Castlevania: Curse of Darkness announced - Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Castlevania: Curse of Darkness announced" , posted Mon 24 Jan 18:36:post reply


Go figure what's Iga up to this time...

Lessee, it's translating time. I'm not much of a reliable source, mind you:

Through the French VG press we get the news that CoD has been officially announced, PS2 exclusive. It'll follow the same basics than LoI, but with improved technical stuff.

The main character will respond to the name of Hector and he won't be a Belmont, although it seems some member of Da Family will appear in it.

The game takes place in 1479, 3 years after C3 (Ralph's/Trevor's adventure for the NES, well, you know. Uh.... -_-) and the plot will be based on "some vengeance" (Go figure...)

Iga will be the producer (oh surprise) and he announced (now comes the big thing) that some creatures called "Innocent Devils" will follow the main character and help him, reaching where he can't and such (a la familiars in SOTN), AND that Hector will be able to train them for the combat, and their other abilities, a la Pokémon (-gloups- That's what the magazine says, I'll just hope they didn't choose a good comparison. Not another Gotta Catch'em All, please...)

What else... There'll be a "targetting/accuracy/dunno-how-to-translate-it-better system" and experience'll be back too. A whole bunch of brand new weapons and maybe Alucard reappearing (They did like him, didn't they).

Finally, no date has been announced yet, not even a generic one.

And thassall.

EDIT PS: Sounds like a 3D Aria of Sorrow to me, even with another GCTA thingie, devils this time. But the plot... now that it seemed Iga's team had started to work towards some coherence and whatnot (even if they took the easy way some times)...

Nikochan dono.

Nihon mo ingenmame wo tsukurimasu Jan

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Mon 24 Jan 18:40]


Time Mage
2039th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Castlevania: Curse of Darkness announce" , posted Mon 24 Jan 18:54post reply

Now, it's time to pray for an at least decent game.

399th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Castlevania: Curse of Darkness announce" , posted Mon 24 Jan 19:28post reply

More info and screens are in the latest copy of Play Magazine. The article was posted at The Castlevania Dungeon just recently. Got this info from another forum site.

Game looks... okay. The art from Ayami Kojima totally rocks the socks, though. I can't believe she never had any formal training in art (said so on the first page of the article).

1056th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Castlevania: Curse of Darkness announce" , posted Mon 24 Jan 20:19post reply

"Amidst all of this, Hector -- a Devil Forgemaster who had once refined his skills under Dracula -- has fled in pursuit of a peaceful life as a human. He never imagined that his old friend Isaac, the other Devil Forgemaster, would suddenly appear and implicate his wife in a deadly conspiracy. As vengeance for his beloved wife, Hector pursues Isaac back to his former home, now completely morphed by Dracula's dark magic."

I haven't gotten to read through the entire article in the scans yet, but so far we've got:

1) Former villain seeking to wreak bloody vengeance upon a former friend
2) Metroid/SotN-style Dracula's Castle
3) Alucard
4) One of the better Castlevania time periods (I'd say CVIII and Dracula X/SotN were the two best)
5) Demon familiars
6) It looks like Dracula MIGHT be remain dead

Sounds fantastic. I never bothered to play Lament of Innocence because I always had too many games to play to spend the time and money on one that the gaming community received with a collective shrug, even though I generally follow the series (see: Devil May Cry 2). Hopefully this game will actually give us greatness on par with Circle of the Moon or Aria of Sorrow.

The only thing I'm worried about is the demon familiars. "Pet monster"-style gameplay can be executed very well (Shin Megami Tensei, Pokemon) or very poorly (every other game that's used them!) and adding AI assistance to 3D battles almost always sucks. The only AI assistant I think I didn't hate was Snake in MGS2, but that was in a pretty tightly scripted fight.

