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Shingo The One 328th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(2):KOF 2k4 no more" , posted Fri 24 Dec 04:04
quote: So says Falcoon
He said at the SNK Playmore bounenkai yesterday that the new KOF game won't be KOF 2004 and won't follow the Maximum Impact style either.
It seems that they are developing a new style for the next game. If Falcoon can keep his finger far from this one it would be a great thing...
As for KOF2004/05 or what ever he'll be called, I wont expect many changes, If we are lucky we gonna have a KOF with good graphisms like Nejibako, a nice animation like MOTW, a balanced game like 98, and maybe at last an intereting game System....
Well please, all of this in 2D......
Well man, what is certain is that it will be Nona who will be the character artist for the new KOF and it will obviously be in 2D just like Nejibako, but if it will have all the cool things you just said,it could easily be the best the old and new SNK have ever created for a fighting game.Here's hoping.
There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.
Lupin 2768th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):KOF 2k3 sequel" , posted Fri 24 Dec 17:48:
Doesn't it just say that he's not working on KoF 2004?
There will probably not be a game called King of Fighters 2004, but the question is will 2003 have a sequel. They didn't give us a sequel to a few other games that could use one like Art of Fighting 4 or Mark of the Wolves 2.
edit must know
SNKプレイモア、シリーズ10周年記念「KOF忘年会」を開催 SNK pre IMOA and the 10th anniversary "a KOF year-end party" of series are held. 「KOF2004」は出ない! 別の「KOF」の開発は順調 "KOF2004" does not come out! Another development of "KOF" is favorable. 12月22日 開催 December 22 Holding
会場:テアトル新宿 The hall: Theatre Shinjuku
株式会社SNKプレイモアは、同社の対戦格闘「ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ(KOF)」シリーズが発売から10周年を迎えることを記念して、ファンを招いてのイベント「KOF忘年会」を、12月22日にテアトル新宿で開催した。 SNK, Inc. pre IMOA held the event "a KOF year-end party" to which the waging-war grapple "the THE king OBU Fighters (KOF)" series of the company invites a fan from sale in commemoration of celebrating the 10th anniversary in Theatre Shinjuku on December 22.
イベントの開始時刻は深夜0時30分で、終了したのは朝7時過ぎ。平日に行なわれたイベントであるにも関わらず、会場には200人近くのファンが集まり、夜を徹して大いに盛り上がった。ちなみに会場に集まったファンは男性が多かったものの、女性の参加者も決して少数ではなく、「KOF」が性別を問わず人気の高いタイトルだと改めて感じられた。 For the start time of an event, it is past [ 7:00 ] to be at 0:30 at midnight and to have ended in the morning. In spite of having been an event on weekdays, about 200 fans gathered in the hall, and it sat up all night, and greatly rose. Although the fan who incidentally gathered in the hall had many males, the participant in female was also never anew thought to be a popular title not for a small number but for "KOF" regardless of sex.
イベントでは、「KOF」シリーズ3タイトルを使ったゲーム大会や、声優陣、イラストレーターを招いたトークショー、クイズ大会や大抽選会などを実施。6時間超の長丁場にふさわしい盛りだくさんな内容となった。 In an event, the game convention using the "KOF" series of 3 titles, the talk show which invited the members of a voice actor and illustrator and a quiz convention, a large lottery, etc. are carried out. It became suitable many contents for 6 hours at the long time of 超.
■ 「KOF2004」は出ません……形を変えたタイトルを開発中 ■ "KOF2004" does not come out.... The title which changed type is under development.
今回のイベントの中で、良くも悪くも最も来場者を驚かせたのは、イベント後半に登場したイラストレーターのFALCOON氏によるトークショー。予定では他に開発者も来場する予定だったが、開発が忙しく来られないということだった。FALCOON氏は「KOF2003」からイラストレーターとして携わっていたそうだが、「KOFマキシマムインパクト」ではデザイナーとして、キャラクタの衣装デザインも担当している。 It is a talk show by Mr. FALCOON of the illustrator who appeared in the second half of an event to have surprised the visitor often and bad most in this event. Although the developer was also going to attend others, I heard that development did not come by the schedule busily. Although it is said that Mr. FALCOON was engaged as illustrator from "KOF2003", from "KOF maximum impact", it is taking charge also of the clothes design of a character as a designer.
