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Pollyanna 707th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Game of the year" , posted Sat 1 Jan 15:58
OK. Let's have it. No top 10, no ties, no games that were released last year, no categories. What is the best game of 2004?
For me...
Gyakuten Saiban 3.
No competition. It's almost unfair. It came out nearly a year ago and nothing, all year made it even close. This is a game that has touched my heart, changed my life and will stick with me forever.
I liked Stella Deus, Avatar Tuner and Katamari Damacy (among others), but they're all just "good games". I haven't played Tales of Rebirth, MGS3 or much of Dragon Quest 8 yet, but I doubt I'll take back what I've said when I do.
The worst game of the year? Of course... Suikoden 4.
In its' defense, though...I'm, sure there was some budget PC game (maybe ONE) that was worse, but I don't think it crushed anyone's hopes when IT sucked.
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Oroch 771th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(5):Game of the year" , posted Sun 2 Jan 00:31:
quote: My vote goes for GBA's "Zelda : The Minish Cap" as it's the only 2004 game I have played (yeah, I'm a nostalgic bastard who lives sticked to old arcade and console emulators ). I really enjoyed this game, the first Zelda I ever tried and finished...nuff said.
You are such a Capcom whore... I at least bought that game, but my sin is that I don't usually play with my GBA. The reason is that it's not a SP.
Best game of 2004... I think it's Katamari Damacy, although it felt a little bit short. The game is pure greatness, at every level. The US price was unbeatable. Probably the BEST game of the year at the BEST price.
Haven't played MGS3 yet, I'm waiting to it's European release. I'm sure it's going to blow my head away.
best game of the year was probably Rumble Roses, excellent graphics, the animation was superb and it was actually a good change from the run of the mill fighting/wrestling game
not to mention if SUSHINGADA likes it, its gotta be good
the worst game wasnt doom3, because that was a tech demo
the worst game was [insert crapcom/nonsnk title here]
[this message was edited by Oroch on Sun 2 Jan 00:33] |
Iggy 5375th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):A famous MOK-KOS" , posted Thu 6 Jan 06:52:
quote: cute!?
 At first, I thought I was the cute one. (´・ω・`)ショボーン
Edit : Internet drama.
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[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 6 Jan 07:07] |
Dr Baghead 3322th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Game of the year" , posted Thu 6 Jan 08:01
Best Game of the Year: Mortal Kombat Deception (while not ground breaking, the MK team has shown they've learned a lot about making real fighting games and making games look nice. Compared to their last offering MKD is a HUGE improvement and deserves credit for it's efforts even if MK-doubts will say "it's an MK game so it sucks!" and MK-'fans' will say "it's got no super unlockables or Rain or Stryker or Hornbuckle so it sucks!")
and in contrast to a Best Game of the year that learned something...
Worst Game of the Year: Dead or Alive Ultimate (DoA3 was at best a minor upgrade to DoA2 and at worse it was a lousy fighting game that was rushed out the door to be an XBox launch title. So obvious the best follow up to DoA3 isn't a game bulit around updating it to stand on it's own, NO! It's removing all the new stuff from DoA3 (except Hitomi, a character I personally dispise) and upgrading DoA2 AGAIN... because WOW! we there aren't already 700000 versions of DoA2 out there since the US DC, Japanese PS2, Europe DC, Japanese DC, US PS2, Europe PS2, and Japanese PS2 second version were all given minor upgrades over each other already. And to make DoAU an even better 'bonus' they include DoA1! Not DoA++ the arcade upgraded version of DoA1, or even the PSX version of DoA1, but no! The SATURN version, because if you're going to go all out and but you're complete "triology" of games on one system make sure to use the most outdated version you can!.... pfff, I'm just bitter Christie isn't in the game. But hey, Ninja Gaiden was really fun so I guess Team Ninja ain't all stupid.)
 yeah it's not funny