Another Character Idea!! - Forums

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"Another Character Idea!!" , posted Sat 29 Jan 05:58post reply

So yes, I got out of class early and I figured I'd post another fighting game character idea. This one needs a bit of work, so any help would be appreciated.

Anita (might require a German or northern European-sounding last name)
Age: 16
Height: 160cm
Weight: 47kg
Birthplace: Black Forest, Germany
Birthday: April 1
Eye Color: Gray-Blue
Likes: When she is performing in front of a crowd
Important Things: Her brother, her costumes
Dislikes: Never quite fitting in

Description: Anita is for the most part a normal enough looking girl. Her hair is a reddish-brown color and tied into two long pigtails that fall on her chest. She wears a schoolgirl-looking outfit with a vest, a plaid skirt and stockings, along with some ugly clunky shoes. She looks nothing like a fighter, in other words. It's not until she actually starts fighting that she shows her true ability. Sometimes her intro animation has her in her knife thrower's outfit, which is much flashier. Right now I would say Ellis from Toshinden has the closest look to what I'm thinking of doing. She might change into it for certain attacks, but I'm not sure yet.

Story: Anita is a carnival performer. She was born into the trade. Though she has done many different acts through the years, the one area she has always shone in is knife throwing. Together with her twin brother (mostly known for his juggling), they were star attractions at whatever town the carnival rolled into.

That is, until one day. A few of the carnival performers were asked to do a private performance for some powerful individuals. They were expected to put on a show that was nothing less than perfect. The pressure from this was too much for Anita and she ended up becoming too ill to perform. The rest of the performers, her brother included, went on without her. When they returned, most were visibly shaken and not quite the same as before. Worst of all, Anita's brother was nowhere to be found. Devastated, she took it upon herself to find out what had happened to him after that performance.

Most of her leads lead nowhere until one day when she found herself stumbling onto a battle between a man who had a seemingly endless supply of weapons and another man who seemed possessed, attacking with blood and a chainsaw. She tried to get as close as she could to the fight without putting herself in danger. When she saw the possessed man up close, she was horrfied to find it was her own brother. Unable to do anything to help the other man subdue her brother, the battle came to a standstill. Suddenly, her brother took off into the night, too fast to be chased after.

Since that fateful day, Anita has been testing her knife-throwing skills relentlessly. She will hurt whoever she has to in order to bring her brother back.

Personality: I know the story makes her sound really serious and DARK, but she's not that bad. She looks cutesy, but she speaks with a rougher edge than you'd expect. Maybe even like a girl gang leader (using "atai" as a pronoun, etc.) sometimes. Life as a carnie does that sort of thing to you, I suppose. Generally she's a little weird around people, telling strange jokes and performing random tricks she's picked up. She doesn't quite know what to do around "normal" (not that any other character she'll encounter really is) people. When she runs into people who actually have some kind of link to her brother (who, by the way, I definitely posted about before, just a long time ago), she turns very serious.

Anita, as far as basic attacks go, plays a bit like a better version of Mina from SSV. She has more short-range attacks, but she also has a lot of different regular knife throws. She should remain at a distance especially considering her poor stamina.

Here's where I'm torn on her attacks, though: should she have a setup with her knives where she can set them up all over the place sort of like Bridget? Or should she have more general weird circus-type attacks and just a couple knife-based specials?

What I'm thinking if she were to go the Bridget-style route is this:
Knife Set. Throws out a knife straight forward. A direction can be added to make the knife go in a different direction. Can be done in the air. Can be repeated in a new direction or the same direction up to 2 more times (I might increase or decrease this).
Fire! One knife travels in the direction it was originally set.
Spin! One knife spins in place rapidly.
Seek! One knife that is out homes in on the opponent. Does low damage to compensate for homing ability.

So, in theory, Anita can put out three knives, then command each to perform a separate action (yes, you can repeat the same command three times). If that seems to unfair, the command she gives the knives could apply to all of them at once, instead. None of the followup attacks are going to do severe damage, anyway.

Knife Pentacle. Tosses out a flaming knife that draws a five-point star on impact.

As for other attacks, I'm a little clueless. Probably a few kick-based or acrobatic ones. Maybe a super where she changes into her knife-thrower's outfit and does something crazy. Another idea is ramming the opponent with an elephant. I could also change the flaming knife one I talked about above into a super.

Oh, and one last note. I'm thinking of really screwing Anita over in her ending. Poor cutesy girls.

So yep, tell me what you think and give me suggestions if you've got 'em.



2896th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Sun 30 Jan 04:56post reply

Not bad!! I'm making those kind of works I like to see others works.

BTW in what kind of game system she's supposed to play?? I mean, you didn't wrote any super yet so... Just curious.

The biggest Talent it's to make peoples belive you're talented...

24th Post

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"Re(2):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Sun 30 Jan 10:47post reply

Interesting, I didn't know that anyone else here had character concepts as a hobby. It's something that I do as well, mostly for the Guilty Gear series in my case.

Krzyzewski Man
1028th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Sun 30 Jan 11:46post reply

I like it, but you should definitely give her some close-range ability. Mina doesn't have any, and she sucks. Some acrobatic kicks that don't leave her at a huge frame disadvantage should do, but don't make her too strong up close.

Oh - I remember you posting the other characters for your game elsewhere, but I don't think you remade the thread here, and the website in your user ID doesn't exist. Could you refamiliarize me?

Krzyzewski Man:
Lowering the tone since 1985.

126th Post

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"Re(2):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Sun 30 Jan 11:54:post reply

Oh - I remember you posting the other characters for your game elsewhere, but I don't think you remade the thread here, and the website in your user ID doesn't exist. Could you refamiliarize me?

I think Korigama posted characters on the snk-capcom forums , right?

Edit: Nate, I like the elephant idea. You can give her an attack that deals with putting her opponent in a cannon and shotting them out. I dont know.

If your stuck, just watch the 4th season of Sailormoon and steal ideas from there.....



[this message was edited by Evenor on Sun 30 Jan 12:14]

25th Post

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"Re(3):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Sun 30 Jan 14:11post reply

I think Korigama posted characters on the snk-capcom forums , right?

That's right.

427th Post

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"Re(2):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Sun 30 Jan 14:58post reply

Generally any characters I post were developed based on the Guilty Gear system. I'd say the universe they exist in is somewhere between the Power Instinct and Guilty Gear universe in terms of strangeness. All the modern countries still exist but the characters are definitely more unrealistic than those of Power Instinct. I like the GG button layout but I'm not sure if I'd incorporate every aspect of the system into the characters.

I like it, but you should definitely give her some close-range ability. Mina doesn't have any, and she sucks. Some acrobatic kicks that don't leave her at a huge frame disadvantage should do, but don't make her too strong up close.

Yeah, I figure she'll at least have something to push people away at close range that doesn't get beaten out as easily by better pokes.

Another possible "push away attack" could be her busting out a torch and a bottle and breathing fire. Very carnie-ish and not at all expected of someone looking like her. Acrobatic attacks should be definitely be in there too. I'd say she could rip off Mina's flip and shoot but eh. I could probably come up with something cooler.

The elephant ram should definitely be in. I'm thinking she might even get an intro where she flips down off the elephant in her carnival costume. If I really want to be a jerk, I might kill the elephant in her ending. I'm thinking Santa Sangre here. I might actually make her and her brother's story a little more inspired by the movie. At the very least I might be able to make her costume more like a character from that movie's. There's another character I'm thinking of making a cultist, as well. A cannon attack's a possibility too. Maybe one that gets her around the screen like Akari in Last Blade, even.

Oh - I remember you posting the other characters for your game elsewhere, but I don't think you remade the thread here, and the website in your user ID doesn't exist. Could you refamiliarize me?

Yeah, my site's been dead for a while. I should really take out that link. I have notes somewhere on some older characters I've posted, but not all of them. I can definitely repost if people would like me to.


794th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Sun 30 Jan 22:10post reply

Generally any characters I post were developed based on the Guilty Gear system. I'd say the universe they exist in is somewhere between the Power Instinct and Guilty Gear universe in terms of strangeness. All the modern countries still exist but the characters are definitely more unrealistic than those of Power Instinct. I like the GG button layout but I'm not sure if I'd incorporate every aspect of the system into the characters.

I like it, but you should definitely give her some close-range ability. Mina doesn't have any, and she sucks. Some acrobatic kicks that don't leave her at a huge frame disadvantage should do, but don't make her too strong up close.

Yeah, I figure she'll at least have something to push people away at close range that doesn't get beaten out as easily by better pokes.

Another possible "push away attack" could be her busting out a torch and a bottle and breathing fire. Very carnie-ish and not at all expected of someone looking like her. Acrobatic attacks should be definitely be in there too. I'd say she could rip off Mina's flip and shoot but eh. I could probably come up with something cooler.

The elephant ram should definitely be in. I'm thinking she might even get an intro where she flips down off the elephant in her carnival costume. If I really want to be a jerk, I might kill the elephant in her ending. I'm thinking Santa Sangre here. I might actually make her and her brother's story a little more inspired by the movie. At the very least I might be able to make her costume more like a character from that movie's. There's another character I'm thinking of making a cultist, as well. A cannon attack's a possibility too. Maybe one that gets her around the screen like Akari in Last Blade, even.

Oh - I remember you posting the other characters for your game elsewhere, but I don't think you remade the thread here, and the website in your user ID doesn't exist. Could you refamiliarize me?
Yeah, my site's been dead for a while. I should really take out that link. I have notes somewhere on some older characters I've posted, but not all of them. I can definitely repost if people would like me to.

is this for a 2d or 3d game?

