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Pollyanna 777th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Samurai Western" , posted Tue 25 Jan 08:09
Oh Iggy's request, here is my Samurai Western thread.
Has anyone played this? I thought it was quite excellent. Well, maybe "excellent" is a stretch, but it was wildly enjoyable. I was happy to play a game that didn't make me have to think at all. I'm tired of looking for things and doing menial tasks and solving puzzles and protecting people and whatever other "clever" thing they do in every game these days. I was happy just to kill people as quickly as possible.
And, I guess that's all there is to the game. The enemies keep coming and you keep killing them. It's very fast, it plays very well (though the framerate suffers at times) and there's a lot of variety in weapons...or rather, fighting styles. I used the "no handguard" type of style (like Tachibana Ukyou) which was very very fast, veryvery strong and knocked the framerate down veryvery much in some instances of extreme carnage.
The accessories are fun, too...you get lots of hats and masks and stuff like that. I was pretty excited to get a parror for my back, then a monkey by the end of the game. Also, it has "extra" versions of every level, hidden characters (that I can't manage to get), a decent soundtrack and...and...the main character looks cool. Also, it's mostly in English (Japanese subtitles can't seem to capture cowboy talk), excluding the lines between the two Japanese characters.
This sounded like a review, even though I asked if people had played it. To those who have...how do you get the other characters? Is this just a hoax!!?
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KTallguy 483th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(1):Samurai Western" , posted Wed 26 Jan 08:21
I'm not sure what this is called in Japanese... but does it involve first selecting a mission and then the buddies that will go with you on the mission, and play out Sengoku Musou style? If that's the case, I've played it...unfortunately...
The game I played had one attack button, a block guard button, and a button used for parrying. It also had a button for telling your buddies to move forward. I don't know the system very well yet, but it seemed too simple. Combat consisted of jamming on the attack button, and every time I tried to block or parry it didn't work... maybe I just don't know the system.
I thought that Way of the Samurai 1 could have been really really good if they polished the fighting engine, made the story longer and better, and overall polished the game. This is the opposite, they totally scrapped the concept and made it very simple, something that I wish people would stop doing. I'm still not sure if it's the same game though... let me know if this sounds right.
Spoon 742th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):Samurai Western" , posted Wed 26 Jan 09:47
quote: I'm not sure what this is called in Japanese... but does it involve first selecting a mission and then the buddies that will go with you on the mission, and play out Sengoku Musou style? If that's the case, I've played it...unfortunately...
The game I played had one attack button, a block guard button, and a button used for parrying. It also had a button for telling your buddies to move forward. I don't know the system very well yet, but it seemed too simple. Combat consisted of jamming on the attack button, and every time I tried to block or parry it didn't work... maybe I just don't know the system.
I thought that Way of the Samurai 1 could have been really really good if they polished the fighting engine, made the story longer and better, and overall polished the game. This is the opposite, they totally scrapped the concept and made it very simple, something that I wish people would stop doing. I'm still not sure if it's the same game though... let me know if this sounds right.
What you describe could be Samurai Warriors, a bastard offshoot of the Dynasty Warriors series.
Samurai Western takes place in the ol' Wild West. Like Rising Zan, except minus all the zanyness and sexiness.