Street Fighter Arcade Stick - Forums

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Variable Savior
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"Street Fighter Arcade Stick" , posted Fri 14 Jan 10:40post reply

I was at EB Games today when I stumbled across this:

Street Fighter Arcade Stick

It has a straight eight button layout (thankfully it's not modeled after the angled arcade setup that found it's way onto the 90's SF stick) and is of considerable size and weight. And the best part is that this monster is compatible with both the PS2 AND Xbox!! I can't say how it feels or plays but if it turns out to be decent it would be a godsend to have a single stick for both systems (particularly if the next generation systems have backward compatibility on controllers like the PSX -> PS2 did).

I don't suppose anyone's purchased this stick? I'm really tempted to buy this thing (even though I haven't used a stick in a fighter for roughly 9 years) but I'd really rather hear other gamer's impressions before taking the plunge (the site only offers a handful of actual reviews).

Blood marks heaven's path


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"Re(1):Street Fighter Arcade Stick" , posted Fri 14 Jan 12:21post reply

Stick is okay, but the buttons really suck. Very odd looking and raised too high for my liking, not to mention that they feel cheap and plasticky. It'd probably be good to mod with real arcade parts. Definitely not the stick for guys who hate the size of MAS Sticks. This thing is pretty tall and bulky.

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"Re(2):Street Fighter Arcade Stick" , posted Fri 14 Jan 19:58post reply

When I saw this I thought about buying it for the poster that came with it and to see if it was good. But then I thought about it and decided that I didn't need it. Since I already have both of the SVC arcade stick pads. Those work just fine for me.