A question that's been bothering me - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Bata kun
2426th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"A question that's been bothering me" , posted Mon 20 Dec 07:12post reply

I have a question that has been bothering me for a year or so now.

"Where in the world is Chupiler?"


3151th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"chupacabras" , posted Mon 20 Dec 08:05post reply


"Where in the world is Chupiler?"

Chupiler sucks at compiler!

3979th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Mon 20 Dec 08:11post reply

I have a question that has been bothering me for a year or so now.

"Where in the world is Chupiler?"

Well, at first Chupiler had a happy life with a happy job that allowed him to slack off in the internet and everyone was happy... Until one day, one day Chupiler needed more $ and have to give in to an imperialist life style with a tough job and no internet time.

Rumor has it that he has fulfilled his dream of kidnapping a 16 old girl while she was cosplaying Kula.... It's good that things turn out well for some people.

See??? He is a God...

886th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Sat 25 Dec 17:27post reply


143th Post

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"Re(3):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Sat 25 Dec 18:01post reply


There Chupiler is! Your question is answered and all is well.

The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.

5272th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Sat 25 Dec 20:53post reply

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Bata kun
2432th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Sun 26 Dec 02:31:post reply


Whoa! You still exist! Did you get my e-mail a long while back when I still had my old alias/aliases (Jazzie D/Jazzie-kun)?

Edit: If you're planning to e-mail me, I now changed my e-mail address. It's Bata _ kun @ asia . com and I will not change it for a while. (Remove the spaces.)

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Sun 26 Dec 02:45]

887th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Mon 27 Dec 12:22post reply

Well, I've been pretty busy, though I check the board every so often. I don't want to constantly check the board, so I stopped posting for the most part. Still into games and all. Only fighter I'm into at the moment is the Rumble Fish.

Hmm...I might've deleted it, sorry. I'll send an email.

Krzyzewski Man
1007th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Mon 27 Dec 14:13post reply

Well, I've been pretty busy, though I check the board every so often. I don't want to constantly check the board, so I stopped posting for the most part. Still into games and all. Only fighter I'm into at the moment is the Rumble Fish.

Hmm...I might've deleted it, sorry. I'll send an email.


And aren't you one of five people who are into Rumble Fish?

Krzyzewski Man:
Lowering the tone since 1985.

5286th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Mon 27 Dec 15:54post reply

And aren't you one of five people who are into Rumble Fish?

Really, people that gave the game a chance really like it.
Many people were just retarded KOF or Capcom followers who saw it was not exactly like one of the games they feel like they are engaged with and bashed it mindlessly.

450th Post

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"Re(7):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Mon 27 Dec 17:08post reply

And aren't you one of five people who are into Rumble Fish?

Really, people that gave the game a chance really like it.
Many people were just retarded KOF or Capcom followers who saw it was not exactly like one of the games they feel like they are engaged with and bashed it mindlessly.

It's not so bad... just feels weird. Kind of floaty... The character designs could also be more inspired... but I do like the guy with the hat though, very funny.

Support the Strongest Cooperation! Ibuki and Genjuro!

146th Post

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"Re(8):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Mon 27 Dec 18:37post reply

I thought it was a pretty good game. Better than Capcom Fighting Jam in my opinion. While Rumble Fish does feel a bit different, it does have its charm. Of all new 2D fighters until Neo Geo's new one, I think Rumble Fish is the nicest for now. Of course, when I think of new 2D fighter games, I really think of only CFJ, Rumble Fish, and this other strange one that I never heard of before til I saw it new in the arcades today (a no-name developer I think, had teams of 3 taken from RPG type settings, graphics looked old, so might have been old. But the arcade had it in the new fighting game section near CJF and Tekken 5). So, Rumble Fish > CFJ > Strange Game

The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.

22th Post

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New Customer

"Re(9):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Mon 27 Dec 19:34post reply

this other strange one that I never heard of before til I saw it new in the arcades today (a no-name developer I think, had teams of 3 taken from RPG type settings, graphics looked old, so might have been old. But the arcade had it in the new fighting game section near CJF and Tekken 5). So, Rumble Fish > CFJ > Strange Game

Chaos Breaker by Eolith for Taito.

Aaaaah Rumblefish, will you ever make me sell my young brother's organs to buy you on AtomisWave instead of that sucky PS2 port coming next year ? Only time (and some drunk easy talking forum members) will tell !

