VMJ PS2 movie - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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5300th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Tue 28 Dec 20:16:post reply

Like for the rest, the original additions are completely against the spirit of the game.
Where did they found that awful original music !?

[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 28 Dec 20:20]


2303th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Wed 29 Dec 03:58post reply

Like for the rest, the original additions are completely against the spirit of the game.
Where did they found that awful original music !?

Falcom has had problems doing console ports since the PC Engine died. They just can't get it right, I don't know what the deal is. I think it's largely because their sound team BLOWS now.

5305th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Wed 29 Dec 06:57:post reply

Falcom has had problems doing console ports since the PC Engine died. They just can't get it right, I don't know what the deal is. I think it's largely because their sound team BLOWS now.

I liked the music for VMJ and Y's 6...
Asmic's sound team is to blame for this disaster. And for everything else.
I don't understand why Falcom don't do the ports themselves... The original konami music for Y's 6 scares me to no end.

Also, I like how the article talks about the game nearly as if it was totally new and as if Falcom hadn't done everything.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 29 Dec 06:58]

2306th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Wed 29 Dec 08:03post reply

now that I've looked at the video, it seems not too bad. I think it'll be ok...I think.

24th Post

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"Re(4):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Wed 29 Dec 09:37post reply

I still can't believe they "forgot" to include the Power Up Kit.

Isn't there a legal way to sue them for that ?

2309th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Wed 29 Dec 09:43post reply


Isn't there a legal way to sue them for that ?

what all has been omitted? I didn't play the original VMJ.

26th Post

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"Re(6):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Wed 29 Dec 09:59:post reply

Falcom released an expansion pack for VMJ's PC version called the Power Up Kit. It unlocks all the maps, adds new ones, adds new modes, minigames, monsters and a shitload of characters (twenty-four faces in the roster instead of eight if I recall correctly) including cameos from old Falcom favorites such as my lovely ドーラ from brandish. In a nutshell, it turns a good game into a gift from the gods.

[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Wed 29 Dec 10:01]

2311th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Wed 29 Dec 11:12post reply

that's a big omission. hmm. how "console port" would it be for them to release it as a 'totally new' game...
I can imagine it.

27th Post

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"Re(8):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Wed 29 Dec 11:30:post reply

that's a big omission. hmm. how "console port" would it be for them to release it as a 'totally new' game...
I can imagine it.

It smells the "let's do some half-assed port then if it works anyway we'll sell the power up kit as a full-price sequel" tactic.

[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Wed 29 Dec 11:31]

5307th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Wed 29 Dec 19:06post reply

More precisely
It unlocks all the maps,

Actually, it takes away all the maps of VMJ and replace them with completely new ones. It's impossible to use VMJP characters and rules in a VMJ map.

I don't remember any ?

4, one for each element, each who move in water differently than the rest of their elements. Acordingly, most the maps of VMJP have a lot of water to use their strength and weaknesses at max. Which mean these maps without these genma will be rotten in the PS2 port.
and a shitload of characters (twenty-four faces in the roster instead of eight if I recall correctly)

VMJ had 8 default characters + 8 scenario characters.
VMJP has those 16 + 4 new characters + 4 cameo characters + 2 hidden bosses.
The roster of the PS2 version seems to be the 16 basic characters, plus maybe those 5 ugly original characters. I wonder if they will really try to balance them as much as Falcom did with each of their ones.
None of the 8 new/cameo characters had any scenario, but the 5 new PS2 ones are included in the course of the main game. I don't know what they will do with them, and I don't care.

696th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Wed 29 Dec 19:31post reply

Iggy, you didn't like the music in Zwei? I liked the music, but I didn't like the game. The arrange album is really especially amazing.

5313th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Wed 29 Dec 19:36post reply

Iggy, you didn't like the music in Zwei?

I never played it...
It was exodus the evil Gackt who said Falcom's sound team was crappy, not me.

698th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(10):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Wed 29 Dec 19:47post reply


I never played it...
It was exodus the evil Gackt who said Falcom's sound team was crappy, not me.

I thought Gackt was evil to begin with.
Anyway, if you can get your hands on the AST, it's worth it, especially if you like violins. The last boss theme makes me teary-eyed. If I didn't have a long list of beloved Falcom CDs, I'd say it was my favorite.

The game...despite having pretty backgrounds, was just awful to play, though. I'm surprised they bothered with a PS2 port.

27th Post

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"Re(8):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Thu 30 Dec 01:37post reply


I don't remember any ?

Well, there was this Othello game and this Ninja Shooting game.

