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Iggy 5590th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Capcom x Namco S-RPG" , posted Wed 26 Jan 20:03
quote: They're using their old characters, so the effort of thinking of new ones for a game is gone.
That's the very point of the game. Nobody is interested into playing a game with 150 unknown character (radi...); and you can't compete with Nippon Ichi in the customization. Therefore, Monolith prefers to compete with Banpresto and their Super Robot Taisen series.
quote: However, now that it's being done, I hope it comes out as a great game.
If it is any good, it will be an accident. We are all going to buy it because of the characters, not because of the game; therefore the emphasis will be put on the characters and not on the game. In other words, they will try to make a long game with tons of characters rather than a shorter but better, deeper game. Because that's what the players interested in the game want.
The only thing we can hope for is that it will be better than the Dynamic crossover game; anything better will be a bonus.
I'm curious if they are going to make a series out of it if it works, like the Super Robot franchise...
「とにかく、それは愛のムチよ。 愛しいXXX先生は君を愛弟子として愛するがゆえの厳しさよ」だって。
DarkZero 1059th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(2):Capcom x Namco S-RPG" , posted Wed 26 Jan 20:11
quote: This may be more original than other past works (Specially Capcom ones), but it's still an example of lazyness: They're using their old characters, so the effort of thinking of new ones for a game is gone.
However, now that it's being done, I hope it comes out as a great game.
There's a certain kind of fun that can only come from crossovers between series. New X-Men vs. Original X-Men. Batman vs. Superman. Nameless Shin Megami Tensei Kid vs. Dante. Marona vs. Laharl (OMG PRINNIES!). "Snake, your mission... is to capture all the monkeys."
It's pathetically easy for the company that makes the crossover, but it's tons of fun for us, because it's usually either hilarious or cool, but always in a very tongue-in-cheek, campy way.
Shelve your jaded gamer cynicism, dammit! It's fun! It's stupid and a little lame, but it's fun!
Pollyanna 792th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(4):Re(10):Capcom x Namco S-RPG" , posted Thu 27 Jan 06:08
What Iggy said is true...I'm interested in the game because of the characters, but I wouldn't be interested, or rather, I'd be interested but also irritated if there wasn't at least a tiny sliver of trust that the game will be at least...playably good.
After all, the SRW games are by Banpresto, who from my experience, aren't good game makers. Even if you're jaded and angry at the world, I doubt you'll think that Banpresto is better than Capcom or Namco.
The SRW games actually have a pretty decent system, though, so if someone said that the game would be as good as SRW, I'd be satisfied. The only thing that I can hope for is that the game won't have the same balatant disregard for the player that the SRW games have. The level design in almost every fight in almost every SRW game is so inexcusably poor that after the novelty of the animations has worn off, I find the games entirely unplayable.
So...I hope I can trust Monolith that much at least.
Iggy 5599th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Re(10):Capcom x Namco S-RPG" , posted Thu 27 Jan 06:21
quote: So...I hope I can trust Monolith that much at least.
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「とにかく、それは愛のムチよ。 愛しいXXX先生は君を愛弟子として愛するがゆえの厳しさよ」だって。
Iggy 5630th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "More characters + Koshiro Yuzô" , posted Sat 29 Jan 02:08:
Y's music composer is going to make the opening and ending theme of the game. Hooray !
More characters : King from Tekken, Shion , Tarosuke, Taki from Calibur, ROCKMAN DASH, Felicia, Zabel, Captain Commando teamed up with Guy for a reason, a weird Red Aremer looking guy, and HIDEO AND MINAZUKI KYÔKO. VIVA JUSTICE GAKUEN !
There will be around 50 maps, and Inafune is happy. OK, now, please try to take GOOD characters from the Vampire series, it's not so hard.
Edit : I am sooo ahead of Quiter. Is Wani dead once again ?
「とにかく、それは愛のムチよ。 愛しいXXX先生は君を愛弟子として愛するがゆえの厳しさよ」だって。
[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 29 Jan 02:14] |
Iggy 5639th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):More characters + Koshiro Yuzô" , posted Sat 29 Jan 08:14
quote: Huh? Is he still a part of JDK? If that's the case, then he's (partially) responsible for the Zwei soundtrack as well. I don't remember seeing his name in the Ys credits, though.
My world is crumbling.
Also, back to NxC : call me a retard, but I have just noticed that EVERY character, not only Karin/Sakura or Commando/Guy, were paired.
Also, Namco actually was thinking about a game like that (sim RPG with lots of Namco characters) for 2 years, for their 50th anniversary. They wanted something big, but they could only find 100 characters, and it didn't seem big enough. So they thought to Capcom, and it looked like the good opportunity to get closer to them.
Also, they are thinking about using this general idea for other projects, not limited to the PS2 (wink ! wink !)
「とにかく、それは愛のムチよ。 愛しいXXX先生は君を愛弟子として愛するがゆえの厳しさよ」だって。
Just a Person 690th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(9):More characters + Koshiro Yuzô" , posted Sat 29 Jan 08:24
quote: Huh? Is he still a part of JDK? If that's the case, then he's (partially) responsible for the Zwei soundtrack as well. I don't remember seeing his name in the Ys credits, though.
My world is crumbling.
Also, back to NxC : call me a retard, but I have just noticed that EVERY character, not only Karin/Sakura or Commando/Guy, were paired.
Also, Namco actually was thinking about a game like that (sim RPG with lots of Namco characters) for 2 years, for their 50th anniversary. They wanted something big, but they could only find 100 characters, and it didn't seem big enough. So they thought to Capcom, and it looked like the good opportunity to get closer to them.
