Nejibako and TRF2 update - Forums

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Shingo The One
359th Post

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"Nejibako and TRF2 update" , posted Thu 27 Jan 19:08post reply

Hey Iggy-san, SNK Playmore has just launched the new update for NeoGeo Battle Coliseum.This time, the update covers the Gallery and Q&A sections.
And on another note, The Rumble Fish 2, which has its' second consecutive loke test from today, has a release date set at the end of March.That's all for now.Later.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.


95th Post

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"Re(1):Nejibako and TRF2 update" , posted Thu 27 Jan 20:22post reply

Thanks for the update The One.

Out of curiousity: did you ever get your DBZ game?

Shingo The One
360th Post

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"Re(2):Nejibako and TRF2 update" , posted Thu 27 Jan 20:39post reply

Thanks for the update The One.

Out of curiousity: did you ever get your DBZ game?

Yes I did, Digitalboy.I got it over a month ago.Easily, the best fighting game I ever got so far(and I even got used to the non-Japanese chattering).But this year, there will sure be a few games that will be essential for me, no doubt about that.Peace out.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

Shingo The One
364th Post

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"What about new Arcadia?" , posted Fri 28 Jan 03:00:post reply

Hey Iggy-san, SNK Playmore has just launched the new update for NeoGeo Battle Coliseum.This time, the update covers the Gallery and Q&A sections.
And on another note, The Rumble Fish 2, which has its' second consecutive loke test from today, has a release date set at the end of March.That's all for now.Later.

Hey Iggy-san, you don't need to worry about the latest Q&A translation.Our good friend beelzebubble has done that, and the only thing out of it is that the true final boss of Nejibako will be revealed soon and that the game is being modified as we speak(hopefully for a positive final outcome).Catch you later.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

[this message was edited by Shingo The One on Fri 28 Jan 06:13]

5611th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):What about new Arcadia?" , posted Fri 28 Jan 06:09post reply

Hey Iggy-san, you don't need to worry about the latest Q&A translation.

That's kinda a good thing, since I lost interest in it and began to look forward for the good games that will be released in spring.


5629th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"TRF2 2nd test" , posted Sat 29 Jan 02:12post reply

good games that will be released in spring.

like this, for example.
They are really trying hard to make a good game, and it shows.


Shingo The One
364th Post

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"Iggy, do you have new Arcadia?" , posted Sat 29 Jan 02:24post reply

good games that will be released in spring.

like this, for example.
They are really trying hard to make a good game, and it shows.

I can see that Iggy-san, after all this fighting game comes from a team who really knows how to do a true fighter.BTW, do you have the new Arcadia? Let's just see what there is new about Nejibako.Later.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

5630th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"I consider this post as an insult" , posted Sat 29 Jan 02:26post reply

And therefore I won't respond to it.


Shingo The One
365th Post

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"Re(1):I consider this post as an insult" , posted Sat 29 Jan 02:31post reply

And therefore I won't respond to it.

Whoa. First of all, that was fast.
Second, what did I say? I only agreed with what you said about the team working on that interesting fighting game you just mentioned and I said that this is a group of people who know what they have to do to make a good fighter.
I have no idea what pissed you off, is it that or the fact I made my request after my remark.Either way, I hope you don't get mad over such a thing.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

4271th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):I consider this post as an insult" , posted Sat 29 Jan 02:41post reply

what did I say?

this fighting game comes from a team who really knows how to do a true fighter

Playmore =

Shingo The One
366th Post

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"I'm sorry for the stupid insult" , posted Sat 29 Jan 02:53post reply

what did I say?

this fighting game comes from a team who really knows how to do a true fighter

Playmore =

I know why.It's because when I said a true fighting game maker, you thought I meant SNK Playmore, but if that was my intention, I didn't mean it.For such a team, I meant Cyberconnect2 and Dimps.
That is all.I apologize to you Iggy-san for bringing up this unnecessary insult to such a person like yourself.I hope you let this nonsense be forgotten and continue our collaboration and friendship.Peace out.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

5631th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"pffffffffffffff" , posted Sat 29 Jan 03:01post reply

Woooow, calm down, you ! Where is your retalin ?

So, no, I don't buy Arcadia anymore since I've gave up all hopes to find any of the funny errors Gamest used to do.


Shingo The One
367th Post

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"Glad things are settled" , posted Sat 29 Jan 04:00post reply

Woooow, calm down, you ! Where is your retalin ?

So, no, I don't buy Arcadia anymore since I've gave up all hopes to find any of the funny errors Gamest used to do.

Thanks for responding and I'm glad you didn't get mad over that involuntary response that I posted, Iggy-san.
I'm glad things are settled and everything is now back to normal.Peace out.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

5650th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"TRF1 PS2 official site" , posted Sun 30 Jan 02:41post reply

Open !


123th Post

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"Re(1):TRF1 PS2 official site" , posted Sun 30 Jan 07:45post reply

I thought Sheryl was the one eyed lolicon girl.

