Original message (1449 Views )
EternalNewbie 142th Post

Regular Customer
| "Favorite Games/Recommendations" , posted Fri 24 Dec 19:34
For the sake of the Professor! Let's create another thread!  Anyway, since it is the time of frozen winter, something is needed. Something to make those already happy more happy or something to make those depressed or angry turn happy in a drunk, no-feelings way. So, what makes people happy? The answer my friends, is games and/or alchol. So, the purposeo of this thread is to give everyone here at the cafe a game recommendation they should play for whatever reason, and an alchol recommendation to go along with the game, or by itself. Since I am spawning this demonic thread, I will start it off. Game Recommendation: Siren Alchol Recommendation: Big Bottle of Nihonshu (basically Japanese Sake, make it strong though!) I recommend combining both the alchol and game recommendation for the holidays. Nothing like losing both common sense and motor skills while being scared shitless. Nothing says season greetings like being scared of dying. Just watch out for bad British accents. Personally, I played the Japanese version, but I had friends with the badly dubbed version. Made me sad. If you aren't up for freaking yourself out, I also recommend the old SNES RPG "Live-A-Live". It is a nice, short whacky RPG filled with goodness.
 EternalNewbie: The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.
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