Krzyzewski Man
1029th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Mon 31 Jan 13:21post reply


Yeah, my site's been dead for a while. I should really take out that link. I have notes somewhere on some older characters I've posted, but not all of them. I can definitely repost if people would like me to.


Krzyzewski Man:
Lowering the tone since 1985.

428th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Mon 31 Jan 15:54post reply

I'm not sure if this would be 2D or 3D. On one hand, many characters have asymmetrical designs that would look better in 3D, but on the other, 2D would make more sense given how most of the characters fight.



Okay, I'll do it! Let's move on to Anita's brother. But first, a few short things.

The basic plot is that there's a bounty hunting syndicate known as Malacoda. It's full of weird people with highly specialized skills. The top-ranked agents are given the names of demons from Dante's Inferno. In the past year or so, many missions have gone awry, leading to dissent among the highest ranks. Most have defected. As of the time the game occurs, four of the top-ranking agents are still loyal. Their former colleagues are now sabotaging missions, costing the syndicate many clients.

Age: 16
Height: 167cm
Weight: 53kg
Birthplace: Black Forest, Germany
Birthday: April 1
Eye-Color: Cloudy Green (when possessed)
Likes: Blood...
Important Things: Saint...
Dislikes: ...the living

Description: Rubicante (a name given to him by his partner) is a well-dressed young man, for the most part. His hair is black and cut short. He wears a pair of glasses that usually obscure his eyes. His clothes are formal: a vest over a shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a tie, slacks, and leather boots. It's his mannerisms that make him unusual. He's generally slumped over (giving him a lower idle stance, dash and other things than most characters) and carries a long chainsaw. Occasionally he'll convulse and vomit blood.

Story: What's known about Rubicante is gathered from the few moments when he's not possessed. Somewhere along the way, a spirit entered his body, known only to him as the La Santa de Ocho Pedazos.

When possessed, he speaks with unwavering devotion to the Saint, in a voice that's barely recognizable as his own. According to this voice, the "Saint of Eight Pieces" will bring the world joy when finally revived. He remembers very little about his past and his few conscious moments are spent mostly asking questions about what's going on.

His partner, Draghignazzo, found him on the streets one day, muttering to himself. When the young man attacked Draghignazzo (he'll get done soon too, by the way), he was caught off guard, but managed to subdue him. Realizing the potential this possessed person had (and seeking to make a quick buck), Draghignazzo decided to take him under his wing, arrogantly giving him the name of a fallen Malacoda agent. Somehow, the being possessing Rubicante has been convinced that in working with this arms dealer, it will be revived sooner.

Personality: Rubicante, as you can expect, is mostly crazy. He mutters things while fighting about the Saint at random times (similar to what Zappa does when standing still for too long). His agenda is that of the being possessing him. In most of his encounters with other characters, he is simply crazy. When he encounters the team of exorcists and a few others, however, his true self manages to break through briefly.

Rubicante's normal attacks have decent range, mostly due to the length of his chainsaw. There's a bit of lag on some, but they all do decent damage. His hunched posture gives him a slight advantage at times because he's lower to the ground, but he has slightly below average stamina to make up for it. He can still hold his own up close, though.

His specials involve blood. It may be his own, but the Saint refers to it as "Holy Blood". Either way, he's able to produce it in mass quantities.

Scarlet Choir - Spits a gout of blood. Short range, but cancels projectiles. Has two versions, one of which does more hits and takes longer to come out.

The Seas Ran Red - Long-ranged horizontal slash. Quick, but with a slight pause beforehand. Can be followed up.
>Saintly Rip - Huge ovehead slash. Knocks down.
>Ascent of Glory - Huge rising slash. Juggles.
>>I Cast Thee Out - Aerial horizontal slash that causes wallsmash. Follows Ascent of Glory.

Black Cradle - Somersaults forward with weapon out, ending in a stab with the chainsaw. Can be done in air, in which case it comes down diagonally.

Gift of Death - Command throw. Chainsaw thrust and rev. Multihit. Has decent range for a grab, but easily punished.

Sacred Pool - Releases a pool of blood, which, if stood in, gradually saps opponent's health. Alternatively, it might improve Rubicante's damage/defense or recover some health. Not sure yet.
>Sacred Fountain - Turns pool into a pillar of blood.

Phlegethon - Tension (I'll be using this to refer to attacks that would require meter) attack. Rubicante straightens up oddly, points his chainsaw at the opponent, and a river of boiling blood hits them multiple times.

Pale Crusader - Tension attack. Charging series of chainsaw slashes. Might change this one.

Descent of the Saint - Full tension attack. A meathook grabs the opponent from behind, Rubicante laughs maniacally, and the screen goes black. Eight slashes are made, the screen goes back to normal and the opponent falls from the meathook, taking a huge amount of damage.

I feel like he may need another special or two. Hopefully more blood attacks. Then again, with the followups and all he might be all right with what he has.


378th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Mon 31 Jan 16:33post reply

Nice concepts. I remember the last thread you started (I remember a girl with a familiar and a revolver... what's her name?).

Heehee, I just finished drawing a character that also wields a chainsaw as a weapon, and is a lunatic. ^_^; She's just a powerful serial killer, though, instead of an assassin. I'll post it up later when I get home.

2897th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Mon 31 Jan 17:00post reply

I'll draw one of your character for 5$. You retain your text description & I retain image copyright for republishing. Any controversies will be settled by arbitration in Los Angeles County according to the rules of the American Arbitration Association.... But how do you know what the victim was wearing under his coat

26th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Fri 4 Feb 12:45post reply

Any others, Nate? Or I guess I could post one of mine if anyone's interested.

*crickets chirp*

...I kind of doubted it.

83th Post

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"Re(6):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Fri 4 Feb 13:14post reply

Any others, Nate? Or I guess I could post one of mine if anyone's interested.

*crickets chirp*

...I kind of doubted it.

Please do.


28th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(7):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Fri 4 Feb 13:32:post reply

Please do.

Ah, great, I'll post one, then (most of them are in my thread at, minus the first three I did when I started, which I didn't bother posting since they needed the most work).

Name: Zack Brandon
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: May 1st
Hair: cobalt blue, neck length, with some bangs on the right (think Toboe of Wolf's Rain)
Eyes: ochre
Blood Type: B
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 128 lbs.
Origin: Zepp
Weapon: a silver staff that's about as tall as he is and conceals a single-edged, nine inch electrified blade on one end that's drawn by pushing a depressed button underneath the staff near the center, and a cover on the other end that slides back to reveal a four turret gatling gun by pulling a handle with a trigger concealed underneath the staff that covers the button for the blade (preventing any mishaps), the fronts of the barrels of the gatling gun visible even with the cover on, the spout for the shell casings visible on the side when it's not, the cover itself having the words "DON'T CRY" engraved on it; C4 charges; Zeppian support fire
Likes: lemonade, bird watching, his girlfriend (Alice)
Dislikes: mustard, misogynists, humid weather
Description: a crimson, long-sleeved denim jacket zipped just below the collar (silver zipper) with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, secured by a black, leather band with a silver buckle fastened on the outside of each sleeve, as well as a squared pocket above on either side that buttons closed with a silver button on a short cover that snaps down, a black, short-sleeved shirt worn underneath the jacket that stops a third above his knees with three silver buttons that fasten just below the collar, beige jeans, low-top black boots, a black watch with a green face on his right arm, a black radio in his left pocket, silver dog tags with black, plastic outer edges on a silver, beaded chain worn tucked into his shirt
Personality: nonchalant, benevolent, somewhat impudent
Stage: on top of a speeding passenger train with a view of the ocean during a day with few clouds, occasionally passing through tunnels and dimming the light, the train moving from right to left
Stage location: Brazil
Theme song: Inebriation (an evenly-paced acoustic guitar and trumpet song)
Friends: Potemkin, Dizzy, Slayer, Jam
Rivals: Chipp, Eddie, Robo-Ky, I-No

Story: Zack sits alone at a table in a dimly lit bar in Zepp at noon, drinking a glass of lemonade. His staff leans against the round wooden table, the end with the engraved cover moderately visible by means of the limited light coming in from the windows. The bar is relatively quiet, the only real noise being made coming from one of the waitresses collecting dirty plates and glasses from the tables, the waitress herself being about 5' 4'' and 108 lbs., with blonde hair down to her back with bangs, amethyst eyes, and a lavender dress that stops just above her knees and is covered by a white apron, with shoes that matched the dress, and looked to be no older than Zack himself. Looking at his bored expression through the reflection in his glass, just as he raises his glass to take another drink, he hears a man call out to the waitress, "Hey baby, come here!"

He turns his attention to the table to the left of the entrance to see a group of three drunkards, one bald, 5' 1'' and 130 lbs., another with brown hair and a receding hairline, 5' 10'' and 156 lbs., and the one who spoke, with a green mohawk, 6' 8'' and 250 lbs., all three of them wearing what appeared to be black Zepp military uniforms.

drunk #1: "C'mon beautiful, have a little fun with us!"

drunk #2: "Yeah, a little fun! Hee hee hee!"

drunk #3: "You must be hot in that dress! Allow me..."

As she inches away from him and shuts her eyes, a loud crack followed by a smashing thud could be heard. When she opens her eyes, Zack is standing between her and the drunkards sitting down, looking over her shoulder to see the bald one upside down and unconscious against a broken table.

drunk #1: "Who the hell are you?!"