Anyways, I hope this gets a US release.


Shingo The One
369th Post

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"Nothing new yet" , posted Sun 30 Jan 16:33post reply

Woooow, calm down, you ! Where is your retalin ?

So, no, I don't buy Arcadia anymore since I've gave up all hopes to find any of the funny errors Gamest used to do.

No worries, Iggy-san.Thanks to beelzebubble, I found out there is nothing new on NGBC in the latest Arcadia.In fact, it just had a two-page spread space in the issue, with nothing on the release date(although it obviously will be Spring).

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

2887th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):What about new Arcadia?" , posted Sun 30 Jan 17:03post reply

Hey Iggy-san, SNK Playmore has just launched the new update for NeoGeo Battle Coliseum.This time, the update covers the Gallery and Q&A sections.
And on another note, The Rumble Fish 2, which has its' second consecutive loke test from today, has a release date set at the end of March.That's all for now.Later.
Hey Iggy-san, you don't need to worry about the latest Q&A translation.Our good friend beelzebubble has done that, and the only thing out of it is that the true final boss of Nejibako will be revealed soon and that the game is being modified as we speak(hopefully for a positive final outcome).Catch you later.

February Arcadia has...a page of Raiden III, a couple pages of NGBC with characters we character pictures we've seen already, Melty Blood Act Cadenza, Senko Ronde with character picture of a brunette, lots of Tekken, Arcadia Awards, whatever that game is with the childishesq characters on the cover, and other stuff

Burning Kyo
2249th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):What about new Arcadia?" , posted Mon 31 Jan 00:54post reply

.... whatever that game is with the childishesq characters on the cover ...

It's a Tekken fanart by Hyung Tae Kim ! XD

[Live fast // Die young]

Shingo The One
372th Post

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Silver Customer

"Iggy, NGBC seiyuu update" , posted Thu 3 Feb 21:57post reply

Woooow, calm down, you ! Where is your retalin ?

So, no, I don't buy Arcadia anymore since I've gave up all hopes to find any of the funny errors Gamest used to do.
No worries, Iggy-san.Thanks to beelzebubble, I found out there is nothing new on NGBC in the latest Arcadia.In fact, it just had a two-page spread space in the issue, with nothing on the release date(although it obviously will be Spring).

Iggy-san, SNK Playmore has done a short but very important update for NeoGeo Battle Coliseum.The Museum has now listed MOTW, and they noted Rock Howard but not Terry Bogard(this means, note-wise, he belongs to The King Of Fighters), but the real update is at the Q&A section, because they listed the seiyuu cast for the game.Hey Iggy-san, can you tell us who are the seiyuus and what work (anime or fighting game-wise) are they famous for.Looking forward for your punctual and reliable response.Peace out.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

81th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Iggy, NGBC seiyuu update" , posted Thu 3 Feb 22:10post reply

And so, the tenguman profecies come to life:

- Yuuki will be Midorikawa Hikaru (told ya!)
- Ai is Teppouzuka Youko (I am reading right?)
- Fuuma and Mudman are Monster Maezuka
- Cyber Woo (Makishima Yuzu) is Minami Kaori (same as Shiki and Kisara)
- Lee Pailon is Yano Eiji (same as Yamazaki)
- Asura is Ichijo Kazuya
- Hanzou is Tanaka Tessai

The rest of them have the same seiyuu from their origin games.
Feel free to correct any kanji misreading.


5696th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Call for help" , posted Thu 3 Feb 22:16post reply

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Bata kun
2487th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Iggy, NGBC seiyuu update" , posted Fri 4 Feb 04:16post reply

And so, the tenguman profecies come to life:

- Yuuki will be Midorikawa Hikaru (told ya!)
- Ai is Teppouzuka Youko (I am reading right?)
- Fuuma and Mudman are Monster Maezuka
- Cyber Woo (Makishima Yuzu) is Minami Kaori (same as Shiki and Kisara)
- Lee Pailon is Yano Eiji (same as Yamazaki)
- Asura is Ichijo Kazuya
- Hanzou is Tanaka Tessai

The rest of them have the same seiyuu from their origin games.
Feel free to correct any kanji misreading.

Hikaru-san? Um, that's surprising. Ha ha ha!

Yano Eiji-san also played as characters like Kensou, not Yamazaki. Yamazaki's seiyuu is also Gatou's, Ishii Kouji-san. Oh and Asura still has Kazuya-san, eh?

Cain Highwind
506th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Iggy, NGBC seiyuu update" , posted Fri 4 Feb 04:42post reply

And so, the tenguman profecies come to life:

- Yuuki will be Midorikawa Hikaru (told ya!)
- Ai is Teppouzuka Youko (I am reading right?)
- Fuuma and Mudman are Monster Maezuka
- Cyber Woo (Makishima Yuzu) is Minami Kaori (same as Shiki and Kisara)
- Lee Pailon is Yano Eiji (same as Yamazaki)
- Asura is Ichijo Kazuya
- Hanzou is Tanaka Tessai

The rest of them have the same seiyuu from their origin games.
Feel free to correct any kanji misreading.