1266th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Castlevania: Curse of Darkness announce" , posted Mon 24 Jan 21:25post reply

Play Lament before you consider this fantastic. The best it will do is lower your expectations so Curse will seem better than it will be. I'm not saying it will be bad mind you, but Lament doesn't give me any confidence in a sequel.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

1277th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Castlevania: Curse of Darkness announce" , posted Mon 24 Jan 21:27post reply

I haven't gotten to read through the entire article in the scans yet, but so far we've got:

1) Former villain seeking to wreak bloody vengeance upon a former friend

Nope. Devil Forgemaster learning/working under Dracula (guess that for the sake of self-improvement or similar ^_^'), when the count starts going villain around he leaves his side.
2) Metroid/SotN-style Dracula's Castle

Not Castle, but (relatively) open spaces around Wallachia, as in C2.
3) Alucard

Seems he's not there (he's -> -_-{Zzzz...)).

Nikochan dono.

Nihon mo ingenmame wo tsukurimasu Jan

1422th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"summoning" , posted Tue 25 Jan 04:01post reply

"SATAN! I CHOOSE YOU! \(^o^)/ "


264th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):summoning" , posted Tue 25 Jan 05:54post reply

Two Castlevania games announced!! WTF??? I'm really really happy now, I can't believe this!

Ok, I know Lament had a bunch of flaws, but I enjoyed it. I don't know how to feel about the Innocent Devils system, but if the game is all about them, it can't be bothersome pokemon stuff, right? I mean RIGHT?

Man, that piece of artwork is really great! I really like the look of the character, but it doesn't match with the 3D model! They say they're improving the model until it looks like Kojima's design. Can't wait to see that.

I'm really excited about the music comments. Bring in those guitars and vocals! SH4 & Nano teams working on it on a improved engine? Many many stages outside the castle? Everything sounds great to me!

Go Yamane, Kojima and IGA, Go!

What's with that Tadanobu Asano look of Iga's?

5560th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):summoning" , posted Tue 25 Jan 06:36post reply

SH4 [...] teams working on it on a improved engine?

Are they going to improve it the way they improved the SH3 engine ?


774th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):summoning" , posted Tue 25 Jan 06:41post reply

I thought LoI had a good system, played well, it was just an ugly waste of time. It was especially horrific when I realized that all of the levels were almost exactly the same, they just had different textures. Or rather, all of the levels were nothing but various rectangles with pretty textures that were made unecessarily large to simulate "gameplay" (by making you run around needlessly).

But...the boss fights were still good, so as long as they don't try to "flesh it out" by adding lots of emptiness, I think they might have a foundation for a good game if it's planned a bit better.

Even if it's still a little ugly, I won't cry.

983th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):summoning" , posted Wed 26 Jan 22:19:post reply

(I'm late on this I know) another Castlevania game ^_^ yay!
:: recovering from b-day weekend ::

[this message was edited by Daala on Wed 26 Jan 22:20]

Joe Randel
368th Post

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"Re:innocent devils?" , posted Wed 26 Jan 23:24post reply

Here's some screen shots from The Magic Box.

Innocent Devils? Isn't that an oxymoron, like 'happily married', 'american beer' or 'army intelligence'?

"I can't take any more illicit drugs... I can't afford any artificial joy" - Pursuit of Happiness

1406th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Re:innocent devils?" , posted Thu 27 Jan 03:15:post reply

How I'd make a Castlevania game. - This post will consist of my dumb Ass opinions.

A) Enough with the Metroid Castle already. Remember Simon's Quest, Castlevania 3 and Super Castlevania where we ventured outside of the Castle? They can keep the Castle exploring, that's fine. Just let us explore Transylvania a bit along with it's towns. Underground caverns can be Metroid Style too if they want. That's all.

B) Never make a Castlevania game without Boss versions of a big bat (I loved how in that GBA Game they killed the big bat early, that was priceless!), Medusa, The Mummy(ies) or Frankesntein or Dracula as Bosses. I won't say the Grim Reaper since he's in every game. That's what Castlevania should always be, a REAL Van Hellsing Movie story. They can add any other monsters they want, they have to keep the core. And never ever ever ever ever make a game where Dracula is not the Final Boss. I won't name games...

