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DarkZero 1057th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(9):Little Mac is back" , posted Wed 26 Jan 16:58
It's not that they screwed up Little Mac, it's just that they're going for authenticity. After having the crap kicked out of him for years by foolish gamers that didn't know how to control him, Little Mac, like all boxers, eventually retired to a life of booze, hookers, cocaine, and hideously deformed facial features.
Seriously though, why is it so damned hard for EA's animators to make a cartoon character look like a cartoon character? First Princess Peach is hideously deformed in NBA Street, now Little Mac is hideously deformed. I'm not an artist, but I was under the impression that cartoon bodies and features were one of the quickest things that you learn while becoming an artist, simply because it's much easier than accurately simulating a human being.