Everyone's favorite lump of souls. - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums
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Undead Fred
1978th Post
Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
"Everyone's favorite lump of souls." , posted Tue 11 Jan 11:33 LINK MODE
I can't wait. I still don't understand why they sounded iffy on whether or not you could roll up vehicles and people and stuff, but I think it's just that they were trying to fill some space in the article.
1079th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
"Re(1):Everyone's favorite lump of souls." , posted Tue 11 Jan 12:06
Undead Fred posted ^_^
454th Post
Gold Customer
"Re(1):Everyone's favorite lump of souls." , posted Tue 11 Jan 15:42
Souls, come unto me! --Nightmare, SCII
I can't wait for this. ...and for my copy of the original to come in the mail. Cluster souls aplenty!
5446th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):Everyone's favorite lump of souls." , posted Tue 11 Jan 17:42
Undead Fred Hooray !
Still, they are only talking about things that were on Game Watch something like 3 weeks ago. And they are not talking about the actual update of the official site, which is the pond stage. Also, you can wear up to 3 items (head - face - body).
「とにかく、それは愛のムチよ。 愛しいXXX先生は君を愛弟子として愛するがゆえの厳しさよ」だって。
JLG 67th Post
Occasional Customer
"Re(2):Everyone's favorite lump of souls." , posted Tue 11 Jan 17:59
quote: Undead Fred Hooray !
Still, they are only talking about things that were on Game Watch something like 3 weeks ago. And they are not talking about the actual update of the official site, which is the pond stage. Also, you can wear up to 3 items (head - face - body).
Despite the small size of the images, the Pond Stage looks awesome. It looks like things will be swimming around (does this mean you can throw your katamari ball, or just wait till you're big enough to reach the fish?). Hopefully Namco will do more things like that to tweak the game and bring some new things to the formula. Although Katamari Damacy was the kind of game (like Viewtiful Joe) with such an original concept that even a simple sequel would be good.
Undead Fred
1980th Post
Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
"Re(3):Everyone's favorite lump of souls." , posted Tue 11 Jan 18:39:
Yes, I am BACK
quote:Although Katamari Damacy was the kind of game (like Viewtiful Joe) with such an original concept that even a simple sequel would be good.
I agree totally... I'd be completely happy if it were just a good handful of new stages and more story, but any new little tweaks are fine by me. I just don't want to see them really add too much, though. A big part of the first one's appeal was how simple the gameplay was. It's great.
[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Tue 11 Jan 18:39]
1767th Post
Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
"Re(4):Everyone's favorite lump of souls." , posted Tue 11 Jan 23:33
News about KD must be celebrated no matter what language it appears in. That, and the pond stage looks awesome.
quote:I agree totally... I'd be completely happy if it were just a good handful of new stages and more story, but any new little tweaks are fine by me.
More story?
1256th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Re(5):Everyone's favorite lump of souls." , posted Wed 12 Jan 02:27
This game is going to roll itself into my life. The first one was a shooting star in the sky.