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ONSLAUGHT 3215th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Yeah!" , posted Sun 23 Jan 12:29
quote: If your answer is "yes" could you tell us your impression on the game?
I went to gamefaqs when I learned that the game was out, and it scored high there, but I like to know the opinion(s) from people from the cafe.
I got it today, and I'm taking a break from my first 4 hours. Game so far is great! The graphics, sound, and above all, the fun factor, are the highest I've seen on any new generation game. Maybe I'm biased, but I'm loving this game, can't wait to find out the truth behind the shit that's happening on that town (ironically called "Pueblo").
Oh, before I forget, I bet this game will be twice as fun for spanish speakers, I guarantee that.
Undead Fred 2031th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Yeah!" , posted Sun 23 Jan 13:41
quote: Oh, before I forget, I bet this game will be twice as fun for spanish speakers, I guarantee that.
"Go fight the monster in the lake. His name is DEL LAGO."
I was pretty happy with the game, and I was pretty impressed, too. I'm hoping it's scoring well and selling well because you can tell they really put a lot of effort into this one, and it's fun and interesting to play. I've beaten it once already, and I'm on my way back through again (the game is pretty long, though... don't worry). It looks like they were trying to emulate Konami as well (I saw some strong MGS3 and SH influences in there... not sure about anyone else), but hey, it helps the game and it works.
Oh yeah, and this.
ONSLAUGHT 3216th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Gigante!" , posted Mon 24 Jan 05:17
quote: Onsy, can you tell me if the Spanish they speak is from Spain or from an American country? I mean, if the game is set in Europe, the place has to be Spain (I recall seeing screenshots of chests with "pesetas", LOL), so an American Spanish dub would be quite... Unappropiate.
The game is situated in Spain alright becuase we have Pesetas, spanish, references to Madrid, morcilla and tomillo... well, I'm making that up, no morcilla and tomillo, yet. The spanish is very neutral, but you can hear a spaniard accent in most of the characters (for example, when they yell "Cogedlo", and as far as I know, that's only used in Spain, not in America). In any case, the game is kickass, I'm just taking a break from it, because I've been playing it nonstop.
Hagen de Merak 859th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(1):Gigante!" , posted Mon 24 Jan 06:19
quote: Onsy, can you tell me if the Spanish they speak is from Spain or from an American country? I mean, if the game is set in Europe, the place has to be Spain (I recall seeing screenshots of chests with "pesetas", LOL), so an American Spanish dub would be quite... Unappropiate. The game is situated in Spain alright becuase we have Pesetas, spanish, references to Madrid, morcilla and tomillo... well, I'm making that up, no morcilla and tomillo, yet. The spanish is very neutral, but you can hear a spaniard accent in most of the characters (for example, when they yell "Cogedlo", and as far as I know, that's only used in Spain, not in America). In any case, the game is kickass, I'm just taking a break from it, because I've been playing it nonstop.
you probably just died and didnt save for a while, thats why your not playing it, you dumbass.
EternalNewbie 148th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(4):Gigante!" , posted Mon 24 Jan 08:13
Agreed on most points of the game. It has a very different feel from the other games in the Resident Evil series, and for this game I think they would have been better off calling it Biohazard, like they call the Japanese series, due to the plot; but overall everything is different and good. I like finally having the ability to target well in a Resident Evil game, the camera is alot nicer (being where you can see the person and aim, yet still not seeing behind the character which makes it a bit more, uhh, realistic), the merchant is a nice addition, and the destination feature on the map of where you should go next is good. As for secrets...
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - I personally am enjoying the Mercenaries mini game (where you can play as Ada, Leon, HUNK, Wesker, and Rycov or however you spell his name) after you beat the game and the new unlocked weapons in single player. I actually haven't bother alot with Assignment Ada yet personally, but I let my friend play some of that and it looks like a nice little continued add on with the same game play as the game.
End of Spoiler
 EternalNewbie: The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.
Jason 119th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(4):*BANG!* And there goes the brain..." , posted Mon 24 Jan 18:44
quote: They only come out if you pop their heads, and even then (I think if you weaken the body first, I'm not sure) they don't always come out.
You sure? On numerous occasions, I've popped an angry ganado in the stomach, only to see his head explode and . . . uhh, that thing happen. I just assumed that certain enemies are randomly marked as carriers, and shooting their heads simply produces the inevitable result with fewer bullets. Meh, could be wrong.
EDIT: Oh yeah, does anyone else like the Red 9 as much as I do?
Indeed, love that maxed out power, though I do wish it didn't take up so much space. On my pro run, I've decided to spurn mr. semi-auto in favor of the bolt-action. Those reload animations are just too good.
I knew I would do it and I know this I know what I am doing now that I am doing something both beautiful but gruesome because I am destroying its beauty by knowing that it might be beautiful know that if I know that I am dong something beautiful that it's no longer beautiful. - Dave Eggers A.H.W.O.S.G.
Undead Fred 2039th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):*BANG!* And there goes the brain..." , posted Mon 24 Jan 21:31
quote: You sure? On numerous occasions, I've popped an angry ganado in the stomach, only to see his head explode and . . . uhh, that thing happen. I just assumed that certain enemies are randomly marked as carriers, and shooting their heads simply produces the inevitable result with fewer bullets. Meh, could be wrong.
I'm sure you're right about certain ones being designated carriers, but 90% of the ones I've seen come out were after I aimed at the head and shot. I'm not totally certain how that whole deal works, but I'm pretty sure that if you avoid headshots you'll be okay.
Indeed, love that maxed out power, though I do wish it didn't take up so much space. On my pro run, I've decided to spurn mr. semi-auto in favor of the bolt-action. Those reload animations are just too good.
Heh heh. Yeah, I love those things. I've been tempted to switch back to the bolt-action sniper too, but I figure I'll do that next time through. First thing I did when I switched back to my Red 9 was max out the reload time so it'd be useful in a fight, and now I'm almost up to full power. I think that's exactly why I love those weapons... it's great just watching the reloads and hearing those great little metallic noises.
Gojira 1610th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(4):*BANG!* And there goes the brain..." , posted Mon 24 Jan 21:54
Actually, about that spoiler... it won't happen. They only come out if you pop their heads, and even then (I think if you weaken the body first, I'm not sure) they don't always come out. After that certain point in the game, I preferred body shots. I've seen many, many Ganados go down without causing any further trouble.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - I finished the game last week, and believe me, it doesn't matter. Shoot the head, shoot the body, stuff will happen randomly regardless. All I did was shoot heads the whole time (well except for the ones where you can't) and at worst I had to lose one extra shot.
End of Spoiler
No big deal; there's ammo everywhere. I think I ran out of ammo a grand total of once, after a boss battle early on. But after that it was easy to get it all back.
Off with your nose
Gojira 1617th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):Re(10):*BANG!* And there goes the brai" , posted Wed 2 Feb 09:43
quote: Anyway, I finally got to try the game out for myself and greatly enjoyed it.
Speaking of enjoyment, what was the most impressive part for you? It could be graphic, story, sound or excitment-wise, doesn't matter.
Grpahically, the part where you drown the Gigante in molten iron was pretty impressive to me, I haven't seen anything like that on any other game.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Salizar's right hand (does it even have a name?) was the only boss in the game that I never tried to kill. All I had were magnum, rifle and normal bullets, so I just kept running and knocking over the freezing canisters to stall it until the elevator came, and trucked out of there.
End of Spoiler
Off with your nose