Hikaru-san? Um, that's surprising. Ha ha ha!

Yano Eiji-san also played as characters like Kensou, not Yamazaki. Yamazaki's seiyuu is also Gatou's, Ishii Kouji-san. Oh and Asura still has Kazuya-san, eh?

Eiji Yano was also the original Lee back in AoF1, he was then replaces by Kazuhiro Inage who also did Galford for the first couple SS games as well as Lucky Glauber but has since disappaered from thye face of the Earth.

And I really had a nagging feeling they'd get Maezuka for Mudman. Even from not playing the WH games, I really pictured him having a Choi/Kyoshiro kind of voice.

Now I can add these actors to the IMDB, thanks tengu.

Cain Highwind
507th Post

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"Wait, what about Marco and Haohmaru?" , posted Fri 4 Feb 05:09post reply

I just remembered Marco has never had a VA before and Haohmaru has had two different voice actors. Does it say who does them?

5702th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Wait, what about Marco and Haohmaru?" , posted Fri 4 Feb 08:08post reply

Ah, good one.
Haômaru is Usui Masaki, like Ryô. Which means he has his voice of the 2D games, not the Polysamu voice.

Marco is Nishikawa Takenosuke, someone I've never heard of.


702th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Full Seiyuu List copy & paste" , posted Fri 4 Feb 09:25:post reply

Yay! Vanessa! Oh, and I had no idea that Ryo and Haoh are the same voice. Interesting...makes sense now that I think about it.

edit: Nevermind Cain posted it below.

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Fri 4 Feb 09:45]

Cain Highwind
508th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Wait, what about Marco and Haohmaru?" , posted Fri 4 Feb 09:35post reply

Ah, good one.
Haômaru is Usui Masaki, like Ryô. Which means he has his voice of the 2D games, not the Polysamu voice.

Marco is Nishikawa Takenosuke, someone I've never heard of.

Thanks Iggy, Takenosuke Nishikawa did Guile in SvC Chaos.

RadRad at the SNK-Capcom boards posted a full VA list:

Yuki: Hikaru Midorikawa
Ai: Yoko Teppouzuka
Kyo: Masahiro Nonaka (Same)
Iori: Kunihiko Yasui (Same)
Mr.Karate: Masaki Usui (Same)
Terry: Satoshi Mashimoto (Same)
Haohmaru: Masaki Usui (Same)
Genjuro: Kong Kuwata (Same)
Kaede: Kouji Suizu (Shen Woo from KOF 2003, otherwise, Same)
Moriya: Jun Hashimoto (Same)
K': Yuki Matsuda (Same)
Rock: Eiji Takemoto (Same)
Mai: Akoya Sogi (Same)
Shermie: Hazuki Nishikawa (Same)
Geese: Kong Kuwata (same)
Mr.Big's VA is new. There's no info on a Shinsuke Yunoki (Rough translation)
Nakoruru: Harumi Ikoma (Same)
Hotaru: Yuki Horie
Washizuka: Katsuyuki Konoshi (Same)
Kim: Satoshi Mashimoto (Same)
Akari: Mayuko Omimura (Same)
Shiki: Kaori Minami (Same)
Hanzou: Tetsuya Tanaka (Adelheid from KOF 2003)
Fuuma: Monster Maezuka (Benimaru, Ralf, & Choi)
Mudman: Monster Maezuka
Tung: Shigehumi Nakai (same)
Marco: Takenosuke Nishikawa (Guile from SvC Chaos)
Cyber Woo: Kaori Minami. Cyber Woo himself will have no VA.
Chonrei: Yamaguchi Kappei (He returns for both brothers)
Chonshu: Yamaguchi Kappei
Pai Long: Eiji Yano (No surprise here. He returns to play Pai Long again like he was in AOF1)
Robert: Kazuhiro Inage (Robert's OLD VA from KOF 94-95. He was also Pai Long in AOF2)
Kisarah: Kaori Minami
Asura: Kazuya Ichijou (Same)

82th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):Iggy, NGBC seiyuu update" , posted Fri 4 Feb 10:43post reply

And so, the tenguman profecies come to life:

- Yuuki will be Midorikawa Hikaru (told ya!)
- Ai is Teppouzuka Youko (I am reading right?)
- Fuuma and Mudman are Monster Maezuka
- Cyber Woo (Makishima Yuzu) is Minami Kaori (same as Shiki and Kisara)
- Lee Pailon is Yano Eiji (same as Yamazaki)
- Asura is Ichijo Kazuya
- Hanzou is Tanaka Tessai

The rest of them have the same seiyuu from their origin games.
Feel free to correct any kanji misreading.

Hikaru-san? Um, that's surprising. Ha ha ha!

