Media Factory scenario - Forums

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Bata kun
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Media Factory scenario" , posted Mon 20 Dec 07:07post reply

Guess who? I am taking a short break from my hiatus to help Professor-san make more threads. Hee!

Old news, but it seems that Media Factory has sent AnimeSuki a legal request to remove links to torrents for their series.

Man! I never saw an episode of "School Rumble" and I never finished "Kiminozo"! Oh well.


135th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Media Factory scenario" , posted Mon 20 Dec 08:55post reply

Yeah, thigs are getting really nasty for BT eMule users. Anyway, all these actions against P2P are not going to kill the rights of thousands of people to share what they want, so everything will be pretty similar to how they are now...or at least that's my opinion.

1013th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Media Factory scenario" , posted Mon 20 Dec 09:47post reply

I just find it hilarious that actual legal action from a Japanese company who owns the rights to an anime can't stop it from being fansubbed and distributed, but somehow the overwhelming forces of absolutely nothing seem to have successfully stopped me from getting new episodes of Keroro Gunsou, along with timely episodes of Initial D Fourth Stage.

I understand that Media Factory's stuff is pretty good, even though I've never watched any of it, but I don't understand why their fans are so vehement about continuing the fansubs when all of their fellow fansubbers are really pretty laid back about getting episodes out.

The fansubbers and the licensors seem to work so well together most of the time, but I swear that there's something about illicit subbing that really gets the fansubbers' juices flowing. Like Godannar. The last few episodes of Godannar were subbed farther and farther apart, taking longer and longer to finish the series. Then, just days before the show was officially licensed, two episodes suddenly show up simultaneously. Yeah, that's a nice coincidence.

Satoshi Miwa
2757th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Media Factory scenario" , posted Mon 20 Dec 09:58post reply

I liked the fact that Solar did nothing but change their name for Genshiken 8. You figured they would changed the font a bit or other things around, but it was pretty much clear it was Solar doing the subbing...

I just hope the anime does get licenced...-.-

287th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Media Factory scenario" , posted Mon 20 Dec 14:32post reply

I liked the fact that Solar did nothing but change their name for Genshiken 8. You figured they would changed the font a bit or other things around, but it was pretty much clear it was Solar doing the subbing...

I just hope the anime does get licenced...-.-

It's gotten to where fansubbers are doing licensed-but-not-released shows "on the side" as another group name just because the show got licensed before it finished or they finished subbing. Like Tenjo Tenge, Elfen Lied and a host of others. It's that sort of thing that actually makes it look like a worse thing than it technically is.

Truthfuly, as much as I'd like to keep watching School Rumble and Genshiken, I'm going to respect the wishes of MFI and just not watch them. That and I'm not a fan of Wannabe-Fansubs anyway. :P

Course, that's not to say I'm 100% on one side. I did watch those last two episodes of Godannar that they dragged their feet with til after it was licensed. It was just too close to the end of the series to wait until ADV got there in 3 years with their DVD releases to watch just 2 episodes (especially as important as they were).