OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews fair? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Dr Baghead
3340th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews fair?" , posted Sun 16 Jan 16:10post reply


So RottenTomatoes has Elektra at 7% right now, which is less the "the worse comic movie ever" Catwoman (9%) the previeous worse reviewed Marvel Movie, the 80's Punisher (11%... of the recent movies Blade Trinity at 27% and new Punisher at 29% are the worse) and even it's 'competition' this week, the absolutely horrible looking Racing Stripes (currently 39%)

I had no intention of seeing Elektra in theatres or on DVD, I fucking HATE the Daredevil movie and Alias so I assume I won't like this much more... so I was looking forward to seeing this bomb at both box office and with critics, but most of the reviews seem to hate the movie more because it's loosely connected to a movie about Ben Affleck then the fact it's truely a horrendous movie it seems like if Elektra had come out before Daredevil and no one told them it had a link to Affleck it would have gotten at least 20-40%

So I just wanted to ask anyone who has seen it/will be seeing it: is it really deserving of the 7% it has? or has Ben Affleck worn out his welcome so much in Hollywood they're taking out on his loved ones/vaguely connected movies?

yeah it's not funny


1384th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews f" , posted Sun 16 Jan 16:19:post reply

I thought it was a good movie, not great. A rental at best, I felt I should of seen Appleseed, but I'll watch that soon. Elektra's major problem is that it's trying to be a Kung Fu flick like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or House of Flying Daggers, and why would anyone aim for that when, we can all just go to the theaters and see those movies? Strange.

But worse than the Catwoman Movie? I'm sorry, whoever believes that needs to be shot in the head. At least I've seen Stick and Typhoid Mary in comic books unlike the entire freaking cast of the Catwoman Movie.

[this message was edited by Sano on Sun 16 Jan 16:20]

2856th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews f" , posted Sun 16 Jan 16:36post reply


So RottenTomatoes has Elektra at 7% right now, which is less the "the worse comic movie ever" Catwoman (9%) the previeous worse reviewed Marvel Movie, the 80's Punisher (11%... of the recent movies Blade Trinity at 27% and new Punisher at 29% are the worse) and even it's 'competition' this week, the absolutely horrible looking Racing Stripes (currently 39%)

I had no intention of seeing Elektra in theatres or on DVD, I fucking HATE the Daredevil movie and Alias so I assume I won't like this much more... so I was looking forward to seeing this bomb at both box office and with critics, but most of the reviews seem to hate the movie more because it's loosely connected to a movie about Ben Affleck then the fact it's truely a horrendous movie it seems like if Elektra had come out before Daredevil and no one told them it had a link to Affleck it would have gotten at least 20-40%

So I just wanted to ask anyone who has seen it/will be seeing it: is it really deserving of the 7% it has? or has Ben Affleck worn out his welcome so much in Hollywood they're taking out on his loved ones/vaguely connected movies?

Hm, well based on what I've seen of the movie it's equally bad as Daredevil, except it's a sequel, or something like that right?, so we can expect it to be slightly lower quality.

Also does Marvel own Jennifer Garner now like the movie studios used to own actors?

Undead Fred
2008th Post

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"Re(2):OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews f" , posted Sun 16 Jan 18:19post reply


Girlfriend should have stayed dead.

2858th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews f" , posted Sun 16 Jan 19:26post reply

or has Ben Affleck worn out his welcome so much in Hollywood they're taking out on his loved ones/vaguely connected movies?

This is an interesting point. I try to be on good behavior because it can reflect on those around me. On the other side, there are people who I might otherwise find interesting but I can't associate with them because of their actions.

1042th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews f" , posted Mon 17 Jan 01:11:post reply

Personally I did not like Elektra the same way I liked most of the recent Marvel movies. The first 30 or so minutes of the movie are horribly slow where the only interesting part being the Fantastic 4 trailer. But when the hand makes there move things pick up. I thought it was better than Blade Trinity and below everything else. Oh well I just went to see the movie for Bob Sapp anyways.

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Is it be or was the OCD thing just BS they threw in there for NO good reason?

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[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Mon 17 Jan 01:20]

1060th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews f" , posted Mon 17 Jan 04:37post reply

I am kind of upset with all these bad comic book movies coming out lately. Nevermind the fact that they end up being a disappointment if you like the characters, if this trend keeps going, the comic book to movie faze is going to die really quickly and we will have to wait another 20 years to see a decent movie (It will be Captain America and Dolph Lundren Punisher era all over again).