Yano Eiji-san also played as characters like Kensou, not Yamazaki. Yamazaki's seiyuu is also Gatou's, Ishii Kouji-san. Oh and Asura still has Kazuya-san, eh?

Exactly, my bad.
Thanks for the correction.


Shingo The One
376th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):Wait, what about Marco and Haohmaru?" , posted Fri 4 Feb 15:20post reply

Ah, good one.
Haômaru is Usui Masaki, like Ryô. Which means he has his voice of the 2D games, not the Polysamu voice.

Marco is Nishikawa Takenosuke, someone I've never heard of.

Thanks Iggy, Takenosuke Nishikawa did Guile in SvC Chaos.

RadRad at the SNK-Capcom boards posted a full VA list:

Yuki: Hikaru Midorikawa
Ai: Yoko Teppouzuka
Kyo: Masahiro Nonaka (Same)
Iori: Kunihiko Yasui (Same)
Mr.Karate: Masaki Usui (Same)
Terry: Satoshi Mashimoto (Same)
Haohmaru: Masaki Usui (Same)
Genjuro: Kong Kuwata (Same)
Kaede: Kouji Suizu (Shen Woo from KOF 2003, otherwise, Same)
Moriya: Jun Hashimoto (Same)
K': Yuki Matsuda (Same)
Rock: Eiji Takemoto (Same)
Mai: Akoya Sogi (Same)
Shermie: Hazuki Nishikawa (Same)
Geese: Kong Kuwata (same)
Mr.Big's VA is new. There's no info on a Shinsuke Yunoki (Rough translation)
Nakoruru: Harumi Ikoma (Same)
Hotaru: Yuki Horie
Washizuka: Katsuyuki Konoshi (Same)
Kim: Satoshi Mashimoto (Same)
Akari: Mayuko Omimura (Same)
Shiki: Kaori Minami (Same)
Hanzou: Tetsuya Tanaka (Adelheid from KOF 2003)
Fuuma: Monster Maezuka (Benimaru, Ralf, & Choi)
Mudman: Monster Maezuka
Tung: Shigehumi Nakai (same)
Marco: Takenosuke Nishikawa (Guile from SvC Chaos)
Cyber Woo: Kaori Minami. Cyber Woo himself will have no VA.
Chonrei: Yamaguchi Kappei (He returns for both brothers)
Chonshu: Yamaguchi Kappei
Pai Long: Eiji Yano (No surprise here. He returns to play Pai Long again like he was in AOF1)
Robert: Kazuhiro Inage (Robert's OLD VA from KOF 94-95. He was also Pai Long in AOF2)
Kisarah: Kaori Minami
Asura: Kazuya Ichijou (Same)

Thanks guys for the list.I see that while I recognize someone by reputation alone(the seiyuu of the Jin twins), some other seiyuus I know because of KOF, and I'm glad they're getting ready for the return of The King Of Fighters.Peace out.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

Shingo The One
377th Post

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Silver Customer

"New fighter for Nejibako?" , posted Sat 5 Feb 02:25post reply

Woooow, calm down, you ! Where is your retalin ?

So, no, I don't buy Arcadia anymore since I've gave up all hopes to find any of the funny errors Gamest used to do.
No worries, Iggy-san.Thanks to beelzebubble, I found out there is nothing new on NGBC in the latest Arcadia.In fact, it just had a two-page spread space in the issue, with nothing on the release date(although it obviously will be Spring).

Hey guys, beezlebubble has noted something new for Nejibako.In the latest Weekly Famitsu, they got something for this game.It seems that some guy called Atomic Guy is in the game, but who knows if it's as a hidden character, as a boss or as a move assist for a fighter, like Lt.Yakutaro "the Hadoken guy"(I always dubbed him the Kamehameha guy, not any more, because someone HAS THE Kamehameha).
But what is sure is that it ain't the case of a default character.That's all.Peace out.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

880th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):New fighter for Nejibako?" , posted Sat 5 Feb 02:35post reply

Atomic Guy is another King of the Monsters character. Could be an assist for Cyber Woo?

Shingo The One
378th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):New fighter for Nejibako?" , posted Sat 5 Feb 02:45post reply

Atomic Guy is another King of the Monsters character. Could be an assist for Cyber Woo?

Who knows man.But one thing is certain, we'll know about it when it shows up again.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

2901th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New fighter for Nejibako?" , posted Sat 5 Feb 04:25post reply

Atomic Guy is another King of the Monsters character. Could be an assist for Cyber Woo?
Who knows man.But one thing is certain, we'll know about it when it shows up again.

Could be a hidden characters just like Athena... As for assits characters, it seems that Negibako have a lots of them...

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

5716th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New fighter for Nejibako?" , posted Sat 5 Feb 06:13:post reply

Are the scans of Famitsu online ? Some guy said Atomic Guy was in Famitsu tuesday, but since no one (including the usual guys who get their Famitsu on Tuesday) were talking of everything except him, I assumed it was a fake...
If I were you, I'll wait for the scans before I take Atomic Guy for granted.