Zack: "Tch, no manners whatsoever...oh well, I guess I'll just have to beat some into you."

drunk #1: "What did you say?!"

drunk #2: "Hey, wait a minute, that kid looks familiar for some reason..."

drunk #1: "So what?!"

Zack: "*sigh* I'm already bored enough as is thinking about how easy this is gonna be..."

drunk #1: "You little runt! Time to say goodbye to that pretty face of yours!"

Zack sends the waitress away just as the big guy charges, throwing a right punch at him which he sidesteps, followed by a left that he avoids just as easily, retaliating with a right hook of his own to the jaw, then a left to the gut, followed by a jump kick with his right leg, sending the goon flying over the bar counter, smashing the shelves and the drinks by hitting the wall just before hitting the ground.

The other thug comes at him from the right with a knife, Zack simply side stepping the charge and tripping him with his right leg as he runs by, causing him to trip over a chair and fall flat on his face.

Zack looks around before heaving a sigh, then walks back over to his table, where the waitress waits for him. He picks up his staff and slings it over his right shoulder.

Zack: "Are you alright?"

waitress: "I'm okay."

Zack: "Alice, just how much longer do you plan on working in this dump?"

Alice: "Well, there aren't many other places here to work...Zack, look out!"

The drunkard who tripped raises the very chair he tripped over to hit him with it, Zack shooting it to bits without even turning around. He panics and tries to run, only to get smacked on top of the head with his staff, slowly falling to the ground unconscious.

Afterwards, Zack receives a call on his radio.

radio: "Lieutenant Brandon, come in Lieutenant Brandon. Over."

He takes it out of his pocket to answer.

Zack: "Lieutenant Brandon here. Over."

radio: "We have an assignment for you: a woman in red, with an odd hat and a guitar has been causing trouble in random parts of the world. Keep an eye out for her. Over."

Zack: "Understood. By the way, could you send the MPs out here? There are three drunk and disorderly here, all of them some of our own. Over."

radio: "Roger, we'll send them right away. Over and out."

He puts away his radio once again.

Alice: "You're leaving again, aren't you?"

Zack: "Don't worry, it won't be long. I should be back by today. See you later."

He puts his staff aside and hugs her before picking it up again and heading for the door.

Alice: "But what about the mess?"

Zack stops to look over his left shoulder.

Zack: "Put it on their tab. What's more, I have a favor to call in. I'll get
you out of here soon enough, count on it."

Stance: holds the staff low with both hands while facing the foreground, looking at the enemy
Idle: slings the staff over the shoulder near the foreground, tapping it on that shoulder twice
Walk: holds the staff behind his back with the arm near the foreground, shuffling forward while facing the background
Backward walk: same as forward, only backwards
Run: runs while holding his staff in the same manner as his walk, facing the enemy
Retreat: leaps back in the same manner as his backward walk
Throw: puts the blade near the neck of the enemy while facing the background, then slides it downward away from them
Air throw: straps a C4 charge to the enemy and throws them behind him before it detonates
Sweep: trips the enemy with the staff by swinging towards the foreground with both arms
Dust: does an upward swing with both arms that knocks the enemy straight up while
swinging the staff over the shoulder near the foreground
Air dust: drops to the ground with a slash with both arms while landing on the
knee near the background, facing the enemy

Gun Stats
-overheat recovery time: 8 seconds
-gatling gun: hold HS with appropriate commands (overheats after 5 seconds)

s. P: pokes with the staff using both arms
f+P: lunges with the staff using the arm near the background
c. P: same as s. P, only crouching
j. P: same as s. P, only jumping

s. K: does a low kick forward while facing the foreground
b+K: lifts the leg near the background to cross the staff under it to poke low using the arm near the foreground (hits low)
c. K: leans on one side while kicking with the leg near the background (hits low)
j. K: does a drop kick while leaning sideways and facing the foreground

s. S: spins the staff to the background then away from it with the arm near the foreground for two hits
close s. S: slashes downward towards the foreground with the arm near the foreground
b+S: does a 360 toward the foreground to perform a downward swing with both arms, followed by another, crouching with the leg near the background extended before standing back up (overhead)
c. S: stabs straight down with both arms, sending out short range blue sparks (hits low)
j. S: slashes upward towards the foreground with both arms while facing the enemy

s. HS: leans back while firing the gatling gun with the arm near the foreground
b+HS: same as s. HS, only aiming straight up with both arms
c. HS: does a 180 towards the background and fires the gatling gun while looking over his shoulder (hits low)
j. HS: stays afloat by firing the gatling gun in the same manner as his s. HS


Bourbon: fires a spray of bullets in an upward arc away from the enemy with both arms while facing the foreground (max # of hits: 5) (HCB+HS)

Moonshine: does a forward moving rising uppercut with the blade using both arms to slash and shock the enemy while trailing blue lightning, facing the background on the way up and the foreground on the way down (S = low jump, 1 hit; HS = high jump, 2 hits; knockdown) (OK in mid-air) (DP+S/HS)

Chardonnay: does a jumping kick towards the background to knock the enemy into the air with the leg near the foreground then kicks downward towards the foreground with the other leg to knock them to the ground, the move sending him halfway across the screen in a mid-altitude arc, landing on the knee near the background while looking away from the enemy and facing the foreground (2nd hit = overhead) (RDP+K)

Scotch: does a backflip kick with the leg near the foreground by vaulting with the staff that knocks the enemy into the air and hits twice, standing in the same place that he started afterwards (QCF+K)

Vodka: takes a small block of C4 out of the pocket near the background, presses a button on it, then tosses it either half or 3/4 of the screen in front of him, the charge not hitting on the way to the ground, but detonating should the enemy step on it, exploding on its own if left alone for 3 seconds, allowing him to have two on screen at once, capable of being destroyed by projectiles, but not capable of harming himself (P = half screen, K = 3/4; low) (QCB+P/K)

Chablis: does a low 360 slash towards the background with the arm near the foreground, then another horizontally in the same direction, followed by a stab while leaning forward on the knee near the background and facing the background that knocks them down, his free arm held outward behind his back (QCB+S)

Tokay: slashes from low to high towards the background with the arm near the foreground to swing the staff over his head and send a full-screen, mid-sized spark in the form of a wave along the ground (low, knockdown) (QCF+P)


Pennyroyal Tea: does two grounded, 2 hit Moonshines followed by a third that rises at the same height as an HS version for 3 hits, ending with the second hit of Chardonnay (total # of hits: 8; last hit = overhead) (QCF, QCF+P)

November Rain: takes out his radio to call in a satellite beam assault that sends three separate, mid-sized blue energy beams one at a time from above (first to the back, then to the front, and a little further from the first one), followed by a large one that hits seven times, all four beams striking half-screen in front of him (max # of hits: 10; knockdown) (QCB, QCB+P)

Instant Kill

Nice to Know You: lunges the staff out to stab the enemy in the same manner as the third hit of Chablis to shock them three times, dizzying them, taking out his radio to call in an air strike, the camera panning to show three black fighter jets speeding above ocean, each sending a cluster of missiles that swarm in from above as the camera cuts back to the fight, "DESTROYED!" announced once they hit (max # of hits: 21, but only one of the first three is necessary for it to go into effect) (QCF, QCF+HS)

Postwar Admin. Bureau Report #4773

Name: Zack = Brandon
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 128 lbs.
Birthday: May 1st
Blood Type: B
Race: Human/Zeppian

Subject is a lieutenant in the military of the Empire of Zepp. Although he has no magic or Ki aptitude, he is very adept in the use of blacktech, his main weapons being explosives and a staff that is a gatling gun/electric blade hybrid, in addition to clearance to call for Zeppian support fire (which is our primary concern in this case). He is quite obedient of his commanding officers, but can be somewhat disdainful from time to time in regards to foes he deems unworthy of his time. Seeing as he is very sympathetic towards women, we could take advantage of this fact. Yet, even unarmed, he exudes the same level of confidence as if he were, and since he has the skill to back it up, he is not to be taken lightly.

Risk Rating: B

...I have way too much free time.

[this message was edited by Korigama on Fri 4 Feb 13:44]

434th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):Another Character Idea!!" , posted Fri 4 Feb 13:33post reply

Any others, Nate? Or I guess I could post one of mine if anyone's interested.

*crickets chirp*

...I kind of doubted it.

Yeah, I've got a few others I can probably post. I was actually just waiting around for Krzyzewski Man's response. But heck, maybe I'll post another one tomorrow.


438th Post

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"BUMP FOR KRZYZEWSKI" , posted Tue 15 Feb 02:58post reply

Okay, just bumping this because he wanted to see more characters. I may throw in a few more soon.


34th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):BUMP FOR KRZYZEWSKI" , posted Tue 15 Feb 04:40post reply

I might as well post another (working on a new one as well, but I'm not finished with that one yet).

