OT: Planes, Trains, and Plantains - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Juke Joint Jezebel
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"OT: Planes, Trains, and Plantains" , posted Thu 13 Jan 17:28post reply

The story of Oedipus.


Undead Fred
1988th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):OT: Planes, Trains, and Plantains" , posted Thu 13 Jan 17:41post reply

The story of Oedipus.

That is the greatest paper I've ever read. Very informative and insightful.

407th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):OT: Planes, Trains, and Plantains" , posted Thu 13 Jan 17:58post reply

The story of Oedipus.

The scary thing is, I had a roommate who would probably be capable of this. Considering that he would write his name on papers as "The **** (name censored to protect the stupid) Man" and all.


5479th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):OT: Planes, Trains, and Plantains" , posted Thu 13 Jan 18:36post reply

What scares me is that the teacher lowered himself to the level of the joke. Which makes hium appear even more stupid than the guy.


465th Post

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"Re(3):OT: Planes, Trains, and Plantains" , posted Thu 13 Jan 18:56post reply

What scares me is that the teacher lowered himself to the level of the joke. Which makes hium appear even more stupid than the guy.

I wonder if this is real though... =)

If this is a high school paper I'm surprised he actually passed. It's not even a real paper.

Just shows you the education level in the US...


2850th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT: Planes, Trains, and Plantains" , posted Thu 13 Jan 20:21:post reply

The story of Oedipus.

They should tell what school it's from.
Also I just looked at some of it, and if I read the whole thing it should be in exchange for a prize. Unless that prize is laughing at it, but reading the whole thing would probably be too tragic for more than a small sum of laughing huh? The style in which he did poorly is worse than that he did poorly, assuming it's real.
Also why does he get such a high grade as a D, when I write the best paper in the class and I get a C for the paper "not being up to to my potential" while a dumber kid with a lesser paper gets an A.

[this message was edited by Lupin on Thu 13 Jan 20:37]

199th Post

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"Re(1):OT: Planes, Trains, and Plantains" , posted Fri 14 Jan 00:53post reply

That was funny in a tragic (ahah) way.
If this thing is real, I need no more explanation for Prez Bush's reelection.


1084th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):OT: Planes, Trains, and Plantains" , posted Fri 14 Jan 03:17post reply

Guys, I think its best if we not over ANALize this.

220th Post

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"Re(3):OT: Planes, Trains, and Plantains" , posted Fri 14 Jan 07:57post reply

Guys, I think its best if we not over ANALize this.

What a great reading!! I found it really hilarious, but those explanations under the pics were priceless...

What a great guy this Oedipus, such a pity he was the milf-lover type...

1412th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Good god, I might've been his roommate..." , posted Mon 17 Jan 11:42post reply

I'd need to confirm it, but during the Fall 2003 semester at the University of Colorado at Boulder, I was roommates with a Mr. Freeman that would get high on a regular basis. He's a smart guy -- though I could see him doing something like this.

The fact that he happens to mention Denver in the report makes it freakier.

Wonder if there's any way to find out more about where this paper may have come from -- maybe I oughta PM this So guy. (Though, his profile says he's from Nevada... hm.)