I would be damn happy if I was wrong, though. More KOTM is always good.


[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 5 Feb 06:14]

805th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"beelze is telling you to fuck off." , posted Sat 5 Feb 13:02:post reply

Are the scans of Famitsu online ? Some guy said Atomic Guy was in Famitsu tuesday, but since no one (including the usual guys who get their Famitsu on Tuesday) were talking of everything except him, I assumed it was a fake...
If I were you, I'll wait for the scans before I take Atomic Guy for granted.

I would be damn happy if I was wrong, though. More KOTM is always good.

"yeah yeah i know you got the info first, yeah yeah take what i said with a grain of salt coz it doesnt count even when i have the pic right here in front of my eyes. your news is all that counts!"

I mean, beelze only went to the tests and shot the videos himself, right? And Iggy... what did Iggy do, again?

[this message was edited by beto on Sat 5 Feb 13:04]

435th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):beelze is telling you to fuck off." , posted Sat 5 Feb 13:10post reply

Are the scans of Famitsu online ? Some guy said Atomic Guy was in Famitsu tuesday, but since no one (including the usual guys who get their Famitsu on Tuesday) were talking of everything except him, I assumed it was a fake...
If I were you, I'll wait for the scans before I take Atomic Guy for granted.

I would be damn happy if I was wrong, though. More KOTM is always good.

"yeah yeah i know you got the info first, yeah yeah take what i said with a grain of salt coz it doesnt count even when i have the pic right here in front of my eyes. your news is all that counts!"

I mean, beelze only went to the tests and shot the videos himself, right? And Iggy... what did Iggy do, again?

Oh Jesus. I may favor Iggy and all, but I also know when you're trying to start crap when there's no need to. Shut up.


1076th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):beelze is telling you to fuck off." , posted Sat 5 Feb 13:48post reply


"yeah yeah i know you got the info first, yeah yeah take what i said with a grain of salt coz it doesnt count even when i have the pic right here in front of my eyes. your news is all that counts!"

Is anyone else kind of shocked to find out how many lurkers there are on this board who can't register? This is the second time in the same week that people started having a conversation about us on another board.

101th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):beelze is telling you to fuck off" , posted Sat 5 Feb 15:35post reply


Is anyone else kind of shocked to find out how many lurkers there are on this board who can't register? This is the second time in the same week that people started having a conversation about us on another board.

Great...just great. Why can't he join the Cafe? Invalid e-mail? Oh, well. It is stupid that he would do something like that towards Iggy.


26th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):beelze is telling you to fuck off" , posted Sat 5 Feb 15:43post reply


It is stupid that he would do something like that towards Iggy.

I have to concur with that, Iggy was just stating by official news from Famitsu in a polite manner. People can be reliable at times but the way how news presents itself can change after misinterpretation. But personally to be bickering over who deserves credit is more like a self egotistic issue which needs to be given a rest. Then again thats my opinion so whatever.

2213th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):beelze is telling you to fuck off" , posted Sat 5 Feb 16:10:post reply

Causing an argument over something that stupid is so... so...
Worthless of spending time on? Or am I just aging?

Anyways, that e-mail filter really guts off registerers, but I add people in if they're willing to go through the trouble of mailing a request for an account. ...Though of course, not if the message reads something obviously senile like "i used my freemail ad ay reg screen, let me join plzzz".

[edit] I usually have the latest issue of Famitsu by now, but this week I'm wearing eight garments, overdosing myself with medication, shooting nasel spray and hoping life will get better in a few days. Did you know that licking Vicks can numb your taste buds, making curry taste like thick brown water?

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 5 Feb 16:41]

3241th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):beelze is telling you to fuck off" , posted Sat 5 Feb 16:33post reply

Causing an argument over something that stupid is so... so...
Worthless of spending time on? Or am I just aging?

Maybe both. But don't mind Masterposter, he's just an attention whore.
I wouldn't be surprised if he added fuel to the fire by showing Iggy's posts to this beelze guy.

5722th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):beelze is telling you to fuck off" , posted Sat 5 Feb 18:24post reply

[edit]this week I'm wearing eight garments, overdosing myself with medication, shooting nasel spray and hoping life will get better in a few days. Did you know that licking Vicks can numb your taste buds, making curry taste like thick brown water?

Wooow... And I'm starving for a good curry right now... What a waste.
Take care !

"yeah yeah i know you got the info first, yeah yeah take what i said with a grain of salt coz it doesnt count even when i have the pic right here in front of my eyes. your news is all that counts!"

Bonus mode : I would be damn happy if I was wrong, though. I was wrong, I am happy. I didn't have the info first, since I thought it was a hoax, and I said so. I didn't went over there to see what was the source of the info; if Beebub, who I think is someone we can trust, says he has the mag, then AG is in the game, and I have nothing to say about it beside "I like it, but it doesn't change my opinion towards the game".
Are all people that fast to jump to the throats of people they never talked to over there?
I mean, beelze only went to the tests and shot the videos himself, right? And Iggy... what did Iggy do, again?

