OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Undead Fred
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"OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride" , posted Sat 22 Jan 12:35post reply


I think it looks good. I like Tim Burton's stuff, and of course I liked the idea, but I really hate to see that it's not stop-motion. It's good-looking CG, but I really hate to see another group doing the OMGGG CGGGGG cop-out.


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"Re(1):OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride" , posted Sat 22 Jan 16:08post reply


I think it looks good. I like Tim Burton's stuff, and of course I liked the idea, but I really hate to see that it's not stop-motion. It's good-looking CG, but I really hate to see another group doing the OMGGG CGGGGG cop-out.

hmm. I agree with all of that.

Red Falcon
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"Re(1):OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride" , posted Sun 23 Jan 02:48post reply

This looks very amusing. As both of you seem to indicate, though, I'm sad it's CG. I wonder if stop-motion will become a dead art? :(

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Undead Fred
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"Re(2):OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride" , posted Sun 23 Jan 05:27post reply

This looks very amusing. As both of you seem to indicate, though, I'm sad it's CG. I wonder if stop-motion will become a dead art? :(

As far as Hollywood's concerned, I'm pretty sure it will be. Same with cel animation, apparently. :(

I'm sure there will still be independent artists and college students out there still doing both, but I doubt we'll really see any "actual" movies done in stop-motion again.

Joe Randel
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"Re(1):OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride" , posted Sun 23 Jan 06:48post reply

I agree, having take'n classical animation in college, it's very sad to see the craft go the way it is. Looks like they're trying hard to make it look stop motion though.

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Dr Baghead
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"Re(1):OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride" , posted Sun 23 Jan 07:17post reply


I think it looks good. I like Tim Burton's stuff, and of course I liked the idea, but I really hate to see that it's not stop-motion. It's good-looking CG, but I really hate to see another group doing the OMGGG CGGGGG cop-out.

Is it CG?

I haven't read it being called anything but "Stop-motion", I'm sure if it was really CG they'd promote it as such, since "CG 3-D animation" is going to (at least to retarded admen it will) fill more seats then "Stop-Motion"

I can't see the trailer... Are you sure it's not just Stop-Motion characters with 3D backgrounds (something like 'Sky Captain'?) or maybe it's all Stop-Motion just with CG enhancements... maybe it's just really good stop-motion?

(random: if it is CG, that's awesome!! That means 3D can now emulate cel cartoons AND stop motion, now someone just needs to take advantage of that fact and make something fun with it)

yeah it's not funny

Undead Fred
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride" , posted Sun 23 Jan 12:46:post reply

Is it CG?

I haven't read it being called anything but "Stop-motion", I'm sure if it was really CG they'd promote it as such, since "CG 3-D animation" is going to (at least to retarded admen it will) fill more seats then "Stop-Motion"

I can't see the trailer... Are you sure it's not just Stop-Motion characters with 3D backgrounds (something like 'Sky Captain'?) or maybe it's all Stop-Motion just with CG enhancements... maybe it's just really good stop-motion?

(random: if it is CG, that's awesome!! That means 3D can now emulate cel cartoons AND stop motion, now someone just needs to take advantage of that fact and make something fun with it)

It's definitely CG. It's just trying to emulate the stop-motion look from Nightmare Before Christmas (for one thing, you'll notice how the motions are COMPLETELY smooth... if they had dropped out frames, then I'm sure they'd even fool trained eyes).

As for filling more seats? People are probably going to think it's really ridiculously smooth stop-motion, then ooh and aah when someone tells them that it's really CG. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's looking really good, but I just hate to see them try to pretend that it's stop motion instead of ACTUALLY USING stop-motion.

All that being said, I'm still looking forward to seeing the movie. It looks like it'll be good. Real stop-motion would have sealed the deal for me, though. Heh heh.

