VF4 FT Ver B - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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5380th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"VF4 FT Ver B" , posted Thu 6 Jan 19:42post reply

The game will be officially released today in all Japan.

One day I will try to play VF.
One day.


734th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):VF4 FT Ver B" , posted Thu 6 Jan 19:52post reply

So when does it get "perfect"? How many revisions does THAT take?
I'm not making fun of VF. I'm dying for a Final Tuned home port...it just seems like whatever they're tweaking should have been tweaked already, since it's "final" tuned and I thought that was the point.

2840th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):VF4 FT Ver B" , posted Thu 6 Jan 20:15post reply

So when does it get "perfect"? How many revisions does THAT take?
I'm not making fun of VF. I'm dying for a Final Tuned home port...it just seems like whatever they're tweaking should have been tweaked already, since it's "final" tuned and I thought that was the point.

IMO VF will make an huge leap forward when the'll finally Make Dural as a true character, with her slot from the begining on the select screen and with items for her.

When the'll add a bit more characters too...
they don't need 37 characters like TTT, but 15 is a bit low nowadays.

The biggest Talent it's to make peoples belive you're talented...

5384th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):VF4 FT Ver B" , posted Thu 6 Jan 20:33post reply

So when does it get "perfect"? How many revisions does THAT take?
I'm not making fun of VF. I'm dying for a Final Tuned home port...it just seems like whatever they're tweaking should have been tweaked already, since it's "final" tuned and I thought that was the point.

Personally, I'd prefer a team that takes 3 years to make a game they consider perfect to a team that releases a half finished game because it has 2003 in the title so you have to release it in 2003.
If the VF team consider they need FT, then a version B, and betatest each version until they consider THIS was the game they wanted to make, then good for them as long as they have the funds to do so, and good for me as well. Since I decided I'll wait for the PS2 version of FT to try the series, I really like the fact they take all their time.
I also like those Game FAQs kids who scream because a game is pushed one month back then scream because the game is not finished and should have had this and that.

3th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):VF4 FT Ver B" , posted Fri 7 Jan 00:05post reply

So when does it get "perfect"? How many revisions does THAT take?
I'm not making fun of VF. I'm dying for a Final Tuned home port...it just seems like whatever they're tweaking should have been tweaked already, since it's "final" tuned and I thought that was the point.

Personally, I'd prefer a team that takes 3 years to make a game they consider perfect to a team that releases a half finished game because it has 2003 in the title so you have to release it in 2003.
If the VF team consider they need FT, then a version B, and betatest each version until they consider THIS was the game they wanted to make, then good for them as long as they have the funds to do so, and good for me as well. Since I decided I'll wait for the PS2 version of FT to try the series, I really like the fact they take all their time.
I also like those Game FAQs kids who scream because a game is pushed one month back then scream because the game is not finished and should have had this and that.


It's impossible to forsee all the bullshit that gets found in a game during the course of its lifespan. Compare how the Japanese play Street Fighter Zero 3 now with when it first came out. Who would have imagined at the time of release that V-ism would be so powerful? Not only that, but almost everyone has infinite juggles also. Obviously not what the creators intended.

It's interesting though, because finding shit like that is what kept the game popular for so long. People had a lot of fun exploiting the game engine and abusing shit.

Sega is taking a different route. They are releasing patches to fix bugs and balance issues as they are found and it has been really successful for them. People are still playing because Sega is willing to address their complaints and fix certain issues. It's a solid investment to put time into learning VF in Japan. You know the game is going to be around forever and that there is going to be a lot of people playing. You can also count on the game to be updated so that it doesn't get out of control.

I just hope the same thing happens with Tekken 5. Namco tends to be lazy about balance patches. Tekken 4 was rediculous.

5387th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):VF4 FT Ver B" , posted Fri 7 Jan 01:14:post reply

I just hope the same thing happens with Tekken 5. Namco tends to be lazy about balance patches. Tekken 4 was rediculous.

It would have been so great if SS0 had taken the same path... Supisupe was such a great improvement, the kanzenban would have been the perfect SS game.
Curse you Imoya !

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 7 Jan 01:18]

3988th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):VF4 FT Ver B" , posted Fri 7 Jan 01:44post reply

It would have been so great if SS0 had taken the same path... Supisupe was such a great improvement, the kanzenban would have been the perfect SS game.
Curse you Imoya !

Don't worry, with time Imoya will roth as the stupid sad vegatables they are and will leave someone more capable on charge.(potatoes are native from the north & south american continents by the way, that's why they are infidels)

That or with time Yuki will get enough man power to re-do the graphic style of SS and then SNK will buy the bait and hand over the license again.

regardless of what there it will be a happy ending with another SS game made by a good company (that excludes SNK), it will be even if it takes another 7 years to happen ;P

See??? He is a God...

5388th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):VF4 FT Ver B" , posted Fri 7 Jan 06:37post reply

it will be even if it takes another 7 years to happen ;P

Glass no samurai kitaaaah !

osoroshii company...
     ゝ ̄ヽ√\  ヽ人/ヽ;;;;/
    / ,>ヘ、ヽヽ  (´Д` #)ゝ gurujio...
   /  〆;´Д`| /ソ /  ⌒i  
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  ノイ./   ./  SNK  / | |
 .__(__ニつ/____/  | |____
    .\___))\  ̄(u ⊃

2845th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):VF4 FT Ver B" , posted Fri 7 Jan 18:39:post reply

Don't worry, with time Imoya will roth as the stupid sad vegatables they are and will leave someone more capable on charge.(potatoes are native from the north & south american continents by the way, that's why they are infidels)

That or with time Yuki will get enough man power to re-do the graphic style of SS and then SNK will buy the bait and hand over the license again.

regardless of what there it will be a happy ending with another SS game made by a good company (that excludes SNK), it will be even if it takes another 7 years to happen ;P

Or maybe Capcom will buy Yuki in order to make them a CFJ 2, that will completly sunk.
then yuki will never be able to make good 2D games any more and it's sammy who will turn it into a GG ripp off....

As for VF, I agree with Iggy when he said that a company who take all the time need to make a game is better than those who rushes their product.
The problem is that between each VF the change are so cheap/small that only True hardcore fan may saw them.... IMO they should maybe taken 3 more year (or 4!!) to make a VF5....

The biggest Talent it's to make peoples belive you're talented...

[this message was edited by NARUTO on Fri 7 Jan 19:50]