Yet another AA thread - Forums

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5229th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Yet another AA thread" , posted Wed 22 Dec 07:26post reply

AA are marvelous. AA are life. AA are the moe.

Good evening, I'm Iggy. In this post, I will try to take you to the wonderful, but mysterious world of the AA.
AA can be pure, and beautiful. Some are huge, some are small. But all of them are a part of their reader's heart, and the smallest are sometimes the most brilliant. Sometimes, when you see a huge AA, don't you think "this is in a bad taste" ? For example, speaking of bad taste, can you recognize this place :

                                      _,. -‐'"~  ,ォ、 ``''ー 、_
                                 、-─'''"~__,,,..〟-‐''"个`';ー-, 、.,_``''ー-;:-
                                  `ー=ニ二!  |^'│ . |  |  |  l゙ニフ ̄
                    ;r、              {ニlニlヨ=!ー'''','二二ニ三王ー亠'=|;
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  ノ;';ゞ,ヽ;;》、ゞゞ'ー;;;;-ャ ヾ;;| |-=ゞ゙;ヾヾ、=''""二`"^"^ー──────────亠---------------'
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 /_,;;;-ーi─--──l''iー( ̄ ヽi-''´二   ─   二   ─   二   ─   二   ─   二   ─
二`''''ー‐亠───‐'‐'`""~゙ ̄二   ─   二   ─   二   ─   二   ─   二   ─
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  ─   二   ─   二   ─   二   ─   二   ─   二   ─   二   ─

I think you see where I'm going. Good evening, I'm Iggy. In the next lines, I will introduce you to the world of minimalist AA. For example, let's see this classic AA of Sora from Kaleidostar begging >>1 to apologize to whoever he offended :

:.,' . : : ; .::i'メ、,_  i.::l ';:.: l '、:.:::! l::! : :'、:i'、: : !, : : : : : :l:.'、: :   
'! ,' . : i .;'l;' _,,ニ';、,iソ  '; :l ,';.::! i:.!  : '、!:';:. :!:. : : : :.; i : :'、:  
i:.i、: :。:!.i.:',r'゙,rf"`'iミ,`'' ゙ ';.i `N,_i;i___,,_,'、-';‐l'i'':':':':‐!: i : : '、
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:!!゚:i.'、o:'、 ゙、::゙''".::ノ        i゙:;:li,__,ノ;:'.、'、 :'i:::. i. !! : : !:   
.' :,'. :゙>;::'、⊂‐ニ;;'´          '、';{|llll!: :;ノ ! : !::i. : : : : i :    
: :,' /. :iヾ、   `        、._. ミ;;--‐'´.  /.:i;!o: : : :i : あやまれ!
: ; : ,' : : i.:      <_       ` ' ' ``'‐⊃./. :,: : : O: i. :
: i ,'. . : :',      、,,_            ,.:': ,r'. : , : : !: :
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;'. : :..:::;':::::;':::::`.、  |ソ/. : : : : : : ;,! ,/'゙. /.:::: :,:': :./',:!: j:;:i;!;
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.:::;:':::;':::;'::::::::::::::i:::i:::::..`'‐、、、-<゙.::::::::/.::: ://. : /.:::::::i :j::.'、:;;;
Now see what you can do :

:;' /:/ `メ、 i: ハ: i: : ii:i ヽ: i: :ii; : : : :iヽ: :
i: :i: i: i/,ィ=ミヽi: iヽNi:i_`iL:H---i:i: ヽ
i: :i :i / {.iトgj:i ヽ! lルィ丁゙)‐ミ「!: :ii/: : i
;':/ヾム⊂つ'´     i:.;{iil1:ソ i:i:::i !: : i:
: i: /: iト        、,,ミニっ /i/゚: o i .
: i:/: : i    、`_      ̄/.:/: : : i: :
: /: .::ハ   ゙llllllル `ヽ    //. : :/! i: .   <あやまれ!
/: .::/:::/`、  lll/: : : : :} /〃:./: /i iハ!
i. ::/i::/::::::i::ヽ`三ー 'ノ , イ/: /: /.::i i::::::
::::///::::::::i:::i:..ヽ---<::::/:::/: :/: : i iヽ::
  从。・`´・。゙リ <あやまれ!
 /ノ ゝ つ ノ/l


Another example : the cat teacher, trying to calm down Sora before Reiji says he refuses to apologize, and the gagman says "it's awful". Basic AA characters, as you know.
                        ,、 '";ィ'
________              /::::::/l:l
─- 、::::;;;;;;;;;`゙゙''‐ 、    __,,,,......,,,,_/:::::::::/: !|    
  . : : : : : : `゙'ヽ、:::゙ヾ´::::::::::::::::::::::`゙゙゙'''‐'、. l|    
、、 . : : : : : : : : r'":::::::::::::::::::::::::,r':ぃ::::ヽ::::::::ヽ!                 ,、- 、
.ヽ:゙ヽ; : : : : : :ノ:::::::::::::::::::::;;、-、、゙:::     rー-:'、                /   }¬、
. \::゙、: : : :./::::::::::::::;、-''"::::::::::   ,...,:::,::., :::':、            _,,/,,  ,、.,/   }
   ヽ:ヽ、 /:::::::::::::::::::::::::     _  `゙''‐''"  __,,',,,,___       /~   ヾ::::ツ,、-/
     `ヽ、:::::::::;;;、、--‐‐'''''',,iニ-    _|  、-l、,},,   ̄""'''¬-, '  ''‐-、 .,ノ'゙,i';;;;ツ
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       l;、-'゙:   ,/      ゞ=‐'"~゙゙') ./. \    /  '''"/::::;:::;r-''‐ヽ
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  ,ケ::   ',. /  ,:'゙
X,.^ャ~ト β
'´'   ` ' '

Yes, this is a cat. Good evening, I'm Iggy. Now let's try a minimalist AA from the start :


This is an angry cat.

ho orl

Those are two angry cats.
Now, let's pass to the exam : what is this ?



