Radiata vs Devil Tuna 2 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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5585th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Radiata vs Devil Tuna 2" , posted Wed 26 Jan 18:42post reply

Radiata : *"We won't make a Director's cut edition".
"The game was finished 2 month early, which SHOULD mean there won't be any bug this time.
The music is by Iwadare Noriyuki. He made some music for minor games like Grandia, Lunar, Landgrisser, but he also made the music of GS, which means he cannot make anything bad anymore.
For those who still trust the catalog that has become Famitsu, 10, 9, 8, 9.

Devil Tuna 2 : 8, 8, 8, 8 (but this is not a Squenix product, and Atlus is too poor to buy any good reviews I think).

Avachu2 seems good, but you need to have finished the first game... Radiata, being a Triace game, is plagued with Triace wota and Triace arashi, so it's not easy to see through it. I have the feeling the anti- don't have any arguments, while the pro- like the scenario, the characters (150) and the non-bug feature.

Also, this post is written with the help of the World Wide Fund For Nature.

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5607th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Radiata vs Devil Tuna 2" , posted Thu 27 Jan 18:10post reply

Radiata correction : there are 176 characters.
I'm not the only one to think it's A BIT too much (Gensô Suikoden syndrome : "you want to come with us ? - OK !")

The only bugs of the game are some very, very bad jokes that make the player's brain freeze.

The game begins very slowly, then grows on you gradually to something very good.

General opinion : better than Star Ocean 3, less good than Valkyrie.

Also, if it hasn't been said before, it is [url=http://www.square-enix.co.jp/games/ps2/radiata/tgs400-240.swf ]EXTREMELY beautiful. This is Triace Quality.


32th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Radiata vs Devil Tuna 2" , posted Fri 28 Jan 08:38post reply

I watched a video of this on the Famitsu PS2 DVD and wasn't very impressed. Devil Tuna 2 looks good, but I feel bad for Atlus.

Aren't they owned by a food company?

5634th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Radiata Stories" , posted Sat 29 Jan 05:17post reply

1) The hero is a DQN
2) There are plenty of gags, extremely extremely bad.
4) why 177 characters ?

...It's a good pre-Valkyrie 2 game.
If they can just have less characters but better developed for VP2, it would be perfect.
And with humanoïd proportions.


808th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Radiata Stories" , posted Wed 2 Feb 11:40post reply

I can't get into the battle system in Radiata Stories. It BORES ME TO TEARS. I don't know if it gets better or you can do more later, but to me, you just walk up to an enemy and pound on a button. THere's a combo counter, but it doesn't really amount to anything, since you're just pressing one button, then a special one every once in a while. You can set up which attacks you do, but there's still very little variety...and while the CPU AI isn't bad, the rest of my team is not my concern.

It looks great, though...and I like the character designs a lot. The direction is great and the soundtrack is...well implemented. I don't want to say "It's a great soundtrack", but it's used very well.

I only played for a few hours, though. I'm trying to finish Stella Deus.

5680th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Radiata Stories" , posted Wed 2 Feb 17:23post reply

I only played for a few hours, though.

It will take a few more hours to grow, I think.
Especially if the hero and the horrible jokes don't bother you.
