Tx Showdown 5 and MLG Houston South Regional - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Tx Showdown 5 and MLG Houston South Regional" , posted Thu 27 Jan 02:05:post reply

I remember there were some Houston SNK players in this thread, I don't remember their names unfortunately =(

Anyways, we're holding a huge tournament on March 11-13, 2005 at the Sheraton North hotel at George Bush Intercontinental airport.

Details can be found here

Texas Showdown 5 & MLG's Houston Regional(sponsored by Directron)
March 11-13, 2004
Sheraton North Houston at George Bush Intercontinental
15700 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77032
Phone (281) 442-5100

It’s that time again. It’s time for the best in the nation to show up once again for the biggest Street Fighter tournament in Texas. This year is no slouch. On the agenda will be the usual suspects, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Capcom vs SNK 2, Street Fighter III – 3rd Strike, and Guilty Gear XX #reload. New attraction games, Capcom Fighting Evolution/Jam and Tekken 5 are also on the schedule. Street Fighter Alpha 3, Dark Stalkers 3, and Street Fighter 2 Super Turbo are also being planned. And that’s not the end of it, there’s the possibility of SNK games to be added to the lineup and don’t forget the team tournaments.

This year we have also teamed up with the big Major League Gaming league. They will be holding tournaments for Halo 2, and Super Smash Brothers Melee. They will be giving away about $5000 total for Halo 2 and $1,250 total for Smash Bros!

This year looks to be the largest tournament we’ve ever held, and we have some special guests coming for the first time to Texas!

BAS-D44, Kindevu and Otaku will be traveling from Japan to attend Texas Showdown this year.

For the largest tournament, we’re also using a unique format for the major games(MvC2,CvS2,3rd Strike,GGXX#r). Instead of the traditional double elimination bracket, we’ve decided to split everyone up into round robin pools. This is much like how the Evolution tournaments have been running theirs, but with slight differences. Everybody entered in tournaments MvC2, CvS2, 3rd Strike, and GGXX #r, will be separated into 4, or 8(depending on number of entrants) round robin pools. Top 2 records from each pool advances to an 8 or 16 man, double elimination final. Records for all qualifiers reset.

MvC2 will be on arcade because we will only be using PS2’s for the console tournaments.

Tentative Schedule:

10am Registration
Garou-Mark of the Wolves(TBA)
King of Fighters 2002(Arcade)
Darkstalkers 3 - Vampire Savior(Arcade)
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo(Arcade)
Street Fighter 2 - Anniversary Edition(PS2)
Street Fighter Alpha 3(Arcade)
Capcom Fighting Evolution/Jam(PS2)
Team Tournaments(MvC2, CvS2)
SBO Capcom Fighting Jam Qualifying Tournament(PS2)
SBO 3rd Strike Southwest Qualifying Tournament(Arcade)
MvC2 Pools(Arcade)
CvS2 Pools(Console)
3rd Strike Pools(Console)
Guilty Gear Pools(Console)
CvS2 Finals
3rd Strike Finals
Guilty Gear Finals
MvC2 Finals
SBO Qualifying Finals
All pools will be Round Robin, single matches. Top 2 records from each pool advances with their records reset for an 8 man double elimination final.

$10 registration fee(No matter what, even if the game you entered is cancelled, this fee cannot be reimbursed)
$10 entry fee for MvC2, CvS2, 3rd Strike and Guilty Gear
$20 a team for SBO Qualifying tournaments(3rd Strike, CFJ)
$5 for all other tournaments

1st 70% of cash pot
2nd 20% of cash pot
3rd 10% of cash pot
4th Poster, T-shirt, set of tags
5th Poster, T-shirt, set of tags
7th Poster, T-shirt, set of tags

No Game Breaking glitches
No Akuma in ST
No Game Freezing glitches
Kliff, Justice, EX Characters, and Gold/Black characters are not allowed.
Pausing will receive a warning and forfeiture of that round pending the judge’s descretion.
Double Blind pick on request, no switching orders of any kind.
Winners of the first game must keep same team, order, and assist type or groove for the next game. If you used the switch trick in MvC2 you may not do so in the following game if you won.

For info on the Halo 2 and Smash Bros events hosted by MLG, check out their webpage at Major League Gaming(www.mlgpro.com) You can register directing on their site for Halo 2 and Smash Bros at this address.

Info on the hotel and reservations:

The event will be at the Sheraton North in Houston. This will also serve as the hotel for the event. Rooms are cheap, only $69 a night!! You can call the hotel directly at 281-442-5100 and ask for reservations or call 1-800-325-3535. You will need to identify yourselves with Major League Gaming event March 10-14, 2005.

The “cut-off date” for accepting reservations into this room block is FRIDAY FEBRUARY 25. Reservations requests received after 5:00 pm Central Standard Time at the Hotel on the cut-off date will be accepted on a space and rate availability basis.

Singles $ 69.00
Double $ 69.00
Triples $ 79.00
Quads $ 89.00

Sheraton North Houston Hotel
15700 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
Houston, TX 77032
Hotel Phone: 281-442-5100
Sales Fax: 281-442-8301

I just thought I'd post this in here in case anybody likes playing competitive gaming tournaments.

[this message was edited by Ranma0005 on Thu 10 Feb 00:59]


Juke Joint Jezebel
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Tx Showdown 5 and MLG Houston South Reg" , posted Thu 27 Jan 15:07post reply

LOL! an airport. whats next, niggerville?

"The earth has become a grave of rotten sticks."

4th Post

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"Re(2):Tx Showdown 5 and MLG Houston South Reg" , posted Thu 27 Jan 16:12post reply

LOL! an airport. whats next, niggerville?

Not exactly sure what you're gettin at with that statement. We're expecting about 1000 people at this event, so there aren't too many arcades able to house it.

Its actually fairly common to hold gaming events at hotels, they usually offer cheaper rates on the rooms once you book an event. Maybe you should explain what in the world you're trying to say there.

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Tx Showdown 5 and MLG Houston South Reg" , posted Thu 27 Jan 16:33post reply

I thought the entire Houston area was already sucked into the Otherworld due to the magnitude of Pollyana's sins.

Hagen de Merak
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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Tx Showdown 5 and MLG Houston South Reg" , posted Fri 28 Jan 03:02post reply

LOL! an airport. whats next, niggerville?

at least it wasn't dead nigger paradise.

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Tx Showdown 5 and MLG Houston South Reg" , posted Fri 28 Jan 04:31post reply

I thought the entire Houston area was already sucked into the Otherworld due to the magnitude of Pollyana's sins.




...wait, whaaaa..???????!


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"Re(2):Tx Showdown 5 and MLG Houston South Reg" , posted Fri 28 Jan 17:48post reply

LOL! an airport. whats next, niggerville?

Yup, that was pretty sensitive.

3234th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tx Showdown 5 and MLG Houston South Reg" , posted Mon 31 Jan 14:25post reply

LOL! an airport. whats next, niggerville?

You bastard, you love the niggerville hookers, why deny?

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"Re(1):Tx Showdown 5 and MLG Houston South Reg" , posted Thu 10 Mar 04:06post reply

Tournament starts this Friday, Garou at 4pm and KOF2k2 at 6pm.

MTV will be at the event all weekend filming for an upcoming show.