NGBC Loke - Forums

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785th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 12:58post reply


unannounced normal characters (were in a team) = svc athena, mars people.
unannounced boss/sub boss characters (were by themselves) = king lion, mizuchi (the boss from kof 97, the one chris turns into in a super iirc).


Red Falcon
5348th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 13:05post reply


unannounced normal characters (were in a team) = svc athena, mars people.

COUGH.. Athena had better be VERY different.

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416th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 13:10post reply


unannounced normal characters (were in a team) = svc athena, mars people.
unannounced boss/sub boss characters (were by themselves) = king lion, mizuchi (the boss from kof 97, the one chris turns into in a super iirc).

I wonder how much they had to change Athena? Probably a lot. Hopefully she has all new attacks.

Wouldn't it be OROCHI, not Mizuchi? Geez. Suprised he didn't know that one.


764th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 13:40post reply

Athena. Yaaay. I'm happy.

Oh, and one other thing...

Dear SNK:
I am sorry that I said that your game was not real. Now, unless this is an elaborate hoax, I have been proven wrong. However, I think you still owe me a series of apologies as well.

-Pollyanna Protoprahe

49th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 13:41post reply

I am torn between my desire for NEW CHARACTERS and my love of Mars People.

life is full of difficult choices.

417th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 13:47post reply

I am torn between my desire for NEW CHARACTERS and my love of Mars People.

life is full of difficult choices.

Maybe you'll get the best of both worlds and Mars People will be reworked to the point where it's like a new character. At the very least I hope they improve him a bit.


786th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 13:48post reply


Maybe you'll get the best of both worlds and Mars People will be reworked to the point where it's like a new character. At the very least I hope they improve him a bit.

He and Shiki had terrible hit detection.

50th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 13:52post reply

Maybe you'll get the best of both worlds and Mars People will be reworked to the point where it's like a new character. At the very least I hope they improve him a bit.

while they're at it, I hope they rework Robert Garcia to the point where he turns into the guy from Crystalis!


788th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 14:01:post reply


the hit sounds are from SvC
Guard Cancel steps are in
dash instead of run
E to tag
236E to do double Assault
three super bars
will post move list too

(not too sure about below)
Last boss is either Shin Lion King or Mizuchi(a copy and paste of Orochi)

Athena and Mars ppl are mid-bosses

I bet the Warez guy is the real "let´s-fulfill-the-silly-rules" boss.

[this message was edited by beto on Fri 21 Jan 14:03]

151th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 14:04:post reply

Beast Buster - 236+A or C
Submarine Screw - 623+A or C
Bakuretsuken - 214+A or C
(super)Mega Shock 100 Meg Beam - 214214+A or C

Joy Joy Block - 236+A or C or AC
Baseball Stars - 214+A
Joy Joy Balloon - ABC
(super)Joy Joy Party - 236236+A or C

Rekozan - 236+A or C
Kohryuha - 623+A or C
Ninpo Korin Kazan - 214+A or B or C or D
(I cant remember his super move name) - 236236+B or D

Reppuzan - 236+A or C
Enryuha - 623+A or C
Ninpo Fuurin Kazan - 214+B orD
(super)Bakuretsu Kyuukyokuken - 2141236+A or C

Mudman Attack - 236+A or C
Mud Cutter - 214+B or D
Mud Gyro - Charge2,8+A or C
(Super)Super Mudman Attack - 236236+A or C

Shinmei Hayate - 236+A or C
Shinmei Kuga - 623+A or C
Shinmei RenjinZan - 214+A or C
(super)Kasshin Fu-kuRyu - 21416+A or C

Ittou Oboro - 214+A or B or C
Ittou TsukiKage - 236+A or C
Ittou Shingetsu - 623+A
(super)Kassatsu Izayoi Gekka - 214214+A or C

ShikiGami Tenku - 236+A or C
Tenmon Hoshi no Meguri - 28+B or D
Gaiki KiyoHime - 63214+A or C
(super)ShikiGami Rikugou - 2141236+A or C

Shikku Satsu - Charge 4,6+A or C
RouGa - Charge 4,6+B or D
Koku Satsu - Charge 2,8+A or C
(super)Shin RouGa - 2141236+A or C