888th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(9):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Tue 28 Dec 02:50post reply

When I play TRF in the arcades, most people I play against never use AAs or IBs at all, which really bugs me, since that means people aren't understanding the game at all, and probably will get tired of the game before actually seeing its potential. So for the most part, I play with my friends after brainwashing them to like the game. I've been using Boyd, Kaya, Orville and Zen, with the occasional Hikari. I'm hoping for the home version to pick up in popularity, but the game is just missing impact...

147th Post

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"Re(10):A question that's been bothering me" , posted Tue 28 Dec 06:29post reply


Chaos Breaker by Eolith for Taito.

Yeah, that is the one. I didn't know Eolith did it. Looks like the company wasn't no-name after all, but the game was still only so-so. I played it when I saw a whacky undead knight riding around fighting. Meh.

The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.

2292th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Tue 28 Dec 08:38post reply

chupiler - I am curious to know whether or not you have played Asuka much.

I'm planning on writing a big manifesto on it, and need a couple more technical players to advise me.

889th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Tue 28 Dec 09:16post reply

chupiler - I am curious to know whether or not you have played Asuka much.

I'm planning on writing a big manifesto on it, and need a couple more technical players to advise me.

Asuka, as in 120%? I have, but I get so confused about the differences...Burning Fest, Excellent, Final... I can play it again and maybe give you some advice, though I'm not sure it'll be helpful.

2293th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Tue 28 Dec 09:37post reply


Asuka, as in 120%? I have, but I get so confused about the differences...Burning Fest, Excellent, Final... I can play it again and maybe give you some advice, though I'm not sure it'll be helpful.

well mostly what I want to do (that I'd need help on, at least) is the intricacies of the fighting system, and what makes it special. If you haven't played it recently, it may not be so useful...I just seem to remember that you liked the games a bit.

we're gonna do something of an overview of the history, distinguish between the different versions, talk about the system used, etc etc.

890th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Wed 29 Dec 03:16post reply


Asuka, as in 120%? I have, but I get so confused about the differences...Burning Fest, Excellent, Final... I can play it again and maybe give you some advice, though I'm not sure it'll be helpful.

well mostly what I want to do (that I'd need help on, at least) is the intricacies of the fighting system, and what makes it special. If you haven't played it recently, it may not be so useful...I just seem to remember that you liked the games a bit.

we're gonna do something of an overview of the history, distinguish between the different versions, talk about the system used, etc etc.

Well, I know there are (were?) Japanese sites on Asuka, so maybe I could look for them while playing some.

2302th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Wed 29 Dec 03:56post reply


Well, I know there are (were?) Japanese sites on Asuka, so maybe I could look for them while playing some.

that'd rock. I think ASK Kodansha or Fill-in Cafe used to have sites...wonder if they're still around.

226th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Wed 29 Dec 07:09post reply

I have a spanish magazine (now defunct, I told you about it some time ago), that features a complete dossier about the subject.

If you don't find anything useful, drop me a line and I'll scan it for you. Don't know at the moment if it talked about the gameplay in the depth you are looking for, though.

2305th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Wed 29 Dec 07:47post reply

I have a spanish magazine (now defunct, I told you about it some time ago), that features a complete dossier about the subject.

ooooooh scan it for me anyway!! thanks!

12th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Thu 30 Dec 05:44post reply


well mostly what I want to do (that I'd need help on, at least) is the intricacies of the fighting system, and what makes it special. If you haven't played it recently, it may not be so useful...I just seem to remember that you liked the games a bit.

It is alredy done by Edward Chang the famous original GGXX#R FAQ writer. The date of release is 5.12.04. RB FAQ contains in-depth game mechanics section and full move lists with a lot of comments and explanation. Just check out GameFaqs. By the way I just cant wait for the console version arrival… On RB official site by DIMPS the say spring 2005 and also that console version will have one ot two additional characters.

It is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice...

2315th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Thu 30 Dec 06:02post reply


It is alredy done by Edward Chang the famous original GGXX#R FAQ writer.

I think you missed when the subject shifted to the Asuka series.

13th Post

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New Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Thu 30 Dec 20:05post reply


I think you missed when the subject shifted to the Asuka series.

Then I am sorry for missandestanding.

It is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice...

