Tidus,Selphie and Wakka in Kingdom Hearts 2?? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Just a Person
682th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Tidus,Selphie and Wakka in Kingdom Hearts 2??" , posted Mon 17 Jan 11:43post reply

I read at GameFAQs someone stating that a screenshot from KHII demo shows a blond kid who looks like Sora. I have already seen him. But this person states that a screenshot shows this kid with three other children who look like Selphie, Tidus and Wakka? Is this true? Where can I find this screenshot??

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Just a Person
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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Tidus,Selphie and Wakka in Kingdom Hear" , posted Mon 17 Jan 13:04post reply

Nevermind, I already found it. But I don't think they look like our little FF friends...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

1385th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Tidus,Selphie and Wakka in Kingdom Hear" , posted Mon 17 Jan 14:24post reply

Nevermind, I already found it. But I don't think they look like our little FF friends...

Let me know when you spot in KH II -

Don Carnage
Kitten Kaboodle from that one Tail Spin episode. Don't ask why...
Darkwing Duck
Launchpad McQuack
Gizmoduck's Girlfriend. Stop asking questions!
Dufus from Duck Tails
Magica Da Spell
The Beagle Boys
The Gummi Bears (Hey, they got a Gummi Ship in Kingdom Hearts...)
Montery Jack, Zipper and that cute girl Mouse
from Rescue Rangers what's her face
The Wuzzles
Kim Possible
Mary Poppins - Ugh... I'd hit it! (?)

Hey, a fella can dream...

1386th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Tidus,Selphie and Wakka in Kingdom Hear" , posted Mon 17 Jan 14:37post reply

and that cute girl Mouse
from Rescue Rangers what's her face

Now I remember! Her name is Gadget! The stuff we remember when we're washing dishes is mind boggling.

How about Jungle Book Land? Can Sano, a Latino Brother get his 'Bear Necessities' on?

Now back to the dishes...

Just a Person
685th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Tidus,Selphie and Wakka in Kingdom Hear" , posted Tue 18 Jan 10:51post reply

Let me know when you spot in KH II -

Don Carnage
Kitten Kaboodle from that one Tail Spin episode. Don't ask why...
Darkwing Duck
Launchpad McQuack
Gizmoduck's Girlfriend. Stop asking questions!
Dufus from Duck Tails
Magica Da Spell
The Beagle Boys
The Gummi Bears (Hey, they got a Gummi Ship in Kingdom Hearts...)
Montery Jack, Zipper and that cute girl Mouse
from Rescue Rangers what's her face
The Wuzzles
Kim Possible
Mary Poppins - Ugh... I'd hit it! (?)

Hey, a fella can dream...

Interesting selection. I'd like to see in KHII the worlds from:
> The Hunchback of Notre Dame
> Pocahontas
> The Lion King (come on, Simba as a summon isn't good enough!)
> DuckTales (at least they could add Uncle Scrooge and Magica DeSpell, they rock!!)

I'd add Mulan, but fortunately Square-Enix already did it!!
And also, a special appearance by Aya Brea (from Parasite Eve) wouldn't hurt at all... Eve as a secret boss (like Sephiroth in the first KH) would also be nice, but just having Aya is already enough to me!

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

Just a Person
686th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Other ideas" , posted Wed 19 Jan 23:10post reply

I'd like to see in KHII the worlds from:
> The Hunchback of Notre Dame
> Pocahontas
> The Lion King (come on, Simba as a summon isn't good enough!)
> DuckTales (at least they could add Uncle Scrooge and Magica DeSpell, they rock!!)

I'd add Mulan, but fortunately Square-Enix already did it!!
And also, a special appearance by Aya Brea (from Parasite Eve) wouldn't hurt at all... Eve as a secret boss (like Sephiroth in the first KH) would also be nice, but just having Aya is already enough to me!

Other suggestions:
> Robin Hood (Disney made a movie about him if I'm not mistaken)
> The Lady and the Tramp (not as a world, but some cameos from this movie... and maybe the spaghetti scene, but now with Sora and Kairi... >_<)
> The Prince of Egypt (I'm not sure if this is a Disney movie, and probably they wouldn't add this because of religious affairs, but I love this movie!!)
> The Sword in the Stone
> The Black Cauldron
> The Jungle Book

Probably KHII won't have all these worlds, but I'd like to see a few of these ones. The other ones may be included in a future KHIII...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

837th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Other ideas" , posted Thu 20 Jan 02:08post reply

sora should go to new york, meet the gargoyles (probably to read the grimorum for some magic spell of some sort), and fight um... oberon? not really sure which gargoyles villain would really fit (since xanatos is always swapping sides). anyway, needs more gargoyles in any case.