EDIT: I've watched the trailer some more and was looking on a BBS somewhere and they're saying it's actually stop-motion, but it's really giving off some weird "non stop-motion" signals. If it's not CG, I'll be surprised. But hey, that'll be a good thing...

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Sun 23 Jan 12:55]

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"Re(3):OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride" , posted Sun 23 Jan 12:58post reply


All that being said, I'm still looking forward to seeing the movie. It looks like it'll be good. Real stop-motion would have sealed the deal for me, though. Heh heh.

Is it true that claymation and stopmotion is just too time consuming and costs too much money...?

If that's the case, emulating it is fine, right?

Although there is something to be said about the beauty of using real figures and taking shot by shot... I can imagine it being very difficult. I almost feel sorry for those people who took claymation and stopmotion in college, all the traditional animation dies out, and there you are going for a computer =) But then you did learn how to do a beautiful art, and I guess that's more valuable than money... until your starving =P


Undead Fred
2033th Post

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"Re(4):OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride" , posted Sun 23 Jan 13:20:post reply

Although there is something to be said about the beauty of using real figures and taking shot by shot... I can imagine it being very difficult. I almost feel sorry for those people who took claymation and stopmotion in college, all the traditional animation dies out, and there you are going for a computer =) But then you did learn how to do a beautiful art, and I guess that's more valuable than money... until your starving =P

Well, people complain about that kind of stuff because it has a different look to it than CG does. It's like people not using oil paints anymore. It's sad to see a particular medium getting thrown out, especially when it's got great potential and has an interesting style to it. And when that kind of thing happens, it's usually for very stupid reasons.

But anyway, I've found a little more out about the movie after reading Baghead's post- apparently it really is stop-motion with a little bit of CG thrown in (like tweaks and stuff). If that's the case, then man, that's really impressive.

Has anyone here seen Vincent? The main character sort of looks like a grown-up Vincent to me... Heh heh.


[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Mon 24 Jan 08:20]

Undead Fred
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"Re(5):OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride" , posted Mon 24 Jan 08:28post reply

Okay, it looks like I was wrong. After Baghead's post, I checked around a little, and asked about the movie at an animation BBS. Apparently, one of the team members working on the movie was posting there, and he said that the movie is definitely stop-motion, but there are a few parts (like a few slo-mo shots) where they used frame blending to make it smooth. This was in response to some other guy that had posted claiming that the whole movie was done using frame blending (you know, like how they made bullet time look so smooth from those choppy camera shots in the Matrix). The Corpse Bride team member ranted a little bit at him for that, but everything calmed down pretty quickly. The team member had also mentioned that the reason why the surfaces had that polished "rendered" look to them was because of the surface material- they used silicon for the characters' skin.

So, I'm pretty happy to hear that. I don't know about anyone else, though. I was excited about the movie regardless, but I'm happy to hear that it really is stop-motion.

Joe Randel
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"Re(6):OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride" , posted Mon 24 Jan 11:26post reply

Wow, so it really is stop motion? Dang, then that is pretty sweet. My hat goes off to the team. I will gladly support a movie with traditional animation (stop or classical) skills.

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Undead Fred
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):OT LEVEL 7: Corpse Bride" , posted Mon 24 Jan 13:16post reply

Wow, so it really is stop motion? Dang, then that is pretty sweet.

Yeah, I found it a little hard to believe too. Their technique definitely gives off a CG look, though. I hope people finally remember that CG isn't the only good-looking animation technique out there.

Anyway, I'm wondering if this will be at least semi-related to Nightmare Before Christmas? I've read that Tim Burton's not going to do a direct sequel for very good reasons... he said something like, "What are they going to do? Go to Thanksgiving World? Go to Fourth of July land and kidnap Uncle Sam? That wouldn't go over too well these days..." I'm glad SOMEONE out there has enough sense and value in the story that they wouldn't ruin it with a completely unnecessary sequel. I imagine this movie will be a totally separate story, but in that same classic Tim Burton style.