Heavy Machine Gun - 641236+A or C
Iron Lizard - 641236+B or D
Rocket Pack - 214+A or C
(super)Metal Slug Attack - 4123641236+B

Cyber Woo
Hammer Punch - 236+A or C
Flying Power Bomb - 623+B or D
Flying Tornado - 632147896+A or C
(super)Missile Attack - 236236+A or C

Hip Bazooka - 236+A or C
Cheer Leader Kiss - 236+B or D
Cutey Rainbow - 623+B or D
(super)Splash Air Dance - 236236+B or D

Shed Moosa - 236+A or B or C
Rojeref - 623+A or B or C
Nomaf - 63214+A or B or C
(super)Santas - 2141236+A or B or C

this was the moves that was at the loc test
didnt bother with the others since they're pretty much the same as usual.
Robert is a charge character
Rock's Rising tackle is a charge move as well
If you want to know the move list of any other specific char, just say so

[this message was edited by Saiki on Fri 21 Jan 14:11]

789th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 14:04:post reply


what does the "100 mega shock" do? just a laser beam?

[this message was edited by beto on Fri 21 Jan 14:11]

1150th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 14:11post reply


Robert is a charge character

The hit sounds are from SvC


766th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 14:22post reply


789th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 14:30post reply


It is pictured on the official site already.

5524th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 14:38post reply

Quick resume :

Before the tes
  ( ヽ(゚A゚ )ノ('∀`(゚∀゚ )ノ
  | |ノ ノ└  )V  /
   「 「  「 「 「 「

After the test
  ('A`('-`('д`('_` )
  ノ ノノ ノノ ノ) ノ|
  「「 「「 「 「 「 「

After the official release
   |  |  |  | 
  ('A`('-`('д`('_` )
  ( )( )( )( )
   | |  | |  | | | |

Also, if you gather enough AW points, you will be able to buy real sound effects.


Red Falcon
5349th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 14:59post reply

Shed Moosa - 236+A or B or C
Rojeref - 623+A or B or C
Nomaf - 63214+A or B or C
(super)Santas - 2141236+A or B or C

Shedomusa is his bow attack, rojereb is the ground spear, and.. Nomaf? The input looks like his old teleport (Refishul, I think) but it's a new name. What does it do? (and were these all of his moves that had been implemented, all of his moves that were on the decal, or all the ones that were discovered, or what?)

Best site EVER: Link Here

4268th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 15:03post reply

Also, if you gather enough AW points, you will be able to buy real sound effects.

But the alien palettes are so tempting....

18th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 15:07post reply

I know MarsPeople will be playable!

5525th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 15:12post reply

Bakuretsuken - 214+A or C

"It's not Joe's Bakuretsu, it's more like a burning tackle if it had been drawn by Kurumada".



767th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 15:25post reply


It is pictured on the official site already.

In the screenshot gallery? I couldn't find it. Which number is it?

687th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 15:29:post reply

Do they have comment forms at the loke tests? Cuz for the love of God, they should just use the 2k2 style engine for NGBC. Maybe someone can contact SNKP somehow (bazooka the SNK HQ?) and make them realize that anything related to SVC's gameplay (GCFS, no low jumps, SVC's sound effects, SVC's hit detection/boxes, SVC's throw range, SVC's super bar, SVC's balance issues/infinites etc.) should be banned now and forever. If anyone plans on attending the loke tests, then won't you please fill out the comment forms? I wonder if it's too late to save this game... Hopefully they'll hold responsive and thorough loke tests like Yuki. Hopefully they'll fix all the problems before the release date.

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Fri 21 Jan 15:30]

Cain Highwind
498th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 16:06:post reply

Quick resume :

Before the tes
  ( ヽ(゚A゚ )ノ('∀`(゚∀゚ )ノ
  | |ノ ノ└  )V  /
   「 「  「 「 「 「

After the test
  ('A`('-`('д`('_` )
  ノ ノノ ノノ ノ) ノ|
  「「 「「 「 「 「 「

After the official release
   |  |  |  | 
  ('A`('-`('д`('_` )
  ( )( )( )( )
   | |  | |  | | | |

Also, if you gather enough AW points, you will be able to buy real sound effects.

Gee thanks Iggy, more ASCII art that I can't understand.

Anyway, I'm really confused as to who this boss is supposed to be, Orochi? Mizuki? Or some new character? Oh and I hope the animal transformations make it in for Athena.