Name: Lennix Sellers
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Birthday: April 15th
Hair: light blonde, down to her upper back, with bangs
Eyes: strawberry red
Blood type: A
Height: 5' 6''
Weight: 112 lbs.
3 Sizes: B34''/W22''/H34''
Origin: England
Weapon: a pair of mid-sized, bladed double-edged tonfa, with a flat, rounded edge on the opposite ends (the non-bladed portions being cobalt blue); thunder-based techniques (blue electricity)
Likes: honey, catchy tunes, the lights of the city at night
Dislikes: dark chocolate, red nail polish, horror movies
Description: a long, light gray dress stopping below her shins (held up by two thin shoulder straps), the sides of the dress slit up to her thighs, as well as a violet-colored floral pattern embroidered starting from the upper portion to the lower portion of the left side of the dress, light gray, high-heeled open shoes, tied on by thin straps around the ankles, small, rounded stud earrings that match her eyes, one in either lobe
Personality: silent, formal, somewhat melancholic
Stage: a fancy restaurant closed early during a rainy day, gray skies visible through the large windows in the background, a gray, stone balcony visible outside, with double doors with brass handles and frames leading to it, chairs sitting upside down on top of tables inside of the restaurant, a small crystal vase with a single rose in it sitting in the middle of each table, a black grand piano sitting to the far right of the restaurant towards the foreground, the light shining in through the windows being relatively faint
Stage location: London
Theme song: Rhythmic Hue (an evenly paced, somber piano tune with bass and drums, as well as a periodic, electronic whistle effect)
Friends: Slayer, May, Dizzy, Axl
Rivals: Venom, Ky, Testament, Baiken

Story: A field agent employed by the Postwar Administration Bureau, Lennix has a long history of excellence in serving the organization. As of late, however, she continues to question her allegiance to them more and more, wondering just what will be the benefit of it in the long run. Her next assignment being to find the whereabouts of the Commander Gear, Dizzy, earlier reported dead yet not affirmed by the organization, she thinks about just what it is that she'll do once she achieves her objective, be it continuing to comply with the PWAB, or not bother reporting back at all.

Stance: stands upright, facing the enemy, both arms at her sides
Walk: moves forward with an even stride
Backward walk: walks backwards while facing the enemy
Run: glides toward the enemy along the ground while leaning forward
Retreat: leaps backwards with the arm near the foreground behind her and the other arm in front of her
Throw: jumps over the enemy to do a mid-air spin behind their back, slashing straight upward to launch them in that direction before landing
Air throw: grabs the enemy then does a 180 to throw them horizontally to the other side of the screen
Sweep: does a downward diagonal swipe while standing, using the tonfa near the foreground
Dust: turns her back to look towards the ground near the foreground, twirling the tonfa near the foreground once, then launching the enemy with a hit from the butt of the tonfa
Air dust: does a horizontal swipe using the tonfa near the foreground, facing the enemy

s. P: a jab using the butt of the tonfa near the background
c. P: same as s. P, only crouching
j. P: same as s. P, only jumping
f+P: a thrust using the butt of the tonfa near the foreground

s. K: a middle kick using the leg near the foreground
c. K: a kick using the leg near the foreground (strikes low)
j. K: a kick towards the foreground using the leg near the background while leaning sideways

s. S: a downward slash towards the background using the tonfa near the background
close s. S: an upward slash towards the background using the tonfa near the foreground
c. S: a horizontal slash towards the foreground using the tonfa near the foreground
j. S: a downward stab with both tonfa while leaning forward
b+S: a stationary 360 towards the background to slash with both tonfas (can be comboed from)

s. HS: an upward slash towards the background using the tonfa near the foreground, followed by an upward slash towards the foreground with the other tonfa, followed by an outward, downward slash using both tonfas while leaning forward
c. HS: an upward slash towards the background using the tonfa near the background
j. HS: a slash straight downward using both tonfa
f+HS: two horizontal slashes by twirling the tonfa near the background towards the background while advancing forward, followed by a horizontal slash towards the foreground using the other tonfa (can be comboed from)


Lithium Flower: swings the tonfa near the foreground downward towards the foreground to create a small, slow-moving horizontal spark that creates a wavelength effect upon impact (HS version: swings upward towards the background using the tonfa near the foreground to put up a curved, electric barrier, then performs the swing from the S version to create a faster, mid-sized spark that hits twice; S version = 1 hit, HS version = 2 hits, 3 if near the enemy during start-up, knockdown) (charge b, f+S/HS)

Yakitori: does a 360 slash in an upward curve using the tonfa near the foreground towards the background, hitting the enemy with a flurry of stabs using the tonfa near the background upon connecting, ending with a 360 slash with the other tonfa to knock them away (13 hits, 1 for the 1st slash, 11 for the stabs, and 1 for the final slash; catches the enemy with the first hit, going into effect every time should it connect, making it viable as an anti-air; recovers from the first slash if blocked or whiffed) (DP+S)

Train Search: glides along the ground while leaning sideways and facing the foreground to charge with an electric barrier created using the tonfa near the background (hits 3 times) (HCF+S)

Rise: follow-up to Train Search where she performs a rising uppercut trailing electricity (hits once; can be performed before 3rd hit of Train Search; overhead, knockdown) (QCB+P)

Surf: follow-up to Train Search where she performs a sliding kick trailing electricity, facing the background (hits once; can be performed before 3rd hit of Train Search; low, knockdown) (QCB+K)

Some Other Time: cancel for Train Search where she assumes her stance once again (can be performed anytime during Train Search, but not during a follow-up) (HS)

Monochrome: a physical attack counter where she horizontally slashes the enemy with the tonfa near the foreground towards the background, then slides them over to her side with the other tonfa, leaving them open for an extra hit of her choice (the slash itself doesn't do much damage, however) (hi/mid: QCB+S; low: QCB+HS)


Inner Universe: holds her sides while leaning forward with her eyes closed, then swings her arms outward to create a localized surge of electricity that shoots straight upward (half-screen high) (7 hits; can be performed in mid-air; knockdown) (QCB, QCB+P)

GET9: glides to the enemy in the same manner as Train Search, performing her b+S upon connecting, 3 stabs from Yakitori, ending with a non-knockdown version of Surf, followed by a higher jumping, 2 hit version of Rise (9 hits; won't go into effect unless the 1st hit connects) (HCB, f+S)

Stamina Rose: holds both tonfa in front of her as a quick surge of electricity is channeled, eliminating the charge time for Lithium Flower for a limited period of time (can use other overdrives, but will cancel out remaining time for Stamina Rose by doing so) (HCB, f+HS)

Instant Kill

Where Does This Ocean Go?: raises the tonfa near the foreground, then drops to the knee near the foreground to stab the ground, sending a fast, shin-level surge of electricity to wash across the ground from one end of the screen to the other, followed by the announcement of "DESTROYED!" (10 hits; unblockable, but won't connect on wake-up, and can be avoided by a high jump) (QCF, QCF+HS)

Postwar Admin. Bureau Report #0009

Name: Lennix = Sellers
Height: 5' 6''
Weight: 112 lbs.
Birthday: April 15th
Blood Type: A
Race: Human/English

Subject is employed as a field agent for our bureau. She has a long history of excellent service, made possible in part by her deft control of thunder magic. Her current assignment is to find the whereabouts of the Commander Gear, Dizzy (see file #6690), if she is indeed still alive as we suspect. Lately, however, the subject seems to be disinterested in her work with the bureau, leading us to question her morale. We see no need for a risk assessment as of yet, but we will be monitoring her closely in the coming months.

Risk Rating: None

Might as well cite the references so far...

-Zack: November Rain (Guns N' Roses), Don't Cry (Guns N' Roses), Pennyroyal Tea (Nirvana), Nice to Know You (Incubus)
-Lennix: all moves named after songs from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, her own name being a reference to Annie Lennox (Eurythmics)

439th Post

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"Re(2):BUMP FOR KRZYZEWSKI" , posted Tue 15 Feb 05:04post reply

long character stuff

Question. Why make Guilty Gear characters who don't really have any chance of making it into the game when you can put them into your own unique context? I mean, it's not like you have bad ideas.


36th Post

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"Re(3):BUMP FOR KRZYZEWSKI" , posted Tue 15 Feb 05:21:post reply

Question. Why make Guilty Gear characters who don't really have any chance of making it into the game when you can put them into your own unique context? I mean, it's not like you have bad ideas.

I mainly start them out as that, modifying them later for that very purpose or for other ones if I feel the need. Ideally, incorporating them into plans for a modern day beat-em up would be the idea in my case (ha, I wish, but making a spiritual successor to the likes of Streets of Rage would be great).

[this message was edited by Korigama on Tue 15 Feb 05:27]

Krzyzewski Man
1037th Post

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"Re(1):BUMP FOR KRZYZEWSKI" , posted Tue 15 Feb 08:19post reply

Okay, just bumping this because he wanted to see more characters. I may throw in a few more soon.


Krzyzewski Man:
Lowering the tone since 1985.

