VMJ PS2 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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5217th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"VMJ PS2" , posted Tue 21 Dec 05:40post reply

Nothing new here, I just want to rant about this game.

This thing is supposed to be released the 5th of february. And it officially sucks : it's basically VMJ with the maps of the powerup kit (but without the 4 new genma or the awesome new characters, not counting the cameo ones). It also takes away some of the art and replaces it by crappy drawings, while adding awful characters when all they had to do was using those of the powerup kit.

The choice of the maps in particular kills the game. It could have been a port of VMJ alone, which could have been alright at least; but the fact the maps are from the powerup kit just don't make it. The PUK added 4 genma who had ties with the water level of the map (a fire monster that goes in the water, an ungodly powerful low level water monster but that can't swim, etc). They made sense with those maps, and added even more deepness in them. But since they don't seem to be in the game, the most flowned maps will just be suikaku and yorozumitama orgies. Way to ruin normal VMJ.

Was it really that hard to adapt the PUK, add the maps of normal VMJ and a scenario mode available for everyone? No need for dialogs, it would have been only to see how the characters that are not part of the 8 heroes grow. But no, the game didn't have enough poorly drawned art in it, let's fill the gap!

Oh, and now even the menus look like shit.
I'm so pissed off.

While we're at it, any rumors on why Ys3 is in limbo ?


665th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):VMJ PS2" , posted Tue 21 Dec 06:50post reply


While we're at it, any rumors on why Ys3 is in limbo ?

You know, that's really funny, because I think they recently announced a Ys 4 remake. I assume it's PC Engine Ys4, not the SFami one.

Anyway, after the overwhelmingly mediocre Ys Eternal PS2 port, I'm not expecting much anymore.

18th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):VMJ PS2" , posted Tue 21 Dec 11:36:post reply


While we're at it, any rumors on why Ys3 is in limbo ?

No, but they're going to redo all the musics of YsVI's PSP/PS2 port. Also, the game will lose it's "VI", apparently in order to not make the Taito remakes look like old episodes to the mainstream audience.

Whereas... err... they are.

Anyway, this whole "VMJPS2 sucks" thing makes me glad to get owned by the PC version.

[edit] Interesting, Pollyanna is still credited as the last poster on the main page.

[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Tue 21 Dec 11:38]

21th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):VMJ PS2" , posted Tue 21 Dec 12:51post reply

Hearing all this has further cemented my decision to get the the PC version of VM Japan. Thank you Yahoo JP for selling it to me for only 900 yen (plus extra fees).

668th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):VMJ PS2" , posted Tue 21 Dec 15:40post reply


No, but they're going to redo all the musics of YsVI's PSP/PS2 port. Also, the game will lose it's "VI", apparently in order to not make the Taito remakes look like old episodes to the mainstream audience.

Like NEW music or redone music? The soundtrack was pretty good. I know that they can't make a better boss theme.

Also, the last poster credited problem is pretty common.

5221th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):VMJ PS2" , posted Tue 21 Dec 19:52post reply

No, but they're going to redo all the musics of YsVI's PSP/PS2 port. Also, the game will lose it's "VI", apparently in order to not make the Taito remakes look like old episodes to the mainstream audience.

AAahahahahahahaha. Oh, this is great.
Why can't Falcom make their own port themselves ?

Interesting, Pollyanna is still credited as the last poster on the main page.

It's a special bug feature of the board: the third post of a thread never shows on the main page.
It's very useful when you want to whisper something not many people will see, or too late. It's nearly as precious as a second post of a 2ch thread.