459th Post

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"Re(4):OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews f" , posted Mon 17 Jan 06:32post reply

I am kind of upset with all these bad comic book movies coming out lately.

Well, there you have it, I guess--a few years ago, the generic trend was for bad movies based on ancient American TV shows/sitcoms, so I guess comics are the current and possibly short-lived era. (Dennis the Menace movie??? wha???)

I thought it was better than Blade Trinity and below everything else.

Ouch. So below everything else, then. One day I may get over Blade 3 and see 2, which was apparently not actually terrible?


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"Re(5):OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews f" , posted Mon 17 Jan 06:49post reply

One day I may get over Blade 3 and see 2, which was apparently not actually terrible?

Blade 2 is about the same level as 3.

Be kind to goblins.

2979th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews f" , posted Mon 17 Jan 07:18post reply


So RottenTomatoes has Elektra at 7% right now, which is less the "the worse comic movie ever" Catwoman (9%) the previeous worse reviewed Marvel Movie, the 80's Punisher (11%... of the recent movies Blade Trinity at 27% and new Punisher at 29% are the worse) and even it's 'competition' this week, the absolutely horrible looking Racing Stripes (currently 39%)

I had no intention of seeing Elektra in theatres or on DVD, I fucking HATE the Daredevil movie and Alias so I assume I won't like this much more... so I was looking forward to seeing this bomb at both box office and with critics, but most of the reviews seem to hate the movie more because it's loosely connected to a movie about Ben Affleck then the fact it's truely a horrendous movie it seems like if Elektra had come out before Daredevil and no one told them it had a link to Affleck it would have gotten at least 20-40%

So I just wanted to ask anyone who has seen it/will be seeing it: is it really deserving of the 7% it has? or has Ben Affleck worn out his welcome so much in Hollywood they're taking out on his loved ones/vaguely connected movies?

As a fan of Marvel comics and a big fan of the Daredevil movie, here is my take. I don't think Elektra is a good enough character to stand alone in her own film. In addition, a lot of things could've been better. The first scene where she kills someone was ok, then it got really slow until the fights with the Hand. I really wanted the movie to start off with Elektra's death in Daredevil. I also wanted at least maybe a mention of Matt Murdock in this movie, but I guess they wanted it to completely stand alone by itself. The Hand should've had a lot more character development, and I think I would've prefered if Typhoid Mary wasn't in this movie (I'd have prefered her for a Daredevil sequel. Though I've heard no plans yet, I'm sure one will get made). And I didn't like the changes to Mary and I don't think she was ever in the Hand.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Not to mention the fact that Typhoid Mary gets killed.

End of Spoiler

The Hnad were actually pretty interesting in the film, there just wasn't much development of them. I thought there was too much character development of Elektra. I thought that I already had a sense of who she was from Daredevil and didn't need them to re-explain things for me. All people need in the movie is to know how Elektra is alive again, know who her enemies are, and see them fight. Alright, so they need more than that, but those are the basics, and I kindof felt like I didn't really know the enemies well enough. I could've done without Elektra's pals (the little girl, it never really explained well enough why she was so special). I wish the story had just been about Elektra and the hand and left the little girl and her daddy out of it. Still, the effects were good. Tattoo was probably the coolest villain in the movie in terms of his power I guess, and Stone was neat...well, all the villains were neat. Elektra's costume was nice (and what I would've liked to have seen in Daredevil). There were good points of the movie, it just seemed to be missing something, so it wasn't really bad, but it was really good either. I'll probably buy it to go with my Marvel DVD collection though. It was better than the Hulk (and that's getting a sequel. At least they are promising a smaller Hulk in the sequel and what appears to be a truer version of the character). And it had to be better than Catwoman (I never saw Catwoman, refused to, way too many changes to the real character. They should've just called it something else). I didn't feel like I threw my $7.00 away at Elektra. But I wouldn't rush out to go see it again. The Fantastic Four trailer really gave me good feelings about the FF movie though. Seeing the Human Torch fly was nice, and it was nice to see him completely flame on (sites describing the movie made it sound like he'd only shoot flame from his fingertips or some nonsense like that). I got to see an invisible shield. I got to see Thing crush a truck. I got to see Mr. Fantastic stretch his hand under a door and up to the handle to open it from the other side (and the stretching effects were better than I thought they'd be). I'm really looking forward to FF. I wasn't disappointed by the trailer.

Hungry Like the Wolf

Burning Ranger
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"Re(3):OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews f" , posted Tue 18 Jan 04:34post reply

The first 30 or so minutes of the movie are horribly slow where the only interesting part being the Fantastic 4 trailer.

