Do it with Mario! - Forums

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793th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Do it with Mario!" , posted Sat 8 Jan 20:21post reply

This thread has obviously been inspired by "DDR with Mario."
Say anything you would like to do with mario.


794th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sat 8 Jan 20:22post reply

.. Or with anybody else!

Burning Kyo
2237th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sat 8 Jan 20:26post reply

.. Or with anybody else!

I wanna do it with iggy & you

[Live fast // Die young]

5418th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sat 8 Jan 20:55post reply

...I don't like Mario.
I don't want to do anything with him.

Kikkoken sensei ! What should I do ?

192th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sun 9 Jan 00:25post reply

I'd do that ass-poking game with Mario!

Seriously, no idea though.


1033th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sun 9 Jan 04:11post reply

GTA: Mushroom Kingdom

Basically have the areas modeled after the ones in Mario 3. Each area is ruled by a Koopa Kid and after you beat them there is a cutscene where you mail their heads to Bowser.

64th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sun 9 Jan 06:24post reply

KataMario Damashii.


Dr Baghead
3330th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sun 9 Jan 08:08post reply

Speaking of Mario, has anyone here run into the "real creator" of Mario while on-line? A loony by the name "Arden Lawerence" (aka apahcearrow) claims he invented Mario, Peach, Luigi, Donkey Kong, "Ditty" Kong, Kirby, and probably others...

A fun read can be found here in which he tries to persade the folks at the Urban Legend Reference Page's forum he's for real despite having no evidence and nothing but circular logic to back his claim:

If you're into the Weekend Web/Awful Link of the Day over at Something Awful Mr.Lawerence's arguements/writing style/logic will not disappoint.

Anyway, on topic:
Let's see well he's already got a Tennis and Golf game maybe he could use some more popular sports games:
-Mario Baseball
-Mario Football
-Mario American Football
-Mario Bowling
-Mario Pro Skater
-Mario Syncronized Swiming
-Mario Snowboarding
-Mario Extreme Beach Volleyball
-Mario Bocci Ball
-Mario 100 meter Dash
-Mario Shotput
-Mario's Punch Out

Well if there's going to be a "DDR With Mario" maybe Konami could put Mario into some of it's other popular games as well!
-Mario Gear Solid
-Castlevania with Mario
-Super Contra Brothers
-Teenage Mario Ninja Turtles

Or perphase maybe some more Rythem games would good!
-Mario the Rapper, and it's 'sequel' UmJammer Yoshi
-Space Channel Mario (cuz we all want to see Mario in a skin tight orange mini-skirt)
-Make a complete ass of yourself in front of the TV... with Mario!! (EyeToy required)

Some of Mario's most popular games have involved him being something other then a plumber, like a Doctor, Toy Store Owner, and Carpenter/Professional Monkey owner. Maybe Mario could be in some new games with new professions:
-Cab Driver Mario
-Firefighter Mario
-Historian Mario (oh wait... they already made that)
-Insurrance Fraud Mario getting Workers Comp without a real Injury (it'd be like a Stealth game!)
-Dentist Mario
-Defense Attorney Mario
-Mariotroid (hey, Space Bounty Hunter is a job)
-The Legend of Peach: A Mario to the Past (similarly, medeval elfen adventurer is a job)

Crossovers are big now too!!!
-Mario Vs Capcom (joking aside, Smash Bros. V Power Stone would work REALLY well)
-Marvel Vs Mario
-Mario Vs SNK
-SNK Vs Mario: Chaos
-Mario Vs EA (so Nintendo's timeless characters can fight EA's timeless characters when they're done fighting Marvel's)
-Mario vs Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash
-Mario Vs Sonic (where in fanboys will finally shut the fuck up after constantly complaining as if Sonic was owed to them in Mario Kart or Smash Brothers. Also here we'd see Mario running around big loops and Sonic slowly jumping and climbing doesn't really work)

yeah it's not funny

Red Falcon
5309th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sun 9 Jan 08:45post reply

Speaking of Mario, has anyone here run into the "real creator" of Mario while on-line? A loony by the name "Arden Lawerence" (aka apahcearrow) claims he invented Mario, Peach, Luigi, Donkey Kong, "Ditty" Kong, Kirby, and probably others...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I'm laughing my ass off. If he's going to lie, he should at least get his history right.. Mario didn't even start out as Mario, he was "Jumpman". The name "Mario" was adopted later off some Nintendo of America exec.

Best site EVER: Link Here

1075th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sun 9 Jan 11:13post reply

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Dr baghead
3331th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sun 9 Jan 11:55post reply

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I'm laughing my ass off. If he's going to lie, he should at least get his history right.. Mario didn't even start out as Mario, he was "Jumpman". The name "Mario" was adopted later off some Nintendo of America exec.

Oh no, he knows that... he just ignores it since Nintendo obviously stole his Mario, changed his name to Jumpman, and then when Nintendo knew it couldn't be challenged changed Jumpman back to Mario.

yeah it's not funny

392th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sun 9 Jan 12:00post reply

I'd do that ass-poking game with Mario!

He will show you why he is the supreme lord of the "Mushroom" Kingdom.

"Any of you guys got any shines? I'll do stuff. You know, for it."

Red Falcon
5310th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sun 9 Jan 13:02post reply

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I'm laughing my ass off. If he's going to lie, he should at least get his history right.. Mario didn't even start out as Mario, he was "Jumpman". The name "Mario" was adopted later off some Nintendo of America exec.

Good LORD... I read through a lot of that. MAN, that guy has problems. I'm AMAZED people argued it as long as they did, he's obviously a moron and a liar.

Best site EVER: Link Here

3th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sun 9 Jan 18:28:post reply

u forgot
-the mario of persia(imagine mario screaming:MAMMAMIYA U BITCH)
-resident evil with mario(u go inside the deep mansion of peach's castle and find zombefied toadstels)
-leisure suit mario(i leave this one for your imagination

im bored

hello im a new guy.thank you

[this message was edited by badooor on Sun 9 Jan 18:40]

1600th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sun 9 Jan 18:54post reply

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I'm laughing my ass off. If he's going to lie, he should at least get his history right.. Mario didn't even start out as Mario, he was "Jumpman". The name "Mario" was adopted later off some Nintendo of America exec.
Good LORD... I read through a lot of that. MAN, that guy has problems. I'm AMAZED people argued it as long as they did, he's obviously a moron and a liar.

This reminds me of the time I invented "quotation marks"

Off with your nose

394th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(6):Do it with Mario!" , posted Sun 9 Jan 20:22post reply

This reminds me of the time I invented "quotation marks"

Or so I "thought".

795th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Do it with Mario!" , posted Mon 10 Jan 04:09post reply

.. Or with anybody else!

I wanna do it with iggy & you

Burning Kyo, Iggy & Kikkoken are having a shower after an extenuating 12-hour KOF frenzy. Kikkoken drops the cake of soap...