トークショーでは、事前に集められた会場のファンからの質問にFALCOON氏が答えていくという内容で進行。最も多かった質問は、「KOF2004」がどうなっているのか、というものだったが、これについてFALCOON氏は「『KOF2004』は出ません」と発言。瞬間、会場からはどよめきよりもため息に近い声が聞こえた。ファンにとっては、「KOF'94」から「KOF2003」に続く、その年の数字がナンバリングされたタイトルの発売はいわば「恒例行事」となっていただけに、かなり落胆した様子が伺われた。 At a talk show, it goes on from the contents that Mr. FALCOON replies to a question from the fan in the hall assembled in advance. The question which was says, "Although it was said what whether KOF2004" has become, " "KOF2004" does not come out of Mr. FALCOON about this." From the hall, the voice near [ stir ] a sigh was able to be heard at the moment. sale of the title to which the numbering machine of the number of the year was carried out which follows "KOF2003" from "KOF'94" for a fan -- so to speak -- "an annual event" -- becoming -- I have you -- signs that it was disappointed considerably heard
しかしFALCOON氏は続けて、「『KOF2004』という形では出ませんが、開発は順調に進んでいます。ATOMISWAVEを採用した『KOF NEOWAVE』が『KOF2004』という位置づけではなく、また『KOFマキシマムインパクト』のような3D作品でもない、『とあるKOF』の開発を行なっています」と、別の「KOF」シリーズタイトルを開発中であることを明らかにした。ただしこれも、今年は発売されないことも明言。この理由について、「現在はサミーさんと開発を進めている『ネオジオ バトルコロシアム』に注力しているため」と説明した。 However, although Mr. FALCOON does not come out in the form " "KOF2004" continuously, development is going smoothly. "KOF NEOWAVE" which adopted ATOMISWAVE calls it "KOF2004" -- positioning -- coming out -- there is nothing and "a certain KOF" which is not a 3D work like "KOF maximum impact", either is developed -- it was shown clearly that a "KOF" series title different from " is under development However, this and not being put on the market this year also declare. This reason was explained "because the "neo-geo battle Colosseum" is concentrated on". [ furthering development with Mr. Sammy now ]
FALCOON氏のトークショーでは、ほかにもイラストレーターとしての苦労話なども披露された。「KOF2003」の主人公であるアッシュ・クリムゾンのイラストは10回以上のリテイクを繰り返した末に生まれたものなのだそうだが、その理由が「アッシュは『主人公なのに気持ち悪い』がコンセプト。まだまだ気持ち悪さが足りない」というものだったそうだ。このアッシュのコンセプトについては、「3人目の主人公として、京、K'とは方向転換したかったのだと思う」と話していた。 In Mr. FALCOON's talk show, the difficulties talk as illustrator etc. was announced to others. It is the concept "the feeling of "ash is bad [ a concept ] although it is said that the illustration of the ash Crimson which is the hero of "KOF2003" is what was produced after repeating 10 times or more of RITEIKU although it is a hero". [ the reason ] It is said that it was still insufficient [ feeling badness ]." About the concept of this ash, it was saying, ", with a capital and K', I wish to change the course as the 3rd hero."
■ 京、庵、アテナの声優3人によるトークショー +α ■ A capital, a hermitage, talk show by three voice actors of Athena +alpha
今回のメインイベントともいえるのが、「KOF」を代表する声優3人が登場するトークショー。草薙京役の野中政宏氏、八神庵役の安井邦彦氏、アテナ役の池澤春菜さんが、ファンから寄せられた質問に答えた。 the talk show in which three voice actors with whom that it can be said also as this main event represents "KOF" appear The vegetable replied to the question brought near by the fan in the spring of Mr. Kunihiko Yasui of Mr. Masahiro Nonaka of the Kusanagi 京役, and 8 神庵役, and the role of Athena of Ikezawa.
