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exodus 2378th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Konami gamers' day impressions" , posted Fri 28 Jan 11:14:
death jr. - well, it's digital eclipse doing it - their new name is backbone entertainment, I guess. They sent us hatemail in the past for our phantasy star collection review, hehe. Anyway, that's beside the point. The game plays a bit like ratchet and clank, though they apparently 'hate that comparison.' It has nifty characters - skeleton guy, little goth girl, quad amputee foreign exchange student. The combat is ok, but feels a bit floaty to me? And the graphics are good, but...yeah...they feel like somewhere between late PSone and early PS2. Polys are very jagged. The weapons are ok, but I don't quite dig the targeting - why sony didn't include two analog pads is beyond me. That Coded Arms FPS suffers from the same problem (though it uses the face buttons for gun movement, ala smash tv). The music is jumpy, it has lots of neat stuff to blow up, and a decent feel. But the main character moves around too fast, and feels like a bobblehead doll. I'm on the fence on this one. -- Castlevania DS - It ruuuuuuules. I love castlevania of course, so there's that. But in my opinion there are no reused sprites, unless you count the wolf from SotN as being reused. Everything looks redrawn to me. Right now with just the cursory play, it seems as though you have three action buttons: attack, jump and special attack. special attack is dependent on what weapon you have - this spear thing slices three times, a tiny sword does a flashy attack, etc. You start the game outside in the snow, and the parallax scrolling roxxorz. the graphics are really crisp and really nice, with more background interactivity, ie hopping up onto small platforms ala Drac X for PCE. Lots of detail. Some enemies explode in different ways depending on how you hit them. Then for the touch screen stuff - it works well! The first skill you get allows you to break 'crystal blocks' with the stylus. Basically, you see a bunch of blocks and you have to 'draw' a path through them that you can jump through, or guide yourself to a certain area, etc. Then you get seals, which allow you access to the boss (this is somewhat concerning, as it might make the gameplay linear? I'm hoping that one seal can be used for all the bosses in the general area til you get the skill you'd need to be in the other areas anyway. if that makes sense). When you beat the boss, you draw the pattern on the seal, and the boss dies. I actually found it somewhat exhilerating to do so, not sure why. Oh yeah, right shoulder summons a familiar at the moment, and up+attack yeilds a soul-based special attack, ie a blob floating across and damaging, or an arrow skeleton shooting. But it's always independent of you, it seems, so you can set one up and keep going. left trigger does.........I forget? I saw some of the skills in the movie, and they're fucking cool. Like there's a ragdoll you can throw, then you warp to that spot and attack the enemy from behind. rockin. you can also do this to avoid obstacles. in the demo you start with double-jump and slide, not sure about the final. ummmmmmm I think that's it for now. couldn't hear the music, no headphones!!
Rengoku - it still sucks, and I can't imagine what the hell they were thinking with this. Hudsonnnnnnnnn I used to love you!!
Frogger DS - didn't play it. Looked normal.
Enthusia - so many cars! They have a delorian! or however it's spelled. Really cool physics indicator and grip info, and they have a merit system that allows you to stick with one car instead of having to upgrade, based on this potential/percentages thing I don't really understand. Decent music, lots of modes, including one where you must hit green bars on the track to a certain timing, ala DDRish stuff.
winning 11 8 - didn't play.
uh, I think that's it!
I talked to IGA - he hates me now. He was cool when I was just saying I was a fan and stuff, but then when I started asking him about his collaboration with Mana of Malice Mizer which had seemingly disappeared from everything, he suddenly got really dodgy, and ultimately just said 'look forward to the DS game' and IGNORED ME after that. Touchy subject, I guess! His business card is cool.
ok bai --
[edit] iga needed ika. yayay
[this message was edited by exodus on Fri 28 Jan 11:20] | | Replies: |
IkariDC 271th Post

Copper Customer

| "Re(5):Konami gamers' day impressions" , posted Sat 29 Jan 05:43
Wow, can't wait to get Castlevania DS!!
I talked to IGA - he hates me now. He was cool when I was just saying I was a fan and stuff, but then when I started asking him about his collaboration with Mana of Malice Mizer which had seemingly disappeared from everything, he suddenly got really dodgy, and ultimately just said 'look forward to the DS game' and IGNORED ME after that. Touchy subject, I guess! His business card is cool.
That's too uncool! He just could have tell you he didn't want to speak about it, what's about that attitude? So, there was that interview with Mana and him at the official site of Harmony, which I don't know about what they were talking, then a friend told me Mana did some tunes for the game but he is not credited in the game (as far as I know) neither in the OST. What happened? Exodus, please tell me what you know or what you don't know about this matter, or any of your guesses.
quote: EDIT: Uh... Just saw the art... I guess you could say Kojima's not behind this one. Wasn't someone around here asking for the artist from DracX? His dream could've become true... Who could've guessed...
It was Sano who requested just that! I don't like at all these designs... Damn you Sano, now I really hate you!