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Fri 21 Jan 16:07]

1605th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 16:52post reply

Quick resume :

Before the tes
  ( ヽ(゚A゚ )ノ('∀`(゚∀゚ )ノ
  | |ノ ノ└  )V  /
   「 「  「 「 「 「

After the test
  ('A`('-`('д`('_` )
  ノ ノノ ノノ ノ) ノ|
  「「 「「 「 「 「 「

After the official release
   |  |  |  | 
  ('A`('-`('д`('_` )
  ( )( )( )( )
   | |  | |  | | | |

Also, if you gather enough AW points, you will be able to buy real sound effects.

Gee thanks Iggy, more ASCII art that I can't understand.

Anyway, I'm really confused as to who this boss is supposed to be, Orochi? Mizuki? Or some new character? Oh and I hope the animal transformations make it in for Athena.

It sounds like he's a sprite edit of Orochi who is renamed Mizuchi. Hopefully there's more to it than that.

Off with your nose

Cain Highwind
498th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 17:05post reply


It sounds like he's a sprite edit of Orochi who is renamed Mizuchi. Hopefully there's more to it than that.

I guess we'll have to wait for screens and/or more detailed descriptions. If that is true, maybe it's some weird SNK amalgamation of bosses the same Yuki and Ai's moves are based off other Neo games. That's all I can think of.

1151th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(8):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 17:32post reply

Cuz for the love of God, they should just use the 2k2 style engine for NGBC.

I don't want another game that plays exactly like KOF. That's what KOF is for.

The SvC engine was a bit shit when it first came out, but I'd like to assume that SNKP isn't so foolish as to have not improved on it since then.

2875th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 18:04:post reply

I don't want another game that plays exactly like KOF. That's what KOF is for.

The SvC engine was a bit shit when it first came out, but I'd like to assume that SNKP isn't so foolish as to have not improved on it since then.

I agree, they surely have changed it or improved it, it won't be just a KOF or SVC copipe. And since the game is a tag some detail may change.
Finaly it's a lock test, if god exist some corection will be made, of course.

Saiki, since we can request some move list, can you give me Lee's one and Tung one please??

The biggest Talent it's to make peoples belive you're talented...

[this message was edited by NARUTO on Fri 21 Jan 19:23]

5528th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):NGBC Loke" , posted Fri 21 Jan 20:37post reply

Saiki, since we can request some move list, can you give me Lee's one and Tung one please??



791th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Kisarah" , posted Fri 21 Jan 22:06post reply


In the screenshot gallery? I couldn't find it. Which number is it?

Check the Image Board.

793th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"another report" , posted Fri 21 Jan 23:47post reply



here are the notes i took after spending an hour this morning at the loke test. first off the test was pretty packed from the get go, the game center opened at 10:00 and i rocked up at 10:30 by which time there were already 30 ppl or so, the layout of the game center is hardly conducive to number like that though so it was pretty crowded.

things i didnt like that i dont think i ever will :

+the graphics, ugh they look terrible imo, i know im gonna get used to them like i did neowaves but the sprites look terribly pixelated whether it be becoz the bgs are high rez or the game itself is running in a higher rez and the sprites have been resized to fit... anyways i think kof2k3 looks considerably better and i really was majorly disappointed with the look of the game.

things i didnt like but expect to get used to or change my mind about :

+the hit boxes, they seem blocky to fit the blocky sprites which seem to have more size than the actual edge of the sprite, unlike 2k2 or cfj which seems to have hitboxes which are about the same size as the actual character sprite.

+throws are two button, C+D.

things i liked :

+almost everyone that i saw except the kof staples like kim, iori etc were a: a new sprite, b: a touched up/changed sprite or c: a redrawn sprite.

a is all the new characters of course, b is mai (new face), c is ryo (new stance and lots of normals redrawn), tung (new normals and a totally redrawn sprite), chonshu and chonrei (as tung), robert (totally redrawn with some new actions and some taken from his younger self). terry is his 2k3 version, mars ppl looks like his svc self as does shiki and athena.

+dashes are nice speed and range (similar to svc ones), the effects seem nice (on supers and specials), bgs are nice and pretty well animated,

other observations :

+the ingame artwork seems to be by some artist i dont recognize. its cool though a little weird, fuuma for example looks like some goth rocker or ozzy osbourne with mascara and his hands at his sides wrists bare in some goth rocker pose... sorta weird but cool.