本来は声優陣が質問に答えていくという内容だったはずなのだが、深夜のイベントということもあってか、話があちこちに飛んだり、質問を他の人が答えたりと、やりたい放題な内容。しかし声優陣の「生の声」が聞けたことでファンも大喜び。アットホームな雰囲気の中、さまざまなトークが披露された。 also saying [ a midnight event ], although it must have been the contents that originally the members of a voice actor reply to a question -- it is -- the contents which tend to be done as it is as that other men answer a question たり [ and ] [ that the talk flies here and there ] However, a fan is also pleased by the ability of the "frank view" of the members of a voice actor to have been heard. Various talks were announced in a homely atmosphere.
最も会場を沸かせたのは、やはり「京と庵の掛け合いを聞きたい!」という要望に答えた野中氏と安井氏のおふたりのトーク。野中氏が京の勝ちゼリフを言うため、安井氏に「ちょっとやられて。せっかくだから『庵がチョイ・ボンゲのマネをした』感じで」と無茶な要求をすると、安井氏は「や、やられたでヤンス~」と本当にやってしまい、会場は大爆笑。野中氏は「へへっ、燃えたろ?」ときちんと京を演じてファンを喜ばせた。 For the ability of the hall to have been boiled most, Mr. Nonaka who replied to the request of "wanting to hear negotiations of a capital and a hermitage" too, and Mr. Yasui are two persons' talk. in order that Mr. Nonaka may say victory ZERIFU of a capital -- Mr. Yasui -- "-- be damaged just for a moment "the hermitage having acted as the manager of CHOI BONGE" therefore with much trouble -- if it feels, and it comes out and an unreasonable demand is given to " -- Mr. Yasui -- "-- it was damaged -- coming out -- YANSU -" -- true -- doing -- the hall -- a large burst of laughter Mr. Nonaka performed the capital exactly as ろ? which へっ(ed) and burned to "", and he pleased the fan.
質問の数では、3人の中で一番だった池澤さん。「違うキャラを演じるなら?」という質問には、「実は他のキャラも色々と演じています。京子で『燃えたろ?』と言ったり。今後やらせてもらえるなら、アテナとは正反対な悪いキャラをやりたいです」と話していた。 Mr. Ikezawa who was first of three persons by the number of questions. "-- the question ?" if different KYARA is performed -- "-- in fact, many things [ other KYARA ] are performed Calling it "ろ? which burned" by Kyoko たり. If it did [ make / have you / it ] from now on, it was being said that I wanted to do the opposite bad KYARA of Athena."
声優陣はトークショーの後もたびたびファンの前に登場。途中に設けられた休憩時間では、京と庵の好物であるシャケと肉を包んだおにぎりと、アテナの好物であるもみじまんじゅうを手渡しで配った。短時間ながら、ファンとも熱心に言葉を交わしていた。 As for the members of a voice actor, after a talk show appears before a fan frequently. on the way -- in the recess boiled and prepared, the maple steamed filled dumplings which are one of a capital, the salmon which is the favorite food of a hermitage, the rice ball which wrapped meat, and Athena's favorite foods were handed, come out of and distributed With a short time, it had talked with the fan eagerly.
■ 「KOF」3タイトルによるゲーム大会 ■ "KOF" Game convention by 3 titles
ゲーム大会は、12月28日に発売予定のプレイステーション 2用「KOF'94リバウト」、発売中の「KOFマキシマムインパクト」、「KOF2003」の3タイトルに分けて開催。集まったファンの中から参加者を募りトーナメント戦が行なわれた。このイベントに参加するだけあって、どの参加者も腕前はかなりのもの。女性プレーヤーの参加者も多く、見事な連続技を決めて勝ち進む姿も見受けられた。 A game convention is Playstation of a sale schedule on December 28. It divides into 3 titles, the object "KOF'94 RIBAUTO" for two, "KOF maximum impact" on sale, and "KOF2003", and holds. The participant was collected out of the fan who gathered and the tournament game was held. It is as it participates in this event, and every participant of ability is remarkable. There were also many participants in a female player and they were also able to see the figure which determines brilliant continuation work and advances.
