Kenju is not dead - Forums

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5477th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Kenju is not dead" , posted Thu 13 Jan 18:16post reply

Oh no !

The new version will be betatested from teh 01/14.
It has a time attack mode, and the AI, a lot of moves, the balance and some rules have been changed.

It's nice and all, but those weren't the first problem of the game...



750th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Kenju is not dead" , posted Thu 13 Jan 18:52:post reply

So now I see all the character designs.

Edit: I mean いやああああああ!

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Thu 13 Jan 19:06]

2854th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Kenju is not dead" , posted Thu 13 Jan 18:58post reply

So now I see all the character designs.

and some 2P outfits are even worst...

The biggest Talent it's to make peoples belive you're talented...

1036th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Kenju is not dead" , posted Thu 13 Jan 19:43post reply

After seeing the male character in the turquoise speedo, I finally understand what women feel like when they look at Dead Or Alive.

For God's sake, put some pants on. Or at least take the sock out.

776th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Kenju is not dead" , posted Thu 13 Jan 23:21post reply

After seeing the male character in the turquoise speedo, I finally understand what women feel like when they look at Dead Or Alive.

DOA is the 3D fighter with the biggest female fanbase. Just go to any DOA forum compare the male/female ratio to other fighting forums. Even DOAX has a lot of female players. Let a teen girl play it for a while and see if they like it or not.

200th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(5):Kenju is not dead" , posted Fri 14 Jan 00:58post reply

After seeing the male character in the turquoise speedo, I finally understand what women feel like when they look at Dead Or Alive.

DOA is the 3D fighter with the biggest female fanbase. Just go to any DOA forum compare the male/female ratio to other fighting forums. Even DOAX has a lot of female players. Let a teen girl play it for a while and see if they like it or not.

They probably see a model...
Why do you think Britney/Hilary/Lindsay/"enter teenage bimbo name here" is more popular with teenage girls than boys... (boys don't give a shit about the music)


1774th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Kenju is not dead" , posted Fri 14 Jan 10:26post reply


They probably see a model...
Why do you think Britney/Hilary/Lindsay/"enter teenage bimbo name here" is more popular with teenage girls than boys... (boys don't give a shit about the music)

I'm getting nitpicky here but I suspect "role model" might be too strong a term. F'r instance, just because I enjoy playing Jedah doesn't mean I aspire to be whatever the hell he is. Women that like DoA might dig it to see such a large variety of female characters in something as overtly macho as a fighting game but I sort of doubt they are finding a guide for their lives in the actions of Lei Fang and company.

409th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):Kenju is not dead" , posted Fri 14 Jan 10:48:post reply


DOA is the 3D fighter with the biggest female fanbase. Just go to any DOA forum compare the male/female ratio to other fighting forums. Even DOAX has a lot of female players. Let a teen girl play it for a while and see if they like it or not.


Oh, and why isn't this game dead? Although I think I like the two lolis.


Also, the Chinese girl is disgusting, as Iggy said when information on the game first came out.

But I'm all for male fanservice...just not of the sort that there appears to be right now. Distinctly un-moe. That might just be the way the characters are drawn, though. It's like a very ugly Falcoon.


[this message was edited by Nate on Fri 14 Jan 10:52]

716th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):Kenju is not dead" , posted Fri 14 Jan 13:58post reply

The big darkskinned guy with the red stripes looks like a distorted JoJo character.

Undead Fred
1997th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Kenju is not dead" , posted Sat 15 Jan 07:39post reply

Also, the Chinese girl is disgusting, as Iggy said when information on the game first came out.

Anyway, I'm not sure what's so horrible about the designs... there are a few that look pretty "bleh," but I didn't think it looked too bad. I don't know how interested I'd be in the game, but I've seen much worse in terms of character designs.

412th Post

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Gold Customer

"SITE UPDATE" , posted Sat 15 Jan 07:45:post reply

Also, the Chinese girl is disgusting, as Iggy said when information on the game first came out.

