If you bought the Jp version of MGS3 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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5240th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 01:06post reply







2202th Post

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"Re(1):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 02:30post reply






Jeezus, I just ordered that thing too... OTL

Time Mage
2013th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 02:36post reply

Can we normal people have an understandable explanation, or is this something that can only be written in Japanese?

103th Post

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"Re(1):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 02:47post reply

Please. What does the above mean? I was going to buy the jp version.

781th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 03:01post reply

Can we normal people have an understandable explanation, or is this something that can only be written in Japanese?

I guess an English translation would not be apt to render the touch of humour to be found at the 154th line. Too bad.

5243th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 03:16:post reply

Please. What does the above mean? I was going to buy the jp version.

To make a long story short, the game has many evil powers, amongst which the ability to eventually kill your PS2 if it's not a first gen.
In a way, this is worse than a new MOK-KOS.

And with the brilliant history of Konami's customer service, there's very little chances they ever fix the problems properly.

I didn't think it would be necessary to translate, since this is just for people interested in the japanese version (so fluent enough to play such a game in japanese), but here we go:

The legendary error generals :
The Load
The lead error. Uses his powers to make the sound jump or freeze to lower the player's stamina.

The Skip
Automatically skips some events to prevent the player to understand what's happening.

The Freeze
One of the strongest generals. The only way to recover from his attack is to switch the power off.

The No save
Prevents you from saving even if you have enough space in your memory card.

The Konami
The boss of the error generals. Each attack of the player against him will be nullified because "it's not our fault, it's your PS2 which is to blame".

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 23 Dec 03:19]

3981th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 03:39post reply

What, do you mean it doesn't kill any dragon quest related save files??

Who said that this was the game of the year XD

See??? He is a God...

20th Post

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"Snake Vs. Worm" , posted Thu 23 Dec 07:06:post reply

Your mission, Raiden, is to neutralize Dead Cell Phone.

メタルギア シンビャン !

[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Thu 23 Dec 07:09]

61th Post

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"Re(1):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 11:09post reply

And oh, yeah






Iggy > God


2204th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 12:21:post reply

Can we normal people have an understandable explanation, or is this something that can only be written in Japanese?

Sorry, I didn't have much time to write yesterday. Anyway, here goes a quick summary:

People that bought MGS3 in Japan are complaining that the game has various issues, mainly concerning the game's loading. And it's not because they have old faulty PS2 consoles. Various people, including users who bought a new PS2 together with the game, are complaining. So there was apparently something that went wrong when Konami pressed the DVDs for the Japanese release.

Issues reported so far are-
- Voices break during the wire communications.
- The noises break on the sounds in the background (birds, grass, etc).
- Loading issues between SEND to the actual conversation
- The game freezes at times, or won't load.
- The movies skips at times.
- Doesn't allow you to save, or fails to save (might be only for PS2 models SCPH-15000)

So people are making fun of the game and summarizing the issues giving them code names like the mercenaries in MGS3. But the worst part, Konami probably won't replace the game judging from their reactions to problems in the past.

Which is really bad, since the game is still on sale in most stores and it's supposed to be the blockbuster title of Xmas.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 23 Dec 12:23]

448th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 13:08post reply


Issues reported so far are-
- Voices break during the wire communications.
- The noises break on the sounds in the background (birds, grass, etc).
- Loading issues between SEND to the actual conversation
- The game freezes at times, or won't load.
- The movies skips at times.
- Doesn't allow you to save, or fails to save (might be only for PS2 models SCPH-15000)

I'm playing on my friends PS2, (beat it last night actually). I only have serious skipping at one part in the game... and then it's a very small part. Other than that, I have skipping in the music whenever I call someone on the codec, like it's reading the disc or something. I've never had it freeze, or anything like that.

Support the Strongest Cooperation! Ibuki and Genjuro!

161th Post

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"Re(4):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 13:24:post reply

Issues reported so far are-
- Voices break during the wire communications.
- The noises break on the sounds in the background (birds, grass, etc).
- Loading issues between SEND to the actual conversation
- The game freezes at times, or won't load.
- The movies skips at times.
- Doesn't allow you to save, or fails to save (might be only for PS2 models SCPH-15000)

these problems exist with the US version, too. I have a first generation Playstation 2, and the new slim PSTwo, and the Voices breaking during the wire communications, the noises breaking on the sounds in the background (birds, grass, etc), and Loading issues between SEND to the actual conversation are all there. If you go to other messege boards like Gamefaqs, this has come up quite a bit.