発売中の2タイトルについては、参加者も練習に余念がなかったことと思われるが、リメイクとはいえまだ発売されていない「KOF'94リバウト」での対戦も素晴らしい技の応酬となった。特にシリーズのファンであれば忘れてはならない「アメリカチーム」は大人気で、登場するだけで会場を大いに沸かせていた。 About 2 titles on sale, the participant was considered that there was no 余念 in practice, and although it is a remake, waging war by "KOF'94 RIBAUTO" which is not put on the market yet also became exchange of wonderful work. When it was especially the fan of series, the "American team" which must not be forgotten was extremely popular, and the hall was greatly able to be boiled only by appearing.
また3タイトルの各優勝者による決勝大会も実施。使用されたのは「KOF'94リバウト」に収録される「NEOGEOオリジナルモード」。「KOF'94リバウト」はグラフィックなどを大幅にパワーアップしたものだが、この「NEOGEOオリジナルモード」は名前のとおり、NEOGEOで稼動していた「KOF'94」を忠実に移植した内容。キャラクタ選択画面が出ただけで、会場からは「懐かしい」という声が飛んでいた。 Moreover, the final convention by each champion of 3 titles is also carried out. the "NEOGEO original mode" in which having been used is recorded on "KOF'94 RIBAUTO" the contents to which this "NEOGEO original mode" transplanted faithfully "KOF'94" which was working by NEOGEO as the name although "KOF'94 RIBAUTO" upgraded graphics etc. sharply Only by a character selection screen coming out, the opinion "were nostalgic" was flying from the hall.
ちなみにこの大会では、コントローラとしてPS/PS2用「NEOGEO STICK 2」の試作品が用意された。これはNEOGEOで使用されていたジョイスティックを復刻したもの。発売日は2005年2月17日で、価格は6,090円。12月24日から 特設サイトで予約受付が行なわれる。 Incidentally in this convention, the trial product for PS/PS2 "NEOGEO STICK 2" was prepared as a controller. This is what reproduced the joy stick currently used by NEOGEO. A sale day is on February 17, 2005, and a price is 6,090 yen. From December 24 Specially set-up site A reservation receptionist is performed.
[this message was edited by Lupin on Fri 24 Dec 17:59] |
Lupin 2769th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):haha shit!" , posted Fri 24 Dec 20:22
quote: Doesn't it just say that he's not working on KoF 2004?
There will probably not be a game called King of Fighters 2004, but the question is will 2003 have a sequel. They didn't give us a sequel to a few other games that could use one like Art of Fighting 4 or Mark of the Wolves 2. Oh please.
I asked question based on posts in the thread, before I read the article.
quote: The team who works on the sequel to KOF 2003 is still working on it, even though the game is not called "KOF 2004" anymore but "a certain KOF".
so yes
How difficult is that to understand ?
I am getting punished for the sins of the thread!! Or I just posted last so I got quoted and he means the thread in general.
I saw this and was going to quote it before typing this reply, but then I typed this post first.: " Game Watch has a report from the KOF 10th year anniversary party. Several events took place, including a talk show with the voice actors of Kyō, Iori and Athena, and a small tournament for KOF 94 Rebout. The biggest announcement was made by Falcoon: it's now official, there won't be any KOF 2004. But neither MI nor NeoWave were intended to replace it; the sequel to the Ash Crimson arc is still in development and will be released when it is ready. The reason why the title was pushed back is that SNKP is currently focusing on Neo Geo Battle Coliseum, "jointly with Sammy". "
GrandC 14th Post

New Customer
| "Re(4):haha shit!" , posted Sat 25 Dec 02:59
quote: Oh please. The team who works on the sequel to KOF 2003 is still working on it
Hoi, whaddaya mean 'bout that? I love KOF2003 more than any KOF ever made. And I'm playing KOF since '94, even in the first Fatal Fury/Art of Fighting era. The gameplay is pure gold, man. The KOF has evolving. And I love the way KOF evolves. I'm agree with you, Iggy, about SVC Chaos being A BAD game. But not KOF2003!
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - In FACT, I believe NBC's gameplay would be close to 2003. Tag gameplay, with same speed, same combo method, etc!
End of Spoiler
GrandC 15th Post

New Customer
| "Re(8):haha shit!" , posted Sat 25 Dec 12:06
quote: Who are you ?
Guess who?