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"Re(2):BUMP FOR KRZYZEWSKI" , posted Sun 20 Feb 09:41:post reply

Name: Karen Pierce
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Birthday: June 18th
Hair: medium blonde (a light shade rather than a darker one), past shoulder length, with bangs
Eyes: sapphire
Blood type: B
Height: 5' 5''
Weight: 115 lbs.
3 Sizes: B34''/W21''/H35''
Origin: USA
Weapon: none (unarmed + light-based techniques; white light)
Likes: maple syrup, tuning and racing her motorcycle, sunsets
Dislikes: black licorice, snakes, being tickled (makes her blush)
Description: a crimson, close-fitting, long-sleeved leather jacket that ends halfway above the midriff for the upper portion, the lower portion completing it being of a thinner, black leather that covers the area from front to back, zipped up to the collar around her neck from the upper portion of the jacket (silver zipper), with a horizontal, silver zippered pocket on either side of the upper portion, the sleeves having a ridged section (4 folds) just before the elbow, the words "NO SHADE" in black on the back of the jacket above a mid-sized, yellow sun surrounded by orange prominences, crimson, leather pants, black, finger-less leather gloves, crimson, high-top sneakers with black soles and trim, small, star-shaped silver earrings that dangle slightly, one in either lobe, silver nail polish, a crimson helmet with a black visor sometimes worn during her intros (removed before the start of a match if it does appear)
Personality: optimistic, level-headed, expressive of satisfaction and disappointment alike
Stage: above the city at dusk, with a convenience store to the left with various advertisements on the doors and in the windows, the clerk and the patrons going about their business inside, two vending machines in front of the store to the right, the one on the left having an orange cabinet, the one on the right having a blue cabinet, a brown cat sitting in front of the vending machine on the right, a rising parking garage to the far left of the screen, the buildings and lights of the city visible below to the right, with a forest on the outskirts of the city to the right, with a mountain next to it, the ridge along the asphalt street having a metal guard railing from the right end of the store to downhill off screen, the sun setting in the distant horizon over the city as the night sky sits above
Stage location: USA
Theme song: Tender Loving Flare (a high-energy saxophone and electric guitar duet, with drums and xylophone as the primary and secondary background instruments respectively)
Friends: Anji, Slayer, Jam, Dizzy
Rivals: Eddie, Venom, Chipp, I-No

Story: A clear, blue sky, gulls cawing, waves lapping against the sandy shore, ocean extending far beyond the horizon, the green leaves of palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze, it was a beautiful day as Karen admired the view while sitting on her motorcycle and holding her helmet above the stone ridge along the asphalt street, the sleek, crimson and black, GP type motorbike looking very well-kept. This peace is short-lived, however, as a peculiar figure approaches, one who appears to be a girl carrying a yo-yo.

Bridget: "Excuse me, miss?"

Karen turns around to see the person addressing her.

Karen: (Aww, how cute!) "Yes, what is it, little girl?"

Bridget: "I'm not a girl..."

Karen: (Hm, I could've sworn...well, my mistake.) "Oh, sorry. What can I do for you?"

Bridget: "Coming quietly with me would be good, I still have some other bounties to collect."

Karen: "What...a bounty, on me?"

Bridget: " "Karen Pierce, The Beacon of Despair. A lewd wench who uses her ability to manipulate light to bring ruin and anguish to her victims." ...Isn't that you?"

Karen: "...You're joking, right? After all, I'm also a --"

Bridget: "Here I go!"

Standing up to face the assault, Karen looks onward as Bridget dashes towards her, disappearing in a flash of light just as he stops in front of her, standing right behind him to tap him on the shoulder the very next instant, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground, sitting while looking up at her. Bending down with her hands on her knees, she leans forward to speak to him.

Karen: "As I tried to say, I'm a bounty hunter as well, and I'm pretty sure that there aren't any bounties to claim for me."

Bridget: "But, if that's so, why are you on this list?"

Bridget hands over the bounty list for her to look over.

Karen: (...This list is completely fake. These bounties aren't even valid.) "Where did you get this?"

Bridget: "A woman in red with a hat and a guitar gave it to me..."

Karen: "A guitar, you say? Hmm, can't say I've heard of anyone like that..."

Getting back on her motorcycle, Bridget stands once again.

Bridget: "Hey, where are you going?"

Karen: "I have some things to tend to. There aren't many interesting contracts at the moment, but good luck on getting a legit one, anyway. See ya!"

Putting on her helmet, she starts up the bike and heads on her way, sunlight shining through the leaves of the trees hanging over the road.

Stance: stands facing the enemy while holding the hand near the foreground on her hip
Idle: turns her back to the foreground while maintaining her stance
Walk: holds both hands open and close to her, the hand near the foreground held over the other
Backward walk: backs away from the enemy while facing them, the arm near the background in front of her and the other behind her
Run: holds both arms outward and raised, slightly moving them horizontally in either direction as she advances
Retreat: leaps backwards with both arms lowered
Throw: 5 rapid kicks that cause flashes of light while standing on one leg and facing the foreground, ending with a jumping spin kick to knock them away
Air throw: stands on the enemy while falling to the ground at an angle to slide halfway across the screen on top of them before leaping off of them backwards
Sweep: a sliding kick trailing light while facing the foreground
Dust: turns to the background, then does a high kick using the leg near the foreground
Air dust: does a horizontal spin kick using the leg near the foreground towards the background to create a short-ranged splash of liquid light

s. P: a quick, lowered jab using the arm near the background
c. P: a quick jab using the arm near the foreground
j. P: a quick, downward jab using the arm near the background
f+P: a quick jab with the arm near the foreground followed by a quick spinning backhand towards the background

s. K: a standing 360 before a kick towards the background using the leg near the background
c. K: pokes with a kick without raising her leg while facing the foreground (strikes low)
j. K: a kick where she leans sideways with the arm near the foreground behind her back and the other raised over the leg used to kick, facing the foreground
f+K: an upward kick towards the foreground using the leg near the foreground (knockdown)

s. S: holds her hand outward and open while standing to face the foreground, closing it one finger at a time to cause a mid-ranged trail of light to sweep from down to up (4 hits)
close s. S: a horizontal, open-handed swing towards the background using the arm near the foreground
c. S: an open-handed poke using the arm near the background while facing the foreground
j. S: swings both arms downward to bring them behind her back while trailing short-ranged rays of light

s. HS: punches upward towards the background using the arm near the foreground, then punches downward towards the foreground using the other arm
c. HS: an upward swing towards the foreground using the arm near the background to trail a short-ranged ray of light
j. HS: swings towards the background using the arm near the foreground to create a splash of liquid light
f+HS: moves the hand near the background along the ground while trailing a mid-ranged ray of light before swinging it towards the foreground, the arm covering the lower half of her face (2 hits)


Perihelion: thrusts the arm near the foreground outward to create a mid-ranged burst of light while leaning forward and facing the background (S version = 1 hit, knockdown + wall bounce; HS version = 3 hits, 2 hits with the other arm then 1 hit using the arm from the S version, knockdown + wall bounce) (QCF+S/HS)

Aphelion: flicks the earring near the foreground using her index finger to create a quick-moving, mid-sized orb of light that closes in on the enemy from behind, the orb flashing on the 1st hit, then dispersing as a ring of light particles before disintegrating after the 2nd hit (S version: 1st hit = overhead, 2nd hit = low, knockdown; HS version: 1st hit = low, 2nd hit = overhead, knockdown) (QCB+S/HS)

Sunkiss: a quick, jumping double kick where she does a forward moving, 360 spin kick towards the background using the leg near the foreground, followed by a high kick using the other leg to create a splash of liquid light before landing (2 hits, 2nd hit launches and can't be teched; loses untechable property if used again after connecting, or if used against an already falling enemy) (QCF+K)

Shadow Slake: a rising uppercut with a short light trail while turning towards the background, ending facing the foreground (S version = 1 hit, knockdown; HS version = 2 hits, knockdown) (DP+S/HS)

Weathered Canopy: a leap forward in an arc with a single spin accompanied by a falling heel drop trailing light using the leg near the foreground (knockdown; will drop straight down if used in mid-air; can be used as a follow-up to Shadow Slake) (RDP+K)

Artless Ardor: swings the arm near the foreground upwards towards the foreground with a short light trail, then the other to swing towards the background, ending with a 360 spin before a final, downward swing towards the foreground with a longer light trail using the arm near the foreground (6 hits, 2 hits per swing, the last swing being a knockdown + overhead) (QCB+P x3)

Lovers' Reveille: an attack where she rolls forward along the ground as an orb of light to orbit the enemy for more hits after connecting, leaping away from behind them in her original form afterwards (4 hits, 1st hit strikes low, knockdown; bounces off if blocked; can use as an ender for Artless Ardor in place of the final swing) (QCB+K)

Rapt Flush: a command throw where she extends her arms outward to place her hands on the enemy while tilting her head and smiling, sliding them behind her while facing the previous direction with her eyes closed (deals no damage but leaving them open for an attack of her choice) (HCB, f+P)


Messier 45: Subaru: an autocombo where she rapidly dashes towards the enemy as an orb of light, performing her close s. S, followed by her s. P, her f+P, then her s+K, ending with an inverted, forward moving flip kick using the leg near the background that creates a burst of light and knocks the enemy away (7 hits, catch type, leading to all hits being guaranteed should it connect, but not going into effect if whiffed or blocked; alternate, interchangeable name in place of Subaru being Seven Sisters) (HCB, f+S)

Tropic Eidolon: follow-up to Subaru where a quick, mid-sized orb of light flies in an upward arc towards the enemy to carry them higher, followed by another from behind as she lands from the flip kick while facing the foreground, ending with a large, X-shaped burst of light that rains particles of light as it disintegrates, Karen sighing while running the hand near the background through her hair (5 hits, 1st orb counting for 1 hit, the 2nd orb for 3 hits, and the X for the final hit; costs half of tension gauge) (QCB, QCB, QCB+K)

Twilight Coterie: clenches the fist near the foreground with her head turned away from the enemy as her eyes are closed, then turns to face the enemy again while bringing both hands together in front of her while leaning back, firing a lightning-fast volley of mid-sized light orbs that travel wildly, ending with a large, long-ranged burst of light (9 hits, 8 orbs, 1 burst; burst = knockdown) (QCF, QCF+P)

Instant Kill

Solarium: holds up both arms, then swings them downward to cause a quick row of light rays to sweep over the enemy from behind to cover 3/4 of the screen, "DESTROYED!" announced once it connects (15 hits, but only one is necessary for it to work) (QCF, QCF+HS)

Postwar Admin. Bureau Report #6702

Name: Karen = Pierce
Height: 5' 5''
Weight: 115 lbs.
Birthday: June 18th
Blood Type: B
Race: Human/American

Subject is a full-time motorbike racer and part-time bounty hunter. Ordinarilly, we wouldn't pay any mind to someone with so few bounties captured (a result of the subject's lack of interest in the activity), but we've taken interest in her peculiar abilities. She is capable of manipulating light for the sake of use as a weapon, which we have confirmed is, in fact, not a form of Ki. At the same time, however, we have no idea if this can be attributed to the power of a forbidden beast, as is the case of Zato-1's (see file #1573) control of shadows, or a result of forbidden magic, the kind documented as giving Millia (see file #8127) the ability to use her hair as a weapon, but we're more willing to bet on the latter. Either way, capturing the subject for proper analysis and experimentation would be beneficial. However, based on the speculation that the subject's power is estimated to be equivalent to that of Zato-1 in his prime, she is considered a viable threat, and should be approached with considerable caution.