+someone post a pic of falcoon for me, he might have been at the loke test...

+there seemed to be a yuuki and robert special intro.

+roberts high fb is a punch (he uses his fists) his low fb is a kick (uses his feet).

+bar management and tagging is incredibly important, this young guy who got like 25 wins while i was there and was on the machine for over an hour using kyo and yuuki would use his 1st character, tag them out when the health bar was nearly zero and then use the second character for a good 30 or 40 seconds by which time the first character would be almost back to full health, everyone who fought him failed to manage their bar or tag nearly as effectively as this guy and it got him lots of wins (he was pretty damned well as good). so using bar and tagging is gonna play a big part it would seem at this point.

+seemed to be 4 colors per character, iori had a weird standard vice color scheme to his clothing and blonde hair (wtf??)

+there seemed to be 2 or 3 unused spots on the character select screen.

+D assault is fb+E button (E is used to tag characters in), its like a ranbu and if it hits your current character does a few hits, launches then the second character jumps into the air hits a few times and slams them down back into just in front of the current character... most combinations of characters hit between 8-10 times it would seem, the move doesnt seem to be very useful beyond the damage it does (maybe it doesnt use much bar...?)

+tagging seems less brutal than 2k3, you seem to have more invulnerability so there wasnt much 2k3 style "punish them when they tag in" shit going on.

+160 real seconds for a vs match.

ok i read saiki's report where he says that the game has gcfs, i saw no evidence of it myself. yeah dashing is there as is the kof style auto counter on blocked hit with CD but not once in the full hour+ i watched did anyone gcfs, either it's in there and no one used it while i was watching (unlikely i think as the young guy with all the wins was using yuuki and the d assault like a pro so he seemed to have the basics down) or i didnt realize it was being used (which seems unlikely as ive played enough svc to know how it works). the only way ill be able to find out is to read the system instructions carefully something i couldnt do this morning.

overall im disappointed coz the graphics look ugh to me and the hit boxes AT THIS POINT seem to blocky and loose. on the other hand the new characters look really good (yuuki, ai, fuuma and marco especially) and the game seems like a solid product at this incredibly early point.

2876th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Kisarah" , posted Sat 22 Jan 01:05post reply

well so the game is so far superior than SVC at a lock test point. so we can maybe expect a good game when it'll be finished.

Courious to see the 4 hidden characters in pics. and did anyone have reported something about special intros or chit-chat intro like SVC????

The biggest Talent it's to make peoples belive you're talented...

794th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Kisarah" , posted Sat 22 Jan 01:15post reply

and did anyone have reported something about special intros or chit-chat intro like SVC????

Not so far.

beelze says Falcoon was at the loke.

687th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Kisarah" , posted Sat 22 Jan 01:48post reply

No GCFS? Nice, I hope they fix the hit box issue.

769th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Kisarah" , posted Sat 22 Jan 08:10post reply


In the screenshot gallery? I couldn't find it. Which number is it?

Check the Image Board.

Ah, thank you. I don't see any kissing, but I could probably carry out a series of complaints like this for ages. So instead, I'll just say "yaaaaaaay".

436th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):NGBC Loke" , posted Sat 22 Jan 10:13post reply


Robert is a charge character

The hit sounds are from SvC


Some of us like Charge Robert. At least he's nowhere near as bad as Heidern or Guile.

Here's hoping it stays that way in this game.

795th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Neo Dio Pics and Video" , posted Mon 24 Jan 00:54post reply

4008th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Neo Dio Pics and Video" , posted Mon 24 Jan 01:14post reply


Wait, so neo Dio is in and Kage Shishiou is rumored to be in.... I almost felt like when Iggy said Mizuki was in a game again...

BTW -> Iggy, I'm working on the Faq, give me a few weeks before you call mok kos.

See??? He is a God...

796th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Neo Dio Pics, Video and another report" , posted Mon 24 Jan 01:20post reply

another beelzebubble report:

797th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Neo Dio Pics, Video and Reports" , posted Mon 24 Jan 02:40post reply

The neo-arcadia forum has more info and descriptions (if you can read it):

799th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Hotaru and King Lion Videos" , posted Tue 25 Jan 01:30:post reply

Thanks to beelzebubble and Orochinagi.