I translated several reports and opinions shattered on different boards and blogs, written in a language not accessible to most english-speaking people. Excuse me if that bothered you. Oh no! It took some light away from your very best friend who absolutely needs to be the only english speaker to see the game and he also needs your help because you're such a true friend by spreading his word all over the internet!
Please, give us a break, and give him a break as well. He doesn't need you to exist, and I'm not stealing anybody's light.

I fail to see the connection between "I want to see a proof of it (and Beebub saying "I have the mag before my very eyes" is a proof enough)" and "WUT HAEV U DONA FOR DA COMUNAUTY OF TRUE SNK FANS ???!!!??? OMG WTF LOL".
Beside, and since we're at here, while I respect Beebub because his reports on the beta were as interesting to read as the other ones I translated, remind me exactly what you did beside craving for attention here and being nicknamed masterposter?


Shingo The One
379th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):beelze is telling you to fuck off" , posted Sat 5 Feb 18:30post reply

[edit]this week I'm wearing eight garments, overdosing myself with medication, shooting nasel spray and hoping life will get better in a few days. Did you know that licking Vicks can numb your taste buds, making curry taste like thick brown water?
Wooow... And I'm starving for a good curry right now... What a waste.
Take care !

"yeah yeah i know you got the info first, yeah yeah take what i said with a grain of salt coz it doesnt count even when i have the pic right here in front of my eyes. your news is all that counts!"
Bonus mode : I would be damn happy if I was wrong, though. I was wrong, I am happy. I didn't have the info first, since I thought it was a hoax, and I said so. I didn't went over there to see what was the source of the info; if Beebub, who I think is someone we can trust, says he has the mag, then AG is in the game, and I have nothing to say about it beside "I like it, but it doesn't change my opinion towards the game".
Are all people that fast to jump to the throats of people they never talked to over there?
I mean, beelze only went to the tests and shot the videos himself, right? And Iggy... what did Iggy do, again?
I translated several reports and opinions shattered on different boards and blogs, written in a language not accessible to most english-speaking people. Excuse me if that bothered you. Oh no! It took some light away from your very best friend who absolutely needs to be the only english speaker to see the game and he also needs your help because you're such a true friend by spreading his word all over the internet!
Please, give us a break, and give him a break as well. He doesn't need you to exist, and I'm not stealing anybody's light.

I fail to see the connection between "I want to see a proof of it (and Beebub saying "I have the mag before my very eyes" is a proof enough)" and "WUT HAEV U DONA FOR DA COMUNAUTY OF TRUE SNK FANS ???!!!??? OMG WTF LOL".
Beside, and since we're at here, while I respect Beebub because his reports on the beta were as interesting to read as the other ones I translated, remind me exactly what you did beside craving for attention here and being nicknamed masterposter?

You praise his glory people.You praise the glory of Iggy-sama.That's it.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

5725th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):beelze is telling you to fuck off" , posted Sat 5 Feb 18:47post reply

You praise his glory people.You praise the glory of Iggy-sama.That's it.

... Am I supposed to take the blame for this as well?


Shingo The One
381th Post

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Silver Customer

"Iggy, thanks for everything" , posted Sat 5 Feb 18:58:post reply

You praise his glory people.You praise the glory of Iggy-sama.That's it.

... Am I supposed to take the blame for this as well?

Blame certainly not.In fact, you should take it only as a true and sincere congrats, because you are the only person who has the ability to give us everything we ever need to know about video games every single day.And you don't get any appreciations for your endless contributions.
That is why I decided to stand out and to tell you THANK YOU for all the things you've done, you're doing and you will ever do, especially cause if it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be the man I am today.
Thank you so very much Iggy and peace.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

[this message was edited by Shingo The One on Sat 5 Feb 19:00]

5726th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"(insert AA of mass destruction here)" , posted Sat 5 Feb 19:43post reply

I want to die.
But before I begin to hit myself in the face with that 1600 pages book about chinese poetry until my skull shatters, let me add this:
you are the only person who has the ability to give us everything we ever need to know about video games every single day.And you don't get any appreciations for your endless contributions.

1) I am not the only person able to do this.
2) I don't care for appreciations or what else. The reason I post all this here is because I need to write down everything that interest me so I don't forget it, and while I could write it on a text document or whatever, I prefer to post it here in case anyone is interested.
That's why I translated only the bits about characters I liked in Nekibako : if I wanted the kind of fame Masterposter is craving about, I would have translated everything and masturbated at each "thank you" post.
When I said this BBS is my blog, it's actually more like a public 'note to self'. I know it's not a good thing to use this place as an extention of my computer, but I'm too lazy to make my own blog. If I become too annoying and I'm kicked out of this place, I'll probably come back to the wordpad method.