Risk Rating: A

...That's my second new one...within the same month. I never make two within two to three months, let alone one month. To think I do all of this work for fun... >_>

Well, if I post anything else, it'll be past works (as was the case with the first one I posted).

[this message was edited by Korigama on Wed 23 Feb 14:14]

42th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):BUMP FOR KRZYZEWSKI" , posted Tue 1 Mar 03:25post reply


Name: Kayley Aislin (pronounced ash-lin)
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Birthday: March 7th
Hair: orange, past shoulder length, with feathered bangs (think Dojima of Witch Hunter Robin)
Eyes: lapis lazuli
Blood type: AB
Height: 5' 5''
Weight: 111 lbs.
3 Sizes: B35''/W21''/H34''
Origin: Ireland (raised in China by adoptive parents)
Weapon: a Chinese double-edged straight sword with a white, upside down trapezoid-shaped hilt, a blue handle, and a red tassel connected to the bottom of the handle; water-based Ki techniques
Likes: white chocolate, cool breezes, playing the cello
Dislikes: spicy food, theme parks, people who abuse her kindness
Description: a thin, long-sleeved white leather jacket zipped up to the collar that's just as thin around her neck (cyan zipper with a ring tab), a blue water splash pattern on the top 1/5 (not the sleeves, below the collar) and bottom 1/3 portions of the front of the jacket, around the same areas on the back, and on the ends of the sleeves, white leather pants with the same pattern on the bottoms of the legs, white, low-top high heel boots with two small, rectangular, slightly slanted horizontal cyan clips on the outside of each one that snap down to fasten them
Personality: complex in having a generally retiring nature but sometimes (not often) being upbeat, benign
Stage: the balcony of an old cathedral during the day, with a large, circular stained glass window in the center with two smaller, similar windows below on either side, a statue of an angel praying mounting the walls near the ceiling in both corners, with the stairway to the balcony on the far left, a row of dark brown wooden pews on both sides below, with a pillar next to the rows on both sides of the room
Stage location: Ireland
Theme song: Mandarin Apple (a moderately paced cello song with drums that begins with church bells ringing, which crescendos into a full scale violin and cello orchestra, followed by an electric guitar solo that becomes a duet with a saxophone, winding down to the end with a cello solo)
Friends: Sol, Jam, Slayer, Anji
Rivals: Robo-Ky, I-No, Eddie, Venom

Story: Orphaned after her father (a Holy Knight) died during the Crusades, the two of them having been separated from her mother, Kayley was adopted by a Chinese couple soon after, her adoptive father teaching her martial arts, as well as how to utilize water-based Ki techniques. A cellist in her spare time, she later came across Jam's restaurant, impressing her to the point of being allowed to work part-time entertaining the customers with her talent.

One day, Kayley received a mysterious letter in the mail, the sender claiming to be her mother, imploring her to return to Ireland and meet her at a specified cathedral. Filled with hope of finding her long lost mother after having lost her father, she rushed to Ireland, carelessly forgetting to notify her adoptive parents. Once she arrived at the cathedral, it was completely empty and abandoned.

Kayley: "Hello, is anyone there?"

As she looked around, she was suddenly ambushed by a Robo-Ky.

Caught completely off guard, the Robo-Ky knocked her blade out of her right hand and grazed her left arm with a slash from his sword, then jumped over her behind her back and knocked her to the ground with an elbow.

As she reached for her sword in front of her, the Robo-Ky stepped on her arm, channeling a small amount of electricity through her back, just enough to weaken her a bit more.

Kayley: "Who are you, why are you doing this?!"


Kayley: "...Was it you who sent me that letter?"


Not being able to move at all, Kayley could feel a tear roll down her cheek as she thought to herself.

Kayley: (Mother...)

As the Robo-Ky raised his sword to kill her, a mysterious figure stormed the cathedral and knocked him off of her, scorching him with a sword swing afterwards. As she looked up, she could only make out a blurred image of a man with long brown hair in a ponytail and a headband with a metal plate before passing out.

When she awoke, she found herself lying on a bed at an inn, the injuries she had having been tended to.

She left the room and walked downstairs to the front desk.

Kayley: "Excuse me, how did I get here?"

manager: "Ah, you're finally awake. Well, miss, there was a man, a big guy with wild hair and this weird headband with a plate on it, he carried you here unconscious in his arms. You seemed to had been hurt pretty bad, so I let you rest in a room for free. The man left right after taking you to your room, though, didn't leave a name or anything."

Kayley: "I see...thank you very much."

manager: "Glad to help."

Wishing to thank the mysterious stranger, she sets out to find him, as well as find out more about the organization that the Robo-Ky spoke of and make them pay.

Stance: stands sideways (facing the foreground) while looking at the enemy, both arms at her sides (the arm on the side away from the enemy holding the sword)
Idle: raises her arms over her head while turning her head away with her eyes closed in order to stretch
Walk: holds both arms behind her back while looking down
Backward walk: rests the blade on her shoulder while letting her other arm hang at her side, looking at the enemy as she backs away
Run: leans forward while letting the arm with the sword trail behind her, crossing the other arm in front of her
Retreat: leaps back in the same positioning as her backward walk
Throw: grabs the enemy and flips forward through the air with them, standing on top of them upon landing, then hops backwards off of them
Air throw: grabs the enemy and slams them to the ground head-first through a freefall drop, rolling to the opposite side of the enemy afterwards
Sweep: does a 360, slashing low halfway through, slashing once more as the 360 completes, crouching with one leg extended and the other bent, the free hand left open and lowered, with the one with the sword raised
Dust: crouches back, then springs upward with a vertical slash (facing the foreground)
Air dust: turns to face the background while twirling her sword three times

s. P: throws out a quick jab while jutting out the elbow of the arm holding the blade
c. P: same as s. P, only crouching
j. P: elbows the enemy (facing the foreground)
f+P: a quick cross punch followed by a forward moving elbow

s. K: kicks high towards the foreground
c. K: pokes with a kick (not lifting her leg off the ground to do so) while crouching (looking toward the enemy, facing the foreground) (strikes low)
j. K: does a kick while leaning sideways (facing the foreground)
f+K: a quick forward moving jumping spin kick towards the background (can follow-up with Bees & Honey or Wanna Be An Angel after connecting, but only after comboing into the f+K)

s. S: slashes toward the background while crossing that arm over her open-handed free arm held close to her side in front of her
close s. S: slashes downward while curving the blade away from the enemy, her other arm lowered and held in the same manner as s. S (facing the background) (overhead)
c. S: slashes away from the enemy while crouching (facing the foreground)
j. S: stabs downward (facing the background)

s. HS: smoothly slashes downward towards the background then over towards the foreground
c. HS: springs up while twirling the blade for two hits then crouches once again
j. HS: does a half circle slash from up to down (back to the foreground at the beginning, facing the foreground at the end) (overhead; launches)
f+HS: smoothly slashes upward towards the background then again towards the foreground (both while moving forward), leading into a spinning slash towards the foreground, holding the sword underhanded behind her back with the other hand held open towards the enemy while crouching slightly in the same manner as her sweep (facing the foreground) (can combo anytime before she poses after the spinning slash)


SANTI-U: raises a third-screen high stream of blue water from the ground in one of four places by swinging her free hand upward and behind her head (knockdown; P = closest - HS = farthest) (HCF+P/K/S/HS)

Bees & Honey: dives in any direction up to three times (including the same one in a row) with a blue water slash, performing a 360 before each slash, each slash being toward the foreground (left wide open if still in the air or if landing next to a grounded enemy) (any direction+S+HS in mid-air x3)

More than 3cm: does a short range crouching 360 towards the enemy (facing the foreground) and springs up with a strike from the center of the blade (neither edge), pushing the blade forward with her open palm (dodges all but low attacks during the duration of the spin, stagger on counter) (QCB+P)

Welcome to Sparefish: follow-up to More than 3cm where she performs a jumping spin kick (facing the background) that sends out a mid-range horizontal blue water crescent (knockdown) (QCF+P)

A sai ën: a command throw where she performs a standing spin kick towards the background with the leg near the enemy that raises a blue geyser that traps the enemy, allowing her to attack for added damage or let them drop to the ground (HCB, f+P)

The Borderline: an optional follow-up to A sai ën where she raises her sword then swings downward, causing the geyser to redirect its flow and wash the enemy backwards (DP+P)

Idol Talk: a rapid blue water slash technique where she moves forward slightly, the barrage ending with a downward blue water slash (max # of hits: 7; final hit = knockdown) (DP+S, keep tapping S for max # of hits)

Cantabile: a 2-hit jumping flip kick where she holds out both arms at her sides with both legs together, the leg facing the background being slightly bent, sending out a short range vertical blue water crescent (counts as the 2nd hit if the whole move connects; overhead, knockdown) (DP+K)

Pu Qua O: a parry indicated by her putting her free hand in front of her face and an accompanying blue flash, can be performed an unlimited number of times on the ground, but only once in mid-air (no Tension or health gain, just damage negation and quicker recovery time than a normal block) (high/mid/mid-air: tap b at the moment of impact; low: tap d at the moment of impact)

NOTE: can't parry...