C) Dracula should be hard! If I beat him on the second or first try the game sucks! I know Konami can do this, play Contra. Dracula used to kick my Ass left and right for weeks. Not anymore. The last hard Dracula I've encountered was in Circle of the Moon.

D) Get rid of the all men are fruity artist and bring back the kick Ass Anime Artist from Dracula X! Ok, this last one's not happening ever... I tried.

So as usual I hope at least some of my requests are in the new Castlevania Game. I'll settle for a longer game and a Devil May Cry style camera.

[this message was edited by Sano on Thu 27 Jan 03:29]

1407th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re:innocent devils?" , posted Thu 27 Jan 04:51:post reply

Oh yeah, since Dracula in the games is supposed to be the king of one of the dimensions in Hell when he's not on Earth, wouldn't it be great if for once we got to go to his Hell Dimension and explore instead of just going there for a fianl battle? Since people are always telling me to go to Hell anyway...

OT: Have you guys heard about IDW's upcoming US Castlevania Comic Book? According to Wizard, it's supposed to track the history of the Belmonts. I'm very excited about this one!

[this message was edited by Sano on Thu 27 Jan 04:56]

267th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Re:innocent devils?" , posted Thu 27 Jan 06:35post reply

Iggy: They only say in the interview that they are doing the game using an improved version of NanoBreaker's engine (which was an improved version of LoI's engine) & SH's engine, and that the NanoBreaker & SH are working on it as well. I don't know if that's great or not, since I haven't played Nano neither any of the SH games. I'm not feeling like playing the SH series just to find it out, but I feel curious about Nano. Is it a decent game? It didn't get great scores.

About LoI: That game is the beggining of the legend of the Belmont clan and Dracula. The master of the castle where you're fighting is not Dracula, so it isn't ruled by Chaos as in the other Castlevania games we've played before. It's just a "common" castle full of mosters, ruled by a vampire. I just think that it makes sense that pretty much every room in every area looks almost the same. What I mean is that being a common castle, it makes sense that each area is architecturaly coherent. I'm not trying to justify the lazyness behind the level contructions of the game, though.

How I'd make a Castlevania game. - This post will consist of my dumb Ass opinions.

A) Enough with the Metroid Castle already. Remember Simon's Quest, Castlevania 3 and Super Castlevania where we ventured outside of the Castle? They can keep the Castle exploring, that's fine. Just let us explore Transylvania a bit along with it's towns. Underground caverns can be Metroid Style too if they want. That's all.

B) Never make a Castlevania game without Boss versions of a big bat (I loved how in that GBA Game they killed the big bat early, that was priceless!), Medusa, The Mummy(ies) or Frankesntein or Dracula as Bosses. I won't say the Grim Reaper since he's in every game. That's what Castlevania should always be, a REAL Van Hellsing Movie story. They can add any other monsters they want, they have to keep the core. And never ever ever ever ever make a game where Dracula is not the Final Boss. I won't name games...

C) Dracula should be hard! If I beat him on the second or first try the game sucks! I know Konami can do this, play Contra. Dracula used to kick my Ass left and right for weeks. Not anymore. The last hard Dracula I've encountered was in Circle of the Moon.

D) Get rid of the all men are fruity artist and bring back the kick Ass Anime Artist from Dracula X! Ok, this last one's not happening ever... I tried.

So as usual I hope at least some of my requests are in the new Castlevania Game. I'll settle for a longer game and a Devil May Cry style camera.

Well, it seems that this game is going to have more levels outside the castle, and LoI being a 3D game, it just doesn't feel as Super Metroid oriented as the 2D games, so...

Yeah, Dracula should be really hard, but fighting him with pitfalls around it's just insane. I won't name games... And C'mon Circle of the Moon Dracula with the Pegasus card was a joke. You were like invincible with all those never ending amount of powers you get from the cards...

Ayami Kojima is one of the most talented artists I've ever seen in the gaming industry. Knowing that she didn't took art lessons and that she started doing illustrations as a par-time job just raises my respect to her to no limits. I don't care if the heroes she portraits look androgynous, I just find her pictures extremely beautiful. Ok, sometimes their faces look alike, but I can forgive that, and much more, plus it's a common flaw in most manga/anime artists.