Maybe was it only in the 『VMJ+VMJP』Special Pack ?

5317th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Thu 30 Dec 01:52post reply

Well, there was this Othello game and this Ninja Shooting game.

Oh, those were in VMJ as well.

29th Post

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"Re(10):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Thu 30 Dec 01:58:post reply

Well, there was this Othello game and this Ninja Shooting game.

Oh, those were in VMJ as well.

I only played the original VMJ for like 45 minutes, blame the Power Up Kit.

[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Thu 30 Dec 01:59]

2313th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Thu 30 Dec 02:21post reply


I only played the original VMJ for like 45 minutes, blame the Power Up Kit.

I blame your mom!

hmm, it sounds appealing to me. I should try it outttttt.

I never played zwei!! myself...I like the look of it, but it's never gone down in price. perhaps I will 'acquire' it, just to see.

5318th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Thu 30 Dec 03:11post reply

hmm, it sounds appealing to me. I should try it outttttt.

Once again, one of the numerous things we should have done while you were here.
It's all Chaz's fault anyways.

2314th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):VMJ PS2 movie" , posted Thu 30 Dec 04:32post reply


It's all Chaz's fault anyways.

it's the train system's fault. I'll be back!! mark my words! you bastards haven't seen the last of me!!

29th Post

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"Arcturus" , posted Thu 30 Dec 06:34post reply


Once again, one of the numerous things we should have done while you were here.

You could have, we could have, but Mr. exodus prefers to spend most of his european time getting bored in Amsterdam with some imaginary vegetarian friends.

All this Falcom talking has made me install Arcturus, some cheesy Grandia clone where Nausicaä's influence has been replaced with Versailles no Bara's, on my PC.

The overusage of "oniisama" deferences towards my mascara-wearing whip-using hair-brushing hero and the typical soapy Korean RPG music are a bit exhausting, otherwise it's a better palliative than I expected. The level up system is basic yet pretty effective.

Never would I have thought I'd experience maid stocking fan service through RPGs' bitmaps some day in my life.

2316th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Arcturus" , posted Thu 30 Dec 06:36post reply

yeah, sonnori does good work, in general. they're not brilliant, but they have good style, and some interesting story ideas, I think.

though...I only understand their games visually, as korean is totally unknown to me.

229th Post

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"Re(2):Arcturus" , posted Thu 30 Dec 07:01post reply


though...I only understand their games visually, as korean is totally unknown to me.

But Arcturus was released in Japan by Falcom, wasn't it?

5320th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Arcturus" , posted Thu 30 Dec 07:48post reply

with some imaginary vegetarian friends.

You mean Brazilian.
Hot imaginary expensive brazilian friend.

Arcturus blablabla Versailles no Bara influence blablablabla overusage of "oniisama" references blablablabla mascara-wearing whip-using hair-brushing hero


Next time Brandon (and Matthew, and anyone else) come, we have to make an international VMJ tournament in Paris.

The winner would win a night alone with MoeTan.

2317th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Arcturus" , posted Thu 30 Dec 09:13post reply

with some imaginary vegetarian friends.
You mean Brazilian.
Hot imaginary expensive brazilian friend.

haha...she wasn't very imaginary.

The winner would win a night alone with MoeTan.

I could easily get a night alone with moetan, since I'm after his girls, not him.

IkariDC: yes it was released in japan by falcom, but I don't have that kind of cash hehe. the korean version is much cheaper, even if I don't understand it. I didn't buy it either way, so...

5324th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Arcturus" , posted Thu 30 Dec 09:21post reply

haha...she wasn't very imaginary.

You wish she had been imaginary.

Sayyyyyyyyy, Brandoooooooooooon.... 2004 is nearly over, if my game of the year article is published next year, I will be as outfashioned as a game with "94" in the title being released in 2004... You wouldn't want such a cruel fate to happen to me, would you ? would you ?
pretty pleaaaaaaaaaaaase....

I just got humiliated by a friend that pointed 3 horrible mistakes of my article in one random sentence, and I'm even more ashamed I made you read and correct this. But stilllllllll.....

30th Post

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"Re(4):Arcturus" , posted Thu 30 Dec 10:40post reply

Images, first impressions et al.

(I don't know why the hell anyone'd do that, but please don't leech the pictures somewhere else kthanks)

2319th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Arcturus" , posted Thu 30 Dec 11:25:post reply

Images, first impressions et al.

ooh, nice imagery. looks just like the PC version (which I played for a bit, I now recall). oh and I'm not sure what the person who responded to your post said, but it's developed by sonnori, I'm 90% sure, and published by gravity.

