Xenosaga 1 Thoughts and comments - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums
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Satoshi Miwa
2764th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Xenosaga 1 Thoughts and comments" , posted Mon 10 Jan 15:06
Yeah, I blogged this...But given my lack of posting and the fact others here may be intrested I've had extra enhanced thoughts on the show....
No Mok-Kos = -100000 points, and probably pisses off Net fans everywhere...OTOH I wonder if this means that Namco has forgotten about the second game, much like Macross 2 is swept under the rug. I mean it is a few months after the second game and they clearly used the first series art style and plot...
But beyond that the first episode was so-so, suffering from a bit of too much plot and a lot of off-screen stuff that would only be gotten if you played the game. The animation seemed very cheap as well in places, not having the oomph I expected in an opening episode. And Kos-Mos herself was only seen near the end...
Still, it's better animated than To heart: Remember my Memories. And I can see potential for a good series if the tighten things up and focus heavily on Shion and Kos-Mos. Or at least have lots of Mok-Kos cameo's...
2832th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):Xenosaga 1 Thoughts and comments" , posted Mon 10 Jan 17:17
quote: Yeah, I blogged this...But given my lack of posting and the fact others here may be intrested I've had extra enhanced thoughts on the show....
No Mok-Kos = -100000 points, and probably pisses off Net fans everywhere...OTOH I wonder if this means that Namco has forgotten about the second game, much like Macross 2 is swept under the rug. I mean it is a few months after the second game and they clearly used the first series art style and plot...
But beyond that the first episode was so-so, suffering from a bit of too much plot and a lot of off-screen stuff that would only be gotten if you played the game. The animation seemed very cheap as well in places, not having the oomph I expected in an opening episode. And Kos-Mos herself was only seen near the end...
Still, it's better animated than To heart: Remember my Memories. And I can see potential for a good series if the tighten things up and focus heavily on Shion and Kos-Mos. Or at least have lots of Mok-Kos cameo's...
Some people don't know yet that Mok Kos is an official character. That doll of it was a preview.
5430th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):Xenosaga 1 Thoughts and comments" , posted Mon 10 Jan 19:23
quote:No Mok-Kos = -100000 points
Actually, the very first shot of the opening show a horrible, horrible Yűki-Kos-mos that is not unlike our god, but yet not exactly her. Kos-Mok ?
1077th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
"Re(2):Xenosaga 1 Thoughts and comments" , posted Tue 11 Jan 05:10
Its interesting to note that it seems to follow the game as closely as other anime follows the source comic book.
Has any other (non dating) game based anime followed its source material so closely?
455th Post
Gold Customer
"Re(3):Xenosaga 1 Thoughts and comments" , posted Tue 11 Jan 15:45
quote:Has any other (non dating) game based anime followed its source material so closely?
Well, there was the Final Fantasy V anime....er, wait.
Burning Ranger
1003th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
"Re(4):Xenosaga 1 Thoughts and comments" , posted Tue 11 Jan 23:48
I DLed the fansub but haven't watched it yet. Does it make no sense like the game does?
Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger "In the brightest day in the darkest night..."