I loved the anime style of Rondo of Blood but... My only request for the Castlevania games is, stop using the ingame sprites to make the endings! It's so boring and lazy... Simply put Ayami in charge of some art for the endings, that would rock very very hard, and put her doing some more for an opening too!

1407th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Re:innocent devils?" , posted Thu 27 Jan 07:12post reply


495th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Re:innocent devils?" , posted Thu 27 Jan 12:23post reply

Iggy: They only say in the interview that they are doing the game using an improved version of NanoBreaker's engine (which was an improved version of LoI's engine) & SH's engine, and that the NanoBreaker & SH are working on it as well. I don't know if that's great or not, since I haven't played Nano neither any of the SH games. I'm not feeling like playing the SH series just to find it out, but I feel curious about Nano. Is it a decent game? It didn't get great scores.

I've played Nanobreaker a few times... it's actually fun =) But I haven't played it enough to actually judge how fun it is in the long run...

One thing that Nanobreaker had that these (hopefully early) screenshots don't, is a lot of style and very interesting, eye popping graphics. Save for that lovely artwork, this game looks very bland right now...

Lament of innocence wasn't that bad! I enjoyed it!


249th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):Re:innocent devils?" , posted Fri 28 Jan 07:25:post reply


Ayami Kojima is one of the most talented artists I've ever seen in the gaming industry. Knowing that she didn't took art lessons and that she started doing illustrations as a par-time job just raises my respect to her to no limits. I don't care if the heroes she portraits look androgynous, I just find her pictures extremely beautiful. Ok, sometimes their faces look alike, but I can forgive that, and much more, plus it's a common flaw in most manga/anime artists.

I love Ayami Kojima's work as well, but although she's improved along the years, I find her designs a bit repetitive. It's not only a problem with the faces, I think it's something much bigger....I just don't know how to explain it, but when I saw her recent work in this new Castlevania the first thing that crossed my mind was "WTF, another Alucard pic? But he was supposed not to appear in this game...So this must be the new main character". It's as if no matter how she tried to make different characters, all eventually end looking pretty similar, not only to each other, but also to the first famous character she designed (i.e. Alucard). The same goes for HR Giger : everything he draws resembles to Alien. No matter how many pics you see, all of them will remind you of Alien, but at the same time, they look pretty similar to each other...Could this be a kind of artistic illness?

By the way, is there any Kojima Artbook out there? I'd like to get it, if there's any available one. I once heard that her works remain uncompiled, but it was many years ago...

Edit: crappy typos under the moonlight

[this message was edited by HAYATO on Fri 28 Jan 07:33]

269th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Re:innocent devils?" , posted Sat 29 Jan 00:52post reply

C'mon Hayato, this one looks different from Alucard! I can understand comparisons between Alucard and Juste Belmont, but not this one. The first thing I thought when I saw the pic was, "Wow, a character that doesn't resemble Alucard in anything but the hair color". She has to start giving Castlevania characters another hair color, don't you think? This one not being a Belmont, would have been a nice opportunity to change the color...

I believe she doesn't have any artbook (appart from the AoS mini-artbook you could get by preordering the game), it's really a pity! It's time that they release an artbook with all her work, but I wouldn't complain if they release a Castlevania artbook with her art and the covers from all the Castlevania games. Now that I think of it, it would be really nice if that ever happens!

1279th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"New shots with lifebars and stuff" , posted Sat 29 Jan 06:54post reply

There. Click on "Siguiente" (Next) to see 'em.

Still doesn't look much of a big deal technically... places are horribly empty...

Note they kept the hearts and MPs together as in AoS or the DS one. Good thing IMO. As for the other... eh... thingie-down-in-the-left, dunno. For the ID, I guess. Maybe to change them in real time. Or not.

Nikochan dono.

Nihon mo ingenmame wo tsukurimasu Jan