I doesn't matter, you know. Just imagine, having a game with last year's year in the title is a bad idea when trying to sell to the mainstream. This isn't sport title. This is a fighting game! For example (quote by SouthtownKid of S-C board): The KOF 2-pack for PS2 didn't sell in astounding numbers here. For whatever reason, it just didn't seem to really break into the genral public's consciousness. Part of it is possibly that the audience for 2D fighters may be shrinking (not ready to admit that), but the title might have worked against them also. Keep in mind that the average american gamer doesn't see "KOF '01" and think, "Yeah, that's the one with wire damage, and those crazy Mei Lee and Angel characters" or something. They think, "Hmmm, a 3 year old game. Where's the current one?" And that's if they're interested enough to wonder.
Well, I don't mind waiting 2 years for a fighting game that should take at least 2 years to make! This is KOF we are talking about. As long they continue Tales of The Mysterious Ash Crimson, I'll be in to it.
And for me... like it or not, we have 3 KOFs this year (5 including the ports): KOF Neowave, KOF Maximum Impact, KOF'94 ReBout, KOF2003 PS2, and KOF Extreme. That's enough. And once again, like it or not, Neowave is the closest yearly-KOF to me! This is "unofficialy" KOF2004. Like I said... "Unofficialy"
Here's the actual article, taken from Remukhan of Cyberfanatics (from various source, such as GameSpot, GameKult, Impress Game Watch):
While the King of Fighters series has traditionally appeared on an annual basis with each of its games titled with the year of its release, the long-time tradition has come to an end. According to Impress Gamewatch, SNK Playmore will not release a King of Fighters 2004, though the company is currently developing a new KOF installment. The news was disclosed by KOF series' current main illustrator Falcoon during the King of Fighters tenth anniversary party, which took place in Japan today.
"It [the next King Of fighters] won't come out as 'KOF2004', but its development is going smoothly," Falcoon said during the event "We're making a KOF that's different from a 'KOF2004', or a 3D game like 'KOF Maximum Impact', or the 'KOF NeoWave' that was released on the Atomiswave [arcade platform]."
It is undetermined whether or not SNK Playmore will continue numbering the KOF series by its release year after skipping 2004. The new KOF installment is expected to hit arcades after the release of NeoGeo Battle Coliseum for the Atomiswave, which SNK Playmore is currently focusing its development on.
As we have covered in our past news, SNK Playmore organized a party to celebrate 10 years of King of Fighters on 22nd December at Shinjiku theatre, Tokyo, Japan. It started 12:30 am after midnight till 7:00 am in the morning. Some 200 fans gathered to attend it with large number of female fans.
The event's main highlight was the appearance of the fan favorite artist of KOF2003 and KOFMI, FALCOON. He answered questions from fans asking about future of KOF series. Answering to one of the question about the possibility of KOF2004, he said "The next KOF will not follow the rule of years as KOF94-KOF2003 and won't come out as 'KOF2004'. But yes, next KOF in the development already. We're making a KOF that's different from a 'KOF2003', or a 3D game like 'KOF Maximum Impact', or even the 'KOF NeoWave' that was released on the Atomiswave."
The other highlight was appearance of voice actors. Masahiro Nonaka (Kyo Kusanagi), Kunihiko Yasui (Iori Yagami) and Haruna Ikezawa (Athena Asamiya). Fans were overjoyed to see their favorite characters voices speaking to them. Fans mostly asked questions related to the rivalry between Kyo and Iori. The talks continued during the meal where all three voice actors accompanied fans.
A small tournament was also organized where fans played King Of Fighters: Maximum Impact, King Of Fighters 2003 and upcoming game King Of Fighters 94: Re-Bout on Playstation 2. KOF94:Re-Bout gathered the most attention at the tournament. Fans were pleased to see American Sports team in action after such a long time. The tournament was mostly played on the original version of KOF94 which is included with KOF94:Re-Bout.
In the last, a prototype of NEOGEO Stick 2 for Playstation/Playstation 2 was shown at the party, which uses a similar layout as original NEOGEO stick. The stick will go on sale on February 17th, 2005 for the price of 6,090 Yen.