[this message was edited by thebigword on Thu 23 Dec 13:27]

101th Post

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"Re(3):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 15:09post reply

Issues reported so far are-
- Voices break during the wire communications.

never happened to me (US version)

- The noises break on the sounds in the background (birds, grass, etc).

never happened

- Loading issues between SEND to the actual conversation

yep. this happened alot.. not disturbingly long, but long.

- The game freezes at times, or won't load.

never happened

- The movies skips at times.

nope. mine just paused and continued

- Doesn't allow you to save, or fails to save (might be only for PS2 models SCPH-15000)

never happened

konami should replace the game if it freezes or sound breaks.. i think this is a dvd issue so some dvd may work while some may not.

Where Life is more terrible than death it is then the truest valor to dare to live.

68th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 15:09post reply

Issues reported so far are-
- Voices break during the wire communications.
- The noises break on the sounds in the background (birds, grass, etc).
- Loading issues between SEND to the actual conversation
- The game freezes at times, or won't load.
- The movies skips at times.
- Doesn't allow you to save, or fails to save (might be only for PS2 models SCPH-15000)

these problems exist with the US version, too. I have a first generation Playstation 2, and the new slim PSTwo, and the Voices breaking during the wire communications, the noises breaking on the sounds in the background (birds, grass, etc), and Loading issues between SEND to the actual conversation are all there. If you go to other messege boards like Gamefaqs, this has come up quite a bit.

WHEW! I thought I was the only guy in America with this problem...I have been experiencing these problems as well. At first I thought it was because of my Action Replay but then I played it without the AR and I was still experiencing these problems. I have only played this game a few times and now I am hesitant to play because I do not want to kill my PS2 any time soon since I have bought it this past April.

Have you heard? Konami is now making a sub-division of their publishing branch called "Crap-nami." You will never see this label only due to the fact that will deny it's existence if you find any bugs or any crappy games for that manner. But any games that are not up to par will fall underneath this umbrella.

298th Post

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Copper Customer

"Sound skipping on radio calls" , posted Thu 23 Dec 15:32post reply

My PS2 is sick, it won't load some games at all and others only load some of the time.

Often when I make a radio call I can here the read head trying to track to the correct sector and failing, when this happens the background music is sometimes paused breifly(while waiting to load), but I've never had the conversation skip on me.

Be kind to goblins.

450th Post

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"Another note about Japanese and US versions" , posted Thu 23 Dec 15:43:post reply

I don't know who's played both so that they can compare. But I've watched videos of the story in English here.

I mainly did this so that I could watch the story in English so I could fully understand some of the more complex cutcenes(particularly the end). However, I was kind of shocked... Volgin and Ocelot's voices are ... well... much better in the Japanese version. Ocelot has MUCH more personality, and Volgin sounds MUCH more menacing. This is not because I can't understand what they are saying(I can), but more that their personalities fully come out on screen. Ocelot especially is much more subtle and sarchastic, and the famous 'hand gesture' fits him better when paired with the Japanese voice, I think.

I don't know if anyone else agrees... just my 2 cents. But yea, but bugs are bugs... none of them have broken the gameplay for me, and for that I'm thankful.

Edit: Clarification

Support the Strongest Cooperation! Ibuki and Genjuro!

[this message was edited by KTallguy on Thu 23 Dec 15:55]

Time Mage
2014th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Thu 23 Dec 19:55post reply

So, at least some of this errors are present in the US release... I hope they fix this issues in the European version: if I buy something for 60€, I'm expecting it to have at least some quality control.

674th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Fri 24 Dec 07:28post reply

Konami is really trying hard to make me hate them this year. It's been so easy to hate Capcom until I played Gyakuten Saiban and so hard to hate Konami, but now the tables are turning.

1249th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Fri 24 Dec 12:11post reply

So, at least some of this errors are present in the US release... I hope they fix this issues in the European version: if I buy something for 60€, I'm expecting it to have at least some quality control.

Just wait for MGS3:Solid, which I'm sure is six months away or less.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

5256th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Fri 24 Dec 19:29post reply

Just wait for MGS3:Solid, which I'm sure is six months away or less.

But since Konami is evil, the japanese version will have crappy english dub and some new bugs, like Twin Snakes.

1127th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(8):If you bought the Jp version of MGS3" , posted Fri 24 Dec 20:20post reply

LOL I love the touch with the Cobra unit=MGS3 error names pun.

Sí mon con langosta y camarón

5266th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Konami is spitting to the face of its clients" , posted Sat 25 Dec 01:53post reply


217th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):Konami is spitting to the face of its c" , posted Sat 25 Dec 09:01post reply

Konami is spitting to the face of its clients

They're gonna run out of saliva!