Also, they are thinking about using this general idea for other projects, not limited to the PS2 (wink ! wink !)
Karin and Sakura are already confirmed in NxC?? That would be nice... Also, forgive my ignorance, but who are Koshiro Yuzô and Ayumi Hamasaki??
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
IkariDC 275th Post

Copper Customer

| "Re(8):More characters + Koshiro Yuzô" , posted Sat 29 Jan 18:35:
quote: Ys 6 ? Ys6 ! The boss theme ! Beside, he's only making 2 songs, it's not like composing the entire soundtrack of a game... I guess.
Huh? Is he still a part of JDK? If that's the case, then he's (partially) responsible for the Zwei soundtrack as well. I don't remember seeing his name in the Ys credits, though.
Yuzô was only behind the music of the Ys 1&2 games. He joined Falcom in 1987 and left after composing the music from those Ys games, Sorcerian, Romancia (just the opening), Xanadu Scenario 2 and Dragon Slayer IV (Legacy of the Wizard). After 2 years (I think) he went freelance, so he was never part of the "JDK sound team", because it didn't existed at that time.
When he left Falcom, he didn't know about the royalties and that stuff, so he doesn't have the rights to the songs he composed, so Falcom has done whatever they wanted with the music. That's why in Ys Eternal, for example, he is not credited for the music. It's quite sad...
I really love his work in those Falcom games and in the Streets of Rage series, it's the first game composer name I learned because his name was in the title screen of Street of Rage, and I respect him very much. I know he hasn't done anything big or great lately, and even in Shenmue he only did about 6 tracks (being the other composers the authors of the most outsanding tunes of the game), but well, I still want to listen to his music. It seems he is more towards directing games nowadays, Kaijuu no Shima (Sega) is his latest work. The last thing he composed where 2 tracks for the Merregnon project. Check out this last one, it's really awesome!
EDIT: I forgot! He composed the music for Namco's Wangan Midnight arcade games. They're releasing the soundtrack to Wangan Midnight maximum Tune 1&2! Can you translate the last sentences, where they are talking about a special card that comes with the first press of the soundtrack?
[this message was edited by IkariDC on Sat 29 Jan 18:46] |
Iggy 5645th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):More characters + Koshiro Yuzô" , posted Sat 29 Jan 18:59
quote: Karin and Sakura are already confirmed in NxC?? That would be nice...
They appear on a screenshot in the official pfd, with other SF characters like Ryû and Ken. I hope Chunli will have an interesting teammate, not just Guile/Nash... Leilei, or that girls from Star Gladiator, for example ? Also, I wonder if the teams will be solid, or if they will change when you'll encounter new characters (like, Valkyrie-Strider Hiryû, but when you manage to get super-hidden-character Strider Hien, both striders pair up or something).
On the subject of Midnight something : if you get the card and play in your arcade with it, you'll be able to play the game with an original Yuzô track that has been especially composed for this.
「とにかく、それは愛のムチよ。 愛しいXXX先生は君を愛弟子として愛するがゆえの厳しさよ」だって。
Just a Person 691th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(2):Re(10):More characters + Koshiro Yuzô" , posted Sat 29 Jan 22:45
quote: Also, forgive my ignorance, but who are Koshiro Yuzô and Ayumi Hamasaki??
Yuzô Koshiro - Composer for Bare Knuckle/Streets of Rage games (probably what he's best known for), Legend of Oasis, Y's series, etc.
Ayumi Hamasaki - Nasal, creepy, doll-like jpop star. Sang the theme for Thousand Arms and probably a couple other games. Not actually talented (a given, seeing as how she's a jpop star).
Streets of Rage!! I knew I had already seen this name somewhere! The Streets of Rage's soundtrack is very good, so this is a good sign for NxC (but your description about Ayumi Hamasaki is kinda scary...)! Thanks for the info!
quote: It would be really cool if they have the guy from Rolling Thunder, Kagekiyo, Wonder Momo, and.. all kinds of other crap in it.
Wasn't Wonder Momo already confirmed? There's an artwork of Bravoman next to a girl that really looks like her (http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20050128/n_c03.htm).
quote: Karin and Sakura are already confirmed in NxC?? That would be nice...
They appear on a screenshot in the official pfd, with other SF characters like Ryû and Ken.
Wow, that's very nice! They added many characters I really like in it! I mean, it would be nice to see Rainbow Mika, Ruby Heart and Nina Williams in this game (although I believe Nina is almost certain in it), but hey, they already have Chun-Li and Taki, so I'm already satisfied!
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Bata kun 2486th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Music and such" , posted Wed 2 Feb 16:20
quote: Also, forgive my ignorance, but who are Koshiro Yuzô and Ayumi Hamasaki??
Yuzô Koshiro - Composer for Bare Knuckle/Streets of Rage games (probably what he's best known for), Legend of Oasis, Y's series, etc.
Ayumi Hamasaki - Nasal, creepy, doll-like jpop star. Sang the theme for Thousand Arms and probably a couple other games. Not actually talented (a given, seeing as how she's a jpop star).
Hey! I have friends who are fans of Ayumi-san. I'm more of a Suzuki Ami-san fan though.
Oh yeah. Ayumi-san also did "Dearest" (the third "Inuyasha" ending song). Yuzou-san was one of the few composers selected to do a remix of a "Street Fighter II" song. (I think he did M. Bison's theme [as in the boxer one].)
Going back on topic, it does have something going. Let's hope it turns out to be good in the end. Otherwise, you might as well stick Ousaka in it to cover up every mistake. (Can't remember where's that image right now.)