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DarkZero 1013th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(2):Media Factory scenario" , posted Mon 20 Dec 09:47
I just find it hilarious that actual legal action from a Japanese company who owns the rights to an anime can't stop it from being fansubbed and distributed, but somehow the overwhelming forces of absolutely nothing seem to have successfully stopped me from getting new episodes of Keroro Gunsou, along with timely episodes of Initial D Fourth Stage.
I understand that Media Factory's stuff is pretty good, even though I've never watched any of it, but I don't understand why their fans are so vehement about continuing the fansubs when all of their fellow fansubbers are really pretty laid back about getting episodes out.
The fansubbers and the licensors seem to work so well together most of the time, but I swear that there's something about illicit subbing that really gets the fansubbers' juices flowing. Like Godannar. The last few episodes of Godannar were subbed farther and farther apart, taking longer and longer to finish the series. Then, just days before the show was officially licensed, two episodes suddenly show up simultaneously. Yeah, that's a nice coincidence.