I liked the FF trailer. I think the movie will be enjoyable, despite a lot of people bashing the preview already. (Then again, I'm an FF fan to begin with).

Elektra was an okay movie, but I'm recommending that people wait for it on DVD. I kept expecting to see DD cameo, but alas, those were just rumors. Cool to see Stick in the film, some good DD homage.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."

1494th Post

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"Re(6):OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews f" , posted Tue 18 Jan 04:51post reply

One day I may get over Blade 3 and see 2, which was apparently not actually terrible?

Blade 2 is about the same level as 3.

I'd say Blade 2 is by far the best movie in the series. I thought it had pretty good direction... the plot is nothing special at all though. I actually saw it in the theater and enjoyed it, so I'd recommend it to someone interested in seeing a Blade movie.

/ / /

1779th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):OT: are the bad Elektra movie reviews f" , posted Tue 18 Jan 11:18post reply

I'd say Blade 2 is by far the best movie in the series. I thought it had pretty good direction... the plot is nothing special at all though. I actually saw it in the theater and enjoyed it, so I'd recommend it to someone interested in seeing a Blade movie.

That, and the Fetus Dispensing Machine in Blade 2 was the funniest thing I've seen in ages. That movie wasn't taking itself in the least bit seriously but it had an enjoyable sense of energy about it.

341th Post

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"Elektra Movie - My thoughts" , posted Tue 18 Jan 11:41post reply

I would say that I saw this movie, and it was a lot better than Catwoman. Catwoman was pretty bad. I don't even want to touch that DVD at Blockbuster tomorrow. I watched it with a neighbor-lady-friend of mine. I also wanted to see Appleseed, but it's kinda far where I live to see it. Hopefully it's still playing on Thursday on my day off.[I read in Entertainment Weekly this was a C+ movie..]

Elektra had some good and bad moments. It tried to be a meaningful and sensitive film, but I felt confused at certain parts. Like she kept having flashbacks of a demon, then a ninja, then towards the end, it was that asian guy. If she had the power to see the future, why didn't she see that guy's face in the first place?

I loved Terrence Stamp in that movie. I think he's a great actor. I saw him in "The Limey", and also "My Boss's Daughter".

It made me smirk that the guy from Mortal Kombat who portrayed Shang Tsung was in Elektra. I could not shake that off in my head, and I felt that was pretty annoying.

Other than this, the good parts were
she totally organizes her fruits and toilettries , and the little girl tells her that she has OCD was kind of cute.

I thought that some of the cut scenes like her running on a tree, and having it fall on that buff black guy to save the other girl could of been a little better. I didn't see the believeability in that part because the cut scenes felt odd to me.

The computer graphics were okay, but I didn't really think Tatoo was necessary in that film. He didn't do any kung fu or anything, so that pretty much kept another mental tab of the movie's shortcomings. I would of paid 5.00 for this movie instead of 10.00 because I felt half filled, and half empty after seeing it. Maybe even 3.50 if I waited two months to see it at Milpitas Cinema Saver.

It was good, but not great. I just wanted to see it because it had Jennifer Garner in it, since I liked her in 13 going on 30. I haven't even watched Alias yet, but I hope I won't be disappointed in watching it when I rent it from Blockbuster with my movie pass.

At least I got to see Jennifer Garner, she's pretty hot. Screw Ben Affleck in Daredevil, Jennifer Garner pretty much stole the show for me. It's too bad she acted like a different person in Elektra.


1389th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Appleseed > Elektra Movie. Sorry Alias..." , posted Tue 18 Jan 14:40post reply

I also wanted to see Appleseed, but it's kinda far where I live to see it. Hopefully it's still playing on Thursday on my day off.[I read in Entertainment Weekly this was a C+ movie..]

Appleseed is sooo good. But these Anime Movies released in Theaters hit video really fast as in Ghost in the Shell 2 is already on DVD, so if you can't catch it now, you should be able to see it soon. It's playing in only 2 theaters in New York City, both of them only three times a day and roughly the same times - 4:30, 7:00 and 9:00.

Burning Ranger
1015th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Fantastic Four Trailer" , posted Wed 19 Jan 12:50post reply

Here's the trailer for Fantastic Four that was attached to Elektra screenings:


Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."