This is why I don't like you.
It's cool when you post bits of infos you found on other boards and all, but when you take this fanboy attitude about me, I just want to kick you in the nuts until your great great great grandfather bleeds.
The next post you're going to make will be something like "oh, I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it again", but, please, don't bother.
Continue to post things like 'I read there that...' or 'I think this game is...', because you are so funny to read and you sometimes give informations I overlooked, but please stop talking to me like I was some sort of superstar or something. As you may have noticed, I don't answer to these posts. This is the internet, remember? I don't need my very own Masterposter dog.

(OK, check, and check)


Shingo The One
381th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):(insert AA of mass destruction here)" , posted Sat 5 Feb 20:07post reply

I want to die.
But before I begin to hit myself in the face with that 1600 pages book about chinese poetry until my skull shatters, let me add this:
you are the only person who has the ability to give us everything we ever need to know about video games every single day.And you don't get any appreciations for your endless contributions.
1) I am not the only person able to do this.
2) I don't care for appreciations or what else. The reason I post all this here is because I need to write down everything that interest me so I don't forget it, and while I could write it on a text document or whatever, I prefer to post it here in case anyone is interested.
That's why I translated only the bits about characters I liked in Nekibako : if I wanted the kind of fame Masterposter is craving about, I would have translated everything and masturbated at each "thank you" post.
When I said this BBS is my blog, it's actually more like a public 'note to self'. I know it's not a good thing to use this place as an extention of my computer, but I'm too lazy to make my own blog. If I become too annoying and I'm kicked out of this place, I'll probably come back to the wordpad method.

This is why I don't like you.
It's cool when you post bits of infos you found on other boards and all, but when you take this fanboy attitude about me, I just want to kick you in the nuts until your great great great grandfather bleeds.
The next post you're going to make will be something like "oh, I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it again", but, please, don't bother.
Continue to post things like 'I read there that...' or 'I think this game is...', because you are so funny to read and you sometimes give informations I overlooked, but please stop talking to me like I was some sort of superstar or something. As you may have noticed, I don't answer to these posts. This is the internet, remember? I don't need my very own Masterposter dog.

(OK, check, and check)

First of all, you're a guy right?If so, then this is a straight and effective guy-to-guy talk.
And yes, I will continue to do my job here in the cafe, just as you do yours, and certainly, there should be no problems if we just do our job. See you.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

2907th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):beelze is telling you to fuck off" , posted Sun 6 Feb 01:53:post reply

I'm not stealing anybody's light.

Huhm.... Iggy? Can you make one step left??
You're stealing my light....Can' read anything this way...


I just want to kick you in the nuts until your great great great grandfather bleeds.

"Quote of the year!!!"

BTW, thanks to Beebub & Amano Jacu for taking the shot, and uploading it:

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

[this message was edited by NARUTO on Sun 6 Feb 01:58]

1139th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):beelze is telling you to fuck off" , posted Sun 6 Feb 04:12post reply

Ugh why is there an argument here to begin with?

lol I agree the "I'll beat you so bad your relatives will feel it" comments are pretty damn funny.

Sí mon con langosta y camarón

Juke Joint Jezebel
3304th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):beelze is telling you to fuck off" , posted Sun 6 Feb 05:36post reply

(insert AA of mass destruction here)

ode to iggy

          _               ∧_∧
          / jjjj      _      /( ´Д` )つ∠IGGY!!
 IGGY   / タ ♥IGGY♥{!!! _ ヽ、   l       | ⊂_ヽ、
( ̄)    ,/  ノ        ~ `、  \/ /__ノ |   .\\  Λ_Λ
|| ∧_`、  `ヽ.   ∧_∧  , ‐'`/ /∧_∧|  |      \ ( ´Д`)∠IGGY
ヽ \( ´Д`..\  `ヽ( ´Д` )" .ノ/  / ( ´Д / .//⌒つ   >  ⌒ヽ
 \ ∧_∧.._ヽ.   ``Y"   r 'ノ/  /_ ∧_∧ ∧_∧  /    へ \..Д
   ( ´Д` )( ..) .. `、     ⊂二ノ\(´Д`;)( ´Д` ) /    /     ..   ∩
  /   .. ヽ ̄  `、.` -‐´;`ー イ ∩_ )_ ( /      \   (⌒. ∧_∧ ..| |
  |   .∧__(_)  ∧_∧   ∧_∧ ∧) Λ   .∧_∧\_/ ./( ´Д` )//         IGGY♪♪
  | |  ( ´Д` )_( ´Д` )_( ´Д` )( ´Д`.. ) .( ´Д` )/ / ∧_∧_∧∧_∧   /つ
  | | (/    ヽ       /    ヽ、 (_)    _\   │ ( ´Д` )Д`( ´Д` ) / /
..∧_/| |    | | \     | ∧_∧| |  ⌒ヽ ∧_∧.| |∧ (⌒)    _\ /丿  ⌒ /
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\_/ (__つ                        し'(ノ     __/⌒ | |ー--イ .i...  ̄_||___||  /__ つ

all this internet drama is getting me hard

"The earth has become a grave of rotten sticks."

