Rumble Roses hacks to be released today - Forums

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"Rumble Roses hacks to be released today" , posted Mon 17 Jan 08:23post reply

Myself and CMX(creator of codebreaker device and owner of have been working together over the last 3 days testing(my job) and hacking(his job) Rumble Roses for PS2.

Today I was notified that the codes will be finally released to the public(depends on how long he takes at the laundromat), so I decided to give you guys a heads up on what we're tossing in.

Freeze/Unfreeze characters(needed for zooming, x/y/z cameras, and rotation/scale cameras)

Controllable Camera 1(zooming and x/y/z positions) w/on and off switches

Controllable Camera 2(rotation and scale) w/on and off switches

Disable Shadows(mud match mode)

All outfits useable in mud match mode

Disable Hud and Re-Enable Hud

Disable loss to submissions/humiliations

Disable loss to pins


Reset pin count to zero

Opp cannot escape submissions/humiliations

Idiot CPU(they just stand there)

Gallery Camera can zoom more

NPC Characters unlocked:
Backup Dancer 1
Backup Dancer 2
Backup Cheerleader 1
Backup Cheerleader 2

Character modifier:
Mini characters(midget sized...preportion stays normal)
Godzilla characters(super huge size...preportion stays normal)
Invisible characters

Stage Modifiers:
Gallery Beach
Gallery Normal
Backstage 1
Backstage 2

I have personally tested all of these codes sans the character modifier/npc modifier/ and stage modifiers and i can say without a shadow of a doubt that our upcoming Rumble Roses videos will be the shit(that, and millions of horny teenagers are going to be REALLY happy).

Don't forget that there are already a ton of codes available on for basic things in this game(example: all heel/face unlocked in exhibition mode, unlimited supers, etc)


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"Re(1):Rumble Roses hacks to be released today" , posted Mon 17 Jan 15:27post reply

Yeah, good thing I translated the descriptions of the codes found who-knows-where, eh?

Link Here

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"Re(2):Rumble Roses hacks to be released today" , posted Mon 17 Jan 22:26:post reply

Yeah, good thing I translated the descriptions of the codes found who-knows-where, eh?

Link Here

would've been better if we were notified that it was from teh korean version of teh game, on a gameshark v2(which we later found out on our own)...AND that would have also made joels(?) code conversions WORK. :D

either way, myself and cmx have actually unlocked more than what was originally posted...but we never did figure out how the hell to work that "stop fluttering" code.

did anyone ever try that out besides us? i'm pretty sure it has something to do with the physics of the extra outfit pieces(ie...reiko's scarf, candy's skirt, etc) but we just havent gotten any type of reaction yet. [Image Attached]

[this message was edited by AfroJesus on Mon 17 Jan 22:31]

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"Re(1):Rumble Roses hacks to be released today" , posted Mon 17 Jan 23:23post reply

That would allow for some crazy stuff. Make high-res videos (if you donīt have bandwidth, you can always torrent it).

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"Re(2):Rumble Roses hacks to be released today" , posted Tue 18 Jan 06:26post reply

That would allow for some crazy stuff. Make high-res videos (if you donīt have bandwidth, you can always torrent it).

well, right now the plan is to do 11 serious videos(one for each face/heel), each complete with cool camera angles and edits.

after that it'll be comedy joke videos using midget codes and weapons floating in mid air walking around(due to the invisible character code)

apparently CMX is still afk on IRC(going on 30+ hours). so when he uploads the codes to his site, you guys will be the first to know.