3205th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fantastic Four Trailer" , posted Wed 19 Jan 13:12post reply



Whoa, it doesn't look THAT bad, in fact, it looks decent.
Sure, they fucked up Doom's origin, and the movie won't be as fantastic as their adventures in the comics (you know, intergalactic stuff), but for what I've seen in the teaser, they seem to have their escences intact, and that's what counts.

2986th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Fantastic Four Trailer" , posted Thu 20 Jan 03:36post reply


Sure, they fucked up Doom's origin,

True, but I can understand it. I mean, I think his true origin would be a little difficult to tie in to the movie, and the way they changed it just helps the movie move quicker I'm sure. It could be worse, they could've used the origin from the Ultimate Fantastic Four, where they don't even go to space, and where Doom has goat hooves and his Doom mask (which isn't a mask) looks dumb. I like the way he looks in the new FF film at least. I think the movie will be pretty good. I'm looking forward to it. I just can't wait to see all the stuff Mr. Fantastic will do in the movie!

Hungry Like the Wolf

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"Man, this is sad..." , posted Thu 20 Jan 04:46post reply


91th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Man, this is sad..." , posted Thu 20 Jan 05:12post reply


Dammit, you beat me to this.

But after reading that. I thought "take that Joe Quesada!"

Did anyone read the most recent Wizard? The Q & A section with Quesada and DiDio. They asked Quesada if any dead/missing in action/exploring Uranus characters will return. He replied somewhere along the lines: dead is dead.

If that was true then why did Colossus come back after they cremated his body and had Shadowcat scatter his ashes somewhere in Russia?

3208th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Man, this is sad..." , posted Thu 20 Jan 05:18post reply


If that was true then why did Colossus come back after they cremated his body and had Shadowcat scatter his ashes somewhere in Russia?

Because YOU demanded it.

838th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"OT stuff" , posted Thu 20 Jan 05:39post reply

the first blade was my favorite, just because stephen dorff was a badass main villain. that was my main complaint about trinity - despite having a LOT of story and history and whatnot to fall back on, the villain pretty much was this generic "honorbound and powerful" archetype guy. honestly, I only went to see people other than blade and his nemesis - ryan reynolds was hilarious, jessica biel is super hot, and of courses THE GAME (triple vampire? vampire H?) made the movie for me and my friends. blade 2 was still good, aside from some cheesy CG, the story had enough action and vampire wolrd intrigue to keep you interested.

hey... the fantastic 4 movie might actually be good... well... at least not suck ("honey" automaticaly recieves "doesn't suck" status simply because jessica alba is in it).

92th Post

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"Re(3):Man, this is sad..." , posted Thu 20 Jan 06:13post reply


Because YOU demanded it.


2987th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Man, this is sad..." , posted Thu 20 Jan 10:16post reply


Dammit, you beat me to this.

But after reading that. I thought "take that Joe Quesada!"

Did anyone read the most recent Wizard? The Q & A section with Quesada and DiDio. They asked Quesada if any dead/missing in action/exploring Uranus characters will return. He replied somewhere along the lines: dead is dead.

If that was true then why did Colossus come back after they cremated his body and had Shadowcat scatter his ashes somewhere in Russia?

I don't like the "dead is dead" thing personally, and when I read that in Wizard, my thoughts also went to Colossus. I'm glad he's back. I'm also glad that it looks like Jean's coming back again in Phoenix: Endsong (but we knew she'd be back sometime). Speaking of dead people coming back, the cover for Feb. (I think) Uncanny X-men has

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on the cover. I'll be happy about that too if that actually happens. I think anything should be possible in comics. And I think Colossus was dead long enough that his return doesn't cheapen his sacrifice. I hate when people use that for the reason they think a character should stay dead.

Hungry Like the Wolf

Undead Fred
2017th Post

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"Re(3):Man, this is sad..." , posted Thu 20 Jan 10:32post reply

I think anything should be possible in comics. And I think Colossus was dead long enough that his return doesn't cheapen his sacrifice. I hate when people use that for the reason they think a character should stay dead.

First of all, I hadn't read comics in forever, but holy shit there are a lot of dead people now. "Oh yeah, you didn't hear? Spider-Man and Mary Jane have separated, Colossus is dead, and oh yeah, George Jetson got addicted to space crack and was found dead in an alley."

I really wish the comic book writers would either make up their minds and have characters stay dead or just stop killing people's favorites as a sales gimmick. When they come back, it just makes me wonder why the hell they were killed in the first place. I don't know. Maybe the comic book fans see it differently, but it's the same attitude I have toward movies that try to finish a series by killing people off, but then come back with a sequel later (the Alien series, for example). Either stop making sequels, or don't kill people off. The End.