1397th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Other ideas" , posted Thu 20 Jan 02:21post reply

I forgot about Gargoyles! Hell Yes!

Cain Highwind
496th Post

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"Re(7):Other ideas" , posted Thu 20 Jan 05:23post reply

I forgot about Gargoyles! Hell Yes!

I'm still waiting for Gargoyles kthxbye

Of course I wouldn't mind seeing Great Mouse Detective or Robin Hood either.

And bout the blonde kid, he has no name currently, fan just just call him either Blonde, Blondie, or BHK (Blonde Haired Kid)

Dr Baghead
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Other ideas" , posted Thu 20 Jan 09:22post reply

> The Prince of Egypt (I'm not sure if this is a Disney movie, and probably they wouldn't add this because of religious affairs, but I love this movie!!)

This is Dreamworks, not Disney, so it can't be in KH, but it's truely an awesome film...

I hope in some alternate universe Dreamworks kept making films of this quality showing the world how absolutely stunning 2D animation could be instead of dregrading into "Let's make as many pop culture references that little kids who are pressumablely our key audience won't get as we can in a sub-par CGI movies and then make as many sequels to that movie as possible! Especially since Shark Tales 1 left so many unanswered questions"

Fun Fact about PoE: I asked my Inspirational Art Teacher who used to do layout for Dreamworks why Moses, the blonde guy from 'Road to El Dorado' (I can never remember if he's Tilio or Miguel), and Sinbad all looked the same. She explained they're all based on the same model who works at Dreamworks... While I was glad to finally have the mystery solved, it floored me how lazy it was all their 'character designs' are just charactures of the same 5 people they have in the office.

Fun Fact about Shark Tales: I like "Shark Bites" fruit snakes and will get a box every now and then... recently they did a promotional box for "Shark Tales" with a 'solve the pharse' game on the back with 'cool hip hop pharses' like "Hip Hop 'til Ya Flip Flop" and "You Da Fish!"... there's an obvious typo on the box that makes what's supposed to solve to be "Ya Dig, Dog?" solve as "Yo Dog Dog?".... best typo EVER!

oberon? not really sure which gargoyles villain would really fit (since xanatos is always swapping sides). anyway, needs more gargoyles in any case.

I personally really like Cain's idea that New York would be a Gargoyles/Parasite Eve crossover themed world and the last boss would Eve merged with the spell book, the eye of odin, and the Phoenix gate... it'd never happen but that's the single most awesome concept ever.

yeah it's not funny

Just a Person
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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Other ideas" , posted Thu 20 Jan 10:14post reply

> The Prince of Egypt (I'm not sure if this is a Disney movie, and probably they wouldn't add this because of religious affairs, but I love this movie!!)

This is Dreamworks, not Disney, so it can't be in KH, but it's truely an awesome film...

Oops! My mistake! I love this film, but since it's not from Disney... Well, Disney still has some great movies to put in KHII!
I don't know the Gargoyles series to express my opinion of a Gargoyles/Parasite Eve crossover, but anything that can bring back Aya to me is good enough!! ^^

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

839th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):Other ideas" , posted Fri 21 Jan 06:10post reply

and the last boss would Eve merged with the spell book, the eye of odin, and the Phoenix gate... it'd never happen but that's the single most awesome concept ever.

that's the single most broken idea for a boss ever. seriously, how do you beat that?

speaking of which - go buy gargoyles season 1 on dvd NOW.

Dr Baghead
3349th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Other ideas" , posted Fri 21 Jan 07:55post reply

that's the single most broken idea for a boss ever. seriously, how do you beat that?

You pick:
-Same as fighting anyone with the Eye of Odin, find a way to smack it off them so they're weak again, then attack them directly.
-Same as fighting Sephiroth in KH1, just take your beating like a little bitch and hope it's over soon

speaking of which - go buy gargoyles season 1 on dvd NOW.

would if I had the money

yeah it's not funny