[this message was edited by beto on Tue 25 Jan 01:40]

418th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Hotaru and King Lion Videos" , posted Tue 25 Jan 02:10post reply


Thanks to beelzebubble and Orochinagi.

Can someone remind me how to download these things without having to sign up for any stupid stuff I don't need?


800th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Hotaru and King Lion Videos" , posted Tue 25 Jan 02:15:post reply

Direct links can be found here:

[this message was edited by beto on Tue 25 Jan 02:21]

3220th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Hotaru and King Lion Videos" , posted Tue 25 Jan 02:15:post reply


Can someone remind me how to download these things without having to sign up for any stupid stuff I don't need?

Dude, are you dissing the masterposter? you ungrateful monster...

[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Tue 25 Jan 02:25]

419th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Hotaru and King Lion Videos" , posted Tue 25 Jan 02:58post reply


Dude, are you dissing the masterposter? you ungrateful monster...

I know, I know, my disrespect of the fileplanet system is ludicrous.


3221th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Hotaru and King Lion Videos" , posted Tue 25 Jan 03:06:post reply


I know, I know, my disrespect of the fileplanet system is ludicrous.

Poor masterposter, he's working hard to bring us these exclusive news and gain all of our attention, and you don't appreciate it? And then that Iggy monster, trying to rob masterposter all of his glory by creatin another thread? this world if full of ingrates... god bless the masterposter, he's like a faerie of magic information that we wouldn't get otherwise.

[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Tue 25 Jan 03:07]

Red Falcon
5362th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Hotaru and King Lion Videos" , posted Tue 25 Jan 04:10post reply

Wow, never thought these words would come out of my mouth, but... Shishiou actually looks.. cool.

Best site EVER: Link Here

4013th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Hotaru and King Lion Videos" , posted Tue 25 Jan 08:21post reply

Wow, never thought these words would come out of my mouth, but... Shishiou actually looks.. cool.

SINNER!!!!!!!!!!! Kage Shishou always rocked the house XD Is one of the greatest characters on one of the greatest bad games ever made XD (Savege Reign, because Kizuna is fun XD).

Neat vids, duno about the Orochi clone, but I'm quite pleased with the other 2 bosses... Now this game will have some value for me, even if I don't play it XD

See??? He is a God...

119th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):Hotaru and King Lion Videos" , posted Tue 25 Jan 08:52:post reply

The new Robert looks pretty cool! I like his high/low fireball.

I never really liked King lion, so I am more interested in the She-Orochi and Neo Dio.


[this message was edited by Evenor on Tue 25 Jan 08:53]

2891th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Hotaru and King Lion Videos" , posted Tue 25 Jan 18:58post reply

Neat vids, duno about the Orochi clone, but I'm quite pleased with the other 2 bosses... Now this game will have some value for me, even if I don't play it XD

Yes shishio look great, still I'm curious to now why we didn't saw the "Earth Chopper"...
I was expecting this move more than any other, can be used as a super tough...

As for Mizuchi, it's not a she but a He...
You'll see a little boy different than chris sitting when Mizuchi comes...

At least it seems that SNK really but some work on this game.

The biggest Talent it's to make peoples belive you're talented...

Bata kun
2472th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Uh..." , posted Tue 25 Jan 19:09post reply

I'd be saying "Wai~!" in some cases, but I'm too tired to quote parts where I do say "Wai~!"

2892th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Uh..." , posted Tue 25 Jan 19:19post reply

Just some really short infos I found around,
Ne-dio have his DM were he send you in air and land you on his back full of spikes.
Marco seems to be able to call the Lt Yakutaro (you know, the prisonier who can throw fireball), don't know if it's a DM or a special.
And one of the Kizuna ninja (Gozu,Mezu or Jyazu) comes and help Lee pai long in his DM.

That's all...

The biggest Talent it's to make peoples belive you're talented...

Bata kun
2474th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Uh..." , posted Wed 26 Jan 03:25post reply

Dear SNK Playmore,

I too am sorry for saying that this game is too good to be true. That is unless this is just a figment of my imagination. However, you have a lot of apologizing to do. Six years worth of apologizing to be exact.

Oh. This may be a long shot, but can I have an Athena Pinky doll? Then you don't have to do any sort of apologizing.