Anyway, I'm not sure what's so horrible about the designs... there are a few that look pretty "bleh," but I didn't think it looked too bad. I don't know how interested I'd be in the game, but I've seen much worse in terms of character designs.

Oh come on, I like boobs sometimes too, but when it's so juvenile that they have to basically have them hanging out for no reason, it starts to get ridiculous.

EDIT: The site's been updated with art of ALL the characters (the lolis are still in, whew) as well as screenshots.


[this message was edited by Nate on Sat 15 Jan 07:49]

Undead Fred
1998th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):SITE UPDATE" , posted Sat 15 Jan 08:02post reply

Oh come on, I like boobs sometimes too, but when it's so juvenile that they have to basically have them hanging out for no reason, it starts to get ridiculous.

I realize that, but in a game where at least half of the characters are wearing midriff shirts or only a couple of belts as a "shirt" and thongs and stuff, then boobs hanging out seems to make sense.

5497th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SITE UPDATE" , posted Sat 15 Jan 08:03post reply

Oh come on, I like boobs sometimes too, but when it's so juvenile that they have to basically have them hanging out for no reason, it starts to get ridiculous.

Reaction from the test : "only two days before the beta test of Rumble Fish 2 ! If the rumor about some loli characters amongst the new one is true, who is going to touch Kenjû ?"

Detail : this is the only post from someone who went to Kenjû's test.


752th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):SITE UPDATE" , posted Sat 15 Jan 08:15post reply

WOW.They have cool names, too. Like "Slayman" and "De Rake".

I agree that ridiculous oversexuality is approrpriate in this game, but that's a problem, not a solution. If the game was actually sexy in any way, then it wouldn't be so horrific.

Undead Fred
2000th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SITE UPDATE" , posted Sat 15 Jan 08:20post reply

WOW.They have cool names, too. Like "Slayman" and "De Rake".

I agree that ridiculous oversexuality is approrpriate in this game, but that's a problem, not a solution. If the game was actually sexy in any way, then it wouldn't be so horrific.

Well, yeah. I guess I was looking at the designs as being more like Guilty Gear types of designs or something like that, but I didn't really think of the designs as trying to be sexy or anything. Just more half-naked people trying to beat each other up. Heh heh.

Red Falcon
5327th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SITE UPDATE" , posted Sat 15 Jan 10:49post reply

I don't think the designs are so bad, either. I've seen much worse in other games (Martial Masters and Daraku Tenshi come to mind)

Best site EVER: Link Here

2859th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):SITE UPDATE" , posted Sat 15 Jan 22:52post reply

I don't think the designs are so bad, either. I've seen much worse in other games (Martial Masters and Daraku Tenshi come to mind)

And! and, and...Kasumi ninja.....

The biggest Talent it's to make peoples belive you're talented...

Undead Fred
2004th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):SITE UPDATE" , posted Sun 16 Jan 06:41post reply

I don't think the designs are so bad, either. I've seen much worse in other games (Martial Masters and Daraku Tenshi come to mind)

And! and, and...Kasumi ninja.....

Not sure if anyone remembers VS. on PSX...

1777th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):SITE UPDATE" , posted Sun 16 Jan 07:12post reply

Exaggeration is fine, but when the hands and feet of most of the characters in the promo art are twice as big as their heads it's a bit too much for me. Maybe the characters look better in motion while doing what appears to be Rival School style fighting.

"Slayman?" Sheesh.

EDIT: The site's been updated with art of ALL the characters (the lolis are still in, whew) as well as screenshots.

At least the Jailbait Twins are obscuring that giant green crotch.

2862th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SITE UPDATE" , posted Sun 16 Jan 19:20post reply


Not sure if anyone remembers VS. on PSX...

Now I did.....>_<!!


Exaggeration is fine, but when the hands and feet of most of the characters in the promo art are twice as big as their heads it's a bit too much for me. Maybe the characters look better in motion while doing what appears to be Rival School style fighting.

In in game graphisms are indeed closer to Rival school, just with a bad Cell-shading...

The biggest Talent it's to make peoples belive you're talented...