P.S. iggy - you are right! I'll do things.

[this message was edited by exodus on Thu 30 Dec 11:26]

31th Post

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"Re(6):Arcturus" , posted Thu 30 Dec 11:41post reply

looks just like the PC version (which I played for a bit, I now recall).

You mean the "korean PC" version, I guess.

I'll try to translate the post for IC's what game got... topic tomorrow.

2319th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Arcturus" , posted Thu 30 Dec 15:52post reply


You mean the "korean PC" version, I guess.

actually the english demo thereof, but yes.

and iggy, your thing is all edited, it just needs html. if it's to go up by tomorrow, someone else will have to do it. I'm going to try to get somebody.

5326th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Arcturus" , posted Thu 30 Dec 21:38post reply

and iggy, your thing is all edited, it just needs html. if it's to go up by tomorrow, someone else will have to do it. I'm going to try to get somebody.

Hooray !
Is it a new somebody?
You frighten me.

2321th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Arcturus" , posted Fri 31 Dec 04:02post reply


Hooray !
Is it a new somebody?
You frighten me.

not so new. I really like the article by the way...for all of your attempts to the contrary (at the beginning) it really says a lot of great and informative stuff.

5333th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Arcturus" , posted Fri 31 Dec 07:32post reply

I really like the article by the way...for all of your attempts to the contrary (at the beginning) it really says a lot of great and informative stuff.

Oh no ! It means I failed horribly.
Damn you, Guillaume! One day you won't be the persona in charge!

2322th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Arcturus" , posted Fri 31 Dec 07:41post reply


Oh no ! It means I failed horribly.
Damn you, Guillaume! One day you won't be the persona in charge!

yeah, it's really about 70/30, with only 30 in favor of iggy. if we finish the AA feature, you can get your groove back.

5334th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Arcturus" , posted Fri 31 Dec 08:07post reply

yeah, it's really about 70/30, with only 30 in favor of iggy. if we finish the AA feature, you can get your groove back.

Thanks exodus, at least you understand me.

33th Post

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"Brandon ojisan !" , posted Fri 31 Dec 11:17:post reply

Say, exodus, what did you do to this kid to make him look so emotional and girlsish when he pronounces your name ?

The rest is there. I won't translate that post, but there's a gift for you inside it if you pay attention.

[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Fri 31 Dec 11:19]

708th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Brandon ojisan !" , posted Fri 31 Dec 16:41post reply

I remember once writing up a whole thing about just the demo of Arcturus.

About all the sordid themes and subtexts presented so very early in the game... and strange, random things like how what's-his-face-girly-boy even has PAINTED TOENAILS OMG in his full portrait picture (as in the full version of the cutoff one you usually see when he's talking).

I still wonder today how the whole gender-identity/parental abuse/death/whatever-the-heck-else-dirty thing turned out in the final game...

704th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Brandon ojisan !" , posted Fri 31 Dec 17:28post reply

I couldn't get into Arcturus. It violates my sense of style. Falcom tricked me with their (new) pretty Japanese cover art...and just looking at stills, it looked OK. In motion...it was just weird and tacky and the character art offended me. If the system or plot was amazing, then maybe I could get into it, but the system was only OK and for some reason, I had a tough time following the dialogue.

I dunno why I couldn't understand it very well, but I get that problem with some games. Dragon Quest frustrates me like that sometimes and...somehow...most PC games manage to as well.

564th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Brandon ojisan !" , posted Sat 1 Jan 01:20post reply


I still wonder today how the whole gender-identity/parental abuse/death/whatever-the-heck-else-dirty thing turned out in the final game...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Sizz is a girl.

End of Spoiler

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

2324th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re:Brandon ojisan !" , posted Sun 2 Jan 06:05post reply

ahahaha...my legacy lives!!!!!!!!!

710th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Brandon ojisan !" , posted Sun 2 Jan 09:20post reply


I still wonder today how the whole gender-identity/parental abuse/death/whatever-the-heck-else-dirty thing turned out in the final game...


holy FUG.
That's a twist I never expected.

33th Post

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Rare Customer

"Clarifications on Tenzi" , posted Mon 3 Jan 11:35post reply

I just met Tenzi and I had a hard time figuring out what the deal was with him.

I got the booklet at home, but could anyone care to explain what exactly are his motivations (I think I got that one), why he was kidnapping Sizz (I surely didn't get that) and what is his link with the "darant" (I understood he had none, just joining the adventure by devotion for Elluard) in case the translation of the booklet doesn't help ?

Thanks for the eventual clarifications.