3987th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Thu 30 Dec 23:44:post reply


It is alredy done by Edward Chang the famous original GGXX#R FAQ writer.

I think you missed when the subject shifted to the Asuka series.

Wait - if I do recall - there are 3 versions of Asuka, the SNES one that is just plain 'Asuka' the PSX that is 'Asuka 120%' (I think that this isn't SD and has cinema displays) and the Asuka 120% on PC that is SD and has lesbo/straight H type material all over... I don't quite recall and I'm drunk at this time...

I remember I played the PC game a long time (because it was the onley one I could have).... I'll see if I can dig up something from my past....

edit -> some pointers and spelling, boy I am drunk ¬¬

See??? He is a God...

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 31 Dec 01:09]

5329th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Fri 31 Dec 00:02post reply

Asuka 120% on PC that is SD and has H type material all over...

I feel betrayed.

2320th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):A question that's been bothering" , posted Fri 31 Dec 04:00post reply

there are lots of versions.
these systems have one asuka game each:
fm towns marty
pc engine

then the PS has three versions. each version is different. I was unaware of a SNES version...

892th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Asuka" , posted Fri 31 Dec 14:24:post reply


It is alredy done by Edward Chang the famous original GGXX#R FAQ writer.

I think you missed when the subject shifted to the Asuka series.

Wait - if I do recall - there are 3 versions of Asuka, the SNES one that is just plain 'Asuka' the PSX that is 'Asuka 120%' (I think that this isn't SD and has cinema displays) and the Asuka 120% on PC that is SD and has lesbo/straight H type material all over... I don't quite recall and I'm drunk at this time...

I remember I played the PC game a long time (because it was the onley one I could have).... I'll see if I can dig up something from my past....

edit -> some pointers and spelling, boy I am drunk ¬¬

You sure you're not talking about the VG series? Because I don't remember any ero version or SF version, but VG has both.

Here are all the versions I know of (just throw BURNING Fest. at the end; I'm to lazy to write in all down):

Asuka 120% (FM-Towns)
Asuka 120% (X68000)
Asuka 120% EXCELLENT (FM-Towns)
Asuka 120% MAXIMA (PC-Engine)
Asuka 120% Special (PS)
Asuka 120% Special Ver. 2 (PS)
Asuka 120% EXCELLENT (PS)
Asuka 120% LIMITED (SS)
Asuka 120% Limit Over (SS)*
Asuka 120% FINAL (PS)
Asuka 120% RETURN (PC)

* Limit Over is unique in the fact that 1) it was distributed freely over the net, 2) you needed to burn it = your Saturn needed to play copies (you still needed the original game) and 3) this was donw by the staff of the game for bug fixes/move additions.

-edit: fixed a spelling error, else I'l miss some sleep.

[this message was edited by Chupiler on Fri 31 Dec 14:25]

232th Post

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"Re(1):Asuka" , posted Sat 1 Jan 01:19post reply

I've just scanned the dossier I was talking about. After reading it, and after reading your posts, you seem to know more than what's written in the magazine. At least, you can practice your Spanish...

They are 10 pages packed on a .RAR file of about 16MB. I know that the scans looked better at half the size, but well, I leave that up to you. So, where should I send these files? Uploading it to an FTP would be neat.

2326th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Asuka" , posted Sun 2 Jan 06:07:post reply


Asuka 120% (FM-Towns)
Asuka 120% (X68000)
Asuka 120% EXCELLENT (FM-Towns)
Asuka 120% MAXIMA (PC-Engine)
Asuka 120% Special (PS)
Asuka 120% Special Ver. 2 (PS)
Asuka 120% EXCELLENT (PS)
Asuka 120% LIMITED (SS)
Asuka 120% Limit Over (SS)*
Asuka 120% FINAL (PS)
Asuka 120% RETURN (PC)

yeah, your list is good - I screwed up because I was doing it from memory :P afterwards I actually looked it up.

and as for where to send the scans, let me see if I can find your email address and send you ftp info.

I can't really figure it out at this time of morning. is it ok to send it to a gmail account? insertcredit at gmail.com

[this message was edited by exodus on Sun 2 Jan 06:11]

238th Post

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"Re(2):Asuka" , posted Sun 2 Jan 12:30post reply


I can't really figure it out at this time of morning. is it ok to send it to a gmail account? insertcredit at gmail.com

Ninmu kanryō!