Maribato! - Forums

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371th Post

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Silver Customer

"Maribato!" , posted Sun 26 Dec 06:58post reply

Why has no one reported about the demo of Maribato being available yet? That slightly upsets me.

I don't know; maybe it's been a while and someone has.



678th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Maribato!" , posted Sun 26 Dec 16:13post reply

One of these days they'll make a doujin fighter out of a series I actually like.

Hmmm...I got excited about the new Touhou fighter demo, but I don't care about story mode and theg ame is still I dunno..."difficult to play".

374th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Maribato!" , posted Sun 26 Dec 16:38post reply

One of these days they'll make a doujin fighter out of a series I actually like.

Hmmm...I got excited about the new Touhou fighter demo, but I don't care about story mode and theg ame is still I dunno..."difficult to play".

I don't know what to think of Maribato. It's probably a lot more fun with all the characters available...

But yes, there are many series that deserve doujin fighters that just don't get them.


5275th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Maribato!" , posted Sun 26 Dec 17:13post reply

When I read the name, I thought it was a scrolling fighting game about Yotsuba killing violently all the characters of Marimite.

I would buy such a game.
I wonder who would win in a fight between Yotsuba and Aralechan.


1059th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Maribato!" , posted Sun 26 Dec 19:46post reply

When I read the name, I thought it was a scrolling fighting game about Yotsuba killing violently all the characters of Marimite.

That would only be interesting if "Jumbo with Yotsuba's head" was a selectable character.

Satoshi Miwa
2762th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Maribato!" , posted Mon 27 Dec 05:38post reply

Scary thing is I thought it'd be a Marimite/Yotsuba crossover too. Damn it, Iggy...I'm thinking like you now!!!

But, played it and it's fun though not up to the QOH/Melty Blood level. And it doesn't have Drill, Denpa/Stalker, or Noriko which takes win factor down by 100%

1072th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Late to the party: MariMite and ApocNow" , posted Thu 6 Jan 11:07:post reply

Well, I'm a year late to the Maria-sama ga Miteru party, and I was already 3 years late to the Apocalypse Now party by the time I was born!

My review: both are pretty good. If you want the MariMite deafening presidential echo chamber FOXNEWS version, it’s surrounding all of my posts. If you want the same for Apocalypse Now, just hi-lite this spoiler.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler

The only reason that I'm posting such self indulgent, and uninformative things here is because I was recently banned from GAF in the space of fewer than 10 posts.

[this message was edited by sabo10 on Thu 6 Jan 11:14]

Juke Joint Jezebel
3265th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Late to the party: MariMite and ApocNow" , posted Thu 6 Jan 13:31post reply

the space of fewer than 10 posts.

why does this thread turn me on so much

hey, at least now we know where Ferrio went. i love finding old MIA cafe members

<Zazz> it sucks trying to find any GG hentai . . . all bridget now-a-days

it sure is, Zazz
it sure is

5376th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Late to the party: MariMite and ApocNow" , posted Thu 6 Jan 19:21post reply

The only reason that I'm posting such self indulgent, and uninformative things here is because I was recently banned from GAF in the space of fewer than 10 posts.

This is just a dirty trick to make me read a whole thread about furry and fur and furcadia, and now I have to wash my eyes with cyanid.
I hate you.