111th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Iggy, thanks for everything" , posted Sun 6 Feb 06:53post reply

You praise his glory people.You praise the glory of Iggy-sama.That's it.

if you were in a room with iggy ryt now i bet you'd fuck him.

Where Life is more terrible than death it is then the truest valor to dare to live.
the empty room

Shingo The One
384th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Iggy, thanks for everything" , posted Sun 6 Feb 16:06post reply

You praise his glory people.You praise the glory of Iggy-sama.That's it.
if you were in a room with iggy ryt now i bet you'd fuck him.

Iggy's a guy then right?If so, then let me ask you a question.
If you worship a goddess, would you praise her glory by fucking her?
And for the record, I fuck women only.
Peace out.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

3242th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"..." , posted Sun 6 Feb 16:25post reply


And for the record, I fuck women only.

Damn, there goes my chance of losing my virginity...

Juke Joint Jezebel
3309th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Iggy, thanks for everything" , posted Sun 6 Feb 16:34:post reply

age for sage

"The earth has become a grave of rotten sticks."

[this message was edited by Juke Joint Jezebel on Sun 6 Feb 16:40]

Shingo The One
385th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):Iggy, thanks for everything" , posted Sun 6 Feb 17:02post reply

age for sage

Sorry to disappoint you Onslaught, but did you really think I am that when I'm not?And JJJ, nice phrase, but what does age for sage mean?Later.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

Hagen de Merak
866th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):..." , posted Sun 6 Feb 17:14post reply


And for the record, I fuck women only.

Damn, there goes my chance of losing my virginity...

dude, i thought you had already lost it. remember you told me you fucked beast pannies? (for all those that dont know who, the one in red)

Shingo The One
386th Post

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Silver Customer

"No fucking way bro." , posted Sun 6 Feb 17:24post reply


And for the record, I fuck women only.

Damn, there goes my chance of losing my virginity...

dude, i thought you had already lost it. remember you told me you fucked beast pannies? (for all those that dont know who, the one in red)

No brother.I certainly fuck women, but I SO do not fuck that kind of woman.
Need I say more? BTW, nice try but you could have easily spared it.Catch you later.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

104th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):No fucking way bro." , posted Sun 6 Feb 20:39post reply


And for the record, I fuck women only.

Damn, there goes my chance of losing my virginity...

dude, i thought you had already lost it. remember you told me you fucked beast pannies? (for all those that dont know who, the one in red)
No brother.I certainly fuck women, but I SO do not fuck that kind of woman.
Need I say more? BTW, nice try but you could have easily spared it.Catch you later.

He meant: Onslaught + the girl in red. Not "The One IS in Red" or whatever anyone else thought otherwise.

I mentioned this before:
What is wrong with fat chicks? They are just like mopeds, fun to ride but you wouldn't want your friends catching you riding one.

704th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):No fucking way bro." , posted Sun 6 Feb 20:47post reply

Now where is that close thread button?

Shingo The One
387th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):No fucking way bro." , posted Mon 7 Feb 01:16post reply

Now where is that close thread button?

It seems there has been a misunderstanding.I thought that he said I would have been interested in that thing.Surely no such thing as "The One is in red", the whole object is that if I fuck bitches, I fuck bitches like that, which I so not.That is all.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

335th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):Iggy, thanks for everything" , posted Mon 7 Feb 03:21post reply

And for the record, I fuck women only.

Shingo The One
389th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):Iggy, thanks for everything" , posted Mon 7 Feb 04:01post reply

And for the record, I fuck women only.

Nice job my friend,you got that back again.I remember the first time that came up was what I posted without an AV, because it magically vanished...twice.
Thankfully, the thrice never happened.Thanks for the nice joke man.See you all later.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

3243th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"NO" , posted Mon 7 Feb 06:45post reply

age for sage
Sorry to disappoint you Onslaught, but did you really think I am that when I'm not?

Why are you so mean to me? You said you would make public our affair after those hot AIM sessions we had...
Are you that cold?

Shingo The One
390th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):NO" , posted Mon 7 Feb 15:14post reply

age for sage
Sorry to disappoint you Onslaught, but did you really think I am that when I'm not?

Why are you so mean to me? You said you would make public our affair after those hot AIM sessions we had...
Are you that cold?

WTF? And we only had a couple of conversations between the two of us.Somebody needs to sound the alert or change the channel. Quick. See you.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

2214th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):NO" , posted Mon 7 Feb 16:03post reply

And as much as it amuses and tempts me to keep on reading what gets posted, I think it's about time we closed this tread and move on to a new one.

M o v e     O n !

Juke Joint Jezebel
3312th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):NO" , posted Mon 7 Feb 16:37post reply

And as much as it amuses and tempts me to keep on reading what gets posted, I think it's about time we closed this tread and move on to a new one.

M o v e     O n !

"The earth has become a grave of rotten sticks."