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Lupin 2801th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):got S.F. Anniversary Collection hehe" , posted Fri 31 Dec 01:42
quote: Just curious. Which SF3 Soundtrack? The one that you hear when you turn on the Game is the remixed version made for the Dreamcast. You can switch to the Arcade Soundtrack. I prefer the Arcade Soundtrack, but the Dreamcast version has some good mixes. I was just pissed at the remixed version when they chaanged the openings of Yun and Yang's stage and Remy's stage! I mostly play with the Arcade track, but Dudley's third round remix is Top Tier.
Or do you just mean you hate the Soundtrack all together? It's my favorite ST in a fighter,(Arcade Version) but to each his own I guess. Perhaps it'll grow on you over time. Or not. Still beats the 4 songs they had for MVC2... On the DC Version the music was cut up into three parts, one track for each round. For the PS2, the transition seems hella akward, the Arcade Version flows better, just like the Arcade. Makes it seem like one track as opposed to three.
The rap group is Infinite. I hear they release albums in Japan. There are lots of Hip Hop Musicians who can't catch a break in the US but are famous in Asia. Heh, heh. When I went to Japan I saw Jeru the Damaja perform with a Rap Group called Swordfish. Jeru is pretty much forgotten in the States. He's most famous here for "Come Clean."
More specifically, some of the music on SF3 3rd is ungood. I like a few. More later after work.
Lupin 2802th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):got S.F. Anniversary Collection hehe" , posted Fri 31 Dec 16:23
I mostly didn't like the part with Infinate. Is that him doing the announcing too? Who ever it is is not good at doing the announcing, in fact he's annoying. But or cource that's not the first game with an annoying announcer. Then sometimes they have him rapping over his announcing, maybe they don't care if we hear either.
The only reasons a rapper couldn't make it in the U.S is if that rapper is incredibly, incredibly bad at rapping, or if the rapper caved in to gangster bitches pushing him out of the country. (This is of cource assuming the rapper is willing to put the proper work in, such as playing the music industry games, paying off deejays to play his noise, and so forth.)
So I have no personal issue with this Infinate guy's talent, but I think Capcom probably could have taken a better approach, for my tastes. They could have put in better rapping too.
I like some of theme under the rapping..
Some of the tracks I like more like the N.Y. theme especially.
I'm still listening to the difference in the AST and the original. Actually I only played SF3 seriously for like a couple month, then I didn't really play it much until now.... And the arcade wasn't prime sound track listening ground.
quote: Perhaps it'll grow on you over time.
Here's the rap sheet.
Makoto is kind of fun to play as, but I haven't tuned into her personality yet. Playing this karate girl is sort of SNKish.
Sano 1356th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):got S.F. Anniversary Collection hehe" , posted Sat 1 Jan 06:28
quote: On a slightly related note, I heard that the X-box version of Anniversart Collection is region free. Can anyone here confirm that, and if it is does the Japanese version of the game come with the uncut animated movie?
The X-Box version was region free, Capcom of Japan realized this and recalled it. But yeah, some got their hands on it and are playing it on the US X-Box, not many though since Capcom caught on fairly early.
Don't know about the Movie on X-Box however. As you probably know, on the PS2 in Japan they were two seperate games, only HSF2AE came with the Movie. Oh, and on an unrelated note, in Korea for the PS2 they got it as a collection with both games, no movie and they got it just a bit earlier than the US.
Iron D 2583th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):got S.F. Anniversary Collection hehe" , posted Mon 3 Jan 11:31
quote: As far as the DC 3rd Strike goes, it's one of my favorite soundtracks to any game ever.
Ditto to that. I actually own the US release of the 3rd Strike soundtrack that came out a while ago (don't own SFAC).
Yeah. I mean, the whole point of SF3's soundtrack was to give 3rd Strike more of an "urban" feel, and it did just that. I'm not even the biggest fan of rap (at least, not the crap that we've been deluged with lately), but the soundtrack just freakin' rules. Variety, style, and real reflections of the stages they belong to.
On a related note, I also love the SFA3 soundtrack with few exceptions, and while I loved the SFA2 soundtrack, when it comes to the SFA versions of the songs that were remixed in A2, I prefer the A1 versions.
Zelkin. Pimped.