doujin game knowledge wanted - Forums

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5351th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"doujin game knowledge wanted" , posted Mon 3 Jan 08:14post reply

Zepy, Professor, Holiday, and everyone who can help me, please do :
I want to know what's hype and what is not in the horror porn doujin scene. Or at least, porn with a huge, dark story, many non-sexual characters, with murders, atmosphere, etc.
I'm asking this because of this, which puzzles me to no end (it's what I just described, only gay. And even not totally, there are a few women, and even a straight porn scene).
The demo has been released here just yesterday, and it's extremely weird for someone like me who don't know the doujin scene as well as I would want to.


1016th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):doujin game knowledge wanted" , posted Tue 4 Jan 00:26post reply

I'm not really sure what answer you're looking for, but if there's any doujin game involving murders and incredible amounts of hype this year, it's ひぐらしの頃に.

I don't think there's porn though, or is there? I've only just started the game.

1144th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):doujin game knowledge wanted" , posted Tue 4 Jan 06:52post reply

Nothing gives me a boner like animated, homosexual misery and suffering.

5359th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):doujin game knowledge wanted" , posted Tue 4 Jan 08:39post reply

Nothing gives me a boner like animated, homosexual misery and suffering.

There is no misery nor suffering in my game... I mean, none in the demo.

It's the story of a guy who has the feeling he is constantly watched, and he hears voices in his head. There are psychedelic art when he has his visions, some very nice, some definitely weird, and the demo ends when the hero sees one of the voices in his head being killed by someone, then the character materializes before him and cliffhanger.

1145th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):doujin game knowledge wanted" , posted Tue 4 Jan 11:08post reply

Nothing gives me a boner like animated, homosexual misery and suffering.

There is no misery nor suffering in my game... I mean, none in the demo.

It's the story of a guy who has the feeling he is constantly watched, and he hears voices in his head. There are psychedelic art when he has his visions, some very nice, some definitely weird, and the demo ends when the hero sees one of the voices in his head being killed by someone, then the character materializes before him and cliffhanger.

Correction: Nothing gives me a boner like schitzophrenic homosexual visions of insanity.

2450th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):doujin game knowledge wanted" , posted Tue 4 Jan 14:05:post reply

I'm not really interested in the horror doujin game genre, and when I do buy doujin games their either shooters or fighters.

If you're interested in non-doujin horror games, I think the last horror ecchi game I played was S.M.L.'s Carnival last year? Well, it's not really monster-horror in the traditional sense, but the definitely was a monster in the game..

Nitroplus' Saya No Uta (getchu) has become something of a cult classic, but maybe more due to Saya's moeing you down. I think this game should be more up your alley - insane main character, blood and organs, lots of red everywhere. Has a really sick and bizzare story, and please don't have spaghetti/steak/wine while playing this game. Some of the visuals are quite... squishy.

Games by Black Lilith are infamous for being voiced and their animated ecchi scenes, and the games usually have a dark story, coupled with rape/torture/S&M/tentacles/any of those. Not really up my alley though.

I remember some discussions about the Abel Software's newly released 10-dimensional cube Sypher (Juu Jigen Rippoutai Saifaa) (getchu) From what I gather, it's a mystery solving type game set in a secluded mansion, full of killing and stuff. Don't think I'm going to get this; my budget is strained as it is after Comiket67. I think this is the first time I'm spending more on doujin games than doujinshi for Comiket.
Please come quickly my Moon Phase doujins

[this message was edited by Holiday on Tue 4 Jan 14:22]

1469th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):doujin game knowledge wanted" , posted Tue 4 Jan 14:36post reply

Nothing gives me a boner like animated, homosexual misery and suffering.

I'm trying to find the homoerotic imagery here, but I just can't see it. Or, I guess that everything a homosexual does is homosexual. He gets up, drinks a homosexual cup of coffee, reads the fag newspaper, then hops in his homo car and goes to gay work!

Wait, what am I jumping all over you for?

Oh yeah, doesn't your avatar usually have bouncing boobs, or something?

/ / /

2814th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):doujin game knowledge wanted" , posted Tue 4 Jan 15:03:post reply

Zepy, Professor, Holiday, and everyone who can help me, please do :
I want to know what's hype and what is not in the horror porn doujin scene. Or at least, porn with a huge, dark story, many non-sexual characters, with murders, atmosphere, etc.
I'm asking this because of this, which puzzles me to no end (it's what I just described, only gay. And even not totally, there are a few women, and even a straight porn scene).
The demo has been released here just yesterday, and it's extremely weird for someone like me who don't know the doujin scene as well as I would want to.

One would have to be able to speak Japanese read Japanoglyphs to answer that question

I used to play quite a lot of these when I had "free time".

[this message was edited by Lupin on Tue 4 Jan 20:07]

2328th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):doujin game knowledge wanted" , posted Tue 4 Jan 16:01post reply

what about abopa's pigeon blood? that's sadistic, at least.

and I thought that Interlude was sort of there...

I remember there being a few that I saw in a shop, but not doujin ones.

5362th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):doujin game knowledge wanted" , posted Tue 4 Jan 19:34:post reply

Thanks Zepy & Holiday.
Well, mostly thank you Holiday, because Zepy only takes a bath every month or so.

what about abopa's pigeon blood? that's sadistic, at least.

Ahahahaha, Pigeon Blood, ahahahaha. Forgot about this.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 4 Jan 19:38]