Dark Angel, Gamma Ray (the main beam, neither Justice's nor Dizzy's), Robo-Ky's Sacred Edge, Justice's missiles, Justice's Imperial Ray at close range (only at a distance during the laser's sweep), Megalomania (duh), Wings of Light (double duh)


Very Little Wishes: does two grounded Cantabiles, followed by a third that rises higher off the ground than a regular one, ending with a long range vertical blue water crescent (total # of hits: 9) (QCF, QCF+K)

Information High: raises a blue stream of water in the same manner as SANTI-U, only twice in diameter and half-screen high rather than a third, the stream carrying the enemy into the air for three hits before she turns her back and performs the same motion as in The Borderline, causing three blue water crescents to crash down on the enemy just as the stream subsides (only one position, distance equivalent to P version of SANTI-U) (QCF, QCF+P)

Wanna Be An Angel: performs a lightning fast version of Bees & Honey either diving to the enemy at an angle (S) or horizontally (HS) which knocks the enemy off the ground as she disappears and reappears for three more vertically upward passes from below the enemy, first to the upper left, then to the upper right (or to the upper right then to the upper left on 2P side), then straight up, reappearing below the enemy as they descend while crossing her arms over herself while standing sideways with her back to them, her head down and her eyes closed, her outfit bursting away from her in water droplets to form a blue dragon whose roar hits the enemy for an additional four hits, dispersing into a waterfall afterwards that hides all but her silhouette, dressed in her outfit and facing the enemy once again when she lands (QCF, QCF+S/HS in mid-air)

Instant Kill

After, In the Dark: crouches in the same manner as the end of her sweep as a 1/4 screen length blue wave washes along the ground, pulling the enemy to her as they stagger, performing two blue water wave slashes in the form of an X as everything is pitch black, the rippling X being the only thing visible as "DESTROYED!" is announced, the screen staying that way until the next round (must be blocked low) (QCF, QCF+HS)

Postwar Admin. Bureau Report #7302

Name: Kayley = Aislin
Height: 5' 5''
Weight: 111 lbs.
Birthday: March 7th
Blood Type: AB
Race: Human/Irish

Subject is the daughter of a man who died during the Crusades, her mother having died sometime later. Shortly after being orphaned, she was adopted by a Chinese couple and relocated to Hong Kong. The adoptive father, a man named Tseng Lo, whom we believe had ties to the empire of Zepp in the past, taught her in the ways of ancient martial arts, as well as Ki techniques centering around water. She makes a living working as a cellist at the restaurant owned by Jam Kuradoberi (see file #7403), whom we speculate she is equal to or perhaps even superior to in proficiency (the latter being the more likely case). As of late, she is seeking out both our organization and Sol Badguy (see file #9641), who was responsible for foiling the attempt by one of our defective Robo-Ky's to kill her, which ignored our orders to bring her in alive.

Considering the anomaly of a Ki user not of Eastern descent having such incredible ability, the benefits to our organization would be immeasurable should we manage to capture her, hence the previous failure was for the best. However, since the window for surprise is now closed, we must proceed much more carefully.

Risk Rating: A

455th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):BUMP FOR KRZYZEWSKI" , posted Wed 2 Mar 03:48:post reply

Finally a new character or two.
Age: Mid-to-late 20s
Height: 172cm
Weight: 59kg
Birthplace: Unknown (she assumes it's Russia or Japan)
Birthday: November 13
Eye Color: Green
Likes: Sculpture, Chess, Classical Art
Important Things: Getting her story told
Dislikes: Betrayal, Barbariccia, Ptolomea, most other loyalists, people who won't listen, people who waste her time

Description: Mahiru is a bit unusual in appearance. For one thing, she wears all green, much like say, Rydia. It's about that shade of green too, a very pale shade. Her hair is fairly long but she ties it up in two messy buns with tufts of hair sticking out. She wears a long dress and a scarf around her neck. Her hands end in fairly long claws. These are not her real hands; it's simply part of her magic at work. Her eyes are also strange. Her pupils are small crosses, for some reason. She tends to have a somewhat angry, yet blank expression on her face.

Mahiru has shown great magical ability since an accident as a teenager. Her specialty is conjuration. Basically anything she can think of, she's probably able to make appear. Her preferred usage of this ability is manifesting inanimate objects in just the right place to cause injury. Because of her great potential, she was scouted by Malacoda. Mahiru quickly rose in rank, equaled in her area of expertise only by two others, one a necromancer/exorcist (Barbariccia) and the other a channeler (Ptolomea). The three quickly became friendly rivals, sometimes going on missions together.

Somewhere along the way, the head of Malacoda's magical department vacated his spot. Everyone within the agency wondered which of the three would make the top spot. Someone spread a rumor to Mahiru that the other two women were trying to sabotage her chances at landing the spot. Infuriated, Mahiru took matters into her own hands and a large-scale battle broke out between the three. All were injured severely, but Mahiru most of all.

She ended up being stripped of her ranking as a consequence of starting all this chaos. Since then, Mahiru has dedicated her time to sabotaging Malacoda's plans, as well as fighting off any other defectors who believe that their plans of attack would be more efficient. She's one woman against the world, and the scary part is, she might come out on top.

Yes, Mahiru is the embittered psychobitch boss. At least for the first part of the story. She is very resentful toward the agency that once groomed her for a top position and insists that the events of a year ago were someone else within Malacoda's fault. Whether she's telling the truth or not remains to be revealed.

Generally Mahiru is a bit blank emotionally, but she's quick to anger, especially around anyone who reminds her of the past. Basically, the way she is now is a result of all the resentment that has built up and the blocking of some bad memories that keep getting dug up again and again. She's very concise in what she says and has little patience for anyone who doesn't do the same. She will occasionally drop the outer shell she has built up, but rarely.

Mahiru's basic attacks have decent priority and range, especially because she is a boss. Though she has the ability to conjure many different objects, she focuses on statues in battle. Thus, her normals involve either her claws or statue parts. She's not focusing as much, so the statue parts are less mobile and detailed than they appear in her specials. They're also generally twisted versions of the classical sculpture she so admires.

A special note on Mahiru's attacks. Some stay on screen after she performs them, but disappear if attacked by the other character or if they hit (of course).

Diana's Head: Creates a large floating head with an indignant expression. Can stay in place or slowly move forward, picking up speed. Mahiru can throw out more of these if she chooses the stable version. Can be done in the air.
Venus' Missing Arms: Creates two arms that can be commanded to lunge forward and hold an enemy in place. They can also simply attack.
Pluto's Torso: Sets a trap on the ground. If set off, a statue bursts out and pops opponent into the air.
Mercury's Legs: Another trap attack, this one being air-based. If the opponent steps into the area, a caduceus (look it up) strikes diagonally from where the trap was set.
A Bust of the Queen: Counter. Switches places with opponent and drops a bust on their head.
All The Knights' Horses: Sends out three horse heads in a straight line, all of which do a forward headbutt.
Echidna: Mahiru pounces forward with a rising claw attack.
Galatea: Tension attack. Mahiru charges for a second, then nearly doubles over as she unleashes a giant statue that bursts out of the ground right in front of herself.
Viewing Diana's Nymphs: Tension attack. Mahiru unleashes four person-sized statues that bounce around the screen. This might sound cheap, but they can be hit away, like her specials that stay onscreen.
Venus' Stolen Arm: Full tension attack. Gives Mahiru the additional offensive of a giant statue arm attacking when she does (works like the skeleton arm soul you can get in Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow) after turning her meter into a time bar. Ends when the bar runs out.

I'll have another one soon.


[this message was edited by Nate on Wed 2 Mar 04:21]

47th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):BUMP FOR KRZYZEWSKI" , posted Sun 20 Mar 08:40post reply


Name: Marina Trellis
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Birthday: February 19th
Hair: bright ruby hair with bangs that's long yet styled short (think Rei from Evangelion or Juni from Street Fighter Alpha 3)
Eyes: ultramarine (a very bright, deep blue)
Blood type: B
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 108 lbs.
3 Sizes: B34''/W22''/H35''
Origin: Australia
Weapon: 2 handheld steel rings (silver outer edge, cobalt inner edge); wires (Ki-based); other Ki techniques
Likes: tea, clear blue skies, arranging flowers
Dislikes: raspberries, politics, egotistical people
Description: a white, button-down long-sleeved shirt covered by a crimson vest that zips from the back (black zipper, concealed), black tie, a navy blue, pleated short skirt (white underwear), black, lace-less shoes (white socks)
Personality: nice, cheerful, laid-back
Theme songs: Sanguine Amaranth (a moderately-paced violin song with some ocarina and glockenspiel)
-vs. Assassins Guild members: Existence
Stage: a stone street alley during the afternoon, lined with dilapidated buildings (away from the screen) containing various stores (a convenience store visible down the alley on the left and a coffee shop to the right), Marina's flower shop visible near the screen over to the far left (where you can see a row of various flowers in the window and the door to the shop), a concrete wall with various flyers to the far right with a blue bicycle and green lamp post next to it, a blue sky with clouds passing by and an occasional airplane flying by overhead
Stage location: Australia
Friends: Millia, Slayer, Jam, Dizzy, Ky
Rivals: Eddie, Venom, I-No

Story: Daughter of a resigned female member of the Assassins Guild by the name of Elena Trellis (who served when Slayer was in charge), Marina lived a quiet, peaceful childhood with her mother and father, Nathan Morris, a talented baker. In order to make this possible, she requested permission from Slayer to leave the Guild, in order to provide a positive future for her unborn child, which Slayer granted, provided she guaranteed to do as she said. One night, when Marina was around twelve years old, her parents discovered that she had been abducted. Elena already knew who took her, so she picked up her weapons (a pair of wakizashi) and left to track down the Assassins Guild. After a week of searching, she found Marina (who had befriended Millia) and the man who ordered her capture, who Elena suspected was now in charge: Zato-1. She defeated Zato (who let her win) and took back her daughter, Millia helping them escape without Zato's knowledge, cancelling Zato's plans to make Marina a member of the Guild like her mother before her. To prevent this from happening again, Elena taught her daughter how to fight, using a technique different from the murderous nature of her own style. Marina grew up to become a gentle florist, having no need to fight yet still staying in practice. After her mother received a letter from Slayer informing her of the Guild's dissolution, Marina set out to ask him why he chose to do so now instead of when her mother was still a member.

