Yet another AA thread - Forums

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5483th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Yet another AA thread" , posted Thu 13 Jan 23:18post reply

J( 'ー`)し Takeshi ! Today, at the book store, I found those porn book that I thought you would like. Tonight you will masturbate on this.

Mo... mommy... You're going too far...(;´Д`)

 ○             ○          |l≡≡≡|ミ|       o。 。
      o                o。_。 |l≡≡≡|ミ|            
          o。_。_lコ<o>     |l≡≡≡|ミ|__。≠ 〇o
  + +。。。。。 ::|FFFFFFF|。..。. 。 |l≡≡≡|ミ|.EEEEEEEEE|ミ| .。
  * o.  o.   ::|FFFFFFF / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\EEEEEE|ミ|
     。。o.o  ::|FFFFFFF |  ・・・J('ー` )し・・・    ..|EEo○E|ミ|
   /| ̄ ̄ ̄l ::|FFFFFFF .\_  ______/EEEEoE|ミ|
   |ミ|:」」:」」:」| ::|FFFFFF F    |/ |l≡≡≡|ミ|EEE。EEEEE|ミ|
   |ミ|:」」:」」:」| 〇 FF.。         .|l≡≡+ +! + 。 〇   +
   lミl.」」.」〇 ++ +   ( 'A`) o  〇 。 o  +   〇 。
  __〇___。_゜__/~つと) ____o______〇__o_
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

  ::::::::::::::::::::........................................  ..    .   . ..
 ゜      〇  〇 〇〇             *     〇 o 
   *  ゜  +    ,:'           : +       丶   +
 〇     +   ゜ ,-'             i              ヽl゛   
     〇    _  l/            l!               \「     
         _  i/             ll                \「
       - l/               |l              \
    -_ ~l/                  |.l

 ○             ○          |l≡≡≡|ミ|       o。 。
      o                o。_。 |l≡≡≡|ミ|            
          o。_。_lコ<o>     |l≡≡≡|ミ|__。≠ 〇o
  + +。。。。。 ::|FFFFFFF|。..。. 。 |l≡≡≡|ミ|.EEEEEEEEE|ミ| .。
  * o.  o.   ::|FFFFFFF / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\EEEEEE|ミ|
     。。o.o  ::|FFFFFFF |I can't take it anymore.|EEo○E|ミ|
   /| ̄ ̄ ̄l ::|FFFFFFF .\_  ______/EEEEoE|ミ|
   |ミ|:」」:」」:」| ::|FFFFFF F    |/ |l≡≡≡|ミ|EEE。EEEEE|ミ|
   |ミ|:」」:」」:」| 〇 FF.。         .|l≡≡+ +! + 。 〇   +
   lミl.」」.」〇 ++ +       o  〇 。 o  +   〇 。
  __〇___。_゜__    ピョン   ____o______〇__o_
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ iii ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ::::::::::::::::::::................................... ( )  .   . ..
...............:::::::::::::::::::          ノレ
 ゜      〇  〇 〇〇             *     〇 o 
   *  ゜  +    ,:   ブゥゥン凸 : +       丶   +
 〇     +   ゜ ,-'             i              ヽl゛   
     〇    _  l/            l!               \「     
         _  i/             ll                \「
       - l/               |l              \
    -_ ~l/                  |.l


5484th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Yet another AA thread" , posted Thu 13 Jan 23:20post reply

IYyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!! J(つд⊂)し

       ____.____    |      |||
     |        |        |   |      |||
     |        |        |   |
     |        |.J( 'ー`)し |   |     ヽ('A`)ノ
     |        |/.⊃━⊃━━━━┫.   ( )  ┃
        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    |  . ┃.   ノレ   ┃
                        |.   ┗━━━━━┛
――丶ヽ〃――――――――― ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

       ____.____    |
     |        |        |   |
     |        |        |   |
     |        |J( TーT)し|   |
     |        |/.⊃━⊃━━━━┫   |||  ┃
        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    |  . ┃   |||  ┃
                        |.   ┗━┓  ┏━┛
                        |.   ズボ
                        |     ヽ(゚A゚)ノ
――丶ヽ〃――――――――― ~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~

                                            THE END

Bonus : the next spring :

~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~


5485th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Yet another AA thread" , posted Thu 13 Jan 23:37post reply

This one is from a thread "describe your situation right now".

>>358, a girl, is writting the first post :

◆My TV       □My computer
           ○Me. Cold.

       ●My cat

◇The heater. Dead

>>370, a guy, answers :

◆My TV       □My computer
           ○You. Cold.
       ●My cat

◇The heater. Dead


Follow up :

◆My TV       □My computer
           ○Me. Cold.
            Φ A ghost
       ●My cat

◇The heater. Dead

Then :

◆My TV       □My computer
           ○Me. Dead.
            Φ A ghost
       ●My cat. Dead

◇The heater. Dead


Then :

◆My TV       □My computer
           ○Me. Cold.
■Raô        ◆Julia's brother

>>358 : ........


196th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Yet another AA thread" , posted Fri 14 Jan 00:23post reply

Been a while we hadn't had one of those.
That was definitely needed. Thanks Iggy.


219th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):Yet another AA thread" , posted Fri 14 Jan 07:52post reply


Then :

◆My TV       □My computer
           ○Me. Cold.
■Raô        ◆Julia's brother

>>358 : ........

Julia's brother? Ryuga from Hokuto no Ken? And what does Kaioh think about this? So many questions with no answer...

5521th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Yet another AA thread" , posted Fri 21 Jan 00:45post reply

  (⌒)         It's late... let's go to bed. 
/ ̄ ̄|         ∧_∧  
| ||.  |     ━⊂(・∀・ ) ピ ッ
\__|    ========  \  
 |   |   /※※※※ゞノ,_)
   ̄ ̄   ⌒~⌒~⌒~⌒~

  (⌒) Nooooooo !!!! Don't switch me oooooff !      
/ ̄ ̄|  _, ,_     ∧_∧  
| ||.  |(;`Д´) Σ(・∀・;)
\__|_つ ⊂ノ========  \  
 |   |   /※※※※ゞノ,_)
   ̄ ̄   ⌒~⌒~⌒~⌒~

/ ̄ ̄|_  _, ,_    ∧_∧  
| ||.  |(#`Д´)つ<・∀・;)
\__|ヽ_つ ========  \  
 |   |   /※※※※ゞノ,_)
   ̄ ̄   ⌒~⌒~⌒~⌒~

/ ̄ ̄|っ <Noooooooo !  
| ||.  |_つ))
\__|     ========   
 |   |   /※※※※ゞ\
   ̄ ̄   ⌒~⌒~⌒~⌒~⌒

Alternate happy end : the main character was actually watching a porn movie.