93th Post

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"Re(4):Man, this is sad..." , posted Fri 21 Jan 01:19post reply

I blame the editors more than the writers.

Wasn't Joe Quesada's predecessor as E-I-C a hard ass to work with?

For example:
Mark Waid, current writer of Fantastic Four, has some problems earlier in his FF run. He posted somewhere on the internet on how the editors had problems of his direction of the book that they booted him off. Marvel, after finding out about his public out cry, canned the replacement writer, apologized and asked him to return to the FF book. Before the FF run, he did the 3rd series of Captain America, for a few issues his name was not even in the credits as a writer.

Writers butts head with the editors for creative freedom.

Editors chooses what goes into every issue.

1789th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Man, this is sad..." , posted Fri 21 Jan 04:56post reply


Dammit, you beat me to this.

But after reading that. I thought "take that Joe Quesada!"

From what I've read of the case the lawsuit was more along the lines that Stan Lee felt he was owed X amount from a contract and Marvel felt they owed him Y and they went to court to hammer it out. Lee continues to earn $1 million a year for being a living figurehead for Marvel and however this lawsuit finally plays out I doubt that position will change. This isn't a question of ownership and, as far as I understand the power structure at Marvel, anything that involves Quesada.

Finally, an interesting little tidbit from Mark Evanier's blog:

Two more notes on the Stan Lee lawsuit. At this moment, Google News lists 264 articles online about Stan's victory. Some list Stan as creator, not co-creator. A few refer to him as "cartoonist Stan Lee," suggesting wrongly that he drew. Steve Ditko is unmentioned in the 264 articles.

Dr Baghead
3350th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Man, this is sad..." , posted Fri 21 Jan 09:34post reply

FUN FACT: Piece of Shit Looking movie "Are We There Yet?" Has tied Elektra at 7% rating, which is not surprising given how horrible it looks (It's funny that "Adult abuses child" is horrible, but "Child abuses adult" is slapstick comedy... if someone made a movie were and adult forces a child to do things that humilate and degrade and even possibly kill them there'd rightfully be a lot of protest... but a kid does it an adult and Nickelodeon runs the trailers non-stop and it's sold as "Family Comedy") but Given no one here has been absolutely disgusted by Elektra and it's trailers don't make it looks unwatchable, I think the 7% it got is rather unfair.

Two more notes on the Stan Lee lawsuit. At this moment, Google News lists 264 articles online about Stan's victory. Some list Stan as creator, not co-creator. A few refer to him as "cartoonist Stan Lee," suggesting wrongly that he drew. Steve Ditko is unmentioned in the 264 articles.

It makes sense why Ditko isn't mentioned, he's not suing... TADA! (didn't he sue when the first one came out to get co-creator's billing though? at least he's getting something from the movies now)

-it's possible they're calling him "creator" because they're misinformed/been mislead. All of the books do say "STAN LEE PRESENTS" there by, it seems like these are all ideas he created... and if someone doesn't understand comics are about art as they are story, it would seem 'logical' since he wrote the stories he created everything and just told Ditko "draw this", so Ditko was a pawn to Stan's creation... either of those is wrong to do, but at least it means they're not trying to ignore Ditko
-calling him a "cartoonist" might because they couldn't think of a better term for "guy who makes comics"... since "writer/editor" makes it sound like he's got a real job... but of course it does imply he's an artist which just misleads idiots who write stories to be all "I WANT TO GET STAN LEE TO DRAW MY COMICS!!!"

I don't like the "dead is dead" thing personally

...speaking of which, it seems the true idenities of both Hush (turns out he's not really Thomas Elliot after all) and the new Red Hood are unknown... and since they never found Jason Todd's body, I think it's obvious he's going to be one of them... but WHO?!

yeah it's not funny

2988th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Man, this is sad..." , posted Fri 21 Jan 09:46post reply


...speaking of which, it seems the true idenities of both Hush (turns out he's not really Thomas Elliot after all) and the new Red Hood are unknown... and since they never found Jason Todd's body, I think it's obvious he's going to be one of them... but WHO?!

I know, I look forward to him returning if he is a villain, I don't want Jason Todd to return and be a good guy though.

On another note, I borrowed the old Fantastic Four movie from the guy who runs the Heroclix tournaments at the comic store here. I just finished watching the movie, and I can say with some certainty that the Fantastic Four movie coming out this year will be far, far superior. However, the old FF wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but it was bad, but survivable (if that's a word).

Hungry Like the Wolf