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Iggy 5526th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Zoku Ore no Shikabane wo Koete Yuke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 20:23
|∧_∧ l l |( ・∀・) フンヌ!!! l l / , , ノ ,! ,! (__ノ|__ノヽ / / {(_||ヽ_)} /ドガッ!!! || // バキン! || \_,从,/ ∧_∧,“,; . ,-、.__,.┴亠─‐r─ "/,) で #)Д∵,';; ←Chaz l | l三l / ̄三"/^WW\と `';;';, . ゙ー'´~`ー─←  ̄ quote: And the unwashed masses demanded to know why this was so, for the words were written in tongues.
It's called : "Walk over my corpse and go".
「とにかく、それは愛のムチよ。 愛しいXXX先生は君を愛弟子として愛するがゆえの厳しさよ」だって。