~ Bata-kun

unannounced normal characters (were in a team) = svc athena, mars people.
unannounced boss/sub boss characters (were by themselves) = king lion, mizuchi (the boss from kof 97, the one chris turns into in a super iirc).

I get a feeling that this Mizuchi will be a bad idea right from the start.

the hit sounds are from SvC

I swear, if I hear that light saber sound one more time, I'll enter the Riot of the Blood, but I'll probably be pounding on a pillow anyway.

throws are two button, C+D

Does this mean that characters only have one throw?

No GCFS? Nice, I hope they fix the hit box issue.


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"beelze´s report from day 3" , posted Wed 26 Jan 10:07post reply

beelzebbuble (he and his friend exile were the ones that took the Hotaru and King Lion videos in the previous posts):

ok yesterdays written report.

character colors :

-geese red hair, yellow pants and black top (B button iirc)
-tung black and grey outfit (B button iirc)
-moriya black hair, black cloak, white shirt and dark eyes.
-purple pants and vest, beige shirt and blue haired kaede.
-iori, all black, dark purple vest and white hair.
-LK geese dark purple pants geese purple shirt and white hair with tanned skin.
-kogyaru kisarah (died blonde hair and dark skin) lol
-all white with red detail asura.

moves :

-terry has no rising tackle it would seem, hes got his fb, qcb+P, cant cancel off c.HK (oh no!!!!!!!!), qcb+K move, power dunk is move effective and cooler looking now (dp+K). rock style fbx2+K super + standard power geyser super.
-geese has throw super 360+P
-wall jump HK into c.LP seemingly able to be comboed (cool!)
-f+C is overhead for tung, its his s.C from rb2 (much slower now though useful as an overhead).
-1/5 or so block damage on tungs lvl 3 super (his new beam one) hcfx2+P.
-hcbx2+P is hanzos air super (ninja slash thingy from whp).
-asura is ss style (3 slashes + kick).
-mr big has an overhead f+B (he beats you down with his sticks).
-chonshu teleport seems better fb is still slow though.
-tungs j.D crosses up.
-fuuma has an overhead hit where he charges (3/4 of a screen or so with heavy version) and slashes with a knife (it has a purple flame on the edge), works as an overhead and launches with the hvy version (though i couldnt juggle a d assault off the launcher you might be able to dp after it in the corner for a juggle).
-athena shoots arrows which she can do in the air or on the ground, arcs like an ingrid fb. her dp she slaps with a fish tail on the way up.
-chonrei rush super (new), he does his s.LP with pink shadows and if it hits he ranbus you, cool. also has a qcb+P that seems to be some sort of charge up move, electricity type sound and he shakes/vibrates.. didnt work as a reversal.
-terry has a new move (fb+K) which makes him run (this is where the run i saw came from, akari also has it, you do the move run them attack from it... akari does lb style push back kicks from it terry does his rb2 dashing overhead kick from it (all the other buttons except B do nothing)). doesnt seem comboable (i was hoping to do c.HK into the move for a nice mix up but no luck.
-robert seems to have a front kick move where his foot glows as it does when he does his dp, not sure if its a special or a normal.

misc + system :

-no C+D kof counter, rather E button while blocking hits for pixels of damage then tags your second character in while the opponent is on their ass.
-in hyper charge you seem to take less damage as well as deal more.
-intro artwork is cool, very bright and colorful done in an anime style sorta like evangelion or something.. intro is quite long at something like 20 secs though it has little in the way of animation, does look good though imo. the character select artwork is the stuff from the website and the post fight stuff is different again... three artists used for ingame it would seem (maybe 4 as i didnt look closely at cut scenes).

He was asked if the game was fun:

fun yes very much so... im addicted to it and wanted to hit the loke again tomorrow except its over.

worried about the systems being implemented, yep. lets hope some work goes into tweaking it.

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"Re(1):beelze´s report from day 3" , posted Wed 26 Jan 10:19post reply


-kogyaru kisarah (died blonde hair and dark skin) lol


Ganguro Kisarah lives!


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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"kyo vs iori" , posted Sat 29 Jan 11:48post reply

One of the japanese websites posted an animated gif to give an idea of what the Kyo/Iori intro looks like in NGBC. I´ve posted it in the image BBS.