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threesixtee 842th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):Threesixtee- question about your avatar" , posted Sat 29 Jan 08:01:
quote: I know I'd asked before, but I couldn't remember the details and I can't seem to look at your script file, but how do you do random tags again? I was wanting to randomize my tags (unless the load times got irritating for everyone, then I'd go back to normal).
I know you have to make a directory and set your tag or avatar as the script file, but I can't remember the exact commands. If you could share those again, I'd appreciate it.
wow. I'm surprised people remembered that I had random scripts for my avatars.
let me see if I can remember how it works, its been a while since I made anything new.
1) have a directory, not necessary, but makes stuff easier to manage. keep all the images and other files inside of it.
2) I use this script, wasn't made by me, but all the credits are included and intact.
//uberRandom Image Script, //by Ryan Lukasik (ryan@uberpolak.tk), Jan. 12, 2003 //Free to use, just please leave this block intact. //Call this script with <IMG SRC="whateveryousavethisas.php">
//"images.dat" will contain the name of each image file $imgs = file("images.dat");
header("Location: " . $imgs[rand(0,sizeof($imgs) - 1)]);
save this script as randimg.php whenever you want to use this as a random image, just plug in randimg.php. for example in html it'd say <img src=randimg.php>
3. have a text file named images.dat and list all the files you want randomized therein. mine looks like this:
mmcafe-av-lh.jpg mmcafe-av-stormtrooper.jpg mmcafe-av-rikku.jpg mmcafe-av-hale.jpg
that should be it. you never have to touch the script itself, just change what files you want in the images.dat file. sorry if my explanation is confusing, I can go on AIM later and I can try to explain better later on if you want.
note to self: I should make more sigs and avs.
EDIT: upon further review, it looks like the script doesn't work in firefox (back when I started using the script I was using IE).
[this message was edited by threesixtee on Sat 29 Jan 08:09] |