Iggy 5273th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):haha shit!" , posted Sat 25 Dec 21:04
quote: I doesn't matter, you know. Just imagine, having a game with last year's year in the title is a bad idea when trying to sell to the mainstream. This isn't sport title. This is a fighting game! For example (quote by SouthtownKid of S-C board): The KOF 2-pack for PS2 didn't sell in astounding numbers here. For whatever reason, it just didn't seem to really break into the genral public's consciousness. Part of it is possibly that the audience for 2D fighters may be shrinking (not ready to admit that), but the title might have worked against them also. Keep in mind that the average american gamer doesn't see "KOF '01" and think, "Yeah, that's the one with wire damage, and those crazy Mei Lee and Angel characters" or something. They think, "Hmmm, a 3 year old game. Where's the current one?" And that's if they're interested enough to wonder.
Well, I don't mind waiting 2 years for a fighting game that should take at least 2 years to make! This is KOF we are talking about. As long they continue Tales of The Mysterious Ash Crimson, I'll be in to it.
And for me... like it or not, we have 3 KOFs this year (5 including the ports): KOF Neowave, KOF Maximum Impact, KOF'94 ReBout, KOF2003 PS2, and KOF Extreme. That's enough. And once again, like it or not, Neowave is the closest yearly-KOF to me! This is "unofficialy" KOF2004. Like I said... "Unofficialy"
Here's the actual article, taken from Remukhan of Cyberfanatics (from various source, such as GameSpot, GameKult, Impress Game Watch):
While the King of Fighters series has traditionally appeared on an annual basis with each of its games titled with the year of its release, the long-time tradition has come to an end. According to Impress Gamewatch, SNK Playmore will not release a King of Fighters 2004, though the company is currently developing a new KOF installment. The news was disclosed by KOF series' current main illustrator Falcoon during the King of Fighters tenth anniversary party, which took place in Japan today.
"It [the next King Of fighters] won't come out as 'KOF2004', but its development is going smoothly," Falcoon said during the event "We're making a KOF that's different from a 'KOF2004', or a 3D game like 'KOF Maximum Impact', or the 'KOF NeoWave' that was released on the Atomiswave [arcade platform]."
It is undetermined whether or not SNK Playmore will continue numbering the KOF series by its release year after skipping 2004. The new KOF installment is expected to hit arcades after the release of NeoGeo Battle Coliseum for the Atomiswave, which SNK Playmore is currently focusing its development on.
As we have covered in our past news, SNK Playmore organized a party to celebrate 10 years of King of Fighters on 22nd December at Shinjiku theatre, Tokyo, Japan. It started 12:30 am after midnight till 7:00 am in the morning. Some 200 fans gathered to attend it with large number of female fans.
The event's main highlight was the appearance of the fan favorite artist of KOF2003 and KOFMI, FALCOON. He answered questions from fans asking about future of KOF series. Answering to one of the question about the possibility of KOF2004, he said "The next KOF will not follow the rule of years as KOF94-KOF2003 and won't come out as 'KOF2004'. But yes, next KOF in the development already. We're making a KOF that's different from a 'KOF2003', or a 3D game like 'KOF Maximum Impact', or even the 'KOF NeoWave' that was released on the Atomiswave."
The other highlight was appearance of voice actors. Masahiro Nonaka (Kyo Kusanagi), Kunihiko Yasui (Iori Yagami) and Haruna Ikezawa (Athena Asamiya). Fans were overjoyed to see their favorite characters voices speaking to them. Fans mostly asked questions related to the rivalry between Kyo and Iori. The talks continued during the meal where all three voice actors accompanied fans.
A small tournament was also organized where fans played King Of Fighters: Maximum Impact, King Of Fighters 2003 and upcoming game King Of Fighters 94: Re-Bout on Playstation 2. KOF94:Re-Bout gathered the most attention at the tournament. Fans were pleased to see American Sports team in action after such a long time. The tournament was mostly played on the original version of KOF94 which is included with KOF94:Re-Bout.
In the last, a prototype of NEOGEO Stick 2 for Playstation/Playstation 2 was shown at the party, which uses a similar layout as original NEOGEO stick. The stick will go on sale on February 17th, 2005 for the price of 6,090 Yen.
My grandmother is a good person, and she is cooking some traditional meal for me.