Have a look at my web site, onegai. - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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New Customer

"Have a look at my web site, onegai." , posted Fri 24 Dec 11:00post reply

Hi everyone,

I'd like to show you my gaming web site.


So, tell me what do u think about it. If u have any suggestion for the site, then please don't hesitate to list tthem here. Please remember, the web site will officially be launched in 01.01.2005.

Thanks .


1056th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Have a look at my web site, onegai." , posted Fri 24 Dec 13:53post reply

I thought it would be cool in the next 3D Castlevania game, if one of the bosses were to be a powered up version of the combat maid you see throughout the series. In addition to this, the boss maid calls out helper cannon fodder maids to gang up on you during the fight. So basically, the battle is just this giant aerial kung fu maid throwdown.

5257th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Have a look at my web site, onegai." , posted Fri 24 Dec 19:30post reply

(points and laughs)

2771th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Have a look at my web site, onegai." , posted Fri 24 Dec 20:34:post reply

Hi everyone,

I'd like to show you my gaming web site.


So, tell me what do u think about it. If u have any suggestion for the site, then please don't hesitate to list tthem here. Please remember, the web site will officially be launched in 01.01.2005.

Thanks .

I think there would be maybe 2 more joke posts, and I guess these are because
the name of your site includes "elite"; and another reason. But I could be wrong.

Looks fair & clean, not that a news site needs to look sparkly. I'd not have the windows for each news item.

If I get news from a bbs post, which gets news from a Japanese web site, should I put the bbs post as a source too, or just the origin site?

[this message was edited by Lupin on Fri 24 Dec 21:20]