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HAYATO 127th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(2):This world is getting sicker by the day" , posted Sun 19 Dec 19:58
quote: read it in details if u want... the last thing we need is to have news reports like these to desensitize the whole american and european societies w/ such... sickening sins and evil... I HOPE this comment is some sort of joke...
God Forbid anything like that ever happen in America or Europe! COUGH GAINE COUGH DAHMER COUGH COUGH SAWNEY BEAN
Here in Europe we had the "Rottenburg Cannibal" case, about a man called Armin Meiwes and his internet friend who wanted to die, having dinner together. The problem was that the dinner consisted of fried penis, the penis of Armin's friend. After eating his own penis with Armin, the man died from blood loss, and Armin shredded him and put his pieces in a fridge for future consuming.
When authorities got the Rottenburg cannibal, there were a lot of legal troubles to charge him, because he murdered no one, as his friend wanted to die...and Armin was no crazy man, just had his "moral convictions" screwed, or so said the doctors.
He recognized having cannibal fantasies since he was 8, when he imagined himself devouring the schoolfriends he found attractive...