Equinox (SNES) as compares to Solstice (NES) - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Equinox (SNES) as compares to Solstice (NES)" , posted Tue 18 Jan 13:40:post reply

I forget if I'd already asked this here. Yes, I could just consult GameFAQs reviews, but they're not all that fulfilling.

Given how big a fan I am of Solstice for the NES, I went ahead and acquired Equinox for the SNES. I really could only get myself to play through a couple of the worlds of the game, though.

Sure, the graphics are nice, as are the music pieces and the sound effects (though none of the music seemed to be catchy like that of Solstice). But what bothers me is the apparent dumbing-down of the gameplay. Whereas Solstice focused on having you manipulate a room's objects and features, often creatively, in order to get a next room or in order to acquire items, from what I've played of Equinox, it seems those kinds of puzzles have been put aside for simple dagger-throwing to eliminate enemies -- and it often takes a long time to eliminate enemies. Sure, there's some block pushing and pulling here and there, but from what I played, there was really only one room that required any kind of careful positioning of blocks -- and it really wasn't much of a puzzle.

For those of you who may have played through Equinox (or at least part of it) -- does the game get better? Do the rooms get more creative? Does the game actually require you to think hard about how you're going to clear the room? Or is it just more weapon-throwing, simpler block-pushing, and the like?

Or, more generally -- does the game ever live up to its predecessor, or is it just a disappointing sequel in terms of gameplay?


[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Tue 18 Jan 13:55]


1421th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Hm..." , posted Sat 22 Jan 16:10post reply

One bump before the question disappears into the Madman's oblivion. I'll also toss it to the Insert Credit forums.


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Equinox (SNES) as compares to Solstice " , posted Sat 22 Jan 19:15post reply

Sorry, I missed your thread!
does the game get better? Do the rooms get more creative? Does the game actually require you to think hard about how you're going to clear the room? Or is it just more weapon-throwing, simpler block-pushing, and the like?

Yes, there are, in the last dungeon, some rooms that require you to think. But nothing near Solstice. I remember the last dungeon being the most enjoyable... It's worth going to the end of the game, I think.
does the game ever live up to its predecessor

No. As you said, it has been changed to become more appealing to the masses. "ennemy FIGHTING, Bosses, short levels/mazes, level ups"...
I remember I was profoundly disappointed with it, because I thought it would be "Solstice with better everything", when it lost even the original ideas of a huge maze, one great single track, no indication, nothing at all, no monster killing (using the potion to kill everything on screen was never useful if I recall correctly) that made the game great.There was room for improvement in Solstice (at least a better MAP !) but it shouldn't have become something like this.

Then I began to thought to it as an original game, and when you don't compare it to Solstice, it's quite enjoyable. Not a bad game at all.
But nothing near Solstice.


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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Equinox (SNES) as compares to Solstice" , posted Sun 23 Jan 02:09post reply

Agreed, as Iggy said, a special mention for the last level, with those invisible and/or vanishing icy blocks. But not much of a piling up or puzzle experience throughout the game. I think Equinox is more action-oriented & sanctions jump accuracy more than anything.