357th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Yet another AA thread" , posted Wed 22 Dec 07:33post reply


Now, let's pass to the exam : what is this ?


Is two angry cats resolve their problems, Iggy-sensei?!


5230th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Yet another AA thread" , posted Wed 22 Dec 07:48post reply

Is two angry cats resolve their problems, Iggy-sensei?!

      _            ┌                     n /7       _
       | |            ヘ 「ト                  L|ム//)     | |
       | |__        く  ゝ)      _        へ人  ヘ∠      | |
       | __|         て彡      |  ハ        `┤フ⌒ヘ⊃     | |    イ
   ._ . | |             .| ヘ     .| ノ |-イ_  - 不 ーーイ        | |  / /
   .| |  | |             |\ ⌒\  .Y / √ /イ  \二 彡         | レ /
 ._| |_| |___         ヘ  i⌒ <~ Y//  / ヘ /    ノ         |  ,.イ
 |________|         ーへ //⌒>イ.( ヘ  入   /            ̄
                       \《   / / |ヘ ノ </ーイ        
                         ヽヘノ へ ヘ√  | |            
      _                  .| |ーー| |へ ム┘             _____
   __| |__              //ーー// √                 |    __  /
   |__ __|             √(⌒)□へ      ww           ̄ ̄ ̄/ /
   ┌─┘└─┐             i (^"^)\  ゝ    <イヘ|              / /
   └─┐┌─┘             |/ ヽイ⌒ -イヘ    ヽヲiヘ            /  \
   . , ─┘└- 、            . / /ヽヒ/ /  ヽ / フ⌒( ヘ         / /\. \
   イ と‐┐┌- .,/            ./ ん )ヘ (   <⌒ へ  ト ノ          / /    \. \
   ゝ,  ̄ ノ              ./   )/  \ヽ人 ⌒) )イムi )        ̄        ̄
      ̄               ん   /     √  イイヘムイ
                      | ) (  n /彳ヲ/ミヲ   | ヘ
    ._                 イ(⌒) ヒ >   </  ( \ (彡ヘ              _
  ._| |__  ,.-‐.、           .|  イ Eイ  イ |   ヘ  ) mm7          | |
  |_  .// イ .|            ) (  <  イ ヽヘ  ヘ ゝ             .| └─┐
   /    / |  |            へイ   |ア~ヘ   く ヘ人               | ┌─┘
   /   /  |  |           入ノ    \_/ヘ   ヽ|_\へ            . | |
   |__.....|   |  レイ         //      | ノ)     へ ヘii|           , ─┘└- 、 
    .| |   |   /               ∠_/      んゝ \        イ と‐┐┌- .,/
    .| |   ゝ-イ                             ̄        ゝ,  ̄ ノ

Yes !
But I won't be the one to make the first step.

96th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):Yet another AA thread" , posted Wed 22 Dec 07:58post reply

Iggy! Is it possible for you to post the AA of the family on the train tracks waiting to meet papa?

raspBerry jam
真っ赤なice ぶちまけろ

145th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):Yet another AA thread" , posted Wed 22 Dec 08:49post reply

What's the thing in the middle of the second AA? It looks like Guyver to me...but I guess I'm wrong...

99th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Yet another AA thread" , posted Wed 22 Dec 08:59:post reply

What's the thing in the middle of the second AA? It looks like Guyver to me...but I guess I'm wrong...

Edit: Nevermind

raspBerry jam
真っ赤なice ぶちまけろ

[this message was edited by Evenor on Wed 22 Dec 09:00]

360th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):Yet another AA thread" , posted Wed 22 Dec 09:02:post reply

What's the thing in the middle of the second AA? It looks like Guyver to me...but I guess I'm wrong...

It's Dio and The WORLD.

Resu yo, TOMARE!, indeed.


[this message was edited by Nate on Wed 22 Dec 09:03]

148th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):Yet another AA thread" , posted Wed 22 Dec 09:19post reply

Oh, shit!!! How could I miss that!!! I see the light now!!

Well, now that you mention it, let's take a look at this JoJo AA I found some time ago

5232th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Yet another AA thread" , posted Wed 22 Dec 19:58post reply

So, Junior, how was your day ?
       J( 'ー`)し    It was great!
        (  )\('∀`) I always wanted to go to Disneyland!
        ||  (_ _)ヾ
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       J( 'ー`)し    Mommy, where are we going now?
        (  )\('∀`) 
        ||  (_ _)ヾ
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Now ? We're going to meet Daddy!

       J( 'ー`)し    For real?
        (  )\('∀`) I never met him, I'm so excited!
        ||  (_ _)ヾ
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
OK Junior, now close your eyes.
         J( 'ー`)し    Yes mum!
          (  )\('∀`)  Like this ?
          ||  (_ _)ヾ
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /:::: ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   

Y...yes Junior, you're a good boy.
         J( 'A`)し     
          (  )\('∀`)  
          ||  (_ _)ヾ
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   

      /━━━━━━━━━ \
     |┃| ̄ ̄|. 〇 〇 [青梅]┃|
     |┃| ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|┃|
     |┃               JR ┃|
     |   ━━ ━━ ━━.  | 
     |     [青梅.特快]    | 
     |      \_/      .| 
     |  〇     ━━━   〇  | .
     |___J( 'A`)し._____|.  
      │   (  )\('∀`)      |  I can't wait to meet Daddy! 
      └──||  (_ _)ヾ.──┘   
        /         \    