll suck because everyone will compare it to the generation one cartoons.
Episode III won't fare any better than the previous two movies.
Akuma will make another unnecessary appearance in a Capcom fighter.
KOF 2004 will fix most of the problems of KOF 2003; most notable the jacked up throw system and hopefully removing the remaining CD attacks that were kept in KOF 2003.
Rockman X characters as Navis/Viruses in EXE 5 (Would be nice...).
V.G. Neo OAV volumes 3 & 4 (Maybe...)
Another V.G. Graphic Novel game for the PC (Now the big question GIGA, will any of the characters that weren't in V.G. Neo return or will you do what I've been pondering and dump everyone from V.G. Neo except Yuka and Reimi and bring in more new characters?).
Rockman X8 OST CD.
Another Rockman title (Command Mission 2?).
Another sequel for other series or two.

Shingo The One
315th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):EXPECTATIONS AND PREDICTIONS FOR 2005" , posted Sat 18 Dec 04:07post reply


- Sammy's Kenju will be Amazing.
- KOF 94 Rebout will be great.
- The New Darkstalkers Arcade Game will be an upgraded port of the PSP version but will also include some new characters from the "create a Darkstalkers contest" held a while back. And Udon Endings. Is this an expectation or a prediction? I guess it's kinda both.


- CFE2
- Sammy vs. Capcom
- Neo Geo Battle Coliseum vs. Capcom Fighting Jam will be announced and we'll get that instead of SVC Chaos 2.
- Thor will replace Sentry in Avengers, Spider-Woman will be replaced with Scarlet Witch when she gets, "better."
- To counter DC continuing Avengers/JLA without Marvel, Marvel will continue the series without DC. It's like Capcom using CVS2 Shin Gouki in CFE all over again...
- If the new Evil Dead Movie doesn't have Bruce Campbell it will suck.
- The rumored SFZ 2 Anime is scrapped for a SF3 OVA series based on Ryu Final. Okay this is wishful thinking...
- Udon starts making KOF Comics and within 2 years we have our CVS Comic!
- Quesada leaves Marvel thus ending the DC/Marvel rivalry and the new editor at Marvel FINALLY greenlights an X-Men vs. SF Comic. More wishful thinking? Ah well. I hate a love/hate thing with Quesada...

Actually my friend Sano, KOF '94 ReBout will be out on the final Tuesday of this month, so technically it will be out this year(just a correction).Later.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

1343th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):EXPECTATIONS AND PREDICTIONS FOR 2005" , posted Sat 18 Dec 04:22post reply


Actually my friend Sano, KOF '94 ReBout will be out on the final Tuesday of this month, so technically it will be out this year(just a correction).Later.

OK thanks!

14th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):EXPECTATIONS AND PREDICTIONS FOR 2005" , posted Sat 18 Dec 04:37:post reply


Jump Superstars
Tekken 5
Samurai Shodown AW
Metal Slug AW
The next KOF (Formerly known as KOF 2004)
The next Guilty Gear (Not Isuka 2, please.)
The possibilty of a new Vampire game.
The new Batman movie
Both Wario Ware games (in english)


The Batman movie would actually be good.
Nejibako would actually have a bootlegger as it's boss. Oh, and the game would turn out to be loads of fun.
Jump Superstars will have classic Jump characters (Aside from DBZ).
Another Mario sports game.
Another GTA.
Capcom Fighting Evolution 2.
Tekken 5's adventure mode would actually be fun, unlike Tekken 4's Tekken Force.

[this message was edited by Santoryuu on Sat 18 Dec 04:41]

16th Post

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"Re(1):EXPECTATIONS AND PREDICTIONS FOR 2005" , posted Sat 18 Dec 05:21post reply

-KoF 2004
-Devil May Cry 3
-Resident Evil 4
-KoF 2002/2003 double pack
-Final Fantasy XII

-KoF 2004 will actually be good, and won't suck like 2003 did
-Sony will announce the PS3
-Microsoft will announce the Xbox's successor
-details about Metal Gear Solid 4 will begin to surface

133th Post

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"Re(3):EXPECTATIONS AND PREDICTIONS FOR 2005" , posted Sun 19 Dec 11:03post reply

FF AC ...
that's all that i care for...

You've been very bad~ Now off to the gas chamber!