Stance: stands with her arms at her sides while holding a steel ring in each hand, facing the enemy
Idle: hops in place twice while maintaining her stance
Walk: advances with both arms behind her back
Backward walk: same as forward, only away from the enemy
Run: runs while leaning forward with her arms trailing behind her (near her sides)
Retreat: does a no-handed cartwheel away from the enemy
Throw: vaults over the enemy by holding onto their shoulders in order to land behind them, then elbows them in the back to knock them down while standing sideways, facing the screen (looking in the enemy's direction)
Air throw: grabs the enemy and swings them around three times before letting go of them, sending them flying to the other side of the screen
Sweep: jabs at the enemy's legs with both rings, first with the arm facing the screen, then the other
Dust: does a 360 spin, then strikes with both rings in opposite directions by swinging her arms outward while leaning forward with her head down
Air dust: does an overhead strike with both rings (bending her knees to put both legs behind her)

s. P: crosses the arm away from the enemy in front of her for a quick ring jab while crossing the other arm under and facing the foreground
f+P: slashes towards the background with the arm near the foreground then jabs straight forward with the other
c. P: same as s. P, only crouching
j. P: does a downward ring jab while facing the foreground

s. K: does a lowered middle kick with the leg near the background followed by a raised one while facing the foreground
f+K: does a jumping double kick (first with the leg near the foreground then with the other) followed by a backflip kick using the same leg as the first kick (can be cancelled, but must be comboed into)
c. K: pokes with a kick (without raising her leg) using the leg near the background with both rings held in front of her and away from the enemy while facing the foreground (hits low)
j. K: does a 360 spin kick with the leg near the background towards the foreground while leaning sideways

s. S: slashes downward with the arm near the background while holding her free arm aside and facing the foreground
close s. S: slashes upward with the arm near the foreground while lowering her free arm behind her and facing the enemy
c. S: slashes away from the enemy with the arm near the background
j. S: leans forward while slashing outward horizontally

s. HS: slightly turns towards the background then turns towards the enemy and swings downward with both rings
f+HS: does a two hit windmill strike with both arms to crouch down with one leg extended, followed by a slash with both rings by pulling away both arms for a total of four hits, facing the foreground (hits overhead, then low)
c. HS: does an upward cross slash followed by a downward, outward one for a total of four hits
j .HS: does a 360 spin towards the background to slash vertically twice


Jaded: Marina does a short-jumping 360 spin kick towards the enemy, followed by a 360 sweep kick, ending with either a grounded, backwards flip kick that hits twice to knock the enemy into the air, a middle kick with Marina facing the screen while looking in the direction of the enemy, with one arm above the leg used to kick and the other at her side, which knocks the enemy across the screen, or a heel-first, forward flip kick that knocks the enemy to the ground (depending on whether u+K, f+K, or d+K is pressed, respectively, u+K and d+K needing to be blocked while standing) (QCB+K)

Lacewing: an attack where she swoops diagonally downward towards the enemy with her arms at her sides as two pink, glowing Ki-based butterfly wings sprout from her back, backflipping to hit the enemy a second time after the initial strike, gliding backwards to the ground through the air with the wings remaining, ending with either a diagonal downward fly-by strike or a horizontal, mid-air fly-by strike (depending on whether d+P or f+P is pressed, respectively; knockdown) (QCB+P in mid-air)

Faith or Fate?: Marina puts her wrists through the rings while holding them in front of her, then spins them in place in the direction of the enemy by moving her arms in a circular motion, standing straight up while doing so; this causes light green, glowing wires to extend from the still spinning rings to the enemy, binding them if they connect. Once this happens, she stops spinning the rings in order to grab hold of them again; if the S or HS button (whichever was used) is not held, she crosses her arms at a distance away from her in order to disconnect the ends of the wires from the rings, causing the wires binding the enemy to explode (orange flames); if either the S or HS button is held, she continues to hold the wires, the options available being to tap b to drag the enemy to her as they stagger, tap f to have her run past them and cut them with the wires to knock them down (delayed reaction), tap u to have her toss them into the air as she jumps forward to follow them for an air combo of her choice, or tap d to lift the enemy up slightly before slamming them into the ground; if you only continue to keep holding S or HS, the wires will disintegrate, leaving the enemy to drop to the ground. The wires can be extended straight across, diagonally downward, or diagonally upward (the wires disintegrating if they miss or are blocked), depending on whether S, HS, or D is pressed respectively (S = overhead; HS = low; D = trap leaving wires in place, explosion only) (HCF+S/HS/D)

Tocsin: throws one ring while facing away from the screen, then tosses the other while facing the screen, the rings glowing light blue as contrails stream behind them as they travel in a figure eight pattern, returning to Marina to complete it (2 hits; can also be thrown diagonally upward or straight up, depending on whether S, HS, or D is pressed, respectively) (HCB+S/HS/D)

Cold Logic: a counter where Marina spreads her arms to create a light green, glowing wire between the rings (gets on one knee for the low counter)

(S)-hi/mid counter: quickly dashes behind the enemy while binding them, then knees them in the back to send them into the air, disconnecting the wires to blow them up as they fly through the air

(HS)-low counter: quickly dashes behind the enemy and elbows them to the ground in the same manner as her throw, binds them with the wire, then does a 360 kick (strikes low yet she raises her leg after it connects) to slide them away from her, disconnecting the wires to blow them up just as she turns back around (DP+S/HS)


Tintinnabulation: Marina throws one of her rings straight at the enemy (the ring glowing light blue while a contrail streams behind it), then she throws the other a little lower as the other ring returns, then once again throws the remaining ring a little lower as the other returns, then does this one more time, throwing the ring even lower, doing a 360 spin facing away from the screen for all four throws. Next, she does a quick run-by strike on the enemy, leaving a flickering replica of herself on the other side of the enemy. Finally, both Marina and the afterimage strike with one ring while facing away from the screen, striking with the other ring while facing the screen next, then strike with an uppercut using the other ring while standing sideways (facing away from the screen), followed by a downward strike with both rings at the same time (holding the rings outward while looking at the enemy), ending with both Marina and the replica doing a 360 spin before crossing each others paths by doing a run-by strike at the same time, standing with one ring pointing to the air and the other to the ground while facing the screen during the pose, the replica having already disappeared and the enemy knocked into the air. (HCB, f+S)

Chance for Soul: throws a row of four red, lightning fast glowing wires across the screen by swinging forward with the arm facing away from the screen, then raises a row of another four red, glowing wires by raising both of her arms, forming a cross-shaped web that binds the enemy. Finally, she swings her arms down to her sides to blow them up (can also be used in mid-air). (HCB, f+HS)

Instant Kill

Ceramine Chime: Marina slides toward the enemy while leaning forward and holding her rings in front of her, causing a shift to watercolor, slow scrolling stills of her (bordered by white backgrounds) if it connects, with a pensive expression on her face in each still. The first shows her facing the screen while looking up at a clear blue sky, standing in a field of grass. The second shows her looking up over her right shoulder at the screen from under a red umbrella, standing alone on a rain-soaked street. The third and final one shows her from her right, holding a single red rose in her left hand while looking down at it. Between the transfers to the second and third stills, a close-up of Marina's rings slowly falling to the ground against a black background can be seen, the rings finally hitting the ground with two individual chimes after the third still, "DESTROYED!" being announced once that happens, the enemy lying on the ground when the screen shifts back. (QCF, QCF+HS)

Postwar Admin. Bureau Report #6831

Name: Marina = Trellis
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 108 lbs.
Birthday: February 19th
Blood Type: B
Race: Human/Australian

Subject is the daughter of Elena Trellis, a former member of the Assassins Guild. About six years ago, she was abducted by the Guild and was quickly retrieved by Elena after defeating Zato-1 (see file #1573). Even when considering her knowledge of Ki attained while serving the Guild, our data shows that there is no way that she could have defeated Zato at that point in time, leading us to believe that he humored her by allowing her to win for some reason. Sources also state that Millia Rage (see file #8127) may have assisted their escape. Present day, subject lives as a florist, with knowledge of martial arts using two steel rings as well as Ki, courtesy of her mother, opting to teach her a less brutal form of her own technique. She is currently searching for Slayer, but despite having far more potential than Elena, has no intentions of joining the Guild. Not much of a threat at the moment, but we will monitor her progress.

Risk Rating: C