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KTallguy 505th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Biohazard 4 censored in Japan? No!" , posted Sun 30 Jan 11:17
I do NOT believe that Biohazard 4 is censored in Japan. Why? Because I played it for 3 hours yesterday, and watched my friend play the later levels for an hour...
Here's what I think Capcom did. In the Japanese version, they made it so in the beginning, your weapons were weak, so you couldn't make heads explode really. And in the beginning, that's true with most of your weapons. Later in the game however, heads are definitly exploding all around you... trust me. Very gory.
In the American version, I guess that Capcom was like... "lets give the Americans more gore, faster! because they LOVE it!!", and made it so you could explode heads from the very beginning... I believe that's the only change. Unless there are like... absurdly more amounts of chunks flying out of the decapitated corpse, then I say that the gore in both versions is about the same.
Oh and it's an excellent game =) My friend is from Chile so he was translating the beginning parts for me. It really really helps if you know Spanish =) It's also more creepy because you can understand more later... what they yell when they rush to kill you, etc.